temporal synchrony

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the contribution of multisensory predictions to body ownership, and beyond, to the integration of body-related signals. Contrary to the prevailing idea, according to which, to be integrated, cues necessarily have to be perceived simultaneously, we instead proposed the prediction-confirmation account. According to this account, a perceived cue can be integrated with a predicted cue as long as both signals are relatively simultaneous. To test this hypothesis, a standard rubber hand illusion (RHI) paradigm was used. In the first part of each trial, the illusion was induced while participants observed the rubber hand being touched with a paintbrush. In the subsequent part of the trial, (i) both rubber hand and the participant\'s real hand were stroked as before (i.e., visible/synchronous condition), (ii) the rubber hand was not stroke anymore (i.e., visible/tactile-only condition), or (iii) both rubber hand and the participant\'s real hand were synchronously stroked while the location where the rubber hand was touched was occulted (i.e., occulted/synchronous condition). However, in this latter condition, participants still perceived the approaching movement of the paintbrush. Thus, based on this visual cue, the participants can properly predict the timepoint at which the tactile cue should occur (i.e., visuotactile predictions). Our major finding was that compared with the visible/tactile-only condition, the occulted/synchronous condition did not exhibit a decrease of the RHI as in the visible/synchronous condition. This finding supports the prediction-confirmation account and suggests that this mechanism operates even in the standard version of the RHI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism Spectrum Disorder is a highly heritable condition characterized by sociocommunicative difficulties, frequently entailing language atypicalities that extend to infants with a familial history of autism. The developmental mechanisms underlying these difficulties remain unknown. Detecting temporal synchrony between the lip movements and the auditory speech of a talking face and selectively attending to the mouth support typical early language acquisition. This preliminary eye-tracking study investigated whether these two fundamental mechanisms atypically function in infant siblings. We longitudinally tracked the trajectories of infants at elevated and low-likelihood for autism in these two abilities at 4, 8, and 12 months (n = 29). We presented two talking faces (synchronous and asynchronous) while recording infants\' gaze to the talker\'s eyes and mouth. We found that infants detected temporal asynchronies in talking faces at 12 months regardless of group. However, compared to their typically developing peers, infants with an elevated likelihood of autism showed reduced attention to the mouth at the end of the first year and no variations in their interest to this area across time. Our findings provide preliminary evidence on a potentially atypical trajectory of reduced mouth-looking in audiovisual speech during the first year in infant siblings, with potential cascading consequences for language development, thus contributing to domain-general accounts of emerging autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synchronous variation in demographic parameters across species increases the risk of simultaneous local extinction, which lowers the probability of subsequent recolonization. Synchrony therefore tends to destabilize meta-populations and meta-communities. Quantifying interspecific synchrony in demographic parameters, like abundance, survival, or reproduction, is thus a way to indirectly assess the stability of meta-populations and meta-communities. Moreover, it is particularly informative to identify environmental drivers of interspecific synchrony because those drivers are important across species. Using a Bayesian hierarchical multisite multispecies mark-recapture model, we investigated temporal interspecific synchrony in annual adult apparent survival for 16 common songbird species across France for the period 2001-2016. Annual adult survival was largely synchronous among species (73%, 95% credible interval [47%-94%] of the variation among years was common to all species), despite species differing in ecological niche and life history. This result was robust to different model formulations, uneven species sample sizes, and removing the long-term trend in survival. Synchrony was also shared across migratory strategies, which suggests that environmental forcing during the 4-month temperate breeding season has a large-scale, interspecific impact on songbird survival. However, the strong interspecific synchrony was not easily explained by a set of candidate weather variables we defined a priori. Spring weather variables explained only 1.4% [0.01%-5.5%] of synchrony, while the contribution of large-scale winter weather indices may have been stronger but uncertain, accounting for 12% [0.3%-37%] of synchrony. Future research could jointly model interspecific variation and covariation in breeding success, age-dependent survival, and age-dependent dispersal to understand when interspecific synchrony in abundance emerges and destabilizes meta-communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recently, considerable attention has been paid to animal adaptations to anthropogenic environments, such as foraging in burned areas where plants are promoted to regenerate by anthropogenic burning. However, among primates, reports on the utilization of resources that are available immediately after burning have been limited to a few primate species. In this study, we investigated and compared the activity budgets and food categories of a group of patas monkeys (Erythrocebus patas) in freshly burned areas by comparing them with those in previously burned areas and unburned areas. We also assessed the proportion of time spent in the freshly burned area before and after the fire: GPS collars were fitted to five of the six adults in the group, and their patterns when they traveled toward freshly burned and unburned feeding areas were compared. Patas monkeys spent more time in freshly burned areas after the fire, and they visited such areas mostly for feeding, particularly on roasted seeds of Cissus populnea. Furthermore, patas monkeys traveled faster and in a more synchronized way toward freshly burned areas. This \"apparent goal-directed\" travel began at least 1 h before arriving. Results indicate that the group recognized freshly burned areas as valuable, and the monkeys were able to travel in a goal-directed manner to them despite their variable locations. We suggest that smoke from freshly burned areas provides a visual cue with which to orient to the burned areas. Our results also support the notion that some primates are flexible enough to adapt to and benefit from anthropogenic environmental changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate whether temporal synchrony processing deficits remain when normal visual acuity is restored in adults with unilateral anisometropic amblyopia.
    We recruited 14 clinically treated anisometropic amblyopes (mean age 23.17 ± 2.53 years) with best-corrected visual acuity ≤ 0.1 logMAR and 15 age-matched emmetropes (mean age 24.40 ± 1.92 years) with normal vision to participate in our experiment. We presented two pairs of flicking Gaussian dots (1 Hz) as visual stimuli: one pair of dots was synchronous (reference), and the other pair of dots was asynchronous (signal). Subjects were asked to determine the position of the asynchronous pair. We applied the constant stimuli method to measure the temporal synchrony threshold under monocular and dichoptic viewing conditions. There were eight temporal phase lags in the asynchronous pair. The minimum degree of the temporal phase at which a participant can discriminate a signal pair is defined as the temporal synchrony threshold.
    Under monocular viewing conditions where both the reference and signal pairs were presented to one eye, the temporal synchrony thresholds of previous amblyopic eyes and fellow eyes were not significantly different (p = 0.15). Under dichoptic viewing conditions where both the reference and signal pairs were dichoptically presented to both eyes, the temporal synchrony threshold in the treated anisometropic amblyopes was significantly higher than that of the controls (119.34 ± 20.43 vs. 99.78 ± 16.60 ms, p = 0.009). There was no significant correlation between the monocular and dichoptic viewing conditions in the treated amblyopes (r = -0.22, p = 0.94).
    Temporal synchrony discrimination is abnormal under dichoptic but not under monocular visual stimulation in treated anisometropic amblyopes with normalised visual acuity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resting-state fMRI studies have shown that multiple functional networks, which consist of distributed brain regions that share synchronised spontaneous activity, co-exist in the brain. As these resting-state networks (RSNs) have been thought to reflect the brain\'s intrinsic functional organization, intersubject variability in the networks\' spontaneous fluctuations may be associated with individuals\' clinical, physiological, cognitive, and genetic traits. Here, we investigated resting-state fMRI data along with extensive clinical, lifestyle, and genetic data collected from 37,842 UK Biobank participants, with the object of elucidating intersubject variability in the fluctuation amplitudes of RSNs. Functional properties of the RSN amplitudes were first examined by analyzing correlations with the well-established between-network functional connectivity. It was found that a network amplitude is highly correlated with the mean strength of the functional connectivity that the network has with the other networks. Intersubject clustering analysis showed the amplitudes are most strongly correlated with age, cardiovascular factors, body composition, blood cell counts, lung function, and sex, with some differences in the correlation strengths between sensory and cognitive RSNs. Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of RSN amplitudes identified several significant genetic variants reported in previous GWASs for their implications in sleep duration. We provide insight into key factors determining RSN amplitudes and demonstrate that intersubject variability of the amplitudes primarily originates from differences in temporal synchrony between functionally linked brain regions, rather than differences in the magnitude of raw voxelwise BOLD signal changes. This finding additionally revealed intriguing differences between sensory and cognitive RSNs with respect to sex effects on temporal synchrony and provided evidence suggesting that synchronous coactivations of functionally linked brain regions, and magnitudes of BOLD signal changes, may be related to different genetic mechanisms. These results underscore that intersubject variability of the amplitudes in health and disease need to be interpreted largely as a measure of the sum of within-network temporal synchrony and amplitudes of BOLD signals, with a dominant contribution from the former.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite humans\' ability to communicate about concepts relating to different senses, word learning research tends to largely focus on labeling visual objects. Although sensory modality is known to influence memory and learning, its specific role for word learning remains largely unclear. We investigated associative word learning in adults, that is the association of an object with its label, by means of event-related brain potentials (ERPs). We evaluated how learning is affected by object modality (auditory vs visual) and temporal synchrony of object-label presentations (sequential vs simultaneous). Across 4 experiments, adults were, in training phases, presented either visual objects (real-world images) or auditory objects (environmental sounds) in temporal synchrony with or followed by novel pseudowords (2 × 2 design). Objects and pseudowords were paired either in a consistent or an inconsistent manner. In subsequent testing phases, the consistent pairs were presented in matching or violated pairings. Here, behavioral and ERP responses should reveal whether consistent object-pseudoword pairs had been successfully associated with one another during training. The visual-object experiments yielded behavioral learning effects and an increased N400 amplitude for violated versus matched pairings indicating short-term retention of object-word associations, in both the simultaneous and sequential presentation conditions. For the auditory-object experiments, only the simultaneous, but not the sequential presentation, revealed similar results. Across all experiments, we found behavioral and ERP correlates of associative word learning to be affected by both sensory modality and partly, by temporal synchrony of object-label combinations. Based on our findings, we argue for independent advantages of temporal synchrony and visual modality in associative word learning.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The literature on the role of gestures in children with language delay (LD) is partial and controversial. The present study explores gestural production and modality of expression in children with LD and semantic and temporal relationships between gestures and words in gesture + word combinations. Thirty-three children participated (mean age, 26 months), who were recruited through a screening programme for LD. Cognitive skills, lexical abilities, and the use of spontaneous gestures in a naming task were evaluated when the children were 32 months old. When the children were 78 months old, their parents were interviewed to collect information about an eventual diagnosis of developmental language disorder (DLD). According to these data, the children fell into three groups: children with typical development (n = 13), children with LD who did not show DLD (transient LD; n = 9), and children with LD who showed DLD (n = 11). No significant differences emerged between the three groups for cognitive and lexical skills (comprehension and production), for number of gestures spontaneously produced, and for the sematic relationships between gestures and words. Differences emerged in the modality of expression, where children with transient LD produced more unimodal gestural utterances than typical-development children, and in the temporal relationships between gestures and words, where the children who would show DLD provided more frequent representational gestures before the spoken answer than typical-development children. We suggest a different function for gestures in children with T-LD, who used representational gestures to replace the spoken word they were not yet able to produce, and in children with LD-DLD, who used representational gestures to access spoken words.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The visual attentional blink can be substantially reduced by delivering a task-irrelevant sound synchronously with the second visual target (T2), and this effect is further modulated by the semantic congruency between the sound and T2. However, whether the cross-modal benefit originates from audiovisual interactions or sound-induced alertness remains controversial, and whether the semantic congruency effect is contingent on audiovisual temporal synchrony needs further investigation. The current study investigated these questions by recording event-related potentials (ERPs) in a visual attentional blink task wherein a sound could either synchronize with T2, precede T2 by 200 ms, be delayed by 100 ms, or be absent, and could be either semantically congruent or incongruent with T2 when delivered. The behavioral data showed that both the cross-modal boost of T2 discrimination and the further semantic modulation were the largest when the sound synchronized with T2. In parallel, the ERP data yielded that both the early occipital cross-modal P195 component (192-228 ms after T2 onset) and late parietal cross-modal N440 component (424-448 ms) were prominent only when the sound synchronized with T2, with the former being elicited solely when the sound was further semantically congruent whereas the latter occurring only when that sound was incongruent. These findings demonstrate not only that the cross-modal boost of T2 discrimination during the attentional blink stems from early audiovisual interactions and the semantic congruency effect depends on audiovisual temporal synchrony, but also that the semantic modulation can unfold at the early stage of visual discrimination processing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perception of a moving object can lead to the expectation of its sound, yet little is known about how visual expectations influence auditory processing. We examined how visual perception of an object moving continuously across the visual field influences early auditory processing of a sound that occurred congruently or incongruently with the object\'s motion. In Experiment 1, electroencephalogram (EEG) activity was recorded from adults who passively viewed a ball that appeared either on the left or right boundary of a display and continuously traversed along the horizontal midline to make contact and elicit a bounce sound off the opposite boundary. Our main analysis focused on the auditory-evoked event-related potential. For audio-visual (AV) trials, a sound accompanied the visual input when the ball contacted the opposite boundary (AV-synchronous), or the sound occurred before contact (AV-asynchronous). We also included audio-only and visual-only trials. AV-synchronous sounds elicited an earlier and attenuated auditory response relative to AV-asynchronous or audio-only events. In Experiment 2, we examined the roles of expectancy and multisensory integration in influencing this response. In addition to the audio-only, AV-synchronous, and AV-asynchronous conditions, participants were shown a ball that became occluded prior to reaching the boundary of the display, but elicited an expected sound at the point of occluded collision. The auditory response during the AV-occluded condition resembled that of the AV-synchronous condition, suggesting that expectations induced by a moving object can influence early auditory processing. Broadly, the results suggest that dynamic visual stimuli can help generate expectations about the timing of sounds, which then facilitates the processing of auditory information that matches these expectations.





