
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Violent extremism (VE; i.e., terrorism) is an issue of increasing relevance in school settings. Worldwide, terrorist actors have increasingly targeted youth in schools both for victimization via attacks as well for radicalization and recruitment to their ranks. Although violent extremism as an ideologically motivated act can be distinguished from mass shootings in school settings in that most school-based mass shootings are not ideologically motivated, there is obvious overlap. The threat of violent extremism, however, also represents a distinct issue that warrants increased attention from school professionals. We present an overview of several related issues before exploring strategies to mitigate the threat of targeted violence in school settings, including opportunities for school personnel to assist in identifying, assessing, and managing threats of violent extremism. In the final section, we focus specifically on ways that school psychologists can increase awareness and help bring about individual and systemic changes to prevent violent extremism in schools.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Hepatozoonosis has been reported in many species around the world. Few incidences have been reported in various species of wild felids. Tigers are endangered large cats and are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 under Schedule I. The study was carried out to estimate the positivity rate of hepatozoonosis in tigers of the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India.
    METHODS: Blood (n = 21) or tissue samples (n = 5) were collected from 26 wild captured / zoo-born or dead tigers during the quarantine period/post-mortem examination. Blood smear examination along with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) studies were conducted for the detection of hepatozoonosis. All the amplicons from the positive samples were purified and sequenced, and the sequences were subjected to nBLAST analysis to detect the species of Hepatozoon. The sequences were deposited into public domain database of National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and accession numbers were allotted. A phylogenetic study was undertaken to understand the evolutionary lineage of the pathogen. Tissue distribution studies were carried out on tissue samples received during post mortem. A clinical case in a tiger cub was managed and sub-clinical cases were monitored for relapse. Age-wise, sex-wise, region-wise and captive time-wise positivity rate was estimated. The data was analyzed using statistical tools.
    RESULTS: A total of 12 tigers were found positive for H. felis during the screening. A clinical case was diagnosed and successfully treated. The age group of 0-3 years reported a positivity rate of 66.66%, and all the cases found positive were reported between the age group of 0-7 years. Males reported a positivity rate of 58.33 per cent, while females reported 35.71%. Taboba and Andhari Tiger Reserve of the state had a positivity rate of 52.94 per cent. However, the statistical analysis for blood parameters and positivity rate by \'t\' test and Chi-squared test were found to be non-significant.
    CONCLUSIONS: An overall positivity rate of 46.15% indicates the wide distribution of hepatozoonosis among wild tigers of the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, India, which is strategically important considering the gene flow and migration of tigers. Hepatozoonosis can progress to clinical outcomes in young animals and require veterinary intervention. Molecular tools and phylogenetic studies can supplement important data on circulating species of Hepatozoon in the field. Further studies on the clinical management and epidemiology of the infection in wild felids will comprehend the cause of wildlife conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Dysregulation of fear processing through altered sensitivity to threat is thought to contribute to the development of anxiety disorders and major depressive disorder (MDD). However, fewer studies have examined fear processing in MDD than in anxiety disorders. The current study used propensity matching to examine the hypothesis that comorbid MDD and anxiety (AnxMDD) shows greater neural correlates of fear processing than MDD, suggesting that the co-occurrence of AnxMDD is exemplified by exaggerated defense related processes.
    METHODS: 195 individuals with MDD (N = 65) or AnxMDD (N = 130) were recruited from the community and completed multi-level assessments, including a Pavlovian fear learning task during functional imaging. Visual images paired with threat (conditioned stimuli: CS+) were compared to stimuli not paired with threat (CS-).
    RESULTS: MDD and AnxMDD showed significantly different patterns of activation for CS+ vs CS- in the dorsal anterior insula/inferior frontal gyrus (partial eta squared; ηp2 = 0.02), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (ηp2 = 0.01) and dorsal anterior/mid cingulate cortex (ηp2 = 0.01). These differences were driven by greater activation to the CS+ in AnxMDD versus MDD.
    CONCLUSIONS: Limitations include the cross-sectional design, a scream US rather than shock and half the number of MDD as AnxMDD participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: AnxMDD showed a pattern of increased activation in regions identified with fear processing. Effects were consistently driven by threat, further suggesting fear signaling as the emergent target process. Differences emerged in regions associated with salience processing, attentional orienting/conflict, self-relevant processing and executive functioning in comorbid anxiety and depression, thereby highlighting potential treatment targets for this prevalent and treatment resistant group.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The human brain is sensitive to threat-related information even when we are not aware of this information. For example, fearful faces attract gaze in the absence of visual awareness. Moreover, information in different sensory modalities interacts in the absence of awareness, for example, the detection of suppressed visual stimuli is facilitated by simultaneously presented congruent sounds or tactile stimuli. Here, we combined these two lines of research and investigated whether threat-related sounds could facilitate visual processing of threat-related images suppressed from awareness such that they attract eye gaze. We suppressed threat-related images of cars and neutral images of human hands from visual awareness using continuous flash suppression and tracked observers\' eye movements while presenting congruent or incongruent sounds (finger snapping and car engine sounds). Indeed, threat-related car sounds guided the eyes toward suppressed car images, participants looked longer at the hidden car images than at any other part of the display. In contrast, neither congruent nor incongruent sounds had a significant effect on eye responses to suppressed finger images. Overall, our results suggest that only in a danger-related context semantically congruent sounds modulate eye movements to images suppressed from awareness, highlighting the prioritisation of eye responses to threat-related stimuli in the absence of visual awareness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A vast range of neurophysiological, neuropsychological and behavioural results in monkeys and humans have shown that the immediate surroundings of the body, also known as peripersonal space (PPS), are processed in a unique way. Three roles have been ascribed to PPS mechanisms: to react to threats, to avoid obstacles and to act on objects. However, in many circumstances, one does not wait for objects or agents to enter PPS to plan these behaviours. Typically, one has more chances to survive if one starts running away from the lion when one sees it in the distance than if it is a few steps away. PPS makes sense in shortsighted creatures but we are not such creatures. The crucial question is thus twofold: (i) why are these adaptive processes triggered only at the last second or even milliseconds? And (ii) what is their exact contribution, especially for defensive and navigational behaviours? Here, we propose that PPS mechanisms correspond to a plan B, useful in unpredictable situations or when other anticipatory mechanisms have failed. Furthermore, we argue that there are energetic, cognitive and behavioural costs to PPS mechanisms, which explain why this plan B is triggered only at the last second. This article is part of the theme issue \'Minds in movement: embodied cognition in the age of artificial intelligence\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is imperative for individuals to exhibit flexible behaviour according to ecological context, such as available resources or predation threat. Manipulative studies on responses to threat often focus on behaviour in the presence of a single indicator for the potential of predation, whereas in the wild perception of threat will probably be more nuanced. Here, we examine the collective behaviour of eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) subject to five differing threat scenarios relating to the presence and hunger state of a jade perch (Scortum barcoo). Across threat scenarios, groups exhibit unique behavioural profiles that differ in the durations that particular collective states are maintained, the probability of transitions between states, the size and duration of persistence of spatially defined subgroups, and the patterns of collective order of these subgroups. Under the greatest level of threat, subgroups of consistent membership persist for longer durations. Group-level behaviours, and their differences, are interconnected with differences in estimates of the underlying rules of interaction thought to govern collective motion. The responses of the group are shown to be specific to the details of a potential threat, rather than a binary response to the presence or absence of some form of threat.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For social species, having strong and high-quality social relationships is an important safety cue. Loneliness occurs when an individual perceives they have insufficient relationships resulting in feelings of lack of safety. States of perceived unsafety are linked to an increased tendency to construe ambiguous information - information lacking a unique clear interpretation - as threatening. Here, we explore whether the ambiguity of social cues of interpersonal rejection moderates effects of loneliness on feelings of rejection while undergoing social exclusion. Data were collected in 2021; 144 adults completed a progressive social exclusion paradigm where they were randomly assigned to be equally included, excluded, or over-included. Social exclusion/inclusion cues became more pronounced over the course of multiple rounds of a ball-tossing game (Cyberball) resulting in a scenario where ambiguity was highest in earlier rounds and decreased over time. Participants reported feelings of loneliness prior to the task and feelings of rejection throughout the task. Results demonstrated that higher loneliness predicted increased feelings of rejection regardless of exclusion condition. Notably, this positive relationship was strongest during earlier rounds when social cues were most ambiguous. These findings contribute to our understanding of how loneliness modulates social perception to enable organisms to adequately adapt to changing circumstances.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assertion is the use of declarative sentences to convey information, which necessitates meeting the \"justified-belief norm\" as a prerequisite. However, a significant amount of misinformation that did not meet these conditions was spread during COVID-19, leading to a reintroduction of the assertion norm. One possible hypothesis is that the threatening content of the misinformation influenced the perception of the norm. However, this remains unclear to researchers. Therefore, we conducted two experiments to investigate the effect of threatening content in information on individuals\' perceptions of norms. In all the experiments, participants read backstories with and without threatening content, followed by answering assertion questions. It was observed that people do follow a looser assertion norm for information that contains threatening content. Additionally, further exploration revealed that threatening factors also lead individuals to more easily perceive the related content as truth and reduce the probability of being blamed. These two outcomes provide some explanation for the underlying mechanism of threatening factors\' influence. The research results further refined the theory of assertion norms, offering a certain basis for information management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Effective detection and avoidance from environmental threats are crucial for animals\' survival. Integration of sensory cues associated with threats across different modalities can significantly enhance animals\' detection and behavioral responses. However, the neural circuit-level mechanisms underlying the modulation of defensive behavior or fear response under simultaneous multimodal sensory inputs remain poorly understood. Here, we report in mice that bimodal looming stimuli combining coherent visual and auditory signals elicit more robust defensive/fear reactions than unimodal stimuli. These include intensified escape and prolonged hiding, suggesting a heightened defensive/fear state. These various responses depend on the activity of the superior colliculus (SC), while its downstream nucleus, the parabigeminal nucleus (PBG), predominantly influences the duration of hiding behavior. PBG temporally integrates visual and auditory signals and enhances the salience of threat signals by amplifying SC sensory responses through its feedback projection to the visual layer of the SC. Our results suggest an evolutionarily conserved pathway in defense circuits for multisensory integration and cross-modality enhancement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As social animals, humans tend to voluntarily engage in pro-social behavior to prevent harm to others. However, to what extent prosocial behavior can be reflected at the level of less voluntary cognitive processes remains unclear. Here, we examined how threat to others modulates exogenous attention. Fifty-four participants performed an exogenous spatial cueing task where the participant\'s performance determined whether electric shocks would be delivered either to themselves or to their anonymous co-participant. Threat of shock to the co-participant elicited orienting and reorienting responses that were faster than in the safe condition and did not differ from performance when participants avoided shocks to themselves. This attentional improvement was not due to speed-accuracy trade off and was associated with arousal, i.e., increased pupil dilation in both threat conditions. Together, these findings suggest that pro-social behavior triggers automatic attentional processes which may be relevant for providing immediate help without relying on reflexive processes.





