tissue specific

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CRISPR-Cas greatly facilitated the integration of exogenous sequences into specific loci. However, knockin generation in multicellular animals remains challenging, partially due to the complexity of insertion screening. Here, we describe SEED/Harvest, a method to generate knockins in Drosophila, based on CRISPR-Cas and the single-strand annealing (SSA) repair pathway. In SEED (from \"scarless editing by element deletion\"), a switchable cassette is first integrated into the target locus. In a subsequent CRISPR-triggered repair event, resolved by SSA, the cassette is seamlessly removed. Germline excision of SEED cassettes allows for fast and robust knockin generation of both fluorescent proteins and short protein tags in tandem. Tissue-specific expression of Cas9 results in somatic cassette excision, conferring spatiotemporal control of protein labeling and the conditional rescue of mutants. Finally, to achieve conditional protein labeling and manipulation of short tag knockins, we developed a genetic toolbox by functionalizing the ALFA nanobody.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Insects encounter various environmental stresses, in response to which they generate reactive oxygen species (ROS). Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is an antioxidant metalloenzyme that scavenges superoxide radicals to prevent oxidative damage.
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate expressions of SODs under oxidative stress in Tenebrio molitor.
    METHODS: Here, we investigated the transcriptional expression of SODs by pesticide and heavy metals in Tenebrio moltior. First, we searched an RNA-Seq database for T. molitor SOD (TmSOD) genes and identified two SOD isoforms (TmSOD1-iso1 and iso2). We examined their activities under developmental stage, tissue-specific, and various types (pesticide and heavy metal) of oxidative stress by using qPCR.
    RESULTS: Our results revealed two novel forms of TmSODs. These TmSODs had a copper/zinc superoxide dismutase domain, active site, Cu2+ binding site, Zn2+ binding site, E-class dimer interface, and P-class dimer interface. TmSODs (TmSOD1-iso1 and iso2) were expressed in diverse developmental phases and tissues. Pesticides and heavy metals caused an upregulation of these TmSODs.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the two TmSODs have different functions in T. molitor, providing insights into the detoxification ability of T. molitor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human advancements in agriculture, urbanization, and industrialization have led to various forms of environmental pollution, including heavy metal pollution. Insects, as highly adaptable organisms, can survive under various environmental stresses, which induce oxidative damage and impair antioxidant systems. To investigate the peroxidase (POX) family in Tenebrio molitor, we characterized two POXs, namely TmPOX-iso1 and TmPOX-iso2. The full-length cDNA sequences of TmPox-iso1 and TmPox-iso2 respectively consisted of an open reading frame of 1815 bp encoding 605 amino acids and an open reading frame of 2229 bp encoding 743 amino acids. TmPOX-iso1 and TmPOX-iso2 homologs were found in five distinct insect orders. In the phylogenetic tree analysis, TmPOX-iso1 was clustered with the predicted POX protein of T. castaneum, and TmPOX-iso2 was clustered with the POX precursor protein of T. castaneum. During development, the highest expression level of TmPox-iso1 was observed in the pre-pupal stage, while that of TmPox-iso2 expression were observed in the pre-pupal and 4-day pupal stages. TmPox-iso1 was primarily expressed in the early and late larval gut, while TmPox-iso2 mRNA expression was higher in the fat bodies and Malpighian tubules. In response to cadmium chloride treatment, TmPox-iso1 expression increased at 3 hours and then declined until 24 hours, while in the zinc chloride-treated group, TmPox-iso1 expression peaked 24 hours after the treatment. Both treated groups showed increases in TmPox-iso2 expression 24 hours after the treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthocyanins widely accumulate in the vegetative and reproductive tissues of strawberries and play an important role in stress resistance and fruit quality. Compared with other fruits, little is known about the molecular mechanisms regulating anthocyanin accumulation in strawberry vegetative tissues. In this study, we revealed an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, FaMYB10-like (FaMYB10L), which positively regulated anthocyanin accumulation and was induced by light in the petiole and runner of cultivated strawberry. FaMYB10L is a homologue of FveMYB10-like and a nuclear localization protein. Transient overexpression of FaMYB10L in a white fruit strawberry variety (myb10 mutant) rescued fruit pigmentation, and further qR-PCR analysis revealed that FaMYB10L upregulated the expression levels of anthocyanin biosynthesis-related genes and transport gene. A dual luciferase assay showed that FaMYB10L could activate the anthocyanin transport gene FaRAP. Anthocyanin accumulation was observed in FaMYB10L-overexpressing strawberry calli, and light treatment enhanced anthocyanin accumulation. Furthermore, transcriptomic profiling indicated that the DEGs involved in the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway and induced by light were enriched in FaMYB10L-overexpressing strawberry calli. In addition, yeast two-hybrid assays and luciferase complementation assays indicated that FaMYB10L could interact with bHLH3. These findings enriched the light-involved regulatory network of anthocyanin metabolism in cultivated strawberries.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    Tissue-specific gene knockout by CRISPR/Cas9 is a powerful approach for characterizing gene functions in animal development. However, this approach has been successfully applied in only a small number of Drosophila tissues. The Drosophila motor nervous system is an excellent model system for studying the biology of neuromuscular junction (NMJ). To expand tissue-specific CRISPR to the Drosophila motor system, here we present a CRISPR-mediated tissue-restricted mutagenesis (CRISPR-TRiM) toolkit for knocking out genes in motoneurons, muscles, and glial cells. We validated the efficacy of this toolkit by knocking out known genes in each tissue, demonstrated its orthogonal use with the Gal4/UAS binary expression system, and showed simultaneous knockout of multiple redundant genes. Using these tools, we discovered an essential role for SNARE pathways in NMJ maintenance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the canonical ESCRT pathway suppresses NMJ bouton growth by downregulating the retrograde Gbb signaling. Lastly, we found that axon termini of motoneurons rely on ESCRT-mediated intra-axonal membrane trafficking to lease extracellular vesicles at the NMJ.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rice crop may experience a significant reduction in yield-up to 50%-due to two occurrences during drought stress: unsuccessful peduncle elongation in panicle exertion and ineffective grain filling. The comprehension of mechanisms that promote drought tolerance during these growth phases is crucial for the production of rice that can withstand drought conditions, thus averting a decrease in crop yield.
    RESULTS: The expression of two xyloglucan endo transhydrolase/glucosylase genes (OsXTH 5 and 19) in peduncle tissue and a sucrose transporter gene (OsSUT1) in flag leaf sheath were assessed. An experiment was carried out in a factorial arrangement based on completely randomized design in which, factor A was two rice cultivars (Vandana as tolerant and Tarom mahalli as local susceptible to drought) and factor B was five drought stress treatments (full irrigation, drought stress duration in 72 and 96 h, re-watering after 120 and 192 h). Results showed that expression of OsXTH19 and OsXTH5 genes were upregulated in both Vandana and Tarom mahalli cultivars due to stress treatments. OsXTH19 expression was found to decrease while OsXTH5 expression increased during re-watering treatments. It is likely that the persistence of peduncle growth in the drought-tolerant Vandana cultivar can be attributed to the presence of OsXTH19 under drought conditions and OsXTH5 after re-watering. The expression of OsSUT1 in flag leaf sheath of Vandana in re-watering treatments was reached 8-60-fold re-watering.
    CONCLUSIONS: Peduncle elongation was attributed to two XTH genes under drought stress condition. Panicle exertion may be promoted by sustaining peduncle growth despite drought stress. Consequently, this may led to reduce in non fertile florets and decrease in grain yield by 50%. As grain filling depend to expression of OsSUT1 in flag leaf sheath under drought stress, to improve rice cultivars under aerobic production system and drought stress, it is advised to apply these findings in rice breeding programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the present study, the structure of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphataldolase (FBA) gene in Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) was analyzed and its tissue specificity of expression level and activity was determined. A 1092 base pairs (bps) complete coding sequence of the FBA gene was assembled from M. galloprovincialis transcriptome. Only one gene encoding FBA (MgFBA) was identified in the M. galloprovincialis genome. The length of MgFBA was 363 amino acids with a molecular mass of 39.7 kDa. According to the amino acid residues, the detected MgFBA gene is a type I aldolase. The FBA gene in M. galloprovincialis had 7 exons; the maximum intron length was about 2.5 kbps. Intraspecific nucleotide diversity (15 mutations) between MgFBAs from the Mediterranean mussels and the Black Sea mussels (present study) was detected. All mutations were synonymous. Tissue specificity in FBA expression level and activity was established. No direct correlation between these functions was found. The highest level of FBA gene expression is found in muscle tissue. According to the phylogenetic analyses, FBA gene in invertebrates could be considered the ancestral gene of muscle type aldolase, which may explain the character of tissue-specific expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs are known to acquire tissue-specific features and exert cytoprotective and regenerative functions. The extent to which this applies to liver-resident Tregs is unknown. In this study, we aimed to explore the phenotypic and functional characteristics of adult murine liver resident Tregs during homeostasis. Additionally, we investigated their role in ameliorating liver inflammation and tissue damage. Quantification of Foxp3+CD4+CD25+ cells comparing different tissues showed that the liver contained significantly fewer resident Tregs. A combination of flow cytometry phenotyping and microarray analysis of intra-hepatic and splenic Tregs under homeostatic conditions revealed that, although intra-hepatic Tregs exhibited the core transcriptional Treg signature, they expressed a distinct transcriptional profile. This was characterized by reduced CD25 expression and increased levels of pro-inflammatory Th1 transcripts Il1b and Ifng. In vivo ablation of Tregs in the Foxp3-DTR mouse model showed that Tregs had a role in reducing the magnitude of systemic and intra-hepatic inflammatory responses following acute carbon tetrachloride (CCl₄) injury, but their absence did not impact the development of hepatocyte necrosis. Conversely, the specific expansion of Tregs by administration of IL-2 complexes increased the number of intra-hepatic Tregs and significantly ameliorated tissue damage following CCl₄ administration in C57BL/6 mice. The cytoprotective effect observed in response to IL-2c was associated with the increased expression of markers known to regulate Treg suppressive function. Our results offer insight into the transcriptome and complex immune network of intra-hepatic Tregs and suggest that strategies capable of selectively increasing the pool of intra-hepatic Tregs could constitute effective therapies in inflammatory liver diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromatin features can reveal tissue-specific TF-DNA binding, which leads to a better understanding of many critical physiological processes. Accurately identifying TF-DNA bindings and constructing their relationships with chromatin features is a long-standing goal in the bioinformatic field. However, this has remained elusive due to the complex binding mechanisms and heterogeneity among inputs. Here, we have developed the GHTNet (General Hybrid Transformer Network), a transformer-based model to predict TF-DNA binding specificity. The GHTNet decodes the relationship between tissue-specific TF-DNA binding and chromatin features via a specific input scheme of alternative inputs and reveals important gene regions and tissue-specific motifs. Our experiments show that the GHTNet has excellent performance, achieving about a 5% absolute improvement over existing methods. The TF-DNA binding mechanism analysis shows that the importance of TF-DNA binding features varies across tissues. The best predictor is based on the DNA sequence, followed by epigenomics and shape. In addition, cross-species studies address the limited data, thus providing new ideas in this case. Moreover, the GHTNet is applied to interpret the relationship among TFs, chromatin features, and diseases associated with AD46 tissue. This paper demonstrates that the GHTNet is an accurate and robust framework for deciphering tissue-specific TF-DNA binding and interpreting non-coding regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: A comprehensive landscape of chromatin states for multiple mammalian tissues is essential for elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying regulatory variants on complex traits. However, the genome-wide chromatin accessibility has been only reported in limited tissue types in pigs.
    RESULTS: Here we report a genome-wide landscape of chromatin accessibility of 20 tissues in two female pigs at ages of 6 months using ATAC-seq, and identified 557,273 merged peaks, which greatly expanded the pig regulatory element repository. We revealed tissue-specific regulatory elements which were associated with tissue-relevant biological functions. We identified both positive and negative significant correlations between the regulatory elements and gene transcripts, which showed distinct distributions in terms of their strength and distances from corresponding genes. We investigated the presence of transposable elements (TEs) in open chromatin regions across all tissues, these included identifications of porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) exhibiting high accessibility in liver and homology of porcine specific virus sequences to universally accessible transposable elements. Furthermore, we prioritized a potential causal variant for polyunsaturated fatty acid in the muscle.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our data provides a novel multi-tissues accessible chromatin landscape that serve as an important resource for interpreting regulatory sequences in tissue-specific and conserved biological functions, as well as regulatory variants of loci associated with complex traits in pigs.





