tubulin dimer

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tubulin has been recently reported to form a large family consisting of various gene isoforms; however, the differences in the molecular features of tubulin dimers composed of a combination of these isoforms remain unknown. Therefore, we attempted to elucidate the physical differences in the molecular motility of these tubulin dimers using the method of measurable pico-meter-scale molecular motility, diffracted X-ray tracking (DXT) analysis, regarding characteristic tubulin dimers, including neuronal TUBB3 and ubiquitous TUBB5. We first conducted a DXT analysis of neuronal (TUBB3-TUBA1A) and ubiquitous (TUBB5-TUBA1B) tubulin dimers and found that the molecular motility around the vertical axis of the neuronal tubulin dimer was lower than that of the ubiquitous tubulin dimer. The results of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation suggest that the difference in motility between the neuronal and ubiquitous tubulin dimers was probably caused by a change in the major contact of Gln245 in the T7 loop of TUBB from Glu11 in TUBA to Val353 in TUBB. The present study is the first report of a novel phenomenon in which the pico-meter-scale molecular motility between neuronal and ubiquitous tubulin dimers is different.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ataxin-3 (AT3) is the protein that triggers the inherited neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 when its polyglutamine (polyQ) stretch close to the C-terminus exceeds a critical length. AT3 consists of the N-terminal globular Josephin domain (JD) and the C-terminal disordered one. It cleaves isopeptide bonds between ubiquitin monomers, an event involved in protein quality control mechanisms. AT3 has been implicated in the pathway that sorts aggregated protein to aggresomes via microtubules, in which dynein and histone deacetylase 6 (HDAC6) also seem to be involved. By taking advantage of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR), we have investigated the interaction of AT3 with tubulin and HDAC6. Based on SAXS results, the AT3 oligomer, consisting of 6-7 subunits, tightly binds to the tubulin hexameric oligomer in a \"parallel\" fashion. By SPR analysis we have demonstrated that AT3 binds to tubulin dimer with a 50nM affinity. Binding fits with a Langmuir 1:1 model and involves a single binding interface. Nevertheless, the interaction surface consists of three distinct, discontinuous tubulin-binding regions (TBR), one located in the JD, and the two others in the disordered domain, upstream and downstream of the polyQ stretch. In the absence of any of the three TBRs, the affinity is drastically reduced. By SPR we have also provided the first evidence of direct binding of AT3 to HDAC6, with affinity in the range 0.1-1μM. These results shed light on the interactions among the components of the transport machinery that sorts aggregate protein to the aggresome, and pave the way to in vivo studies aimed at further clarifying their roles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microtubules (MTs) polymerize from soluble αβ-tubulin and undergo rapid dynamic transitions to depolymerization at their ends. Microtubule-associated regulator proteins modulate polymerization dynamics in vivo by altering microtubule plus end conformations or influencing αβ-tubulin incorporation rates. Biochemical reconstitution of dynamic MT polymerization can be visualized with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy using purified MT regulators. This approach has provided extensive details on the regulation of microtubule dynamics. Here, I describe a general approach to reconstitute MT dynamic polymerization with TOG domain microtubule regulators from the XMAP215/Dis1 and CLASP families using TIRF microscopy. TIRF imaging strategies require nucleation of microtubule polymerization from surface-attached, stabilized MTs. The approaches described here can be used to study the mechanism of a wide variety of microtubule regulatory proteins.





