two-dimensional materials

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Optoelectronic logic devices (OELDs) provide a cure for many visually impaired individuals. However, traditional OELDs have limitations, such as excessive channel resistance and complex structure, leading to high supply voltage and decreased efficiency of signal transmission. We report ultralow-voltage OELDs by seriating two 2D MoTe2 transistors with sub-10 nm channel lengths. The short channel length and atomically flat interface result in a low-resistance light-sensing unit that can operate with a low supply voltage and function well in weak-light conditions. The devices achieve an on state without light signal input and an off state with light signal input at an ultralow supply voltage of 50 mV, lower than the retinal bearing voltage of 70 mV. Additionally, MoTe2\'s excellent optoelectronic properties allow the device to perceive light from visible to near-infrared wavelengths with high sensitivity to weak light signals. The specific perception of visible light intensity is 0.03 mW·mm-2, and the near-infrared light intensity is 0.1 mW mm-2. The device also has a response time of 8 ms, meeting human needs. Our findings provide a promising solution for developing low-voltage artificial retinas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although chromium trihalides are widely regarded as a promising class of two-dimensional magnets for next-generation devices, an accurate description of their electronic structure and magnetic interactions has proven challenging to achieve. Here, we quantify electronic excitations and spin interactions in CrX 3 (X = Cl, Br, I) using embedded many-body wavefunction calculations and fully generalized spin Hamiltonians. We find that the three trihalides feature comparable d-shell excitations, consisting of a high-spin 4 A 2 ( t 2 g 3 e g 0 ) ground state lying 1.5-1.7 eV below the first excited state 4 T 2 ( t 2 g 2 e g 1 ). CrCl3 exhibits a single-ion anisotropy A sia = - 0.02 meV, while the Cr spin-3/2 moments are ferromagnetically coupled through bilinear and biquadratic exchange interactions of J 1 = - 0.97 meV and J 2 = - 0.05 meV, respectively. The corresponding values for CrBr3 and CrI3 increase to A sia = -0.08 meV and A sia= - 0.12 meV for the single-ion anisotropy, J 1 = -1.21 meV, J 2 = -0.05 meV and J 1 = -1.38 meV, J 2 = -0.06 meV for the exchange couplings, respectively. We find that the overall magnetic anisotropy is defined by the interplay between A sia and A dip due to magnetic dipole-dipole interaction that favors in-plane orientation of magnetic moments in ferromagnetic monolayers and bulk layered magnets. The competition between the two contributions sets CrCl3 and CrI3 as the easy-plane (A sia + A dip >0) and easy-axis (A sia + A dip <0) ferromagnets, respectively. The differences between the magnets trace back to the atomic radii of the halogen ligands and the magnitude of spin-orbit coupling. Our findings are in excellent agreement with recent experiments, thus providing reference values for the fundamental interactions in chromium trihalides.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent advancements in cancer research have led to the generation of innovative nanomaterials for improved diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Despite the proven potential of two-dimensional (2D) molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) as a versatile platform in biomedical applications, few review articles have focused on MoS2-based platforms for cancer theranostics. This review aims to fill this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in 2D MoS2 cancer theranostics and emerging strategies in this field. This review highlights the potential applications of 2D MoS2 in single-model imaging and therapy, including fluorescence imaging, photoacoustic imaging, photothermal therapy, and catalytic therapy. This review further classifies the potential of 2D MoS2 in multimodal imaging for diagnostic and synergistic theranostic platforms. In particular, this review underscores the progress of 2D MoS2 as an integrated drug delivery system, covering a broad spectrum of therapeutic strategies from chemotherapy and gene therapy to immunotherapy and photodynamic therapy. Finally, this review discusses the current challenges and future perspectives in meeting the diverse demands of advanced cancer diagnostic and theranostic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of radiation on MoS2-based devices is an important factor in the utilization of two-dimensional semiconductor-based technology in radiation-sensitive environments. In this study, the effects of gamma irradiation on the electrical variations in MoS2 field-effect transistors with buried local back-gate structures were investigated, and their related effects on Al2O3 gate dielectrics and MoS2/Al2O3 interfaces were also analyzed. The transfer and output characteristics were analyzed before and after irradiation. The current levels decreased by 15.7% under an exposure of 3 kGy. Additionally, positive shifts in the threshold voltages of 0.50, 0.99, and 1.15 V were observed under irradiations of 1, 2, and 3 kGy, respectively, compared to the non-irradiated devices. This behavior is attributable to the comprehensive effects of hole accumulation in the Al2O3 dielectric interface near the MoS2 side and the formation of electron trapping sites at the interface, which increased the electron tunneling at the MoS2 channel/dielectric interface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ruby lattice is one of the tight-binding models which hosts a flat band in its electronic structure and has potential applications in future spintronics and quantum devices. However, the experimental realization of a ruby lattice in realistic materials remains elusive. Here, we have experimentally realized an atomic ruby lattice by fabricating monolayer CuCl1+x on a Au(111) substrate. Scanning tunneling microscopy/spectra (STM/STS) measurements combined with density-functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the Cu atoms are arranged in a ruby lattice in this monolayer. Moreover, a significant density of states (DOS) peak corresponding to the characteristic of a ruby system is observed, consistent with both the tight-binding model and first-principles calculations on the band structure. Our work provides a promising platform to explore the physics of the ruby model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigate the interfacial transport of water and hydrophobic solutes on van der Waals bilayers and heterostructures formed by stacking graphene, hBN, and MoS2 using extensive ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. We compute water slippage and the diffusio-osmotic transport coefficient of hydrophobic particles at the interface by combining hydrodynamics and the theory of the hydrophobic effect. We find that slippage is dominated by the layer that is in direct contact with water and only marginally altered by the second layer, leading to a so-called \"slip opacity\". The screening of the lateral forces, where the liquid does not feel the forces coming from the second nearest layer, is one of the factors leading to the \"slip opacity\" in our systems. The diffusio-osmotic transport of small hydrophobes (with a radius below 2.5 Å) is also affected by the slip opacity, being dramatically enhanced by slippage. Furthermore, the direction of diffusio-osmotic flow is controlled by the solute size, with the flow in the opposite direction of the concentration gradient for smaller hydrophobes, and vice versa for larger ones. We connect our findings to the wetting properties of two-dimensional materials, and we propose that slippage and wetting can be controlled separately: whereas the slippage is mostly determined by the layer in closer proximity to water, wetting can be finely tuned by stacking different two-dimensional materials. Our study advances the computational design of two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures, enabling precise control over wetting and slippage properties for applications in coatings and water purification membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stanene nanodots (SnNDs) derived from layered tin have attracted considerable interest due to their conveniently tunable bandgap and topological superconductivity. However, high-yield exfoliation of ultrathin SnNDs is still a challenge due to the short layer spacing and strong binding energy. In this work, atomically thin SnNDs with a uniform size of 2.3 nm are successfully prepared by utilizing imidazolium ionic liquid-assisted exfoliation. The obtained SnNDs possess a wide bandgap of 2.69 eV, along with notable solvent compatibility (well dispersed in both polar and nonpolar solvents) and excellent stability. Furthermore, we construct Ir(ppy)3-based green OLED with hybridizing SnNDs and graphene oxide (GO) as the hole injection layer (HIL). It proves that the application of SnNDs helps to modulate the work function and passivate surface defects of GO, increasing hole mobility and thereby improving the device performance. Compared to the PEDOT:PSS-based control device, the optimized SnNDs-GO-based OLED demonstrates an improvement of 6.56, 41.06, and 8.16% in current efficiency (CE), power efficiency (PE), and external quantum efficiency (EQE), respectively. This work not only introduces a new approach to preparing 2D SnNDs but also creates a novel HIL material for OLED devices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ferroelectric Rashba semiconductors (FRS) are highly demanded for their potential capability for nonvolatile electric control of electron spins. An ideal FRS is characterized by a combination of room temperature ferroelectricity and a strong Rashba effect, which has, however, been rarely reported. Herein, we designed a room-temperature FRS by vertically stacking a Sb monolayer on a room-temperature ferroelectric In2Se3 monolayer. Our first-principles calculations reveal that the Sb/In2Se3 heterostructure exhibits a clean Rashba splitting band near the Fermi level and a strong Rashba effect coupled to the ferroelectric order. Switching the electric polarization direction enhances the Rashba effect, and the flipping is feasible with a low energy barrier of 22 meV. This Rashba-ferroelectricity coupling effect is robust against changes of the heterostructure interfacial distance and external electric fields. Such a nonvolatile electrically tunable Rashba effect at room temperature enables potential applications in next-generation data storage and logic devices operated under small electrical currents.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, a new strategy to obtain a transition-metal oxide (TMO) thermoelectric monolayer is demonstrated. We show that the TMO thermoelectric monolayer can be achieved by the replacement of a transition-metal atom with a cluster, which is composed of heavy transition atoms with abundant valence electrons. Specifically, the transition-metal atom in the XO2 (X = Ti, Zr, Hf) monolayer is replaced by the [Ag6]4+ cluster and a stable structure Ag6O2 is achieved. Due to the abundant valence electrons in the [Ag6]4+ cluster unit, n-type Ag6O2 has high electrical conductivity, which leads to a satisfactory power factor. More importantly, Ag6O2 has an extremely low phonon thermal conductivity of 0.16 W·m-1·K-1, which is one of the lowest values in thermoelectric materials. An in-depth study reveals that the extremely low value originates from the strong phonon anharmonicity and weak metal bond of the [Ag6]4+ cluster unit. Due to the satisfactory power factor and ultralow phonon thermal conductivity, Ag6O2 has high ZT at 300-700 K, and the maximum ZT is 3.77, corresponding to an energy conversion efficiency of 22.24%. Our results demonstrate that replacement of the transition-metal atom by an appropriate cluster is a good way to obtain a TMO thermoelectric monolayer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Redox-active metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are very promising materials due to their potential capabilities for postsynthetic modification aimed at tailoring their application properties. However, the research field related to redox-active MOFs is still relatively underdeveloped, which limits their practical application. We investigated the self-assembly process of Cr(II) ions and isophthalate (m-bdc) linkers, which have been previously demonstrated to yield 0D metal-organic polyhedra. However, using the diffusion-controlled synthetic approach, we demonstrate the selective preparation of a 2D-layered Cr(II)-based MOF material [Cr(m-bdc)]·H2O (1·H2O). Remarkably, the controlled oxidation of the developed 2D MOF using nitric oxide or dry oxygen resulted in modified porous materials with excellent H2/N2 adsorption selectivities.





