trophic dynamics

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents the observations of predation by the grouper Epinephelus quoyanus on sea turtle hatchlings in Chagar Hutang bay, Redang Island, Malaysia. Two of the eight collected specimens had hatchlings in their guts, whereas the remaining specimens had empty stomachs. This field report provides an in-depth understanding of the E. quoyanus diet and new insights into its feeding behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Boat Harbour, Nova Scotia was a tidal estuary that was converted into a wastewater treatment facility for pulp mill effluent in 1967. Treated effluent from Boat Harbour was discharged into the coastal Northumberland Strait, contributing significant nutrient and freshwater inputs into the coastal environment, potentially impacting local biogeochemistry and ecosystem structure. This study used stable isotope analysis of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) of representative taxa to assess spatial variability in nutrient sources and trophic dynamics. Results identified stable isotope variation with depleted δ13C and δ15N values in taxa near Boat Harbour. Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) were the most suitable bioindicators for identifying variation in nutrient sources. Stable isotope signatures in this study may be reflective of residual pulp mill effluent-derived nutrients, differences in marine versus terrestrial nutrient sources, and a pronounced coastal salinity gradient. The present study defined the baseline nutrient conditions of the Northumberland Strait and will be useful in assessing the effectiveness of remediation activities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global recognition that mangroves support coastal ecosystem services has increased; however, studies on trophic dynamics in mangrove ecosystems remain limited. We seasonally analysed the δ13C and δ15N of 34 consumers and 5 diets to elucidate the food web dynamics in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). Fish had a large niche space during the monsoon summer, reflecting increased trophic roles. In contrast, the small niche space of benthos over seasons reflected consistent trophic positions. Consumers mainly utilized plant-derived organic matters in the dry season and particulate organic matters in the wet season. The present study with literature reviews revealed characteristics of the PRE food web with the depleted δ13C and enriched δ15N, indicating a high contribution of mangrove-derived organic carbon and sewage input, particularly in the wet season. Overall, this study confirmed the seasonal and spatial trophic dynamics in mangrove forests surrounding megacities for future sustainable mangrove ecosystem management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil bacteria and fungi mediate terrestrial biogeochemical cycling, but we know relatively little about how trophic interactions influence their community composition, diversity, and function. Specifically, it is unclear how consumer populations affect the activity of microbial taxa they consume, and therefore the interaction of those taxa with other members of the microbial community. Due to its extreme diversity, studying trophic dynamics in soil is a complex feat. Seeking to address these challenges, we performed a microcosm-based consumer manipulation experiment to determine the impact of a common fungal-feeding nematode (Aphelenchus avenae) on soil microbial community composition, diversity, and activity (e.g., C cycling parameters). Fungivory decreased fungal and bacterial α-diversity and stimulated C and N cycling, possibly via cascading impacts of fungivory on bacterial communities. Our results present experimental evidence that soil trophic dynamics are intimately linked with microbial diversity and function, factors that are key in understanding global patterns in biogeochemical cycling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Predators respond to the increase of prey by aggregation in space or foraging more often. However, foraging habitat suitability limits predators\' responses. For nocturnal insectivorous bats, artificial light at night (ALAN) can trigger insect prey aggregation. It is not clear how ALAN might affect predator-prey relationships in the urban setting, where urban bats could have adapted to the city, and novel spatial complexity introduced by man-made objects might alter foraging habitat suitability. We strategically selected sites to represent different levels of ALAN and spatial complexity. We recorded bat commuting and foraging activities and collected aerial insects to examine how ALAN and spatial complexity affected bat-insect relationships. We found that insect biomass was positively correlated with ALAN, but was not affected by spatial complexity. Large-sized big brown bats and hoary bats positively responded to change of prey in open sites whereas small-sized eastern red bats and silver-haired bats positively responded in cluttered sites, suggesting that the impact of ALAN could vary when ALAN is coupled with urban spatial complexity. Our study demonstrates that foraging habitat suitability can alter which species might benefit from ALAN. Predator-prey relationships in cities are complex, but general ecological principles still apply in novel urban ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study examines the adaptability of a Southern Ocean predator, which is dependent on Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), to potential changes in food availability. Muscle fatty acids (FAs) of the spiny icefish Chaenodraco wilsoni collected from three areas in the Bransfield Strait (BS), northern Antarctic Peninsula during February-April 2016 give a good representation of their feeding variability. The compositions of 22:6n3 (DHA) and 20:5n3 (EPA) were both higher in the Transitional Zonal Water with Bellingshausen influence (TBW)-controlled C. wilsoni than in the Transitional Zonal Water with Weddell Sea influence (TWW)-controlled fish. This was positively correlated with photoadaptation and carbon sequestration in TBW-controlled phytoplankton. Results for the FAs 16:1n7, 16:0, DHA and EPA indicate the presence of dinoflagellates in all three areas, suggesting that during late summer and early fall, there is a seasonal phytoplankton succession, where small phytoplankton become dominant, in the BS. In addition, the compositions of some long-chain FAs (>20, such as 20:0, 20:1, 22:0 and 22:1n9) and ∑18 indicated that the food chain based on flagellates and copepods was more apparent in TWW-controlled C. wilsoni, especially the effect of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on the variation of prey communities in TWW-controlled areas. FA markers such as SFA/(PUFA+MUFA), ∑15 + ∑17 and ARA were more pronounced in TWW-controlled C. wilsoni, indicating a more strongly carnivorous and benthic food source. In the TBW-TWW confluence, the complex hydrological structure, including the presence of a large number of mesoscale eddies, allows rich nutrients and krill larvae to remain in it, providing a rich food source for the C. wilsoni. Overall, the FA data of this study show that the diet of C. wilsoni varies in different marine environments, aiding their survivability at the face of climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Top-down effects of predators and bottom-up effects of resources are important drivers of community structure and function in a wide array of ecosystems. Fertilization experiments impose variation in resource availability that can mediate the strength of predator impacts, but the prevalence of such interactions across natural productivity gradients is less clear. We studied the joint impacts of top-down and bottom-up factors in a tropical mangrove forest system, leveraging fine-grained patchiness in resource availability and primary productivity on coastal cays of Belize. We excluded birds from canopies of red mangrove (Rhizophoraceae: Rhizophora mangle) for 13 months in zones of phosphorus-limited, stunted dwarf mangroves, and in adjacent zones of vigorous mangroves that receive detrital subsidies. Birds decreased total arthropod densities by 62%, herbivore densities more than fivefold, and reduced rates of leaf and bud herbivory by 45% and 52%, respectively. Despite similar arthropod densities across both zones of productivity, leaf and bud damage were 2.0 and 4.3 times greater in productive stands. Detrital subsidies strongly impacted a suite of plant traits in productive stands, potentially making leaves more nutritious and vulnerable to damage. Despite consistently strong impacts on herbivory, we did not detect top-down forcing that impacted mangrove growth, which was similar with and without birds. Our results indicated that both top-down and bottom-up forces drive arthropod community dynamics, but attenuation at the plant-herbivore interface weakens top-down control by avian insectivores.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine snow, formed through the aggregation of phytoplankton and other organic matter, can be consumed by various types of zooplankton, affecting both planktonic trophic dynamics and the export of carbon to depth. This study focuses on how two factors-phytoplankton growth phase and species-affect copepod feeding on marine snow. To do this, we conducted a series of grazing experiments using gut pigment and stable isotope methods to quantify the ingestion of the copepod, Calanus pacificus, on both marine snow aggregates and individual phytoplankton. Results demonstrate that marine snow can represent a substantial food source for copepods, comparable to rates on individual phytoplankton. Moreover, we found that both the overall ingestion and the relative ingestion of aggregates vs. individual phytoplankton depended on phytoplankton growth phase for experiments conducted with the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. Although copepods consumed aggregates composed of Skeletonema marinoi at similar rates as those composed of T. weissflogii, no effect of growth phase was observed for S. marinoi. These findings suggest that marine snow can be an important source of nutrition for copepods, but that its role in planktonic food webs may differ depending on the phytoplankton community composition and the stage of phytoplankton blooms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing our knowledge of soil biodiversity is fundamental to forecast changes in ecosystem functions under global change scenarios. All multicellular organisms are now known to be holobionts, containing large assemblages of microbial species. Soil fauna is now known to have thousands of species living within them. However, we know very little about the identity and function of host microbiome in contrasting soil faunal groups, across different terrestrial biomes, or at a large spatial scale. Here, we examined the microbiomes of multiple functionally important soil fauna in contrasting terrestrial ecosystems across China.
    Different soil fauna had diverse and unique microbiomes, which were also distinct from those in surrounding soils. These unique microbiomes were maintained within taxa across diverse sampling sites and in contrasting terrestrial ecosystems. The microbiomes of nematodes, potworms, and earthworms were more difficult to predict using environmental data, compared to those of collembolans, oribatid mites, and predatory mites. Although stochastic processes were important, deterministic processes, such as host selection, also contributed to the assembly of unique microbiota in each taxon of soil fauna. Microbial biodiversity, unique microbial taxa, and microbial dark matter (defined as unidentified microbial taxa) all increased with trophic levels within the soil food web.
    Our findings demonstrate that soil animals are important as repositories of microbial biodiversity, and those at the top of the food web harbor more diverse and unique microbiomes. This hidden source of biodiversity is rarely considered in biodiversity and conservation debates and stresses the importance of preserving key soil invertebrates. Video abstract.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Artificial reefs may enhance the biological production of reef-associated flora and fauna, but their trophic structure relative to that of natural reefs remains understudied. We assessed trophic relationships by 1) comparing reef fish communities and 2) comparing δ13C and δ15N in 43 fish species from both artificial reef sites and adjacent natural reef tracts in Broward County, Florida. We tested the effect of sampling location (artificial, first, and second reef), general feeding strategy (herbivore, omnivore, invertivore, and carnivore), phylogeny, and standard length on δ13C and δ15N. The reef fish communities of the artificial and natural reef tracts were significantly different; the artificial sites also exhibited more variability. For all samples, δ13C and δ15N ranged from -19.5 to -13.1‰ and 6.7-13.3‰, respectively. Significant effects were detected for both general feeding strategy and phylogeny. Significant differences were also seen in δ13C and δ15N profiles between artificial and natural reefs; however, these changes were primarily driven by differences in fish community structure, rather than by changes in the feeding strategy or trophic relationships of individual fish taxa. The trophic guild invertivore was the only group of fish to demonstrate significant isotopic differences between both reef tracts (inner and outer) and reef types (artificial and natural). The artificial reef may act more as a foraging corridor between the natural first and second reef tracts for omnivores and carnivores. If the function of artificial reefs is to provide additional foraging habitat for fishes, then perhaps more time is needed for the trophically important, infaunal invertebrate community to develop similarly to the natural reef environment.






