two-sex life table

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exploring the impact of low-temperature storage on the fitness of natural enemy insects is crucial for practical field applications because this parameter directly influences their potential for population growth and effective pest control. Eocanthecona furcellata (Wolff) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is widely used in biological pest control. This study aimed to identify optimal storage stages, temperatures, and durations for E. furcellata to produce high-quality individuals for practical use. The quality of E. furcellata after storage was evaluated by assessing parameters such as predatory capacity and fecundity, along with age-stage, two-sex life table. The findings revealed that the adult stage was the optimal storage form for E. furcellata, and the most favorable temperature for storage was 12 °C. Adult females had the highest predatory ability after 15 days of storage at 12 °C. Although survival rates declined with prolonged storage, they remained above 50% after 30 days, and longevity, fecundity, and predatory capacity of surviving individuals remained comparable to those of individuals in the control group (rearing at a constant temperature of 26 °C without low-temperature storage). The effects of low-temperature storage extended to the F1 generation of E. furcellata, which exhibited maximum mean longevity, fecundity, net reproductive rate, and mean generation time as well as fastest population growth after 30 days of storage at 12 °C. These results can be used to achieve optimal low-temperature storage conditions for E. furcellata production, particularly for extending its shelf life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As a migratory invasive pest, Spodoptera frugiperda (fall armyworm, FAW) has recently posed a serious threat to food security in newly invaded areas (especially in Africa and Asia). Understanding its migration (or dispersal) patterns in newly invaded areas is crucial for regional forecasting and management efforts. By screening an appropriate marking technique to conduct mark-release-recapture (MRR) experiments, the migration patterns of the FAW can be effectively studied. In this study, we added different concentrations of Calco Oil Red N-1700 (an oil-soluble marker) to a self-made artificial diet and assessed the rearing and marking efficacy. The results indicated that a concentration of 0.2% of Calco Oil Red N-1700 in the diet was optimal for marking adult FAWs. The biological indicators (e.g., developmental duration, reproductive parameters, and flight ability) of FAWs fed this diet were basically consistent with those of FAWs fed a normal diet, with a larval stage of 15.46 days, a pupal stage of 9.81 days, a pupal mass of 278.18 mg, an adult longevity of 15.41 days, and an egg deposition count of 1503.51. Meanwhile, the flight distance, duration, and velocity were 24.91 km, 7.16 h, and 3.40 km/h, respectively (12 h tethered-flight tests), without difference with the control. Females and males exhibited distinctive marking colors (red or pink) that persisted for at least 5 and 9 days, respectively. This study developed an economically effective internal marking method for the adult FAW, laying the foundation for conducting MRR experiments. This will help clarify the migration behavior and routes of the FAW, providing a scientific basis for formulating effective pest management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a highly destructive polyphagous pest that primarily damages maize. Maize is considered a most versatile crop for growing intercrops due to the wide row it needs. Maize-pea intercropping is preferred by small and marginal farmers worldwide due to various advantages including higher yield and improved economic benefits. However, the success of this intercropping system may be hampered if pea could sustain the FAW population. Thus, to clarify the fitness and potential effect of S. frugiperda on pea, we analysed the survival and development of S. frugiperda fed on pea leaves in the laboratory and constructed age-stage and two-sex life tables. Results showed that FAW successfully completed its life cycle when fed on pea and produced fertile offspring. The pre-adult duration was significantly higher on pea than maize. The net reproductive rate, intrinsic and finite rate of population increase on pea (135.06 offspring per individual, 0.12 offspring per individual per day and 1.13 times per day) were all significantly different from those on maize (417.64 offspring per individual, 0.19 offspring per individual per day and 1.21 times per day). The probability of survival of S. frugiperda at each stage was lower when fed on pea leaves than that of maize-fed larvae. Due to the overlapping growth periods of the maize and pea, S. frugiperda can easily proliferate throughout the year by shifting between adjacent crops. Thus, this study revealed the adaptability of S. frugiperda for pea and provides the foundation for further assessment of FAW risk to other inter-crops.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Calcium ions (Ca2+), essential as second messengers in all cells, play a pivotal role as micronutrients in insects. However, few studies have explored the effects of both insufficient and excessive Ca2+ intake on life history performance and population parameters. This study examines the impact of varying Ca2+ intake levels-insufficient (0 mg/kg), appropriate (100 mg/kg), and excessive (250 mg/kg)-on the life history performance and population parameters of Spodoptera litura using two-sex life tables. Insufficient and excessive Ca2+ intakes significantly extended the preadult development period and decreased the preadult survival rates of S. litura, compared to those on an appropriate Ca2+ intake. The population parameters (Intrinsic rate of increase (r), Finite rate of increase (λ), and Net reproductive rate (R0)) of S. litura on a 100 mg/kg diet (r = 0.1364, λ = 1.1462, R0 = 390) were significantly higher than those on a 0 mg/kg diet (r = 0.1091, λ = 1.1153, R0 = 130.52). Additionally, untargeted metabolomics analysis revealed that inappropriate Ca2+ levels (either insufficient or excessive) triggered significant up-regulation of 71.1 % and 92.8 % of the metabolites in the hemolymph, respectively, compared to the appropriate Ca2+ intake. Notably, disruptions in metabolite balance affected critical components such as melatonin and melanin within the tryptophan and tyrosine metabolism pathways. These findings underscore that both insufficient and excessive Ca2+ intakes adversely affect the life history performance and disrupt hemolymph metabolic balance in S. litura.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wolbachia, a prevalent intracellular symbiotic bacterium in insects, plays a significant role in insect biology. Ectropis grisescens (Warren; Lepidoptera: Geometridae) is a devastating chewing pest distributed in tea plantations throughout China. However, it is unclear how Wolbachia titers affect the fitness and reproduction of E. grisescens. In this study, the impacts of 3 different infection lines, naturally Wolbachia-infected, Wolbachia-uninfected, and Wolbachia transinfected, regarding the life history traits of E. grisescens, were evaluated using the age-stage, 2-sex life table. Wolbachia infection significantly shortened preadult duration and preoviposition periods and notably increased the fecundity, net reproductive rate, and finite rate of increase. Meanwhile, population projection indicated that E. grisescens population size with Wolbachia infection can increase faster than without. These results indicate that Wolbachia plays a regulatory role in the fitness of E. grisescens. It is also noted that the life history parameters of E. grisescens may positively correlate with Wolbachia titers. These findings could aid in pest management in tea gardens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The investigation of genetics-based biopesticides has become a central focus in pesticide studies due to their inherent advantages, including species specificity, environmental safety, and a wide range of target genes. In this study, a mixture of miR-184 agomir and nanomaterial star polycation (SPc) was used to treat the nymphs of the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae (F.). The life parameters of the aphids at various developmental stages were analyzed using an age-stage two-sex life table to assess the effect of miR-184 agomir on the experimental population. The results indicated that miR-184 agomir had a significant negative effect on four key life parameters, including the intrinsic rate of increase, the finite rate of increase, the net rate of increase, and the mean generation time. The population prediction revealed a substantial reduction (91.81% and 95.88%) in the population size of S. avenae at 60 d after treatment with miR-184 agomir, compared to the control groups. Our findings suggest that the miR-184 agomir has the potential to reduce the survival rate and mean longevity of S. avenae, highlighting its potential as a promising candidate for the development of an effective genetics-based biopesticide.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MicroRNAs (miRNA) play a vital role in insects\' growth and development and have significant potential value in pest control. Previously, we identified miR-306 from small RNA libraries within the English grain aphid, Sitobion avenae, a devasting insect pest for wheat. miR-306 not only involves in wing morphogenesis, but also is critically important for aphid survival. Its specific impacts on the life history traits, however, remain unclear. Here, we evaluate the impact of miR-306 perturbation on S. avenae populations using a two-sex life table approach. This comprehensive analysis revealed that miR-306 perturbation significantly prolongs the developmental stages (9.64% and 8.20%) and adult longevity of S. avenae, while decreasing pre-adult survival rate (41.45% and 38.74%) and slightly reducing average fecundity (5.80% and 13.05%). Overall, miR-306 perturbation negatively affects the life table parameters of the aphid population. The population prediction models show a significant decline in the aphid population 60 days post interference, compared to the control groups (98.14% and 97.76%). Our findings highlight the detrimental effects of miR-306 perturbation on S. avenae population growth and suggest potential candidate genes for the development of RNAi-based biopesticides targeted specifically at this pest species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutrients consumed during the adult stage are a key factor affecting the growth, development, and reproduction of insect offspring and thus could play an important role in insect population research. However, there is absence of conclusive evidence regarding the direct effects of parental (F0) nutritional status on offspring (F1) fitness in insects. Carposina sasakii Matsumura is a serious, widespread fruit-boring pest that negatively impacts orchards and the agricultural economy across East Asia. In this study, life history data of F1 directly descended from F0C. sasakii fed with seven different nutrients (water as control, 5 g·L-1 honey solution, 10 g·L-1 honey solution, 5 g·L-1 sucrose solution, 10 g·L-1 sucrose solution, 15 g·L-1 sucrose solution, and 20 g·L-1 sucrose solution) were collected under laboratory conditions. The growth and development indices, age-stage specific survival rate, age-stage specific fecundity, age-stage specific life expectancy, age-stage specific reproductive value, and population parameters of these offspring were analyzed according to the age-stage, two-sex life table theory. The results showed that the nutritional status of F0 differentially affects the growth, development, and reproduction of F1. The F1 offspring of F0 adult C. sasakii fed with 10 g·L-1 sucrose had significantly higher life table parameters than those of other treatments (intrinsic rate of increase, r = 0.0615 ± 0.0076; finite rate of increase, λ = 1.0634 ± 0.0081; net reproductive rate, R0 = 12.61 ± 3.57); thus, 10 g·L-1 sucrose was more suitable for raising C. sasakii in the laboratory than other treatments. This study not only provides clear evidence for the implications of altering F0 nutritional conditions on the fitness of F1 in insects, but also lays the foundation for the implementation of feeding technologies within the context of a well-conceived laboratory rearing strategy for C. sasakii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetranychus urticae is a highly polyphagous and global pest. Spider mites primarily feed on the underside of leaves, resulting in decreased photosynthesis, nutritional loss, and the development of chlorotic patches. We investigated the life tables of the two-spotted spider mite T. urticae on fungal endophyte Beauveria bassiana colonized and untreated plants of the common Phaseolus vulgaris L., a bean plant. Based on the age-stage, two-sex life table theory, data were evaluated. The mites raised on untreated plants had protonymphs, deutonymphs, and total pre-adult stage durations that were considerably shorter (1.76, 2.14, and 9.77 d, respectively) than the mites raised on plants that had been colonized (2.02, 2.45, and 10.49 d, respectively). The fecundity (F) varied from 28.01 eggs per female of colonized plants to 57.67 eggs per female of endophyte-untreated plants. The net reproductive rate (R0) in the plants with and without endophytes was 19.26 and 42.53 brood, respectively. The untreated plants had an intrinsic rate of increase (rm) of 0.245 days as opposed to the colonized plants, which had an r of 0.196 days and a finite rate of increase (λ) (1.27 and 1.21, respectively). Population forecasts based on a two-sex, age-stage life table demonstrated the dynamism and variability of the stage structure. Furthermore, the colonization of B. bassiana had a negative impact on the growth and development of T. urticae. It lowered the adult mite life span, female fecundity, net reproduction rate, and intrinsic growth rate. We propose that future research should better use entomopathogenic fungal endophytes to understand host plant resistance strategies in integrated pest management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) is a major soybean pest in East Asia that can cause soybean staygreen syndrome. To date, no insecticides have been registered for the control of R. pedestris in China, and these insects are primarily controlled in the field through the application of broad-spectrum insecticides including lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT) and emamectin benzoate (EMB). Here, the lethal and sublethal effects of LCT and EMB on R. pedestris were comprehensively evaluated. LCT and EMB were both found to exhibit high levels of toxicity and concentration-dependent repellent effects for R. pedestris. The exposure of third instar nymphs from the F0 generation to LC30 concentrations of LCT and EMB resulted in a significant increase in the duration of nymph development and adult pre-oviposition period (APOP), together with reductions in fifth instar nymph and adult body weight, longevity, oviposition days, fecundity, vitellarium length, lateral oviduct diameter, and vitellogenin (Vg) gene expression as compared to control treatment. Strikingly, these suppressive effects were transmitted to the F1 generation, which similarly experienced the prolongation of preadult development and the preoviposition period (TPOP). Relative to control-treated populations, the F1 generation for these insecticide-treated groups also exhibited significant decreases in population parameter values. Overall, these data offer new insight into the impact that LCT and EMB treatment can have on R. pedestris, providing a valuable foundation for the application of these pesticides in the context of integrated pest management strategies aimed at soybean crop preservation.





