translation elongation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Translation is a fundamental process of life. In eukaryotes, the elongation step of translation is highly conserved and is driven by eukaryotic translation elongation factors (eEF)1A and eEF2. A significant variation of the elongation is the activity of eukaryotic elongation factor (eEF) 3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae encoded by the gene yeast elongation factor (YEF3) with orthologs in all fungal species, a few algae, and some protists. In S. cerevisiae, YEF3 is an essential gene and eEF3 plays a critical role in translation elongation, as it promotes binding of the ternary complex acylated-Transfer RNA (tRNA)-eEF1A-Guanosine-5\'-triphosphate (GTP) to the aminoacyl (A) site of the ribosome, the release of uncharged tRNAs after peptide translocation, and ribosome recycling. Even though YEF3 was discovered more than 40 years ago, eEF3 has been characterized almost exclusively in S. cerevisiae.
    UNASSIGNED: We undertook an in vivo genetic approach to assess the functional conservation of eEF3 across phylogenetically distant fungal species.
    UNASSIGNED: We found that eEF3 from Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Candida glabrata (both belonging to phylum Ascomycota), Ustilago maydis (phylum Basidiomycota), and Gonapodya prolifera (phylum Monoblepharomycota), but not Aspergillus nidulans (phylum Ascomycota), supported the growth of S. cerevisiae lacking the endogenous YEF3 gene. We also proved that eEF3 is an essential gene in the ascomycetes C. glabrata and A. nidulans.
    UNASSIGNED: Given that most existing knowledge on fungal translation has only been obtained from S. cerevisiae, our findings beyond this organism showed variability in the elongation process in Fungi. We also proved that eEF3 is essential in pathogenic fungi, opening the possibility of using eEF3 as a target to fight candidiasis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ergosterols are essential components of fungal plasma membranes. Inhibitors targeting ergosterol biosynthesis (ERG) genes are critical for controlling fungal pathogens, including Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungus that causes rice blast. However, the translational mechanisms governing ERG gene expression remain largely unexplored. Here, we show that the Trm6/Trm61 complex catalyzes dynamic N1-methyladenosine at position 58 (m1A58) in 51 transfer RNAs (tRNAs) of M. oryzae, significantly influencing translation at both the initiation and elongation stages. Notably, tRNA m1A58 promotes elongation speed at most cognate codons mainly by enhancing eEF1-tRNA binding rather than affecting tRNA abundance or charging. The absence of m1A58 leads to substantial decreases in the translation of ERG genes, ergosterol production, and, consequently, fungal virulence. Simultaneously targeting the Trm6/Trm61 complex and the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway markedly improves rice blast control. Our findings demonstrate an important role of m1A58-mediated translational regulation in ergosterol production and fungal infection, offering a potential strategy for fungicide development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosomes are universally conserved cellular machines that catalyze protein biosynthesis. The active sites underly immense evolutionary conservation resulting in virtually identical core structures of ribosomes in all domains of life including organellar ribosomes. However, more peripheral structures of cytosolic ribosomes changed during evolution accommodating new functions and regulatory options. The expansion occurred at the riboprotein level, including more and larger ribosomal proteins and at the RNA level increasing the length of ribosomal RNA. Expansions within the ribosomal RNA occur as clusters at conserved sites that face toward the periphery of the cytosolic ribosome. Recent biochemical and structural work has shed light on how rRNA-specific expansion segments (ESs) recruit factors during translation and how they modulate translation dynamics in the cytosol. Here we focus on recent work on yeast, human and trypanosomal cytosolic ribosomes that explores the role of two specific rRNA ESs within the small and large subunit respectively. While no single regulatory strategy exists, the absence of ESs has consequences for proteomic stability and cellular fitness, rendering them fascinating evolutionary tools for tailored protein biosynthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Different bacterial species have dramatically different generation times, from 20-30 min in Escherichia coli to about two weeks in Mycobacterium leprae. The translation machinery in a cell needs to synthesize all proteins for a new cell in each generation. The three subprocesses of translation, i.e., initiation, elongation, and termination, are expected to be under stronger selection pressure to optimize in short-generation bacteria (SGB) such as Vibrio natriegens than in the long-generation Mycobacterium leprae. The initiation efficiency depends on the start codon decoded by the initiation tRNA, the optimal Shine-Dalgarno (SD) decoded by the anti-SD (aSD) sequence on small subunit rRNA, and the secondary structure that may embed the initiation signals and prevent them from being decoded. The elongation efficiency depends on the tRNA pool and codon usage. The termination efficiency in bacteria depends mainly on the nature of the stop codon and the nucleotide immediately downstream of the stop codon. By contrasting SGB with long-generation bacteria (LGB), we predict (1) SGB to have more ribosome RNA operons to produce ribosomes, and more tRNA genes for carrying amino acids to ribosomes, (2) SGB to have a higher percentage of genes using AUG as the start codon and UAA as the stop codon than LGB, (3) SGB to exhibit better codon and anticodon adaptation than LGB, and (4) SGB to have a weaker secondary structure near the translation initiation signals than LGB. These differences between SGB and LGB should be more pronounced in highly expressed genes than the rest of the genes. We present empirical evidence in support of these predictions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protein synthesis from mRNA is an energy-intensive and strictly controlled biological process. Translation elongation is a well-coordinated and multifactorial step in translation that ensures the accurate and efficient addition of amino acids to a growing nascent-peptide chain encoded in the sequence of messenger RNA (mRNA). Which undergoes dynamic regulation due to cellular state and environmental determinants. An expanding body of research points to translational elongation as a crucial process that controls the translation of an mRNA through multiple feedback mechanisms. Molecular chaperones are key players in protein homeostasis to keep the balance between protein synthesis, folding, assembly, and degradation. Chaperonin-containing tailless complex polypeptide 1 (CCT) or tailless complex polypeptide 1 ring complex (TRiC) is an essential eukaryotic molecular chaperone that plays an essential role in assisting cellular protein folding and suppressing protein aggregation. In this review, we give an overview of the factors that influence translation elongation, focusing on different functions of molecular chaperones in translation elongation, including how they affect translation rates and post-translational modifications. We also provide an understanding of the mechanisms by which the molecular chaperone CCT plays multiple roles in the elongation phase of eukaryotic protein synthesis.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The rate of protein synthesis is slower than many folding reactions and varies depending on the synonymous codons encoding the protein sequence. Synonymous codon substitutions thus have the potential to regulate cotranslational protein folding mechanisms, and a growing number of proteins have been identified with folding mechanisms sensitive to codon usage. Typically, these proteins have complex folding pathways and kinetically stable native structures. Kinetically stable proteins may fold only once over their lifetime, and thus, codon-mediated regulation of the pioneer round of protein folding can have a lasting impact. Supporting an important role for codon usage in folding, conserved patterns of codon usage appear in homologous gene families, hinting at selection. Despite these exciting developments, there remains few experimental methods capable of quantifying translation elongation rates and cotranslational folding mechanisms in the cell, which challenges the development of a predictive understanding of how biology uses codons to regulate protein folding.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chloroplasts are the organelles responsible for photosynthesis and regulate normal plant growth. Although translation elongation factors play important roles in chloroplast development, functional studies of chloroplast translation elongation factors in higher plants remain very sparse. Here, we obtained a rice mutant exhibiting seedling-lethal albino phenotype and named it albino and lethal seedling 1 (als1). Consistently, low content of photosynthetic pigments, malformed chloroplasts and defective photosynthesis were observed in als1 mutant leaves. Map-based cloning experiment showed that als1 mutant had a T base insertion in Os02g0595700, causing a frame shift and premature stop codon. ALS1 encoded a GTP-binding protein EF-Tu, which acts as a translation elongation factor in chloroplast protein translation. ALS1 was found to be expressed throughout plant with highest expression level in young leaves. Moreover, ALS1 was located in chloroplast, whereas the truncated als1 could not normally be located in chloroplast. Additionally, the ALS1 mutation significantly influenced the expression of downstream genes, such as genes relevant to chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosynthesis as well as chloroplast development. These results show that ALS1 acts as a key regulator of chloroplast development and plant growth.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ribosomal pauses are a critical part of cotranslational events including protein folding and localization. However, extended ribosome pauses can lead to ribosome collisions, resulting in the activation of ribosome rescue pathways and turnover of protein and mRNA. While this relationship has been known, there has been little exploration of how ribosomal stalls impact translation duration at a quantitative level. We have taken a method used to measure elongation time and adapted it for use in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to quantify the impact of elongation stalls. We find, in transcripts containing Arg CGA codon repeat-induced stalls, a Hel2-mediated dose-dependent decrease in protein expression and mRNA level and an elongation delay on the order of minutes. In transcripts that contain synonymous substitutions to nonoptimal Leu codons, there is a decrease in protein and mRNA levels, as well as similar elongation delay, but this occurs through a non-Hel2-mediated mechanism. Finally, we find that Dhh1 selectively increases protein expression, mRNA level, and elongation rate. This indicates that distinct poorly translated mRNAs will activate different rescue pathways despite similar elongation stall durations. Taken together, these results provide new quantitative mechanistic insight into the surveillance of translation and the roles of Hel2 and Dhh1 in mediating ribosome pausing events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA translation is tightly controlled in eukaryotic cells to regulate gene expression and maintain proteome homeostasis. RNA binding proteins, translation factors, and cell signaling pathways all modulate the translation process. Defective translation is involved in multiple neurological diseases including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and poses a major public health challenge worldwide. Over the past few years, tremendous advances have been made in the understanding of the genetics and pathogenesis of ALS. Dysfunction of RNA metabolisms, including RNA translation, has been closely associated with ALS. Here, we first introduce the general mechanisms of translational regulation under physiological and stress conditions and review well-known examples of translation defects in neurodegenerative diseases. We then focus on ALS-linked genes and discuss the recent progress on how translation is affected by various mutant genes and the repeat expansion-mediated non-canonical translation in ALS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In vitro translation systems are a useful biochemical tool to research translational regulation. Although the preparation of translation-competent cell extracts from mammals has often been a challenge, the commercially available rabbit reticulocyte lysate (RRL) is an exception. However, its valid use, investigating the mechanism of translation machinery such as ribosomes in RRL, presents an analytic hurdle. To overcome this issue, the hybrid translation system, which is based on the supplementation of purified human ribosomes into ribosome-depleted RRL, has been developed. Here, we describe the step-by-step protocol of this system to study translation driven by ribosomes lacking post-translational modifications of the ribosomal protein. Moreover, we combined this approach with a previously developed reporter mRNA to assess the processivity of translation elongation. This protocol could be used to study the potency of heterologous ribosomes.





