tree growth

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lowland northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) forests are increasingly exposed to extreme droughts and floods that cause tree mortality. However, it is not clear the extent to which these events may differentially affect regeneration of cedar and its increasingly common associate, balsam fir (Abies balsamea). To test this, we measured how seedlings of cedar and fir were able to avoid, resist, and recover from experimental drought and flood treatments of different lengths (8-66 days). Overall, we found that cedar exhibited a strategy of stress resistance and growth recovery (resilience) from moderate drought and flood stress. Fir, on the other hand, appears to be adapted to avoid drought and flood stress and exhibited overall lower growth resilience. In drought treatments, we found evidence of different stomatal behaviors. Cedar used available water quickly and therefore experienced more drought stress than fir but cedar was able to survive at water potentials > 3 MPa below key hydraulic thresholds. On the other hand, fir employed a more conservative water use strategy and therefore avoided extremely low water potential. In response to flood treatments, cedar survival was higher and only reached 50% if exposed to 23.1 days of flooding in contrast to only 7.4 days to reach 50% mortality for fir. In both droughts and floods, many stressed cedar were able to maintain partially brown canopies and often survived the stress, albeit with reduced growth, suggesting a strategy of resistance and resilience. In contrast, fir that experienced drought or flood stress had a threshold-type responses and they either had full live canopies with little effect on growth or they died suggesting reliance on a strategy of drought avoidance. Combined with increasingly variable precipitation regimes, seasonal flooding, and complex microtopography that can provide safe sites in these forests, these results inform conservation and management of lowland cedar stands.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Plants allocate resources to growth, defense, and stress resistance, and resource availability can affect the balance between these allocations. Allocation patterns are well-known to differ among species, but what controls possible intra-specific trade-offs and if variation in growth vs. defense potentially evolves in adaptation to resource availability.
    UNASSIGNED: We measured growth and defense in a provenance trial of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) with clones originating from the Amazon basin. To test hypotheses on the allocation to growth vs. defense, we relate biomass growth and latex production to wood and leaf traits, to climate and soil variables from the location of origin, and to the genetic relatedness of the Hevea clones.
    UNASSIGNED: Contrary to expectations, there was no trade-off between growth and defense, but latex yield and biomass growth were positively correlated, and both increased with tree size. The absence of a trade-off may be attributed to the high resource availability in a plantation, allowing trees to allocate resources to both growth and defense. Growth was weakly correlated with leaf traits, such as leaf mass per area, intrinsic water use efficiency, and leaf nitrogen content, but the relative investment in growth vs. defense was not associated with specific traits or environmental variables. Wood and leaf traits showed clinal correlations to the rainfall and soil variables of the places of origin. These traits exhibited strong phylogenetic signals, highlighting the role of genetic factors in trait variation and adaptation. The study provides insights into the interplay between resource allocation, environmental adaptations, and genetic factors in trees. However, the underlying drivers for the high variation of latex production in one of the commercially most important tree species remains unexplained.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tree ontogeny is the genetic trajectories of regenerative processes in trees, repeating in time and space, including both development and reproduction. Understanding the principles of tree ontogeny is a key priority in emulating natural ecological patterns and processes that fall within the calls for closer-to-nature forest management. By recognizing and respecting the growth and development of individual trees and forest stands, forest managers can implement strategies that align with the inherent dynamics of forest ecosystem. Therefore, this study aims to determine the ontogenetic characteristics of tree regeneration and growth in northern European hemiboreal forests.
    UNASSIGNED: We applied a three-step process to review i) the ontogenetic characteristics of forest trees, ii) ontogenetic strategies of trees for stand-forming species, and iii) summarise the review findings of points i and ii to propose a conceptual framework for transitioning towards closer-to-nature management of hemiboreal forest trees. To achieve this, we applied the super-organism approach to forest development as a holistic progression towards the establishment of natural stand forming ecosystems.
    UNASSIGNED: The review showed multiple aspects; first, there are unique growth and development characteristics of individual trees at the pre-generative and generative stages of ontogenesis under full and minimal light conditions. Second, there are four main modes of tree establishment, growth and development related to the light requirements of trees; they were described as ontogenetic strategies of stand-forming tree species: gap colonisers, gap successors, gap fillers and gap competitors. Third, the summary of our analysis of the ontogenetic characteristics of tree regeneration and growth in northern European hemiboreal forests shows that stand-forming species occupy multiple niche positions relative to forest dynamics modes.
    UNASSIGNED: This study demonstrates the importance of understanding tree ontogeny under the pretext of closer-to-nature forest management, and its potential towards formulating sustainable forest management that emulates the natural dynamics of forest structure. We suggest that scientists and foresters can adapt closer-to-nature management strategies, such as assisted natural regeneration of trees, to improve the vitality of tree communities and overall forest health. The presented approach prioritizes ecological integrity and forest resilience, promoting assisted natural regeneration, and fostering adaptability and connectivity among plant populations in hemiboreal tree communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dioecious plant species, i.e., those in which male and female functions are housed in different individuals, are particularly vulnerable to global environmental changes. For long-lived plant species, such as trees, long-term studies are imperative to understand how growth patterns and their sensitivity to climate variability differentially affect the sexes.
    METHODS: Here, we explore long-term intersexual differences in wood traits, namely radial growth rates, water use efficiency quantified as stable carbon isotope abundance of wood cellulose, and their climate sensitivity in Ilex aquifolium trees growing in a natural population in NW Spain.
    RESULTS: We found that sex differences in secondary growth rates were variable over time, with males outperforming females in both radial growth rates and water use efficiency in recent decades. Summer water stress significantly reduced the growth of female trees in the following growing season, while the growth of male trees was primarily favoured by cloudy and rainy conditions the previous fall and winter combined with low cloud cover and warm conditions in summer. Sex-dependent lagged correlations between radial growth and water availability were found, with a strong association between tree growth and cumulative water availability in females at 30 months and in males at 10 months.
    CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our results point to greater vulnerability of female tress to increasing drought, which could lead to sex-ratio biases threatening population viability in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the biodiversity-productivity relationship (BPR) is crucial for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. While it is known that diversity enhances forest productivity, the underlying mechanisms at the local neighborhood level remain poorly understood. We established a 9.6 ha dynamic forest plot to study how neighborhood diversity, intraspecific competition, and interspecific competition influence tree growth across spatial scales using linear mixed-effects models. Our analysis reveals a significant positive correlation between neighborhood species richness (NSR) and relative growth rate (RGR). Notably, intraspecific competition, measured by conspecific neighborhood density and resource competition, negatively impacts RGR at finer scales, indicating intense competition among conspecifics for limited resources. In contrast, interspecific competition, measured by heterospecific density and resource competition, has a negligible impact on RGR. The relative importance of diversity and intra/interspecific competition in influencing tree growth varies with scale. At fine scales, intraspecific competition dominates negatively, while at larger scales, the positive effect of NSR on RGR increases, contributing to a positive BPR. These findings highlight the intricate interplay between local interactions and spatial scale in modulating tree growth, emphasizing the importance of considering biotic interactions and spatial variability in studying BPR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how different mechanisms act and interact in shaping communities and ecosystems is essential to better predict their future with global change. Disturbance legacy, abiotic conditions, and biotic interactions can simultaneously influence tree growth, but it remains unclear what are their relative contributions and whether they have additive or interactive effects. We examined the separate and joint effects of disturbance intensity, soil conditions, and neighborhood crowding on tree growth in 10 temperate forests in northeast China. We found that disturbance was the strongest driver of tree growth, followed by neighbors and soil. Specifically, trees grew slower with decreasing initial disturbance intensity, but with increasing neighborhood crowding, soil pH and soil total phosphorus. Interestingly, the decrease in tree growth with increasing soil pH and soil phosphorus was steeper with high initial disturbance intensity. Testing the role of species traits, we showed that fast-growing species exhibited greater maximum tree size, but lower wood density and specific leaf area. Species with lower wood density grew faster with increasing initial disturbance intensity, while species with higher specific leaf area suffered less from neighbors in areas with high initial disturbance intensity. Our study suggests that accounting for both individual and interactive effects of multiple drivers is crucial to better predict forest dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is well established that solar irradiance greatly influences tree metabolism and growth through photosynthesis, but its effects acting through individual climate metrics have not yet been well quantified. Understanding these effects is crucial for assessing the impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems. To describe the effects of solar irradiance on tree growth, we installed 110 automatic dendrometers in two old-growth mountain forest reserves in Central Europe, performed detailed terrestrial and aerial laser scanning to obtain precise tree profiles, and used these to simulate the sum of solar irradiance received by each tree on a daily basis. Generalized linear mixed-effect models were applied to simulate the probability of growth and the growth intensity over seven growing seasons. Our results demonstrated various contrasting effects of solar irradiance on the growth of canopy trees. On the one hand, the highest daily growth rates corresponded with the highest solar irradiance potentials (i.e. the longest photoperiod). Intense solar irradiance significantly decreased tree growth, through an increase in the vapor pressure deficit. These effects were consistent for all species but had different magnitude. Tree growth is the most effective on long rainy/cloudy days with low solar irradiance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tree growth is a key mechanism driving carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems. Environmental conditions are important regulators of tree growth that can vary considerably between nearby urban and rural forests. For example, trees growing in cities often experience hotter and drier conditions than their rural counterparts while also being exposed to higher levels of light, pollution, and nutrient inputs. However, the extent to which these intrinsic differences in the growing conditions of trees in urban versus rural forests influence tree growth response to climate is not well known. In this study, we tested for differences in the climate sensitivity of tree growth between urban and rural forests along a latitudinal transect in the eastern United States that included Boston, Massachusetts, New York City, New York, and Baltimore, Maryland. Using dendrochronology analyses of tree cores from 55 white oak trees (Quercus alba), 55 red maple trees (Acer rubrum), and 41 red oak trees (Quercus rubra) we investigated the impacts of heat stress and water stress on the radial growth of individual trees. Across our three-city study, we found that tree growth was more closely correlated with climate stress in the cooler climate cities of Boston and New York than in Baltimore. Furthermore, heat stress was a significant hindrance to tree growth in higher latitudes while the impacts of water stress appeared to be more evenly distributed across latitudes. We also found that the growth of oak trees, but not red maple trees, in the urban sites of Boston and New York City was more adversely impacted by heat stress than their rural counterparts, but we did not see these urban-rural differences in Maryland. Trees provide a wide range of important ecosystem services and increasing tree canopy cover was typically an important component of urban sustainability strategies. In light of our findings that urbanization can influence how tree growth responds to a warming climate, we suggest that municipalities consider these interactions when developing their tree-planting palettes and when estimating the capacity of urban forests to contribute to broader sustainability goals in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding how nutrient addition affects the tree growth is critical for assessing forest ecosystem function and processes, especially in the context of increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition. Subtropical forests are often considered N-rich and P-poor ecosystems, but few existing studies follow the traditional \"P limitation\" paradigm, possibly due to differences in nutrient requirements among trees of different size classes. We conducted a three-year fertilization experiment with four treatments (Control, N-treatment, P-treatment, and NP-treatment). We measured soil nutrient availability, leaf stoichiometry, and relative growth rate (RGR) of trees across three size classes (small, medium and large) in 64 plots. We found that N and NP-treatments increased the RGR of large trees. P-treatment increased the RGR of small trees. RGR was mainly affected by N addition, the total effect of P addition was only 10 % of that of N addition. The effect of nutrient addition on RGR was mainly regulated by leaf stoichiometry. This study reveals that nutrient limitation is size dependent, indicating that continuous unbalanced N and P deposition will inhibit the growth of small trees and increase the instability of subtropical forest stand structure, but may improve the carbon sink function of large trees.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The fraction of photosynthetically assimilated carbon that trees allocate to long-lasting woody biomass pools (biomass production efficiency - BPE), is a key metric of the forest carbon balance. Its apparent simplicity belies the complex interplay between underlying processes of photosynthesis, respiration, litter and fruit production, and tree growth that respond differently to climate variability. Whereas the magnitude of BPE has been routinely quantified in ecological studies, its temporal dynamics and responses to extreme events such as drought remain less well understood. Here, we combine long-term records of aboveground carbon increment (ACI) obtained from tree rings with stand-level gross primary productivity (GPP) from eddy covariance (EC) records to empirically quantify aboveground BPE (= ACI/GPP) and its interannual variability in two European beech forests (Hainich, DE-Hai, Germany; Sorø, DK-Sor, Denmark). We found significant negative correlations between BPE and a daily-resolved drought index at both sites, indicating that woody growth is de-prioritized under water limitation. During identified extreme years, early-season drought reduced same-year BPE by 29 % (Hainich, 2011), 31 % (Sorø, 2006), and 14 % (Sorø, 2013). By contrast, the 2003 late-summer drought resulted in a 17 % reduction of post-drought year BPE at Hainich. Across the entire EC period, the daily-to-seasonal drought response of BPE resembled that of ACI, rather than that of GPP. This indicates that BPE follows sink dynamics more closely than source dynamics, which appear to be decoupled given the distinctive climate response patterns of GPP and ACI. Based on our observations, we caution against estimating the magnitude and variability of the carbon sink in European beech (and likely other temperate forests) based on carbon fluxes alone. We also encourage comparable studies at other long-term EC measurement sites from different ecosystems to further constrain the BPE response to rare climatic events.





