transport function

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tributyltin chloride (TBTC) is a ubiquitous environmental pollutant with various adverse effects on human health. Exosomes are cell - derived signaling and substance transport vesicles. This investigation aimed to explore whether exosomes could impact the toxic effects caused by TBTC via their transport function. Cytotoxicity, DNA and chromosome damage caused by TBTC on MCF-7 cells were analyzed with CCK-8, flow cytometry, comet assay and micronucleus tests, respectively. Exosomal characterization and quantitative analysis were performed with ultracentrifugation, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and bicinchoninic acid (BCA) methods. TBTC content in exosomes was detected with Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS). The impacts of exosomal secretion on the toxic effects of TBTC were analyzed. Our data indicated that TBTC caused significant cytotoxicity, DNA and chromosome damage effects on MCF-7 cells, and a significantly increased exosomal secretion. Importantly, TBTC could be transported out of MCF-7 cells by exosomes. Further, when exosomal secretion was blocked with GW4869, the toxic effects of TBTC were significantly exacerbated. We concluded that TBTC promoted exosomal secretion, which in turn transported TBTC out of the source cells to alleviate its toxic effects. This investigation provided a novel insight into the role and mechanism of exosomal release under TBTC stress.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drug transporters are essential players in the transmembrane transport of a wide variety of clinical drugs. The broad substrate spectra and versatile distribution pattern of these membrane proteins infer their pharmacological and clinical significance. With our accumulating knowledge on the three-dimensional structure of drug transporters, their oligomerization status has become a topic of intense study due to the possible functional roles carried out by such kind of post-translational modification (PTM). In-depth studies of oligomeric complexes formed among drug transporters as well as their interactions with other regulatory proteins can help us better understand the regulatory mechanisms of these membrane proteins, provide clues for the development of novel drugs, and improve the therapeutic efficacy. In this review, we describe different oligomerization forms as well as their structural basis of major drug transporters in the ATP-binding cassette and solute carrier superfamilies, summarize our current knowledge on the influence of oligomerization for protein expression level and transport function of these membrane proteins, and discuss the regulatory mechanisms of oligomerization. Finally, we highlight the challenges associated with the current oligomerization studies and propose some thoughts on the pharmaceutical application of this important drug transporter PTM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The monoamine transporters, including the serotonin transporter (SERT), dopamine transporter (DAT), and norepinephrine transporter (NET), are the therapeutic targets for the treatment of many neuropsychiatric disorders. Despite significant progress in characterizing the structures and transport mechanisms of these transporters, the regulation of their transport functions through dimerization or oligomerization remains to be understood. In the present study, we identified a conserved intramolecular ion-pair at the third extracellular loop (EL3) connecting TM5 and TM6 that plays a critical but divergent role in the modulation of dimerization and transport functions among the monoamine transporters. The disruption of the ion-pair interactions by mutations induced a significant spontaneous cross-linking of a cysteine mutant of SERT and an increase in cell surface expression but with an impaired specific transport activity. On the other hand, similar mutations of the corresponding ion-pair residues in both DAT and NET resulted in an opposite effect on their oxidation-induced dimerization, cell surface expression, and transport function. Reversible biotinylation experiments indicated that the ion-pair mutations slowed down the internalization of SERT but stimulated the internalization of DAT. In addition, cysteine accessibility measurements for monitoring SERT conformational changes indicated that substitution of the ion-pair residues resulted in profound effects on the rate constants for cysteine modification in both the extracellular and cytoplasmatic substrate permeation pathways. Furthermore, molecular dynamics simulations showed that the ion-pair mutations increased the interfacial interactions in a SERT dimer but decreased it in a DAT dimer. Taken together, we propose that the transport function is modulated by the equilibrium between monomers and dimers on the cell surface, which is regulated by a potential compensatory mechanism but with different molecular solutions among the monoamine transporters. The present study provided new insights into the structural elements regulating the transport function of the monoamine transporters through their dimerization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) is specifically expressed at the basolateral membrane of human hepatocytes and plays important roles in the uptake of various endogenous and exogenous compounds including many drugs. The proper functioning of OATP1B1, hence, is essential for the bioavailability of various therapeutic agents and needs to be tightly regulated. Dileucine-based signals are involved in lysosomal targeting, internalization, and trans-Golgi network to endosome transporting of membrane proteins. In the current study, we analyzed the 3 intracellular and 13 transmembrane dileucine motifs (DLMs) within the sequence of OATP1B1. It was found that the simultaneous replacement of I332 and L333 with alanine resulted in a significantly reduced level of the mature form of OATP1B1. The cell surface expression of I332A/L333A could be partially rescued by MG132, as well as agents that prevent clathrin-dependent protein internalization, suggesting that this dileucine motif may be involved in the endocytosis of OATP1B1. On the other hand, I376/L377 and I642/L643, which are localized at transmembrane helices (TM) 8 and 12, respectively, are involved in the interaction of the transporter with its substrates. I642A/L643A exhibited a significantly decreased protein level compared to that of the wild-type, implying that the motif is important for maintaining the stability of OATP1B1 as well.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Some biomarkers in drained dialyzate or peritoneal membrane have been found related to the dialyzate/plasma ratio of creatinine at 4 h (D/P Cr) in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis (PD). But so far, there is no report on serum markers. Some biomarkers are associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Chemerin is a multifunctional chemoattractant adipokine which plays important roles in inflammation, adipogenesis, and metabolism. We intended to investigate the role of chemerin in the peritoneal membrane transport function and CVDs in incident PD patients.
    This prospective cohort study was conducted in our PD center. The patients underwent initial standardized peritoneal equilibration test after PD for 4-6 weeks. Level of serum chemerin was determined via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The patients\' CVDs were recorded during the follow-up period.
    151 eligible patients with a mean age of 46.59 ± 13.52 years were enrolled, and the median duration of PD was 25.0 months. The median concentration of serum chemerin was 29.09 ng/mL. Baseline D/P Cr was positively correlated with serum chemerin (r = 0.244, p = 0.003). The multivariate analyses revealed that serum chemerin (p = 0.002), age (p = 0.041), albumin (p = 0.000), and high-density lipoprotein (p = 0.022) were independent factors of D/P Cr. The serum chemerin level was significantly higher in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients than that of patients without DM (36.45 ng/mL vs. 27.37 ng/mL, p = 0.000), and there was a significant statistical difference in CVDs between the high chemerin group (≥29.09 ng/mL) and low chemerin group (<29.09 ng/mL) (42 vs. 21%, p = 0.009).
    Serum chemerin has a positive correlation with baseline D/P Cr in incident PD patients. It may be a biomarker that can predict the baseline transport function of the peritoneal membrane, and serum chemerin may be a risk factor of CVDs for incident PD patients. Multicenter studies with a larger sample size are warranted in the future.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycine transporter 1 (GlyT1) is responsible for the reuptake of glycine, which regulates glutamate signaling as a co-agonist with N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors in the excitatory synapse and has been proposed to be a potential target in the development of therapies for a broad range of disorders of the central nervous system. Despite significant progress in characterizing structure and transport mechanism of the transporter, the regulation of transport function through oligomerization remains to be understood. In the present work, association of two forms of GlyT1 into dimers and higher order oligomers was detected by coimmunoprecipitation. To investigate functional properties of dimers of a GlyT1 cysteine mutant L288C, we performed oxidative cross-linking of the positioned cysteine residues in extracellular loop 3 (EL3) near the extracellular end of TM6. By analyzing the effect of copper phenanthroline (CuP)-induced dimerization on transport function, cross-linking of L288C was found to inhibit transport activity. In addition, an intramolecular ion pair Lys286-Glu289 was revealed to be critical for stabilizing EL3 in a conformation that modulates CuP-induced dimerization and transport function of the GlyT1 L288C mutant. Furthermore, the influence of transporter conformation on GlyT1 L288C dimerization was investigated. The substrate glycine, in the presence of both Na+ and Cl-, significantly reduced oxidative cross-linking, suggesting a large-scale rotation of the bundle domain during substrate transport impairs interfacial interactions between L288C protomers. The present study provides new insights into structural and functional elements regulating GlyT1 transport activity through its dimerization or oligomerization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Individual differences in the response to fentanyl, which may be caused by different concentrations of the drug in the central nervous system, can complicate analgesic treatment. It has been reported that the organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) at the blood‑brain barrier (BBB) in Sprague‑Dawley rats may serve an important role in the transport of fentanyl across the BBB. However, whether human OATP can transport fentanyl has thus far not been reported. The present study aimed to establish a 293 cell line stably overexpressing OATP1A2, and to determine whether OATP1A2 is able to transport fentanyl across the plasma membrane. Initially, 293 cells were transfected with an OATP1A2‑expressing plasmid (referred to as 293‑OATP1A2 cells), and single colonies were selected and characterized following geneticin treatment. Subsequently, reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blot analyses were conducted to verify the transfection efficiency. Furthermore, treatment of 293‑OATP1A2 cells with different concentrations of fexofenadine (FEX) and fentanyl was performed to investigate the transport function of OATP1A2 in 293 cells. FEX and fentanyl uptake experiments were also performed with naringenin, an inhibitor of OATP1A2. The results indicated that FEX and fentanyl uptake was significantly increased in 293‑OATP1A2 cells compared with that in the control‑transfected cells. The 293‑OATP1A2‑mediated uptake of FEX at concentration of 100 nM FEX was ~10‑fold higher than that of 293‑VC cells. The 293‑OATP1A2‑mediated uptake of fentanyl (100 nM) was 5.1‑fold higher compared with that in 293‑VC cells. In 293‑OATP1A2 cells, the uptake of FEX without OATP1A2 inhibitor naringenin (100 µg/ml) was 2.8‑fold higher compared with that in the presence of naringenin, and the uptake of fentanyl without naringenin was 7.3‑fold higher compared with that in the presence of naringenin (100 µg/ml). In conclusion, 293 cells that overexpressed OATP1A2 were successfully constructed, and OATP1A2 was revealed to mediate fentanyl uptake in the cultured cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the metabolism of pulmonary surfactant, the ATP-binding cassette sub-family A member 3 (ABCA3) is a crucial protein in the formation of the storage compartment for surfactant, the lamellar body (LB), and the transport of phospholipids in it. Mutations in ABCA3 not only disturb surfactant metabolism but also cause chronic interstitial lung diseases. Assays for ABCA3 transport function are needed to investigate pathophysiology of the mutations and treatment options for the patients. We metabolically labeled choline (Cho) head phospholipids with the Cho analogue, propargyl-Cho. The universal incorporation of propargyl-Cho was confirmed by mass spectrometry and labeled lipids were visualized in confocal microscopy by click reaction with an azide fluorophore. After pulse-labeling propargyl-Cho labeled lipids accumulated in ABCA3+ vesicles in a time and concentration dependent manner. When treated with the choline kinase inhibitor MN58b during the first 12 h, the lipids intensity inside ABCA3+ vesicles decreased, whereas intensity was unchanged when treated after 12 h. Miltefosine, a substrate of ABCA3, decreased the incorporation of labeled lipids in ABCA3+ vesicles at all time points. The lipids intensity inside the mutated (p.N568D or p.L1580P) ABCA3+ vesicles was decreased compared to wild type, while the intensity outside of vesicles showed no difference. Propargyl-Cho can metabolically pulse-label Cho phospholipids. Visualization and quantification of fluorescence intensity of the labeled lipids inside ABCA3+ vesicles at equilibrium can specifically assess the transport function of ABCA3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The understanding of the nucleotide/P2 receptor system in the regulation of renal hemodynamics and transport function has grown exponentially over the last 20 yr. This review attempts to integrate the available data while also identifying areas of missing information. First, the determinants of nucleotide concentrations in the interstitial and tubular fluids of the kidney are described, including mechanisms of cellular release of nucleotides and their extracellular breakdown. Then the renal cell membrane expression of P2X and P2Y receptors is discussed in the context of their effects on renal vascular and tubular functions. Attention is paid to effects on the cortical vasculature and intraglomerular structures, autoregulation of renal blood flow, tubuloglomerular feedback, and the control of medullary blood flow. The role of the nucleotide/P2 receptor system in the autocrine/paracrine regulation of sodium and fluid transport in the tubular and collecting duct system is outlined together with its role in integrative sodium and fluid homeostasis and blood pressure control. The final section summarizes the rapidly growing evidence indicating a prominent role of the extracellular nucleotide/P2 receptor system in the pathophysiology of the kidney and aims to identify potential therapeutic opportunities, including hypertension, lithium-induced nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease, and kidney inflammation. We are only beginning to unravel the distinct physiological and pathophysiological influences of the extracellular nucleotide/P2 receptor system and the associated therapeutic perspectives.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    PHT2, a member of the proton-coupled oligopeptide transporter family, participates in the transportation of small peptides and histidine from lysosomes to the cytosol. It facilitates maintenance of intracellular peptide homeostasis. However, it remains a challenge to elucidate the functional properties of PHT2 due to its localization in the lysosomal membrane. The aim of this study was to explore the transport function and substrate properties of human PHT2 (hPHT2) by transfecting Madin-Darby canine kidney cells with hPHT2 mutants to obtain stably expressed protein in the cell membrane. Using this cell model, we found that the transport activity of hPHT2 reached a maximum capacity when the extracellular pH was 5.5. hPHT2 showed relatively low affinity for Gly-Sar and relatively high affinity for d3-L-histidine, with Km values of 428 ± 88 μM and 66.9 ± 5.7 μM, respectively. Several typical substrates or inhibitors of PEPT1 and PEPT2, including valacyclovir, Gly-Gly-Gly, and cefadroxil but not 5-aminolevulinic acid or captopril, were proven to be substrates of hPHT2. However, hPHT2 showed low affinity for valacyclovir with a Km value of 5350 ± 1234 μM. In conclusion, this study established a suitable and efficient cell model to explore the function of hPHT2 in vitro and provided important information on the transport activity and substrate properties of hPHT2.





