
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantity and quality of the water held in the reservoir fluctuates due to turbidity alterations. The influence of turbidity on the amount of the water held in a reservoir was described explicitly in this research. This study aimed to evaluate turbidity\'s impact on the Gilgel-Gibe I reservoir water. The samples were obtained by longitudinally stratifying the reservoir water throughout its course. Ten burrowed pools wrapped in transparent white plastic were used to retain water, for detection of the association between turbidity and surface water temperature, and to demonstrate the vertical variation in water temperature. The pan evaporation rate was measured using two Class A pans placed in the field to indicate the disparity in the amount of water evaporated from reservoir owing to reservoir turbidity variation. SPSS and MS Excel spreadsheet softwares were used to analyze the data. According to the results of this study, turbidity and water temperature have a significant direct relationship that is positive at 9:00 and 13:00 and negative at 17:00 observation hours. From the top layer of pool water to the bottom layer, the water temperature decreased vertically. Intensity of the light rays absorbed and scattered alters with turbidity variation and significant amounts of light rays was absorbed and scattered in the most turbid water. The reported water temperature differences between the top and bottom layers at 13:00 observation hour were 9.78 °C and 1.53 °C, for the most and least turbid pool water, respectively. Turbidity directly affects reservoir water by increasing both the water temperature and evaporation rates. Among all turbid-water samples, substantial quantity of water evaporated from the most turbid-water. For the most and least turbid water samples, the volume difference of the evaporated water from the reservoir was approximately 65.812 m3. According to these findings, if the reservoir water turbidity increases, the amount of water held in the reservoir significantly reduced due to substantial water loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study deals with the assessment of different physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity (E.C.), turbidity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and dissolved oxygen) in different surface water such as pond, river, and canal water in four different seasons, viz. March, June, September, and December 2023. The research endeavors to assess the impact of a cationic polyelectrolyte, specifically poly(diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride) (PDADMAC), utilized as a coagulation aid in conjunction with lime for water treatment. Employing a conventional jar test apparatus, turbidity removal from diverse water samples is examined. Furthermore, the samples undergo characterization utilizing X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The study also conducts correlation analyses on various parameters such as electrical conductivity (EC), pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), turbidity of raw water, polyelectrolyte dosage, and percentage of turbidity removal across different water sources. Utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software, these analyses aim to establish robust relationships among initial turbidity, temperature, percentage of turbidity removal, dosage of coagulant aid, electrical conductivity, and total dissolved solids (TDS) in pond water, river water, and canal water. A strong positive correlation could be found between the percentage of turbidity removal and the value of initial turbidity of all surface water. However, a negative correlation could be observed between the polyelectrolyte dosage and raw water\'s turbidity. By elucidating these correlations, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of PDADMAC and lime in water treatment processes across diverse environmental conditions. This research enhances our comprehension of surface water treatment methodologies and provides valuable insights for optimizing water treatment strategies to address the challenges posed by varying water sources and seasonal fluctuations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arctic fjords are hotspots of marine carbon burial, with diatoms playing an essential role in the biological carbon pump. Under the background of global warming, the proportion of diatoms in total phytoplankton communities has been declining in many high-latitude fjords due to increased turbidity and oligotrophication resulting from glacier melting. However, due to the habitat heterogeneity among Svalbard fjords, diatom responses to glacier melting are also expected to be complex, which will further lead to changes in the biological carbon pumping and carbon sequestration. To address the complexity, three short sediment cores were collected from three contrasting fjords in Svalbard (Krossfjorden, Kongsfjorden, Gronfjorden), recording the history of fjord changes in recent decades during significant glacier melting. The amino acid molecular indicators in cores K4 and KF1 suggested similar organic matter degradation states between these two sites. In contrast to the turbid Kongsfjorden and Gronfjorden, preserved fucoxanthin in Krossfjorden indicated a continuous increase in diatoms since the mid-1980s, corresponding to a 59 % increase in biological carbon pumping, as quantified by the δ13C of sedimentary organic carbon. The increasing biological carbon pumping in Krossfjorden is further attributed to its hard rock types in the glacier basin, compared to Kongsfjorden and Gronfjorden, which are instead covered by soft rocks, as confirmed by a one-dimensional model. Given the distribution of rock types among basins in Svalbard, we extrapolate our findings and propose that approximately one-fifth of Svalbard\'s fjords, especially those with hard rock basins and persistent marine-terminated glaciers, still have the potential for an increase in diatom fractions and efficient biological carbon pumping. Our findings reveal the complexity of fjord phytoplankton responses and biological carbon pumping to increasing glacier melting, and underscore the necessity of modifying Arctic marine carbon feedback to climate change based on results from fjords underlain by hard rocks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate tear meniscus parameters in soft contact lens wearers (SCL) using optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ImageJ software.
    METHODS: This prospective study included 50 soft contact lens wearers (group 1: 25 symptomatic SCL wearers (SCLW), group 2: 25 asymptomatic SCL wearers (ASCW)) and 25 healthy non-CL wearers (group 3 (NCLW)). SCLs were fitted on each eye of CL wearers, and the lower tear meniscus was imaged using OCT before CL insertion, immediately afterward, and reimaged 2, 5 and 10 h after insertion. Tear meniscus parameters, including tear meniscus height (TMH), depth (TMD), turbidity, and percentage area occupied by particles (PAOP) were measured in all groups.
    RESULTS: Turbidity and PAOP measurements at baseline in SCLW were significantly higher than in other groups (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference between TMH, TMD, turbidity, and PAOP parameters calculated at baseline visit and two hours after SCL insertion in all groups (p > 0.05 for 2 comparisons). The symptomatic SCL users had a significant decrease in TMH and TMD in the fifth hour. The turbidity and PAOP measurements of SCLW and ASCW at the fifth and tenth hours were significantly higher than those of NCLW (p < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: TMD and height TMH decrease throughout the day in all participants; however, a significant decrease in these parameters was observed only in symptomatic SCL users at the fifth hour, at the earliest. As the duration of CL wear increases, turbidity and PAOP even in asymptomatic SCL wearers become significantly higher than those in healthy non-CL wearers.
    CONCLUSIONS: What Is Known • Contact lens wear is associated with an increased risk of dry eye. • Tear volume decreases gradually during contact lens wear. What Is New • Tear meniscus turbidity and particle area occupied by particles (PAOP) were higher in symptomatic contact lens wearers and they increase gradually during contact lens wear. • Tear meniscus turbidity and PAOP may be measures of how well the tear film and meniscus are functioning in contact lens wearers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The quartz sand-enhanced coagulation (QSEC) is an improved coagulation method for treating water, which uses quartz sand as a heavy medium to accelerate the sedimentation rate of flocs and reduce the sedimentation time. The factors that influence the QSEC effect and can be controlled manually include the quartz sand dosage, coagulant dosage, sewage pH, stirring time, settling time, etc., and their reasonable setting is critical to the result of water treatment. This paper aimed to study the optimal conditions of QSEC; first, single-factor tests were conducted to explore the optimal range of influencing factors, followed by response surface methodology (RSM) tests to accurately determine the optimum values of significant factors. The results show that the addition of quartz sand did not improve the water quality of the coagulation treatment, it took only 140 s for the floc to sink to the bottom, and the sediment volume only accounted for 12.2% of the total sewage. The quartz sand dosage, the coagulant dosage, and sewage pH all had a significant impact on the coagulation effect, and resulted in inflection points. A QSEC-guiding model was derived through RSM tests, and subsequent model optimization and experimental validation revealed the optimal conditions for treating domestic sewage as follows: the polyaluminum chloride (PAC) dosage, cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM) dosage, the sewage pH, quartz sand dosage, stirring time, and settling time were 0.97 g/L, 2.25 mg/L, 7.22, 2 g/L, 5 min, and 30 min, respectively, and the turbidity of the treated sewage was reduced to 1.15 NTU.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clear emulsions are used as flavor carriers by the beverage industry because of their favorable optical properties. A transparent microemulsion with small droplets requires a high concentration of surfactants, and is often non-dilutable, posing a significant challenge to their application in the food industry. The formation of dilutable microemulsions by modulating the compatibility of oil composition and co-solvents was studied. While single-fold lemon oil exhibited poor loading capacity overall, no precipitation occurred due to the stronger interaction between monoterpenes and sucrose monopalmitate (SMP). Conversely, emulsification of five-fold lemon oil with 20 % ethanol demonstrated a higher loading capacity and a stronger dilution stability than other lemon oils. This is likely due to the balanced composition of surface-active monoterpenes and other components in five-fold lemon oil which facilitated the effective use of micellar space and aided in the retention of both surfactants and co-solvents post-dilution. The emulsification of higher-folded lemon oil, however, was favored by the use of propylene glycol as a surfactant exhibiting stronger dilution stability than ethanol, though it required twice as much co-solvent. The high concentration of surface-active monoterpene in the lower-folded lemon oils competes with propylene glycol for interfacial incorporation. This study demonstrated that co-solvents and oil composition play interactive roles in producing dilutable optically clear emulsions, and it provides a blueprint for the food industry to design colloidal systems using a minimum of surfactants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The booming palm oil industry is in line with the growing population worldwide and surge in demand. This leads to a massive generation of palm oil mill effluent (POME). POME is composed of sterilizer condensate (SC), separator sludge (SS), and hydro-cyclone wastewater (HCW). Comparatively, SS exhibits the highest organic content, resulting in various environmental impacts. However, past studies mainly focused on treating the final effluent. Therefore, this pioneering research investigated the optimization of pollutant removal in SS via different aspects of bioremediation, including experimental conditions, treatment efficiencies, mechanisms, and degradation pathways.
    UNASSIGNED: A two-level factorial design was employed to optimize the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity using Aspergillus niger. Bioremediation of SS was performed through submerged fermentation (SmF) under several independent variables, including temperature (20-40 °C), agitation speed (100-200 RPM), fermentation duration (72-240 h), and initial sample concentration (20-100%). The characteristics of the treated SS were then compared to that of raw sludge.
    UNASSIGNED: Optimal COD and turbidity removal were achieved at 37 °C 100 RPM, 156 h, and 100% sludge. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant effect of selective individual and interacting variables (p < 0.05). The highest COD and turbidity removal were 97.43% and 95.11%, respectively, with less than 5% error from the predicted values. Remarkably, the selected optimized conditions also reduced other polluting attributes, namely, biological oxygen demand (BOD), oil and grease (OG), color, and carbon content. In short, this study demonstrated the effectiveness of A. niger in treating SS through the application of a two-level factorial design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The appearance of an extrudate formulation was monitored during hot-melt extrusion (HME) continuous manufacturing over 3 days. The formulation matrix consisted of a polymeric component, copovidone, and a low molecular weight surfactant, polysorbate 80. Based on studies prior to the continuous manufacturing, the desired appearance of the target extrudate is translucent. Although process parameters such as feed rate and screw speed were fixed during the continuous manufacturing, the extrudate appearance changed over time from turbid to translucent. For root-cause investigation, the extrudates were analyzed offline by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and advanced polymer chromatography (APC™). Although the polysorbate 80 content of both turbid and translucent extrudates was within target, the glass transition temperature of the turbid extrudate was 2 °C above expected value. The observed turbidity was traced to lot-to-lot variability of the polysorbate 80 used in the continuous manufacturing, where APC™ analysis revealed that the relative content of the low molecular weight component varied from 23% to 27% in correlation with the evolution from turbid to translucent extrudates. This work stresses the importance of taking feeding material variability into account during continuous manufacturing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urbanization, agriculture, and climate change affect water quality and water hyacinth growth in lakes. This study examines the spatiotemporal variability of lake surface water temperature, turbidity, and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) and their association with water hyacinth biomass in Lake Tana. MODIS Land/ Lake surface water temperature (LSWT), Sentinel 2 MSI Imagery, and in-situ water quality data were used. Validation results revealed strong positive correlations between MODIS LSWT and on-site measured water temperature (R = 0.90), in-situ turbidity and normalized difference turbidity index (NDTI) (R = 0.92), and in-situ Chl-a and normalized difference chlorophyll index (NDCI) (R = 0.84). LSWT trends varied across the lake, with increasing trends in the northeastern, northwestern, and southwestern regions and decreasing trends in the western, southern, and central areas (2001-2022). The spatial average LSWT trend decreased significantly in pre-rainy (0.01 ℃/year), rainy (0.02 ℃/year), and post-rainy seasons (0.01℃/year) but increased non-significantly in the dry season (0.00 ℃/year) (2001-2022, P < 0.05). Spatial average turbidity decreased significantly in all seasons, except in the pre-rainy season (2016-2022). Likewise, spatial average Chl-a decreased significantly in pre-rainy and rainy seasons, whereas it showed a non-significant increasing trend in the dry and post-rainy seasons (2016-2022). Water hyacinth biomass was positively correlated with LSWT (R = 0.18) but negatively with turbidity (R = -0.33) and Chl-a (R = -0.35). High spatiotemporal variability was observed in LSWT, turbidity, and Chl-a, along with overall decreasing trends. The findings suggest integrated management strategies to balance water hyacinth eradication and its role in water purification. The results will be vital in decision support systems and preparing strategic plans for sustainable water resource management, environmental protection, and pollution prevention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drinking water (DW) production treatments can be affected by climate change, in particular intense rainfall events, having an impact on the availability and quality of the water source. The current study proposes a methodology for the evaluation of the costs of the different treatment steps for surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW), through the analysis and quantification of the main cost items. It provides the details to count for strong variations in the key quality parameters of inlet water following severe rainfalls (namely turbidity, iron, manganese, and E. coli). This methodology is then applied to a large drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) in Italy, which treats both SW, around 70 %, and GW, around 30%. It discusses the overall DW production costs (from 7.60 c€/m3 to 10.43 c€/m3) during the period 2019-2021 and analyzes the contributions of the different treatment steps in water and sludge trains. Then it focuses on the effects on the treatments of significant variations in SW turbidity (up to 1863 NTU) due to intense rainfalls, and on the daily costs of DW with respect to the average (baseline) costs evaluated on the annual basis. It emerges that, when SW has low turbidity levels, the energy-based steps have the biggest contribution on the costs (final pumping 22 % for SW and 10 % for GW, withdrawal 15 % and 14 %, respectively), whereas at very high turbidity levels, sludge greatly increases, and its treatment and disposal costs become significant (up to 14 % and 50 %). Efforts are being made to adopt the best strategies for the management of DWTPs in these adverse conditions, with the aim to guarantee potable water and optimize water production costs. A mitigation measure consists of increasing GW withdrawal up to the authorized flow rate, thus reducing SW withdrawal. In this context, the study is completed by discussing the potential upgrading of the DWTP by only treating GW withdrawn from riverbank filtration. The DW production cost would be 7.76 c€/m3, which is lower than that seen for the same year (2021) with the current plant configuration (8.32 c€/m3).





