
毒素 - 抗毒素
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial ubiquitous Toxin-Antitoxin (TA) systems are considered to be important survival mechanisms during stress conditions. In regular environmental conditions, the antitoxin blocks the toxin, whereas during imbalanced conditions, the antitoxin concentration decreases, exposing the bacteria cell to a range of toxic events. The most evident consequence of this disequilibrium is cell growth arrest, which is the reason why TAs are generally described as active in the function of bacterial growth kinetics. Virulence-associated proteins B and C (VapBC) are a family of type II TA system, in which VapC is predicted to display the toxic ribonuclease activity while VapB counteracts this activity. Previously, using in silico data, we designated four VapBC TA modules in Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, the main etiological agent of human leptospirosis in Brazil. The present study aimed to obtain the proteins and functionally characterize the VapBC-1 module. The expression of the toxin gene vapC in E. coli did not decrease the cell growth rate in broth culture, as was expected to happen within active TA modules. However, interestingly, when the expression of the toxin was compared to that of the complexed toxin and antitoxin, cell viability was strongly affected, with a decrease of three orders of magnitude in colony forming unity (CFU). The assumption of the affinity between the toxin and the antitoxin was confirmed in vivo through the observation of their co-purification from cultivation of E. coli co-expressing vapB-vapC genes. RNAse activity assays showed that VapC-1 cleaves MS2 RNA and ribosomal RNA from L. interrogans. Our results indicate that the VapBC-1 module is a potentially functional TA system acting on targets that involve specific functions. It is very important to emphasize that the common attribution of the functionality of TA modules cannot be defined based merely on their ability to inhibit bacterial growth in a liquid medium.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bpm) is a Gram-negative intracellular pathogen that causes melioidosis in humans, a neglected, underreported, and lethal disease that can reach a fatal outcome in over 50% of the cases. It can produce both acute and chronic infections, the latter being particularly challenging to eliminate because of the intracellular life cycle of the bacteria and its ability to generate a \"persister\" dormant state. The molecular mechanism that allows the switch between growing and persister phenotypes is not well understood but it is hypothesized to be due at least in part to the participation of toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems. We have previously studied the link between one of those systems (defined as HigBA) with specific expression patterns associated with levofloxacin antibiotic exposure. Through in silico methods, we predicted the presence of another three pairs of genes encoding for additional putative HigBA systems. Therefore, our main goal was to establish which mechanisms are conserved as well as which pathways are specific among different Bpm TA systems from the same family. We hypothesize that the high prevalence, and sometimes even redundancy of these systems in the Bpm chromosomes indicates that they can interact with each other and not function as only individual systems, as it was traditionally thought, and might be playing an undefined role in Bpm lifecycle. Here, we show that both the toxin and the antitoxin of the different systems contribute to bacterial survival and that toxins from the same family can have a cumulative effect under environmental stressful conditions.
    OBJECTIVE: Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems play a significant role in bacterial persistence, a phenomenon where bacterial cells enter a dormant or slow-growing state to survive adverse conditions such as nutrient deprivation, antibiotic exposure, or host immune responses. By studying TA systems in Burkholderia pseudomallei, we can gain insights into how this pathogen survives and persists in the host environment, contributing to its virulence and ability to cause melioidosis chronic infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial chromosomal type I toxin-antitoxin systems consist of a small protein, typically under 60 amino acids, and a small RNA (sRNA) that represses toxin translation. These gene pairs have gained attention over the last decade for their contribution to antibiotic persistence and phage tolerance in bacteria. However, biological functions for many remain elusive as gene deletions often fail to produce an observable phenotype. For many pairs, it is still unknown when the toxin and/or antitoxin gene are natively expressed within the bacterium. We examined sequence conservation of three type I toxin-antitoxin systems, tisB/istR-1, shoB/ohsC, and zor/orz, in over 2,000 Escherichia coli strains, including pathogenic and commensal isolates. Using our custom database, we found that these gene pairs are widespread across E. coli and have expression potential via BLASTn. We identified an alternative, dominant sequence variant of TisB and confirmed that it is toxic upon overproduction. Additionally, analyses revealed a highly conserved sequence in the zorO mRNA untranslated region that is required for full toxicity. We further noted that over 30% of E. coli genomes contain an orz antitoxin gene only and confirmed its expression in a representative strain: the first confirmed report of a type I antitoxin without its cognate toxin. Our results add to our understanding of these systems, and our methodology is applicable for other type I loci to identify critical regulatory and functional features.IMPORTANCEChromosomal type I toxin-antitoxins are a class of genes that have gained increasing attention over the last decade for their roles in antibiotic persistence which may contribute to therapeutic failures. However, the control of many of these genes and when they function have remained elusive. We demonstrate that a simple genetic conservation-based approach utilizing free, publicly available data yields known and novel insights into the regulation and function of three chromosomal type I toxin-antitoxins in Escherichia coli. This study also provides a framework for how this approach could be applied to other genes of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxin-antitoxin modules are present in many bacterial pathogens. The VapBC family is particularly abundant in members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, with 50 modules present in the M. tuberculosis genome. In type IIA modules the VapB antitoxin protein binds to and inhibits the activity of the co-expressed cognate VapC toxin protein. VapB proteins also bind to promoter region sequences and repress expression of the vapB-vapC operon. Though VapB-VapC interactions can control the amount of free VapC toxin in the bacterial cell, the mechanisms that affect this interaction are poorly understood. Based on our recent finding of Ser/Thr phosphorylation of VapB proteins in M. tuberculosis, we substituted phosphomimetic or phosphoablative amino acids at the phosphorylation sites of two VapB proteins. We found that phosphomimetic substitution of VapB27 and VapB46 resulted in decreased interaction with their respective cognate VapC proteins, whereas phosphoablative substitution did not alter binding. Similarly, we determined that phosphomimetic substitution interfered with VapB binding to promoter region DNA sequences. Both decreased VapB-VapC interaction and decreased VapB repression of vapB-vapC operon transcription would result in increased free VapC in the M. tuberculosis cell. M. tuberculosis strains expressing vapB46-vapC46 constructs containing a phosphoablative vapB mutation resulted in lower toxicity compared to a strain expressing native vapB46, whereas similar or greater toxicity was observed in the strain expressing the phosphomimetic vapB mutation. These results identify a novel mechanism by which VapC toxicity activity can be regulated by VapB phosphorylation, potentially in response to extracytoplasmic as well as intracellular signals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxin-antitoxins (TAs) are prokaryotic two-gene systems composed of a toxin neutralized by an antitoxin. Toxin-antitoxin-chaperone (TAC) systems additionally include a SecB-like chaperone that stabilizes the antitoxin by recognizing its chaperone addiction (ChAD) element. TACs mediate antiphage defense, but the mechanisms of viral sensing and restriction are unexplored. We identify two Escherichia coli antiphage TAC systems containing host inhibition of growth (HigBA) and CmdTA TA modules, HigBAC and CmdTAC. HigBAC is triggered through recognition of the gpV major tail protein of phage λ. Chaperone HigC recognizes gpV and ChAD via analogous aromatic molecular patterns, with gpV outcompeting ChAD to trigger toxicity. For CmdTAC, the CmdT ADP-ribosyltransferase toxin modifies mRNA to halt protein synthesis and limit phage propagation. Finally, we establish the modularity of TACs by creating a hybrid broad-spectrum antiphage system combining the CmdTA TA warhead with a HigC chaperone phage sensor. Collectively, these findings reveal the potential of TAC systems in broad-spectrum antiphage defense.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interactions of bacteria with their viruses named bacteriophages or phages shape the bacterial genome evolution and contribute to the diversity of phages. RNAs have emerged as key components of several anti-phage defense systems in bacteria including CRISPR-Cas, toxin-antitoxin and abortive infection. Frequent association with mobile genetic elements and interplay between different anti-phage defense systems are largely discussed. Newly discovered defense systems such as retrons and CBASS include RNA components. RNAs also perform their well-recognized regulatory roles in crossroad of phage-bacteria regulatory networks. Both regulatory and defensive function can be sometimes attributed to the same RNA molecules including CRISPR RNAs. This review presents the recent advances on the role of RNAs in the bacteria-phage interactions with a particular focus on clostridial species including an important human pathogen, Clostridioides difficile.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanistic understanding of antibiotic persistence is a prerequisite in controlling the emergence of MDR cases in Tuberculosis (TB). We have reported that the cholesterol-induced activation of VapC12 ribonuclease is critical for disease persistence in TB. In this study, we observed that relative to the wild type, mice infected with ΔvapC12 induced a pro-inflammatory response, had a higher pathogen load, and responded better to the anti-TB treatment. In a high-dose infection model, all the mice infected with ΔvapC12 succumbed early to the disease. Finally, we reported that the above phenotype of ΔvapC12 was dependent on the presence of the TLR4 receptor. Overall, the data suggests that failure of a timely resolution of the early inflammation by the ΔvapC12 infected mice led to hyperinflammation, altered T-cell response and high bacterial load. In conclusion, our findings suggest the role of the VapC12 toxin in modulating the innate immune response of the host in ways that favor the long-term survival of the pathogen inside the host.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are widespread in chromosomes and plasmids of free-living microorganisms, but only a few have been identified in obligate intracellular species. We found seven putative type II TA modules in Waddlia chondrophila, a Chlamydia-related species that is able to infect a very broad series of eukaryotic hosts, ranging from protists to mammalian cells. The RNA levels of Waddlia TA systems are significantly upregulated by iron starvation and novobiocin, but they are not affected by antibiotics such as β-lactams and glycopeptides, which suggests different mechanisms underlying stress responses. Five of the identified TA modules, including HigBA1 and MazEF1, encoded on the Waddlia cryptic plasmid, proved to be functional when expressed in a heterologous host. TA systems have been associated with the maintenance of mobile genetic elements, bacterial defense against bacteriophages, and persistence upon exposure to adverse conditions. As their RNA levels are upregulated upon exposure to adverse conditions, Waddlia TA modules may be involved in survival to stress. Moreover, as Waddlia can infect a wide range of hosts including free-living amoebae, TA modules could also represent an innate immunity system to fight against bacteriophages and other microorganisms with which Waddlia has to share its replicative niche.IMPORTANCEThe response to adverse conditions, such as exposure to antibiotics, nutrient starvation and competition with other microorganisms, is essential for the survival of a bacterial population. TA systems are modules composed of two elements, a toxic protein and an antitoxin (protein or RNA) that counteracts the toxin. Although many aspects of TA biological functions still await to be elucidated, TAs have often been implicated in bacterial response to stress, including the response to nutrient starvation, antibiotic treatment and bacteriophage infection. TAs are ubiquitous in free-living bacteria but rare in obligate intracellular species such as chlamydiae. We identified functional TA systems in Waddlia chondrophila, a chlamydial species with a strikingly broad host range compared to other chlamydiae. Our work contributes to understand how obligate intracellular bacteria react to adverse conditions that might arise from competition with other viruses/bacteria for the same replicative niche and would threaten their ability to replicate.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the ongoing battle against antimicrobial resistance, phenotypic drug tolerance poses a formidable challenge. This adaptive ability of microorganisms to withstand drug pressure without genetic alterations further complicating global healthcare challenges. Microbial populations employ an array of persistence mechanisms, including dormancy, biofilm formation, adaptation to intracellular environments, and the adoption of L-forms, to develop drug tolerance. Moreover, molecular mechanisms like toxin-antitoxin modules, oxidative stress responses, energy metabolism, and (p)ppGpp signaling contribute to this phenomenon. Understanding these persistence mechanisms is crucial for predicting drug efficacy, developing strategies for chronic bacterial infections, and exploring innovative therapies for refractory infections. In this comprehensive review, we dissect the intricacies of drug tolerance and persister formation, explore their role in acquired drug resistance, and highlight emerging therapeutic approaches to combat phenotypic drug tolerance. Furthermore, we outline the future landscape of interventions for persistent bacterial infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Microbes use protein toxins as important tools to attack neighboring cells, microbial or eukaryotic, and for self-killing when attacked by viruses. These toxins work through different mechanisms to inhibit cell growth or kill cells. Microbes also use antitoxin proteins to neutralize the toxin activities. Here, we developed a comprehensive database called Toxinome of nearly two million toxins and antitoxins that are encoded in 59,475 bacterial genomes. We described the distribution of bacterial toxins and identified that they are depleted by bacteria that live in hot and cold temperatures. We found 5,161 cases in which toxins and antitoxins are densely clustered in bacterial genomes and termed these areas \"Toxin Islands.\" The Toxinome database is a useful resource for anyone interested in toxin biology and evolution, and it can guide the discovery of new toxins.





