underground laboratory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nitrogen is widely used in various laboratories as a suppressive gas and a protective gas. Once nitrogen leaks and accumulates in a such confined space, it will bring serious threats to the experimental staff. Especially in underground tunnels or underground laboratories where there is no natural wind, the threat is more intense. In this work, the ventilation design factors and potential leakage factors are identified by taking the leakage and diffusion of a large liquid nitrogen tank in China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) as an example. Based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research, the effects of fresh air inlet position, fresh air velocity, exhaust outlet position, leakage hole position, leakage hole size, and leaked nitrogen mass flow rate on nitrogen diffusion behavior in specific environments are discussed in detail from the perspectives of nitrogen concentration field and nitrogen diffusion characteristics. The influencing factors are parameterized, and the Latin hypercube sampling (LHS) is used to uniformly sample within the specified range of each factor to obtain samples that can represent the whole sample space. The nitrogen concentration is measured by numerical value, and the nitrogen diffusion characteristics are measured by category. The GA-BP-ANN numerical regression and classification regression models for nitrogen concentration prediction and nitrogen diffusion characteristics prediction are established. By using various rating indicators to evaluate the performance of the trained model, it is found that models have high accuracy and recognition rate, indicating that it is effective in predicting and determining the concentration value and diffusion characteristics of nitrogen according to ventilation factors and potential leakage factors. The research results can provide a theoretical reference for the parametric design of the ventilation system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 25Mg(p, γ)26Al reaction plays an important role in the study of cosmic 1.809 MeV γ-ray as a signature of ongoing nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy. At astrophysical temperature around 0.1 GK, the 25Mg(p, γ)26Al reaction rates are dominated by the 92 keV resonance capture process. We report a precise measurement of the 92 keV 25Mg(p, γ)26Al resonance in the day-one experiment at Jinping Underground Nuclear Astrophysics experiment (JUNA) facility in the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL). The resonance strength and ground state feeding factor are determined to be 3.8±0.3 ×10-10 eV and 0.66±0.04, respectively. The results are in agreement with those reported in the previous direct underground measurement within uncertainty, but with significantly reduced uncertainties. Consequently, we recommend new 25Mg(p, γ)26Al reaction rates which are by a factor of 2.4 larger than those adopted in REACLIB database at the temperature around 0.1 GK. The new results indicate higher production rates of 26gAl and the cosmic 1.809 MeV γ-ray. The implication of the new rates for the understanding of other astrophysical situations is also discussed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim of a low radon cleanroom technology is to minimize at the same time radon, radon decay products concentration and aerosol concentration and to minimize deposition of radon decay products on the surfaces. The technology placed in a deep underground laboratory such as LSM Modane with suppressed muon flux and shielded against external gamma radiation and neutrons provides \"Zero dose\" space for basic research in radiobiology (validity of the LNT hypothesis for very low doses) and for the fabrication of nanoelectronic circuits to avoid undesirable \"single event effects.\" Two prototypes of a low radon cleanroom were built with the aim to achieve radon concentration lower than 100 mBq·m3 in an interior space where only radon-free air is delivered into the cleanroom technology from a radon trapping facility. The first prototype, built in the laboratory of SÚRO Prague, is equipped with a standard filter-ventilation system on the top of the cleanroom with improved leakproofness. In an experiment, radon concentration of some 50 mBq·m-3 was achieved with the filter-ventilation system switched out. However, it was not possible to seal the system of pipes and fans against negative-pressure air leakage into the cleanroom during a high volume ventilation with the rate of 3,500 m3·h-1. From that reason more sophisticated second prototype of the cleanroom designed in the LSM Modane uses the filter-ventilation system which is completely covered in a further improved leakproof sealed metal box placed on the top of the cleanroom. Preliminary experiments carried out in the SÚRO cleanroom with a high radon activity injection and intensive filter-ventilation (corresponding to room filtration rate every 13 s) showed extremely low radon decay products equilibrium factor of 0.002, the majority of activity being in the form of an \"unattached fraction\" (nanoparticles) of 218Po and a surface deposition rate of some 0.05 mBq·m-2·s-1 per Bq·m-3. Radon exhalation from persons may affect the radon concentration in a low radon interior space. Balance and time course of the radon exhalation from the human body is therefore discussed for persons that are about to enter the cleanroom.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The results of measuring the gamma background radiation in Lab 5 of the underground facility in the Pyhäsalmi Mine at a depth of 1410 m are presented. The background integral count rate per kg of germanium of the HPGe-detector was 0.028 s-1 × kg-1. After purging the measuring chamber with nitrogen gas at a rate of 0.15 L/h the count rate was reduced to 0.021 s-1 × kg-1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herein, we measured the natural gamma-ray background in a new underground laboratory facility within Pyhäsalmi Mine in Finland at a depth of 1430 m (~4100 m.w.e). The radionuclide compositions of the rocks in the walls along with the shotcrete on the walls were investigated. The specific activities of the natural radionuclides in these materials were calculated. The measured spectra of the natural gamma-ray background and calculated minimal detected activities of several natural and artificial radionuclides are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The radium isotopes 226Ra and 228Ra can provide important data on the dynamics of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes that travel the oceans for decades and have great impact on the ocean chemistry. This study focuses on parameters important for obtaining low detection limits for 228Ra using gamma-ray spectrometry. It is present at mBq-levels in samples collected during the US GEOTRACES 2013 cruise to the Southeast Pacific Ocean.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent developments in radiometric and mass spectrometry technologies have been associated in the radiometric sector mainly with underground operations of large volume Ge detectors, while the mass-spectrometry sector, represented mainly by accelerator mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry has become the most sensitive technique for ultra-low-level analyses of long-lived radionuclides. These new developments have had great impact on investigations of rare nuclear processes and applications of radionuclides in environmental, life and space sciences. New scientific investigations have been carried out therefore which have not been possible before either because of lack of sensitivity or required large sample size.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Monte Carlo (MC) simulation of background components of an ultra-low background high purity germanium (HPGe) detector operating in a deep underground laboratory was carried out. The results show that the background of the HPGe detector is about two orders of magnitude higher than the MC prediction when accounting only for cosmic-ray induced background. The difference is due to natural radioactivity in the parts surrounding the Ge detector. To get reasonable agreement between MC simulations and the experiment, a contamination in the parts surrounding the Ge crystal from 40K, 208Tl and 214Bi of 0.1mBqkg-1 was required to include in the simulations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forty-eight samples made of CaF2, LiF and YVO4 were placed inside the KSTAR Tokamak and irradiated by neutrons and charged particles from eight plasma pulses. The aim was to provide information for plasma diagnostics. Due to the short pulse durations, the activities induced in the samples were low and therefore measurements were performed in five low-background underground laboratories. Details of the underground measurements, together with data on the quality control amongst the radiometric laboratories, are presented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article presents the results of the first radon activity concentration measurements conducted continuously between 17th May 2014 and 16th May 2015 in the underground geodynamic laboratory of the Polish Academy of Sciences Space Research Centre in Książ. The data were registered with the use of three Polish semiconductor SRDN-3 detectors located the closest (SRDN-3 No. 6) to and the furthest (SRDN-3 No. 3) from the facility entrance, and in the fault zone (SRDN-3 No. 4). The study was conducted to characterize the radon behaviour and check it possibility to use with reference to long- and short-term variations of radon activity concentration observed in sedimentary rocks strongly fractured and intersected by systems of multiple faults, for integrated comparative assessments of changes in local orogen kinetics. The values of radon activity concentration in the underground geodynamic laboratory of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Space Research Centre in Książ undergo changes of a distinctly seasonal character. The highest values of radon activity concentration are recorded from late spring (May/June) to early autumn (October), and the lowest - from November to April. Radon activity concentrations varied depending on the location of measurement points. Between late spring and autumn they ranged from 800 Bq·m-3 to 1200 Bq·m-3, and even 3200 Bq·m-3 in the fault zone. Between November and April, values of radon activity concentration are lower, ranging from 500 Bq·m-3 to 1000 Bq·m-3 and 2700 Bq·m-3 in the fault zone. The values of radon activity concentration recorded in the studied facility did not undergo short-term changes in either the whole annual measuring cycle or any of its months. Effective doses received by people staying in the underground laboratory range from 0.001 mSv/h to 0.012 mSv/h. The mean annual effective dose, depending on the measurement site, equals 1 or is slightly higher than 10 mSv/year, while the maximum dose exceeds 20 mSv/year. The estimated annual effective doses are comparable to the standard value of 20 mSv/year defined by Polish law for people employed in the conditions of radiation exposure. They are also in the range of annual effective dose value (8 mSv/year) recommended in workplaces by International Commission on Radiation Protection.





