tyrosine motif

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) has been clinically applied in T cell-mediated cancer therapy, CARs that combinatorially control general cell fates have yet to be practical. In this study, we aim to control multiple cell fates simultaneously by combinatorial activation of multiple cell fate-inducing CARs (cfiCARs). We construct CARs that transduce two different signals using two antigen-specific CARs. The CARs are co-expressed pairwise on the cell surface to let the two antigens act alone or in combination, thus arbitrarily control multiple cell fates. We utilize signaling domains derived from natural receptors (gp130, receptor activator of nuclear factor κB [RANK], c-Fms, and Fas) and tyrosine motif-engineered artificial signaling domains that preferentially recruit target signaling molecules (Shc and STAT3) for inducing specific cell fates by the CARs. Consequently, the signaling molecules downstream of these receptors are activated orthogonally by the corresponding CAR-specific antigens. Furthermore, two completely different cell fates (proliferation and death) are successfully controlled simultaneously or sequentially over time by adding the two antigens, demonstrating proliferation- and apoptosis-inducing CARs (piCAR and aiCAR). Thus, cfiCARs will be applied for delineating the basic principle of cell fate control and improving the efficacy of cell therapy, which would significantly contribute to cell biology and future medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As intracellular signal transduction is important for determining cell fate, artificial control of signaling properties through engineered receptors is attractive in the fields of synthetic biology and cell therapy. In this study, we tailored minimal synthetic receptors to reconstitute signaling properties by incorporating multiple tyrosine motifs. The size of molecular parts including the linker between the tyrosine motifs was minimized as much as possible to create the minimal synthetic receptors. By combining the membrane localization signal sequence, a mutant of FK506-binding protein, a JAK-binding domain, tyrosine motifs, and linkers, we successfully reconstituted simple receptor chains that were activated by dimerization via a synthetic small-molecule ligand capable of membrane permeation. Furthermore, up to four signaling molecules of interest were able to be recruited and activated by the minimal synthetic receptors. Thus, the tailored minimal synthetic receptors could be utilized to analyze the role of specific signaling molecules/pathways in controlling cell fate and to efficiently induce specific cell fate for therapeutic applications in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane-associated RING-CH 8 (MARCH8) inhibits infection with both HIV-1 and vesicular stomatitis virus G-glycoprotein (VSV-G)-pseudotyped viruses by reducing virion incorporation of envelope glycoproteins. The molecular mechanisms by which MARCH8 targets envelope glycoproteins remain unknown. Here, we show two different mechanisms by which MARCH8 inhibits viral infection. Viruses pseudotyped with the VSV-G mutant, in which cytoplasmic lysine residues were mutated, were insensitive to the inhibitory effect of MARCH8, whereas those with a similar lysine mutant of HIV-1 Env remained sensitive to it. Indeed, the wild-type VSV-G, but not its lysine mutant, was ubiquitinated by MARCH8. Furthermore, the MARCH8 mutant, which had a disrupted cytoplasmic tyrosine motif that is critical for intracellular protein sorting, did not inhibit HIV-1 Env-mediated infection, while it still impaired infection by VSV-G-pseudotyped viruses. Overall, we conclude that MARCH8 reduces viral infectivity by downregulating envelope glycoproteins through two different mechanisms mediated by a ubiquitination-dependent or tyrosine motif-dependent pathway.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different from other subgroups of avian leukosis viruses (ALVs), ALV-J is highly pathogenic. It is the main culprit causing myeloid leukemia and hemangioma in chickens. The distinctiveness of the env gene of ALV-J, with low homology to those of other ALVs, is linked to its unique pathogenesis, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Previous studies show that env of ALV-J can be grouped into three species based on the tyrosine motifs in the cytoplasmic domain (CTD) of Gp37, i.e., the inhibitory, bifunctional, and active groups. To explore whether the C terminus or the tyrosine motifs in the CTD of Gp37 affect the pathogenicity of ALV-J, a set of ALV-J infectious clones containing different C termini of Gp37 or the mutants at the tyrosine sites were tested in vitro and in vivo Viral growth kinetics indicated not only that ALV-J with active env is the fastest in replication and ALV-J with inhibitory env is the lowest but also that the tyrosine sites essentially affected the replication of ALV-J. Moreover, in vivo studies demonstrated that chickens infected by ALV-J with active or bifunctional env showed higher viremia, cloacal viral shedding, and viral tissue load than those infected by ALV-J with inhibitory env Notably, the chickens infected by ALV-J with active or bifunctional env showed significant loss of body weight compared with the control chickens. Taken together, these findings reveal that the C terminus of Gp37 plays a vital role in ALV-J pathogenesis, and change from inhibitory env to bifunctional or active env increases the pathogenesis of ALV-J.IMPORTANCE ALV-J can cause severe immunosuppression and myeloid leukemia in infected chickens. However, no vaccine or antiviral drug is available against ALV-J, and the mechanism for ALV-J pathogenesis needs to be elucidated. It is generally believed that gp85 and LTR of ALV contribute to its pathogenesis. Here, we found that the C terminus and the tyrosine motifs (YxxM, ITIM, and ITAM-like) in the CTD of Gp37 of ALV-J could affect the pathogenicity of ALV-J in vitro and in vivo The pathogenicity of ALV-J with Gp37 containing ITIM only was significantly less than ALV-J with Gp37 containing both YxxM and ITIM and ALV-J with Gp37 containing both YxxM and ITAM-like. This study highlights the vital role of the C terminus of Gp37 in the pathogenesis of ALV-J and thus provides a new perspective to elucidate the interaction between ALV-J and its host and a molecular basis to develop efficient strategies against ALV-J.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Scavenger receptor CL-P1 (collectin placenta 1) has been found recently as a first membrane-type collectin which is mainly expressed in vascular endothelial cells. CL-P1 can endocytose OxLDL as well as microbes but in general, the endocytosis mechanism of a scavenger receptor is not well elucidated.
    METHODS: We screened a placental cDNA library using a yeast two-hybrid system to detect molecules associated with the cytoplasmic domain of CL-P1. We analyzed the binding and endocytosis of several ligands in CL-P1 transfectants and performed the inhibition study using tyrphostin A23 which is a specific inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, especially in μ2-dependent endocytosis and the site-directed mutagenesis in the endocytosis YXXΦ motif in CL-P1 cytoplasmic region. Furthermore, the SiRNA study of clathrin, adaptor AP-2 and dynamin-2 during the endocytosis of OxLDL in CL-P1 transfectant cells was carried out.
    RESULTS: We identified μ2 subunit of the AP-2 adaptor complex as a molecule associated with the cytoplasmic region of CL-P1. We demonstrated that AP-2μ2 was essential for CL-P1 mediated endocytosis of OxLDL in CL-P1 transfectant cells and its endocytosis was also mediated by clathrin, dynamin and adaptin complex molecules.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tyrosine-based YXXΦ sequences play an important role in CL-P1-mediated OxLDL endocytosis associated with AP-2μ2.
    CONCLUSIONS: This might be the first finding of the clear endocytosis mechanism in scavenger receptor CL-P1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Controlling activation levels and durations of native signaling molecules is important for efficiently controlling cellular fates. Previously we developed single-chain Fv (scFv)/cytokine receptor chimeras incorporating tyrosine motifs in the intracellular domain, which artificially control the activation of specific intracellular signaling proteins. In this study, to quantitatively control the activation levels of signaling molecules with an extended dynamic range, we constructed scFv/receptor chimeras incorporating multiple identical motifs at the different positions in the intracellular domain. We used retroviral transduction to express chimeric receptors with multiple STAT3 binding motifs connected with or without flexible linkers in a murine IL-3-dependent pro-B cell line, Ba/F3. Our results showed that the chimeric receptors can control the activation levels of STAT3 depending on ligand concentration and the number of motifs. The existence of linkers between the motifs also affected the signal intensity. Furthermore, the STAT3 activation levels significantly depended on the number of motifs rather than the distance from the JAK-binding region to the tyrosine motif.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The technique to expand hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) ex vivo is eagerly anticipated to secure an enough amount of HSCs for clinical applications. Previously we developed a scFv-thrombopoietin receptor (c-Mpl) chimera, named S-Mpl, which can transduce a proliferation signal in HSCs in response to a cognate antigen. However, a remaining concern of the S-Mpl chimera may be the magnitude of the cellular expansion level driven by this molecule, which was significantly less than that mediated by endogenous wild-type c-Mpl. In this study, we engineered a tyrosine motif located in the intracellular domain of S-Mpl based on a top-down approach in order to change the signaling properties of the chimera. The truncated mutant (trunc.) and an amino-acid substitution mutant (Q to L) of S-Mpl were constructed to investigate the ability of these mutants to expand HSCs. The result showed that the truncated and Q to L mutants gave higher and considerably lower number of the cells than unmodified S-Mpl, respectively. The proliferation level through the truncated mutant was even higher than that of non-transduced HSCs with the stimulation of a native cytokine, thrombopoietin. Moreover, we analyzed the signaling properties of the S-Mpl mutants in detail using a pro-B cell line Ba/F3. The data indicated that the STAT3 and STAT5 activation levels through the truncated mutant increased, whereas activation of the Q to L mutant was inhibited by a negative regulator of intracellular signaling, SHP-1. This is the first demonstration that a non-natural artificial mutant of a cytokine receptor is effective for ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic cells compared with a native cytokine receptor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells have intracellular signal transduction systems to control cellular fates. Cytokine receptors initiate the intracellular signaling by recruiting specific signaling molecules to a range of tyrosine-containing motifs. To specifically activate a target signaling molecule, we previously designed single-chain Fv/cytokine receptor chimeras incorporating single tyrosine motifs in the intracellular domain, and each chimeric receptor activated the corresponding signaling molecule by oligomeric antigen stimulation. However, synergistic effects of multiple signaling pathways are indispensable to regulate complex cellular fates. In this study, we extended our approach by incorporating two different motifs in the chimeric receptor, which would result in the activation of multiple signaling molecules. We used retroviral transduction to express chimeric receptors in a murine interleukin-3-dependent pro-B cell line, Ba/F3. Our results indicate that the chimeric receptors incorporating two different motifs can activate both corresponding signaling molecules by the ligand stimulation, and that the signaling intensities are influenced by the distance between two motifs. Moreover, these chimeric receptors transduced downstream signaling, which exerted synergistic effects on cellular proliferation. Our system may be used for efficiently controlling fates of various types of cells, which will be applied to tissue engineering.





