
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Though narwhal have survived multiple ice ages, including 2.5 Ma and the last interglacial period with warming temperatures, Arctic climate change during the Anthropocene introduces new challenges. Despite their evolutionary connection to Arctic Pleistocene fossils, narwhal archeocete ancestors from the Pliocene (Bohaskaia monodontoides) and Miocene (Denebola and Odobenocetopsidae) inhabited warm waters. Narwhal Arctic adaptation holds valuable insights into unique traits, including thin skin; extreme diving capacity; and a unique straight, spiraled, and sensory tooth organ system. Inaccessible weather, ice conditions, and darkness limit scientific studies, though Inuit knowledge adds valuable observations of narwhal ecology, biology, and behavior. Existing and future studies in myriad fields of physical, chemical, biological, and genetic science, combined and integrated with remote sensing and imaging technologies, will help elucidate narwhal evolution, biology, and adaptation. When integrated with Qaujimajatuqangit, \"the Inuit way of knowing,\" these studies help describe interesting biologic expressions of the narwhal.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evidence of porcine oral pathology in client-owned domestic pigs has been reported in recent literature. The most common abnormalities are missing teeth and periodontal disease. This case series reviews the diagnosis and treatment of dental disease in 8 pet Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) over a 6-year period (2015-2021). Inclusion criteria included pigs over 1 year of age that had at least 2 sequential visits involving photographs, full-mouth intraoral radiographs, and dental charting. Eight pigs were identified for study inclusion. The study population included 4 castrated males, 3 spayed females, and 1 intact female. The 8 subjects had a total of 28 visits. Fifty-five intraoral dental extractions were performed and complete healing of 44 extraction sites was observed (11 sites were lost to follow up). Canine tooth reduction was performed on 52 tusks in 7 pigs with exposure of 1 pulp that was treated by partial pulpectomy and direct pulp capping. Restoration of carious lesions was performed on 4 teeth. The most commonly extracted teeth were the right and left maxillary first molars (10 of 47 teeth). Reasons for tooth extraction included: periodontal disease, complicated crown fracture, nonvital +/- periapical pathology, and persistent deciduous teeth. Additional treatments ranged from type 1 crown lengthening with restoration of carious lesions, tusk trimming, closed and open root planing, dental extractions, ultrasonic scaling, and polishing. This article stresses the importance of routine dental healthcare and early intervention for periodontal disease in pigs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two young walruses, recently transferred to the Vancouver Aquarium, presented with severe abrasion to their tusks. The walruses were sedated, and clinical examination and radiographs of the tusks showed that the pulp chambers were not exposed. The tips of the tusks were then prepared to receive metal crowns. Vinyl polysiloxane impressions were obtained and sent to the laboratory for chrome-nickel crown fabrication. A week later, the crowns were cemented onto the tusks and remained in place on follow-up examinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    来自佛罗里达的铲子长牙的古生物(Amebelodon floridanus,Konobelodon britti,和Serbelodon barbourensis)是通过磨牙牙釉质的微磨损分析进行评估的,并与现有的长生动物和有蹄类动物的大型数据库进行比较。划痕和凹坑结果表明,在佛罗里达A中具有一致的浏览信号,K.Britti和S.Barbourensis。化石结果更类似于现存的Loxodonta 比Loxodonta 非洲或Elephas maxus,后两个类群表现出混合的喂养结果。在所有三个铲子象牙以及现有的长角虫中,划痕宽度得分都很高,表明摄入了一些粗植被,很可能是树皮,和树枝。Floridanus和S.barbourensis的刨削相对较低。只有K.britti的刨削水平接近现存大象。在化石形式和现存形式中,大蚀陷均相对较低,尽管睫毛虫具有较高的大蚀陷性,包括果实和/或种子消耗时看到的更多刺状凹陷。发现了各种指示象牙使用行为变化的划痕模式。一些Serbelodon和Konobelodon下颌牙表现出挖掘行为,尽管Konobelodon的挖掘行为更为常见和明显,而Amebelodon下颌牙没有挖掘行为,更有可能用于剥离和刮擦。在Amebelodon和Serbelodon中发现了不寻常的远端象牙磨损,这很可能是由于剥掉了树皮。上象牙的使用随所有三种化石物种的刮擦和/或切割行为而变化。结果表明,来自佛罗里达州的铲状长牙gomphere占据了狭窄的饮食生态位,但采用了多种策略来获取它们所消耗的植被。
    The paleodiet of the shovel-tusked gomphotheres from Florida (Amebelodon floridanus, Konobelodon britti, and Serbelodon barbourensis) was assessed via microwear analysis of molar dental enamel and compared to a large database of both extant proboscideans and ungulates. Scratch and pit results show a consistent browsing signal in A. floridanus, K. britti and S. barbourensis. Fossil results are more similar to those of the extant Loxodonta cyclotis than to Loxodonta africana or Elephas maximus, the latter two taxa exhibiting a mixed feeding result. Scratch width scores are high in all three shovel tuskers as well as in the extant proboscideans indicating the ingestion of some coarse vegetation, most likely bark, and twigs. Gouging is relatively low in A. floridanus and S. barbourensis. Only K. britti has levels of gouging approximating that seen in extant elephants. Large pitting is relatively low in both fossil and extant forms although L. cyclotis has higher levels of large pitting including more puncture-like pits seen with fruit and/or seed consumption. A variety of scratch patterns indicating variation in tusk usage behavior was found. Some Serbelodon and Konobelodon mandibular tusks exhibited digging behavior, although Konobelodon digging behavior was much more common and obvious, whereas Amebelodon mandibular tusks did not exhibit digging behavior and were more likely used for stripping and scraping. Unusual distal tusk wear was found in Amebelodon and Serbelodon most likely due to stripping off tree bark. Upper tusk usage varied with all three fossil species exhibiting scraping and/or cutting behavior. Results indicate that shovel-tusked gomphotheres from Florida occupied a narrow dietary niche but employed a variety of strategies to obtain the vegetation that they consumed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tusk fracture in elephants is a common incident often resulting in pulp exposure and pulpitis. Extensive lavage, endodontic therapy, direct pulp capping, or extraction are treatment options. In this report, the successful management of a broken tusk of a juvenile male Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) including morphological analysis of the tusk tip 2 years after surgery are presented. Treatment was carried out under barn conditions and included antimicrobial photodynamic therapy and partial pulpotomy with direct pulp capping. Immediate pain relief was reached. The fractured tusk was preserved and continued to grow. The therapeutic filling material remained intact for over 1 year but was absent 2 years after treatment. The former pulp cavity of the tusk tip was filled with reparative dentin, osteodentin, and bone, but the seal between these hard tissues and pulp chamber dentin was incomplete. Radiographs obtained 3 years after treatment showed no differences in pulp shape, pulp width, and secondary dentin formation between the treated right and the healthy left tusk. It can be concluded that in case of an emergency, the endodontic therapy of a broken elephant tusk can be attempted under improvised conditions with adequate success. Photodynamic therapy might contribute to prevent infection and inflammation of the pulp. The decision tree published by Steenkamp (2019) provides a valuable tool to make quick decisions regarding a suitable therapy of broken tusks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mammalian tusk is a unique and extreme morphotype among modern vertebrate dentitions. Tusks-defined here as ever-growing incisors or canines composed of dentine-evolved independently multiple times within mammals yet have not evolved in other extant vertebrates. This suggests that there is a feature specific to mammals that facilitates the evolution of this specialized dentition. To investigate what may underpin the evolution of tusks, we histologically sampled the tusks of dicynodont therapsids: the earliest iteration of tusk evolution and the only non-mammalian synapsid clade to have acquired such a dentition. We studied the tissue composition, attachment tissues, development and replacement in 10 dicynodont taxa and show multiple developmental pathways for the adult dentitions of dicynodont tusks and tusk-like caniniforms. In a phylogenetic context, these developmental pathways reveal an evolutionary scenario for the acquisition of an ever-growing tusk-an event that occurred convergently, but only in derived members of our sample. We propose that the evolution of an ever-growing dentition, such as a tusk, is predicated on the evolution of significantly reduced tooth replacement and a permanent soft-tissue attachment. Both of these features are fixed in the dentitions of crown-group mammals, which helps to explain why tusks are restricted to this clade among extant vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of animals to respond to changes in their environment is critical to their persistence. In the Arctic, climate change and mercury exposure are two of the most important environmental threats for top predators.1-3 Rapid warming is causing precipitous sea-ice loss, with consequences on the distribution, composition, and dietary ecology of species4-7 and, thus, exposure to food-borne mercury.8 Current understanding of global change and pollution impacts on Arctic wildlife relies on single-time-point individual data representing a snapshot in time. These data often lack comprehensive temporal resolution and overlook the cumulative lifelong nature of stressors as well as individual variation. To overcome these challenges, we explore the unique capacity of narwhal tusks to characterize chronological lifetime biogeochemical profiles, allowing for investigations of climate-induced dietary changes and contaminant trends. Using temporal patterns of stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and mercury concentrations in annually deposited dentine growth layer groups in 10 tusks from Northwest Greenland (1962-2010), we show surprising plasticity in narwhal feeding ecology likely resulting from climate-induced changes in sea-ice cover, biological communities, and narwhal migration. Dietary changes consequently impacted mercury exposure primarily through trophic magnification effects. Mercury increased log-linearly over the study period, albeit with an unexpected rise in recent years, likely caused by increased emissions and/or greater bioavailability in a warmer, ice-free Arctic. Our findings are consistent with an emerging pattern in the Arctic of reduced sea-ice leading to changes in the migration, habitat use, food web, and contaminant exposure in Arctic top predators.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Antemortem domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) dental pathology literature is sparse. This observational descriptive study evaluated 23 client-owned pigs that while sedated/anesthetized for routine annual care had intraoral dental radiographs and an oral examination performed. Age, gender, weight, and breed for each pig were recorded. Oral examination and radiographic findings were reviewed to create a comprehensive list of dental abnormalities identified. Descriptive statistics were performed to summarize the data. The study population included 14 castrated males and 20 Vietnamese pot-bellied mini-pigs. The median age was 3 years (range 2-12 years), and the median weight was 39 kg (range 11-140 kg). The most common finding was missing teeth (21/23 pigs); the first premolar tooth was the most likely to be absent (64/106 missing teeth). Periodontal disease was common (20/23 pigs). Advanced stages primarily affected the first molar teeth frequently in the form of a mucogingival defect. Supernumerary roots were discovered on the maxillary canine teeth in female pigs only (10/25 teeth with supernumerary roots). The most common persistent deciduous tooth was the maxillary second incisor (15/19 persistent deciduous teeth). Non-age or gender related open apices were most likely associated with mandibular first and second incisor teeth (26/96 teeth with open apices). Tooth resorption was also identified (7/23 pigs). The study findings prove that pet pigs commonly have dental pathology; therefore, thorough oral examinations with intraoral radiographs should be included in porcine routine health care regimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to estimate age and determine the growth status of free-ranging dugongs (Dugong dugon) is vital to providing insight into the basic biology of this endangered species. Currently, age estimation in dugong carcasses relies on counting dentin growth layer groups (GLGs) in tusks, but a disadvantage is they need to be intact. We explored whether measures of telomere length could be used as an alternative approach to age estimation in dugongs given that in other species, telomere length and age are inversely related. In this study, relative telomere length (rTL) was measured by qPCR in skin samples from 24 dugongs of varying ages determined by counts of GLGs. In addition, relationships between age by GLG counts and body weight and length and were examined. Our findings indicate that age estimated by GLGs was negatively correlated with telomere length using the logistic formula with a rate of telomere attrition of approximately 0.036 rTL/year between the ages of 5-20 years. By comparison, both body weight and length were positively correlated with GLG-based age, with growth rates of ~8.8 kg/year for weight and ~3.58 cm/year for length, respectively. After that, growth rates slowed substantially and then plateaued. The results suggest that physical maturity in dugongs occurs at 20 years of age and that measures of rTL might serve as a tool for age estimation in dugongs, living and deceased.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Researchers often document wildlife surveys using images. These images contain data that can be used to understand alterative research objectives, even years after they were originally captured. We have developed a method to measure age and morphology (body size measurements and tusk size) from survey image databases and future surveys, without the availability of a known subject distance or a scale in each image. African savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana) serve as an ideal model species to develop a non-invasive, image-based morphometric methodology: as handling these animals is particularly invasive and expensive, involving anaesthesia and because of their IUCN \'vulnerable\' status. We compare in situ measurements, taken during collaring events, to tusk-to-body-size ratios, measured from the images.
    RESULTS: We provide evidence that relative morphological measurements, musth timing, and age of male African savanna elephants can accurately be obtained from a survey image database of over 30,000 images, taken over an 18-year period. Of the 11 tusk to body size ratios calculated, we recommend the use of two in particular for future measurement in African elephants to determine size and age: 1) tusk length to tusk diameter and 2) tusk length to body height.
    CONCLUSIONS: We present a practical, non-invasive measure to estimate morphometrics, including both age and tusk size from photographs, which has conservation applications to the protection of elephants and is relevant to a range of other taxa.






