totipotent blastomere-like cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The cleavage of zygotes generates totipotent blastomeres. In human 8-cell blastomeres, zygotic genome activation (ZGA) occurs to initiate the ontogenesis program. However, capturing and maintaining totipotency in human cells pose significant challenges. Here, we realize culturing human totipotent blastomere-like cells (hTBLCs). We find that splicing inhibition can transiently reprogram human pluripotent stem cells into ZGA-like cells (ZLCs), which subsequently transition into stable hTBLCs after long-term passaging. Distinct from reported 8-cell-like cells (8CLCs), both ZLCs and hTBLCs widely silence pluripotent genes. Interestingly, ZLCs activate a particular group of ZGA-specific genes, and hTBLCs are enriched with pre-ZGA-specific genes. During spontaneous differentiation, hTBLCs re-enter the intermediate ZLC stage and further generate epiblast (EPI)-, primitive endoderm (PrE)-, and trophectoderm (TE)-like lineages, effectively recapitulating human pre-implantation development. Possessing both embryonic and extraembryonic developmental potency, hTBLCs can autonomously generate blastocyst-like structures in vitro without external cell signaling. In summary, our study provides key criteria and insights into human cell totipotency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Totipotent stem cells (TSCs), can develop into complete organisms, are used in biological fields such as regenerative medicine, mammalian breeding, and conservation. However, it is difficult to maintain the developmental totipotency and self-renewal capacity of cells cultured from early-stage embryos, which becomes a key factor limiting the research of TSCs. Fortunately, a breakthrough in the study of induced pluripotent stem cells returning to their totipotent state has been made, resulting in the establishment of multiple TSCs and igniting a new wave of stem cell research. Furthermore, the blastocyst-like structures can be generated by the established TSCs, which lays a foundation for synthetic embryos in vitro. In this review, we summarize the totipotent stage of early embryos, the establishment and cultivation of TSCs, and the developmental ability exploration of TSCs to promote further research of TSCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Totipotent stem cells are transiently occurring in vivo cells that can form all cell types of the embryo including placenta, with their in vitro counterparts being actively pursued. Subsequently, totipotent-like cells are established with variable robustness and biological relevance. Here, we summarize current progress on capturing these cells in culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The developmental potential within pluripotent cells in the canonical model is restricted to embryonic tissues, whereas totipotent cells can differentiate into both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Currently, the ability to culture in vitro totipotent cells possessing molecular and functional features like those of an early embryo in vivo has been a challenge. Recently, it was reported that treatment with a single spliceosome inhibitor, pladienolide B (plaB), can successfully reprogram mouse pluripotent stem cells into totipotent blastomere-like cells (TBLCs) in vitro. The TBLCs exhibited totipotency transcriptionally and acquired expanded developmental potential with the ability to yield various embryonic and extraembryonic tissues that may be employed as novel mouse developmental cell models. However, it is disputed whether TBLCs are \'true\' totipotent stem cells equivalent to in vivo two-cell stage embryos. To address this question, single-cell RNA sequencing was applied to TBLCs and cells from early mouse embryonic developmental stages and the data were integrated using canonical correlation analyses. Differential expression analyses were performed between TBLCs and multi-embryonic cell stages to identify differentially expressed genes. Remarkably, a subpopulation within the TBLCs population expressed a high level of the totipotent-related genes Zscan4s and displayed transcriptomic features similar to mouse two-cell stage embryonic cells. This study underscores the subtle differences between in vitro derived TBLCs and in vivo mouse early developmental cell stages at the single-cell transcriptomic level. Our study has identified a new experimental model for stem cell biology, namely \'cluster 3\', as a subpopulation of TBLCs that can be molecularly defined as near totipotent cells.





