trigeminal ganglion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: We wished to explore possible sexual dimorphism in mechanisms sensitizing or activating meningeal nociceptors that can promote the headache phase of migraine.
    METHODS: Male and female C57BL6J mice received either supradural orexin B and an inflammatory mediator cocktail (IM) with migraine-like pain behaviors and photophobia recorded. Expression of orexin 2 receptor (OX2R) in trigeminal ganglion (TG) and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) levels in trigeminal nucleus caudalis (TNC) were evaluated. Orexin B-induced excitability of TG cells was assessed with patch-clamp electrophysiology. Intranasal delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 plasmids was used to edit the expression of OX2R in the TG.
    RESULTS: Supradural orexin B induced migraine-like pain behaviors, photophobia and increased TNC ERK phosphorylation exclusively in males. Blockade of orexin signaling with supradural suvorexant, a dual orexin receptor antagonist, prevented, but did not reverse, migraine-like pain in males induced by supradural IM cocktail. OX2R expression was higher in male TG and orexin B increased TG neuron excitability in males. Intranasal OX2R CRISPR/Cas9 reduced TG receptor expression and orexin B-induced TNC ERK phosphorylation and prevented migraine-like pain induced by supradural orexin B in males.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our studies reveal a male-specific mechanism of TG nociceptor sensitization and migraine-like pain behavior mediated by orexin B/OX2R signaling. Sexually dimorphic mechanisms of trigeminal nociceptor sensitization and activation offer opportunities to improve patient outcomes by considering patient sex and may influence clinical trial design and interpretation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neural basis of tongue mechanosensation remains largely mysterious despite the tongue\'s high tactile acuity, sensitivity, and relevance to ethologically important functions. We studied terminal morphologies and tactile responses of lingual afferents from the trigeminal ganglion. Fungiform papillae, the taste-bud-holding structures in the tongue, were convergently innervated by multiple Piezo2+ trigeminal afferents, whereas single trigeminal afferents branched into multiple adjacent filiform papillae. In vivo single-unit recordings from the trigeminal ganglion revealed lingual low-threshold mechanoreceptors (LTMRs) with distinct tactile properties ranging from intermediately adapting (IA) to rapidly adapting (RA). The receptive fields of these LTMRs were mostly less than 0.1 mm2 and concentrated at the tip of the tongue, resembling the distribution of fungiform papillae. Our results indicate that fungiform papillae are mechanosensory structures and suggest a simple model that links functional and anatomical properties of tactile sensory neurons in the tongue.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Percutaneous balloon compression (PBC) is an effective, low-cost, and simple treatment for primary trigeminal neuralgia (TN). However, PBC has poor efficacy and no better solution for the third branch (V3) of TN.
    METHODS: Clinical data of 52 patients with trigeminal neuralgia treated with PBC were retrospectively analyzed. Postoperative numbness of the patient was evaluated by facial numbness at the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI-N). The main observation was the incidence of higher numbness in the V3 than in the other two branches or equally strong numbness in the three branches in the immediate postoperative period.
    RESULTS: The efficacy values in the pear-shaped balloon group at the first postoperative day (T1), the first month (T2), in the third month (T3), and the sixth month (T4) were 96.7%, 93.3%, 93.3%, and 90%, respectively, and 1 patient (3.3%) had recurrence. The efficacy value for the extracapsular capsule group was 95.5% at all times and there were no patients with recurrence within 6 months after surgery. In the immediate postoperative period, the effective compression rate of V3 in the pear-shaped balloon group was 43.3%, and 86.4% in the extracapsular capsule group (P = 0.020). At six months of follow-up, the effective compression rate of V3 was higher in the extracapsular capsule group than in the pear-shaped balloon group.
    CONCLUSIONS: The riveted structure of the extracapsular capsule can effectively compress V3, thus performing PBC with a balloon shaped as an extracapsular capsule is a new, effective, and safe treatment option for TN V3.
    BACKGROUND: ChiCTR2300067313.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Herpes zoster (HZ), resulting from the reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, is a significant disease. This study aimed to explore the factors influencing sensory neuron involvement in HZ at different locations and its association with postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). A total of 3143 cases were retrieved from an electronic medical record system, including 2676 cases of HZ and 467 cases of PHN. Gender, age, site of onset, past surgical history, and comorbidities were analyzed using a multifactorial logistic regression model. The results revealed correlations between age, gender, comorbidities (diabetes, coronary heart disease, percutaneous coronary intervention [PCI]), and sensory neuron involvement in HZ. Specifically, older age, female gender, and comorbid conditions such as diabetes/coronary heart disease were associated with sacral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) involvement, while PCI history was associated with lumbar DRG involvement. Additionally, sensory neuron involvement at different locations by HZ was linked to PHN. Furthermore, independent risk factors for PHN included thoracic DRG involvement, older age, and comorbidities (diabetes, surgical history, malignancy). It is crucial to prevent damage to the DRG, especially in individuals with comorbidities, through activities avoidance and active treatment, to minimize the occurrence of PHN.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual dimorphism among mammals includes variations in the pain threshold. These differences are influenced by hormonal fluctuations in females during the estrous and menstrual cycles of rodents and humans, respectively. These physiological conditions display various phases, including proestrus and diestrus in rodents and follicular and luteal phases in humans, distinctly characterized by varying estrogen levels. In this study, we evaluated the capsaicin responses in male and female mice at different estrous cycle phases, using two murine acute pain models. Our findings indicate that the capsaicin-induced pain threshold was lower in the proestrus phase than in the other three phases in both pain assays. We also found that male mice exhibited a higher pain threshold than females in the proestrus phase, although it was similar to females in the other cycle phases. We also assessed the mRNA and protein levels of TRPV1 in the dorsal root and trigeminal ganglia of mice. Our results showed higher TRPV1 protein levels during proestrus compared to diestrus and male mice. Unexpectedly, we observed that the diestrus phase was associated with higher TRPV1 mRNA levels than those in both proestrus and male mice. These results underscore the hormonal influence on TRPV1 expression regulation and highlight the role of sex steroids in capsaicin-induced pain.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The classic percutaneous balloon compression (PBC) technique is used to complete an operation under the guidance of C-arm radiography under general anesthesia, making communication with patients during the operation impossible. It is not accurate or objective to predict the classic technique\'s curative effect solely by determining whether the projection of the x-ray lateral image of the filled balloon is pear-shaped.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to upgrade classic PBC to awake computed tomography (CT)-guided PBC technology under conscious local anesthesia and analgesia monitoring.
    METHODS: Prospective clinical study.
    METHODS: Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medical Center, Jiaxing, People\'s Republic of China.
    METHODS: Puncture was designed and guided by CT scanning, and the curative effect was assessed by asking the patients about what they are feeling during the operation.
    RESULTS: CT can design the puncture path and accurately guide puncture, observe the position and shape of the balloon through 3-dimensional reconstruction during the operation, and judge the curative effect according to the patient\'s chief concern.
    CONCLUSIONS: Local anesthetic analgesia is not perfect, resulting in some patients experiencing pain during surgery.
    CONCLUSIONS: PBC can be completed under conscious local anesthesia and analgesia. Its curative effect and operative end standard can be determined according to the patient\'s chief concern. Under CT guidance, the puncture path can be designed to complete an accurate puncture and to intuitively understand the position and shape of the balloon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Surgical treatment for trigeminal neuralgia includes percutaneous techniques, including balloon compression, first described in 1983 by Mullan and Lichtor (J Neurosurg 59(6):1007-1012, 6).
    METHODS: Here we present a safe and simple navigation-assisted percutaneous technique for balloon compression, which can also be used for glycerol injection.
    CONCLUSIONS: The navigation-assisted percutaneous technique for balloon compression for trigeminal neuralgia is a quick and safe treatment for patients not candidates for microvascular decompression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While interactions between neural crest and placode cells are critical for the proper formation of the trigeminal ganglion, the mechanisms underlying this process remain largely uncharacterized. Here, by using chick embryos, we show that the microRNA (miR)-203, whose epigenetic repression is required for neural crest migration, is reactivated in coalescing and condensing trigeminal ganglion cells. Overexpression of miR-203 induces ectopic coalescence of neural crest cells and increases ganglion size. By employing cell-specific electroporations for either miR-203 sponging or genomic editing using CRISPR/Cas9, we elucidated that neural crest cells serve as the source, while placode cells serve as the site of action for miR-203 in trigeminal ganglion condensation. Demonstrating intercellular communication, overexpression of miR-203 in the neural crest in vitro or in vivo represses an miR-responsive sensor in placode cells. Moreover, neural crest-secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs), visualized using pHluorin-CD63 vector, become incorporated into the cytoplasm of placode cells. Finally, RT-PCR analysis shows that small EVs isolated from condensing trigeminal ganglia are selectively loaded with miR-203. Together, our findings reveal a critical role in vivo for neural crest-placode communication mediated by sEVs and their selective microRNA cargo for proper trigeminal ganglion formation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Disorders of the trigeminal nerve, a sensory nerve of the orofacial region, often lead to complications in dental practice, including neuropathic pain, allodynia, and ectopic pain. Management of these complications requires an understanding of the cytoarchitecture of the trigeminal ganglion, where the cell bodies of the trigeminal nerve are located, and the mechanisms of cell-cell interactions.
    CONCLUSIONS: In the trigeminal ganglion, ganglion, satellite, Schwann, and immune cells coexist and interact. Cell-cell interactions are complex and occur through direct contact via gap junctions or through mediators such as adenosine triphosphate, nitric oxide, peptides, and cytokines. Interactions between the nervous and immune systems within the trigeminal ganglion may have neuroprotective effects during nerve injury or may exacerbate inflammation and produce chronic pain. Under pathological conditions of the trigeminal nerve, cell-cell interactions can cause allodynia and ectopic pain. Although cell-cell interactions that occur via mediators can act at some distance, they are more effective when the cells are close together. Therefore, information on the three-dimensional topography of trigeminal ganglion cells is essential for understanding the pathophysiology of ectopic pain.
    CONCLUSIONS: A three-dimensional map of the somatotopic localization of trigeminal ganglion neurons revealed that ganglion cells innervating distant orofacial regions are often apposed to each other, interacting with and potentially contributing to ectopic pain. Elucidation of the complex network of mediators and their receptors responsible for intercellular communication within the trigeminal ganglion is essential for understanding ectopic pain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Following peripheral nerve damage, various non-neuronal cells are activated, triggering accumulation in the peripheral and central nervous systems, and communicate with neurons. Evidence suggest that neuronal and non-neuronal cell communication is a critical mechanism of neuropathic pain; however, its detailed mechanisms in contributing to neuropathic orofacial pain development remain unclear.
    CONCLUSIONS: Neuronal and non-neuronal cell communication in the trigeminal ganglion (TG) is believed to cause neuronal hyperactivation following trigeminal nerve damage, resulting in neuropathic orofacial pain. Trigeminal nerve damage activates and accumulates non-neuronal cells, such as satellite cells and macrophages in the TG and microglia, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes in the trigeminal spinal subnucleus caudalis (Vc) and upper cervical spinal cord (C1-C2). These non-neuronal cells release various molecules, contributing to the hyperactivation of TG, Vc, and C1-C2 nociceptive neurons. These hyperactive nociceptive neurons release molecules that enhance non-neuronal cell activation. This neuron and non-neuronal cell crosstalk causes hyperactivation of nociceptive neurons in the TG, Vc, and C1-C2. Here, we addressed previous and recent data on the contribution of neuronal and non-neuronal cell communication and its involvement in neuropathic orofacial pain development.
    CONCLUSIONS: Previous and recent data suggest that neuronal and non-neuronal cell communication in the TG, Vc, and C1-C2 is a key mechanism that causes neuropathic orofacial pain associated with trigeminal nerve damage.





