transposon silencing

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the diverse heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) family play crucial roles in heterochromatin formation and maintenance. Despite the similar affinities of their chromodomains for di- and tri-methylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9me2/3), different HP1 proteins exhibit distinct chromatin-binding patterns, likely due to interactions with various specificity factors. Previously, we showed that the chromatin-binding pattern of the HP1 protein Rhino, a crucial factor of the Drosophila PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway, is largely defined by a DNA sequence-specific C2H2 zinc finger protein named Kipferl (Baumgartner et al., 2022). Here, we elucidate the molecular basis of the interaction between Rhino and its guidance factor Kipferl. Through phylogenetic analyses, structure prediction, and in vivo genetics, we identify a single amino acid change within Rhino\'s chromodomain, G31D, that does not affect H3K9me2/3 binding but disrupts the interaction between Rhino and Kipferl. Flies carrying the rhinoG31D mutation phenocopy kipferl mutant flies, with Rhino redistributing from piRNA clusters to satellite repeats, causing pronounced changes in the ovarian piRNA profile of rhinoG31D flies. Thus, Rhino\'s chromodomain functions as a dual-specificity module, facilitating interactions with both a histone mark and a DNA-binding protein.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The piRNA pathway in animal gonads functions as an \'RNA-based immune system\', serving to silence transposable elements and prevent inheritance of novel invaders. In Drosophila, this pathway relies on three gonad-specific Argonaute proteins (Argonaute-3, Aubergine and Piwi) that associate with 23-28 nucleotide piRNAs, directing the silencing of transposon-derived transcripts. Transposons constitute a primary driver of genome evolution, yet the evolution of piRNA pathway factors has not received in-depth exploration. Specifically, channel nuclear pore proteins, which impact piRNA processing, exhibit regions of rapid evolution in their promoters. Consequently, the question arises whether such a mode of evolution is a general feature of transposon silencing pathways.
    RESULTS: By employing genomic analysis of coding and promoter regions within genes that function in transposon silencing in Drosophila, we demonstrate that the promoters of germ cell-specific piRNA factors are undergoing rapid evolution. Our findings indicate that rapid promoter evolution is a common trait among piRNA factors engaged in germline silencing across insect species, potentially contributing to gene expression divergence in closely related taxa. Furthermore, we observe that the promoters of genes exclusively expressed in germ cells generally exhibit rapid evolution, with some divergence in gene expression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that increased germline promoter evolution, in partnership with other factors, could contribute to transposon silencing and evolution of species through differential expression of genes driven by invading transposons.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs) are non-coding RNA molecules that play various roles in metazoans. Among the sncRNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs) guide post-translational gene regulation during cellular development, proliferation, apoptosis, and differentiation, while PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) suppress transposon activity to safeguard the genome from detrimental insertion mutagenesis. While an increasing number of piRNAs are being identified in the soma and germlines of various organisms, they are scarcely reported in molluscs. To unravel the small RNA (sRNA) expression patterns and genomic function in molluscs, we generated a comprehensive sRNA dataset by sRNA sequencing (sRNA-seq) of eight mollusc species. Abundant miRNAs were identified and characterized in all investigated molluscs, and ubiquitous piRNAs were discovered in both somatic and gonadal tissues in six of the investigated molluscs, which are more closely associated with transposon silencing. Tens of piRNA clusters were also identified based on the genomic mapping results, which varied among different tissues and species. Our dataset serves as important reference data for future genomic and genetic studies on sRNAs in these molluscs and related species, especially in elucidating the ancestral state of piRNAs in bilaterians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nuclear Piwi/Piwi-interacting RNA complexes mediate co-transcriptional silencing of transposable elements by inducing local heterochromatin formation. In Drosophila, sumoylation plays an essential role in the assembly of the silencing complex; however, the molecular mechanism by which the sumoylation machinery is recruited to the transposon loci is poorly understood. Here, we show that the Drosophila E3 SUMO-ligase Su(var)2-10 directly binds to the Piwi protein. This interaction is mediated by the SUMO-interacting motif-like (SIM-like) structure in the C-terminal domain of Su(var)2-10. We demonstrated that the SIM-like structure binds to a special region found in the MID domain of the Piwi protein, the structure of which is highly similar to the SIM-binding pocket of SUMO proteins. Abrogation of the Su(var)2-10-binding surface of the Piwi protein resulted in transposon derepression in the ovary of adult flies. Based on our results, we propose a model in which the Piwi protein initiates local sumoylation in the silencing complex by recruiting Su(var)2-10 to the transposon loci.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are understudied and underannotated in plants. In mammals, lncRNA loci are nearly as ubiquitous as protein-coding genes, and their expression is highly variable between individuals of the same species. Using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model, we aimed to elucidate the true scope of lncRNA transcription across plants from different regions and study its natural variation. We used transcriptome deep sequencing data sets spanning hundreds of natural accessions and several developmental stages to create a population-wide annotation of lncRNAs, revealing thousands of previously unannotated lncRNA loci. While lncRNA transcription is ubiquitous in the genome, most loci appear to be actively silenced and their expression is extremely variable between natural accessions. This high expression variability is largely caused by the high variability of repressive chromatin levels at lncRNA loci. High variability was particularly common for intergenic lncRNAs (lincRNAs), where pieces of transposable elements (TEs) present in 50% of these lincRNA loci are associated with increased silencing and variation, and such lncRNAs tend to be targeted by the TE silencing machinery. We created a population-wide lncRNA annotation in Arabidopsis and improve our understanding of plant lncRNA genome biology, raising fundamental questions about what causes transcription and silencing across the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA-directed transposon silencing operates in the mammalian soma and germline to safeguard genomic integrity. The piRNA pathway and the HUSH complex identify active transposons through recognition of their nascent transcripts, but mechanistic understanding of how these distinct pathways evolved is lacking. TASOR is an essential component of the HUSH complex. TASOR\'s DUF3715 domain adopts a pseudo-PARP structure and is required for transposon silencing in a manner independent of complex assembly. TEX15, an essential piRNA pathway factor, also contains the DUF3715 domain. Here, we show that TASOR\'s and TEX15\'s DUF3715 domain share extensive structural homology. We found that the DUF3715 domain arose in early eukaryotes and that in vertebrates it is restricted to TEX15, TASOR, and TASORB orthologs. While TASOR-like proteins are found throughout metazoa, TEX15 is vertebrate-specific. The branching of TEX15 and the TASOR-like DUF3715 domain likely occurred in early metazoan evolution. Remarkably, despite this vast evolutionary distance, the DUF3715 domain from divergent TEX15 sequences can functionally substitute the DUF3715 domain of TASOR and mediates transposon silencing. We have thus termed this domain of unknown function as the RNA-directed pseudo-PARP transposon silencing (RDTS) domain. In summary, we show an unexpected functional link between these critical transposon silencing pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetics are the heritable changes in gene expression patterns which occur without altering DNA sequence. These changes are reversible and do not change the sequence of the DNA but can alter the way in which the DNA sequences are read. Epigenetic modifications are induced by DNA methylation, histone modification, and RNA-mediated mechanisms which alter the gene expression, primarily at the transcriptional level. Such alterations do control genome activity through transcriptional silencing of transposable elements thereby contributing toward genome stability. Plants being sessile in nature are highly susceptible to the extremes of changing environmental conditions. This increases the likelihood of epigenetic modifications within the composite network of genes that affect the developmental changes of a plant species. Genetic and epigenetic reprogramming enhances the growth and development, imparts phenotypic plasticity, and also ensures flowering under stress conditions without changing the genotype for several generations. Epigenetic modifications hold an immense significance during the development of male and female gametophytes, fertilization, embryogenesis, fruit formation, and seed germination. In this review, we focus on the mechanism of epigenetic modifications and their dynamic role in maintaining the genomic integrity during plant development and reproduction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transposable elements (TEs) have been extensively studied for decades. In recent years, the introduction of whole-genome and whole-transcriptome approaches, as well as single-cell resolution techniques, provided a breakthrough that uncovered TE involvement in host gene expression regulation underlying multiple normal and pathological processes. Of particular interest is increased TE activity in neuronal tissue, and specifically in the hippocampus, that was repeatedly demonstrated in multiple experiments. On the other hand, numerous neuropathologies are associated with TE dysregulation. Here, we provide a comprehensive review of literature about the role of TEs in neurons published over the last three decades. The first chapter of the present review describes known mechanisms of TE interaction with host genomes in general, with the focus on mammalian and human TEs; the second chapter provides examples of TE exaptation in normal neuronal tissue, including TE involvement in neuronal differentiation and plasticity; and the last chapter lists TE-related neuropathologies. We sought to provide specific molecular mechanisms of TE involvement in neuron-specific processes whenever possible; however, in many cases, only phenomenological reports were available. This underscores the importance of further studies in this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) represents the most appropriate tool for next-generation breeding methods in woody plants such as grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). However, in this species the SE competence is strongly genotype dependent and the molecular basis of this phenomenon is poorly understood. We explored the genetic and epigenetic basis of SE in grapevine by profiling the transcriptome, epigenome and small RNAome of undifferentiated, embryogenic, and non-embryogenic callus tissues derived from two genotypes differing in competence for SE, Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon. During the successful formation of embryonic callus, we observed the upregulation of epigenetic-related transcripts and short interfering RNAs in association with DNA hypermethylation at transposable elements in both varieties. Nevertheless, the switch to non-embryonic development matched the incomplete reinforcement of transposon silencing, and the evidence of such effect was more apparent in the recalcitrant Cabernet Sauvignon. Transcriptomic differences between the two genotypes were maximized already at early stage of culture where the recalcitrant variety expressed a broad panel of genes related to stress responses and secondary metabolism. Our data provide a different angle on the SE molecular dynamics that can be exploited to leverage SE as a biotechnological tool for fruit crop breeding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    piRNAs guide Piwi/Panoramix-dependent H3K9me3 chromatin modification and transposon silencing during Drosophila germline development. The THO RNA export complex is composed of Hpr1, Tho2, and Thoc5-7. Null thoc7 mutations, which displace Thoc5 and Thoc6 from a Tho2-Hpr1 subcomplex, reduce expression of a subset of germline piRNAs and increase transposon expression, suggesting that THO silences transposons by promoting piRNA biogenesis. Here, we show that the thoc7-null mutant combination increases transposon transcription but does not reduce anti-sense piRNAs targeting half of the transcriptionally activated transposon families. These mutations also fail to reduce piRNA-guided H3K9me3 chromatin modification or block Panoramix-dependent silencing of a reporter transgene, and unspliced transposon transcripts co-precipitate with THO through a Piwi- and Panoramix-independent mechanism. Mutations in piwi also dominantly enhance germline defects associated with thoc7-null alleles. THO thus functions in a piRNA-independent transposon-silencing pathway, which acts cooperatively with Piwi to support germline development.





