tendon sheath

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To understand considerable variations in number of adult extensor ten-dons at the dorsal side of the wrist and hand.
    METHODS: We examined histological sections from 30 human fetuses of gestational age 7-39 weeks and crown-rump length 22-323 mm.
    RESULTS: At the carpal level, earlier or smaller fetuses showed a simpler configuration with fewer tendon slips, whereas later or larger fetuses had a greater number of tendon slips with considerable variations in number and topographical relationships. Tendon slips of the early extensor digitorum to the middle and ring fingers were always 1 or 2, but were seven or more at late term. A tendon of the extensor digitorum to the little fin-ger could not be distinguished from other tendons at the carpal bone level. At the meta-carpal bone level, however, it extended from the ring finger tendon toward two slips of the extensor digiti minimi tendon. At the distal carpal level at midterm and late term, in which the tendon sheath was lost, each of the extensor digitorum tendon slips further divided to provide a mediolateral linear cluster of thin bundles. This large number of tendon components joined and united together to provide a single tight tendon at the level of the metacarpophalangeal joints. The extensor pollicis longs tendon usually lost a membranous septation when it crossed the extensor carpi radialis brevis tendon.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tendon slips in the fourth and fifth canals of the sheath were most likely to reduce in number after birth depending on the mechanical demand.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A 29-year-old right-handed woman presented to an outside emergency department with right small finger pain, swelling, and concern for a retained wooden splinter. Diagnosis and treatment were delayed for 2 weeks due to the inability to identify the foreign body clinically or radiographically. Ultimately, ultrasonography by a fellowship-trained specialist was used to localize the wooden splinter. It was embedded within the flexor tendon sheath but had migrated away from its initial point of entry. The patient underwent subsequent surgical extraction, irrigation, and debridement. Two weeks following surgery, she had regained full range of motion through her digit without signs of infection. This case highlights the use of diagnostic ultrasound to identify a radiolucent foreign body, such as a wooden splinter, and to guide subsequent surgical extraction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Here, we report the case of recurrent swelling and pain in the proximal interphalangeal joint of the left ring finger, which was later diagnosed as a localized tenosynovial giant cell tumor in a young adult female. The first presentation was at the same anatomical site four years prior. Examination at presentation showed a firm skin-colored nodule in the volar aspect of the left ring finger. The swelling was seen to be partly attached to underlying structures and was non-tender. After a careful physical examination and plain radiograph imaging of the hand, the two differential diagnoses considered were tenosynovial giant cell tumor and ganglion cyst. A surgical excision was performed, and histopathologic evaluation showed features consistent with a tenosynovial giant cell tumor, localized type. The resection margins were clear of tumor. The patient had no intraoperative or postoperative complications. Postoperative physiotherapy was recommended. No recurrence was seen after postoperative surgical follow-up for one year. This report highlights the importance of histopathologic evaluation and confirmation of clear surgical margins in the management of tenosynovial giant cell tumors. In recurrent cases, surgical re-excision with clear margins provides good clinical outcomes. Before surgical excision, patients should be informed about the biologic nature of the lesion and the high risk of recurrence. The management modalities to prevent recurrence and the need for long-term follow-up should also be discussed with the patient.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    We experienced two cases of intractable hallux ganglion. Case 1 was a 70-year-old woman with a recurrent ganglion and severe pain on the plantar aspect of the hallux. The continuity between the mass and the distal flexor hallucis longus (FHL) tendon sheath was confirmed. The ganglion was resected along with part of the tendon sheath, and the tendon sheath was incised as proximally as possible. Case 2 was a 69-year-old woman with a ganglion on the dorsal aspect of the interphalangeal joint that repeatedly ruptured due to thinning of the skin. The ganglion was contiguous with the joint capsule but not with the FHL tendon sheath, and the entire capsule was resected. There was no recurrence one year after surgery in either case. The risk of recurrence of an intractable hallux ganglion can be reduced by blocking the synovial supply route and lowering the pressure inside the joint or tendon sheath.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In adults, the intermediate tendon of digastricus muscle usually runs along the medial or lateral side of the stylohyoideus muscle insertion. To provide a better understanding of the variations, we examined the topographical anatomy of the muscle and tendon in fetuses.
    METHODS: We examined histological sections from six early-term, 26 mid-term and six near-term fetuses (approximately 8-9, 12-18 weeks and 25-33 weeks).
    RESULTS: At early-term, an initial sheath of intermediate tendon of digastricus muscle received the stylohyoideus muscle at the superior aspect. The muscle and tendon was distant from the hyoid. At mid-term, near the insertion to the hyoid greater horn, the stylohyoideus muscle consistently surrounded more than 2/3 of the intermediate tendon circumference. In contrast, we found no near-term specimen in which the stylohyoideus muscle surrounded the intermediate tendon. The multilayered tendon sheath was fully developed until near-term and connected to the body of hyoid by an intermuscular septum between the thyrohyoideus muscle and one or two of suprahyoid muscles. Therefore, the hyoid insertion of the styloglossus muscle was a transient morphology at mid-term.
    CONCLUSIONS: The stylohyoideus muscle insertion was appeared to move from the tendon sheath to the hyoid greater horn and, until near-term, return to the tendon sheath. A fascia connecting the tendon sheath to the body of hyoid was strengthened by the suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles. The latter muscles seemed to regulate fixation/relaxation of the intermediate tendon to the hyoid. The stylohyoideus muscle slips sandwiching the intermediate tendon might be a rare morphology.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The aim of this study is to bring attention to a unique occurrence in an uncommon location and to describe our approach to treatment in this context. We describe a case of a 36-year-old male who presented with complaints of pain in his left knee for three months, with a restricted range of motion, without a prior history of trauma. A thorough knee examination was performed, which was unremarkable except for a restricted range of motion and tenderness along the medial joint line. A plain radiograph of the knee revealed no bony injury. MRI was done to assess the extension and it confirmed a soft tissue mass beneath the patella. The patient was taken up for surgery after a pre-anesthetic checkup and the mass was removed arthroscopically in toto using a higher accessory antero-medial portal. The mass was removed with the help of a spatula without damaging it and sent for histopathological analysis. Histopathology confirmed that it was a giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath. The procedure was uneventful, and the patient achieved a full range of motion post-operatively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this retrospective study, we evaluated the impact of tumour-related and surgical factors on the recurrence of giant cell tumours of tendon sheath. A total of 95 patients were treated at our institution between February 2012 and March 2021. We identified the factors most likely to be associated with recurrence from evaluation of classification, neurovascular invasion, bone erosion and joint invasion. Based on these criteria, we identified 49 patients with a high risk of recurrence. Of the 95 patients, recurrence was observed in 17. Among the 49 patients classified as high-risk, 13 were found to have recurrence. This study demonstrates that recurrence is more common in the high-risk patient group.Level of evidence: IV.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A giant cell tumor of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) presents as a rare neoplasm demanding a heightened index of suspicion for precise diagnostic evaluation, especially when manifesting in the digital phalanges, as it is part of a group of neoplasms known as tenosynovial giant cell tumors (TCGTs). An accurate and timely diagnosis is crucial, as it significantly enhances treatment outcomes for this heterogeneous group of lesions. We describe the case of a male patient who presented with multiple nodules in the fourth finger of his left hand and was ultimately diagnosed with a localized form of a GCTTS, an unusual presentation for localized forms of this entity. Our objective is to outline the diagnostic and therapeutic approach, discussing options for differential diagnosis and treatment modalities. To achieve this, we conducted a literature review and compared our findings and the observed evolution in our patient. Early recognition of hand tumors allows for timely diagnosis, facilitating optimal resections during surgical procedures. This, in turn, reduces morbidity and enhances the functionality of the affected extremity, as detailed in the current case.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: Lipomas are very common tumors which usually prefer the upper limbs and, depending on their size, may cause nerve compression, or may be asymptomatic. The current cadaveric report describes a giant lipoma in the distal forearm area.
    METHODS: A large mass (5.1 × 3.2 × 1.6 cm) was identified on the palmar surface of the distal forearm, during dissection of a 63-year-old male cadaver. The mass caused anteromedial displacement and flattening of the median nerve (MN). Despite the lack of information about the subject\'s medical history, MN compression was assumed on the basis of the lipoma\'s size, its vicinity to neural structures, and the MN displacement and flattening.
    CONCLUSIONS: The enlarged distal forearm lipoma, located adjacent to the carpal tunnel, displaced and flattened the MN. The cadaveric finding described is clinically relevant for both differential diagnosis and surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The giant cell tumour of the tendon sheath (GCTTS) is the second most frequent soft tissue tumour affecting the hand. No consensus exists on the etiology, prognostic factors, or recurrence rate of GCTTS. This article presents a series of 18 cases supplemented by a literature review that examines the epidemiology, presentation, gross and microscopic characteristics, and recurrence rate of GCTTS.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 18 patients with a histo-pathological diagnosis of a GCTTS of the hand or finger were reviewed. The location for the tumour was limited to the wrist and hand. All cases were operated under Wide Awake Local anaesthesia (WALANT), and using a magnifying loupe.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 18 patients presented at our institution with a diagnosis of GCTTS from 2016 to 2018. Of the 18 patients, 11 were female and 7 were male. The mean age of included patients was 43.6 years (31-59 years). The most common site for the lesion was the middle finger (4/18), followed by the index finger, wrist, and thumb (3/18 each). The little and ring finger were least commonly affected with one case each. The mean size of the tumour was 2.4 cm (0.5-5 cm). None of the patients reported recurrence of the lesion on an average follow-up of 18.8 months.
    UNASSIGNED: GCTTS is a benign, slowly growing lesion of the hand that typically does not cause any symptoms and is treated with surgical resection. Meticulous excision of the GCTTS using magnification loupes to ensure appropriate wide excision of the tumour is the treatment of choice to prevent a recurrence. In addition, a radiographic and histopathological examination must be performed on the tumour to rule out other diagnoses. Finally, the function of the hand should be reconstructed to minimize the loss of any functional unit.





