transference focused psychotherapy

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The following case study provides a description of the transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) treatment of a young man diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). TFP is an individual, psychodynamic therapy developed to treat a range of personality disorders. TFP is evidence-based for the treatment of borderline personality disorder and has been adapted for the treatment of NPD. This case illustrates the application of the strategies and techniques of TFP to treatment of NPD as well as challenges clinicians may face in arriving at timely diagnosis of the disorder. Although no specific treatment for NPD has been empirically validated, TFP utilizes the therapeutic techniques identified across modalities for successful treatment of pathological narcissism. This report describes how treatment interventions such as goal setting, developing a therapeutic alliance, using a treatment contract and addressing treatment interfering behaviors contributed to this patient\'s improvement in self-reflection, formation of healthier and more flexible ideas about self and other, increased self-agency, tolerance of normative disillusionments and increase in empathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Engaging the silent adolescent is a major psychotherapeutic challenge. This article presents a comprehensive approach to this problem, illustrated with clinical material. This approach emphasizes a careful diagnostic assessment, including an assessment of the patient\'s level of personality organization and capacities to participate in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Three approaches to the silent teenager are explored in depth: a mostly supportive approach focused on containment of maladaptive behaviors; a psychodynamic approach with supportive elements focused on demonstrating safety through humor, play, normalization, and self-disclosure while exploring the patient\'s automatic relationship patterns; and a psychodynamic approach using transference-focused psychotherapy for adolescents (TFP-A), aimed at effecting long-lasting changes in the patient\'s views of self and others and their characteristic ways of managing conflict and stress, with gradual movement from a tendency for controlling, protective silence to vulnerable, cooperative sharing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Borderline personality disorder is associated with predominant insecure and unresolved attachment representations, linked history of trauma, impaired cognitive functioning and oxytocin levels, and higher limbic activations. Two randomized clinical trials on transference-focused psychotherapy assessed change of attachment representation and reflective functioning. The first showed that transference-focused psychotherapy was superior, demonstrating significant improvements toward attachment security and higher reflective functioning. The second randomized clinical trial study on transference-focused psychotherapy compared with therapy as usual replicated these results and additionally showed a significant shift from unresolved to organized attachment in the transference-focused psychotherapy group only, suggesting its effectiveness in traumatized patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transference Focused Psychotherapy for Borderline-Adolescents in a Day Clinic Treatment Program This paper focuses on the concept of transference focused psychotherapy (TFP) modified for juvenile borderline patients. Adolescents with borderline developmental personality disorder (bpd) have an essential deficit in their personality structure that leads to oscillations in their self-esteem and in a \"split\" perception of the world. They suffer from a variety of symptoms and severe impairments on their own and their families\' quality of life. Their fragmented perception of themselves and others make relationships almost unbearable for them. Relationships are mostly marked by severe anxiety of resentment and rejection. For these patients this causes intolerable trouble at school where every day conflicts take place. Self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts often seem the only way out. By now, there is an agreement that an early specialized assessment and treatment is necessary in order to stop the typical consequences of their self-mutilative and dysfunctional behavior. Still, in contrast to adult age, empirical evidence is missing which proves the effectiveness of treating adolescent borderline patients. In this paper we present a research project on the effectiveness of transference focused psychotherapy with adolescent borderline patients (TFP-A) in a day clinic setting, combining TFP with group skills training as known from dialectic behavior therapy (DBT). Furthermore, we give first results on analyzing the effectiveness of our day clinic treatment program based on TFP-A, focusing on improving core symptoms such as affective problems, aggressive behavior against self and others and interpersonal problems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Knowing what predicts discontinuation or success of psychotherapies for Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is important to improve treatments. Many variables have been reported in the literature, but replication is needed and investigating what therapy process underlies the findings is necessary to understand why variables predict outcome. Using data of an RCT comparing Schema Therapy and Transference Focused Psychotherapy as treatments for BPD, variables derived from the literature were tested as predictors of discontinuation and treatment success. Participants were 86 adult outpatients (80 women, mean age 30.5 years) with a primary diagnosis of BPD who had on average received 3 previous treatment modalities. First, single predictors were tested with logistic regression, controlling for treatment type (and medication use in case of treatment success). Next, with multivariate backward logistic regression essential predictors were detected. Baseline hostility and childhood physical abuse predicted treatment discontinuation. Baseline subjective burden of dissociation predicted a smaller chance of recovery. A second study demonstrated that in-session dissociation, assessed from session audiotapes, mediated the observed effects of baseline dissociation on recovery, indicating that dissociation during sessions interferes with treatment effectiveness. The results suggest that specifically addressing high hostility, childhood abuse, and in-session dissociation might reduce dropout and lack of effectiveness of treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This article presents a therapeutic approach for patients with severe personality disorders, transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP), a manualized evidence-based treatment, which integrates contemporary object relations theory with attachment theory and research. Case material is presented from a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) patient in TFP whose primary presenting problems were in the arena of sexuality and love relations, and whose attachment state of mind showed evidence of oscillation between dismissing and preoccupied mechanisms. Clinical process material is presented to illustrate the tactics and techniques of TFP and how they have been refined for treatment of individuals with NPD. The ways in which conflicts around sexuality and love relations were lived out in the transference is delineated with a focus on the interpretation of devalued and idealized representations of self and others, both of which are key components of the compensatory grandiose self that defensively protects the individual from an underlying sense of vulnerability and imperfection.





