template switching

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    End-to-end RNA sequencing methods that capture 5\'-sequence content without cumbersome library manipulations are of great interest, particularly for analysis of long RNAs. While template-switching methods have been developed for RNA sequencing by distributive short-read RTs, such as the MMLV RT enzymes used in SMART-Seq methods, they have not been adapted to leverage the power of ultraprocessive RTs, such as those that derive from group II self-splicing introns. To facilitate this transition, we dissected the individual processes that guide the enzymatic specificity and efficiency of the multi-step template switching reaction carried out by RT enzymes, in this case, by a well-characterized enzyme known as MarathonRT. Remarkably, this is the first study of its kind, for any RT. First, we characterized and optimized the enzymatic nontemplated addition (NTA) reaction that occurs when the RT enzyme extends past the RNA 5\'-terminus, and we determined the nucleotide specificity of the NTA reaction. We then evaluated the binding specificity of specialized template-switching oligonucleotides, optimizing their sequences and chemical properties to guide efficient template switching reaction. Having dissected and optimized these individual steps, we then unified them into a procedure for performing RNA sequencing with MarathonRT enzymes, using a well-characterized RNA reference set. The resulting reads span a six-log range in transcript concentration and accurately represent the input RNA identities in both length and composition. We also performed RNA-seq starting from total human RNA and poly(A)-enriched RNA, with short and long-read sequencing demonstrating that MarathonRT enhances the discovery of unseen RNA molecules by conventional RT. Altogether, by employing mechanistic enzymology on RT enzymes and using them to modify RNA-seq technologies, we have generated a new pipeline for rapid, accurate sequencing of complex RNA libraries containing mixtures of long RNA transcripts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The duplication-triplication/inverted-duplication (DUP-TRP/INV-DUP) structure is a complex genomic rearrangement (CGR). Although it has been identified as an important pathogenic DNA mutation signature in genomic disorders and cancer genomes, its architecture remains unresolved. Here, we studied the genomic architecture of DUP-TRP/INV-DUP by investigating the DNA of 24 patients identified by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) on whom we found evidence for the existence of 4 out of 4 predicted structural variant (SV) haplotypes. Using a combination of short-read genome sequencing (GS), long-read GS, optical genome mapping, and single-cell DNA template strand sequencing (strand-seq), the haplotype structure was resolved in 18 samples. The point of template switching in 4 samples was shown to be a segment of ∼2.2-5.5 kb of 100% nucleotide similarity within inverted repeat pairs. These data provide experimental evidence that inverted low-copy repeats act as recombinant substrates. This type of CGR can result in multiple conformers generating diverse SV haplotypes in susceptible dosage-sensitive loci.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Accurate DNA replication and transcription elongation are crucial for preventing the accumulation of unreplicated DNA and genomic instability. Cells have evolved multiple mechanisms to deal with impaired replication fork progression, challenged by both intrinsic and extrinsic impediments. The bacterium Bacillus subtilis, which adopts multiple forms of differentiation and development, serves as an excellent model system for studying the pathways required to cope with replication stress to preserve genomic stability. This review focuses on the genetics, single molecule choreography, and biochemical properties of the proteins that act to circumvent the replicative arrest allowing the resumption of DNA synthesis. The RecA recombinase, its mediators (RecO, RecR, and RadA/Sms) and modulators (RecF, RecX, RarA, RecU, RecD2, and PcrA), repair licensing (DisA), fork remodelers (RuvAB, RecG, RecD2, RadA/Sms, and PriA), Holliday junction resolvase (RecU), nucleases (RnhC and DinG), and translesion synthesis DNA polymerases (PolY1 and PolY2) are key functions required to overcome a replication stress, provided that the fork does not collapse.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The proper resolution of DNA damage during replication is essential for genome stability. FBH1, a UvrD, helicase plays crucial roles in the DNA damage response. FBH1 promotes double strand break formation and signaling in response to prolonged replication stress to initiate apoptosis. Human FBH1 regulates RAD51 to inhibit homologous recombination. A previous study suggested that mis-regulation of RAD51 may contribute to replication stress resistance in FBH1-deficient cells, but the underlying mechanism remains unknown. Here, we provide direct evidence that RAD51 promotes replication stress resistance in FBH1-deficient cells. We demonstrate inhibition of RAD51 using the small molecule, B02, partially rescues double strand break signaling in FBH1-deficient cells. We show that inhibition of only the strand exchange activity of RAD51 rescues double strand break signaling in FBH1 knockout cells. Finally, we show that depletion of UBC13, a E2 protein that promotes RAD51-dependent template switching, rescues double strand break formation and signaling sensitizing FBH1-deficient cells to replication stress. Our results suggest FBH1 regulates template switching to promote replication stress sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the discovery of the first transposon by Dr. Barbara McClintock, the prevalence and diversity of transposable elements (TEs) have been gradually recognized. As fundamental genetic components, TEs drive organismal evolution not only by contributing functional sequences (e.g., regulatory elements or \"controllers\" as phrased by Dr. McClintock) but also by shuffling genomic sequences. In the latter respect, TE-mediated gene duplications have contributed to the origination of new genes and attracted extensive interest. In response to the development of this field, we herein attempt to provide an overview of TE-mediated duplication by focusing on common rules emerging across duplications generated by different TE types. Specifically, despite the huge divergence of transposition machinery across TEs, we identify three common features of various TE-mediated duplication mechanisms, including end bypass, template switching, and recurrent transposition. These three features lead to one common functional outcome, namely, TE-mediated duplicates tend to be subjected to exon shuffling and neofunctionalization. Therefore, the intrinsic properties of the mutational mechanism constrain the evolutionary trajectories of these duplicates. We finally discuss the future of this field including an in-depth characterization of both the duplication mechanisms and functions of TE-mediated duplicates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA damage bypass pathways promote the replication of damaged DNA when replication forks stall at sites of DNA damage. Template switching is a DNA damage bypass pathway in which fork-reversal helicases convert stalled replication forks into four-way DNA junctions called chicken foot intermediates, which are subsequently extended by replicative DNA polymerases. In yeast, fork-reversal is carried out by the Rad5 helicase using an unknown mechanism. To better understand the mechanism of Rad5 and its specificity for different fork DNA substrates, we used a FRET-based assay to observe fork reversal in real time. We examined the ability of Rad5 to bind and catalyze the reversal of various fork DNA substrates in the presence of short gaps in the leading or lagging strand as well as in the presence or absence of RPA and RNA primers in the lagging strand. We found that Rad5 preferentially reverses fork DNA substrates with short gaps (10 to 30 nt.) in the leading strand. Thus, Rad5 preferentially reverses fork DNA substrates that form chicken foot intermediates with 5\' overhangs that can be extended by replicative DNA polymerases during the subsequent steps of template switching.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The emergence of a heavily mutated SARS-CoV-2 variant (Omicron; Pango lineage B.1.1.529 and BA sublineages) and its rapid spread to over 75 countries raised a global public health alarm. Characterizing the mutational profile of Omicron is necessary to interpret its clinical phenotypes which are shared with or distinctive from those of other SARS-CoV-2 variants. We compared the mutations of the initially circulating Omicron variant (now known as BA.1) with prior variants of concern (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta), variants of interest (Lambda, Mu, Eta, Iota, and Kappa), and ~1500 SARS-CoV-2 lineages constituting ~5.8 million SARS-CoV-2 genomes. Omicron\'s Spike protein harbors 26 amino acid mutations (23 substitutions, 2 deletions, and 1 insertion) that are distinct compared to other variants of concern. While the substitution and deletion mutations appeared in previous SARS-CoV-2 lineages, the insertion mutation (ins214EPE) was not previously observed in any other SARS-CoV-2 lineage. Here, we consider and discuss various mechanisms through which the nucleotide sequence encoding for ins214EPE could have been acquired, including local duplication, polymerase slippage, and template switching. Although we are not able to definitively determine the mechanism, we highlight the plausibility of template switching. Analysis of the homology of the inserted nucleotide sequence and flanking regions suggests that this template-switching event could have involved the genomes of SARS-CoV-2 variants (e.g., the B.1.1 strain), other human coronaviruses that infect the same host cells as SARS-CoV-2 (e.g., HCoV-OC43 or HCoV-229E), or a human transcript expressed in a host cell that was infected by the Omicron precursor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    RNA recombination is a major driver of genetic shifts tightly linked to the evolution of RNA viruses. Genomic recombination contributes substantially to the emergence of new viral lineages, expansion in host tropism, adaptations to new environments, and virulence and pathogenesis. Here, we review some of the recent progress that has advanced our understanding of recombination in positive-strand RNA viruses, including recombination triggers and the mechanisms behind them. The study of RNA recombination aids in predicting the probability and outcome of viral recombination events, and in the design of viruses with reduced recombination frequency as candidates for the development of live attenuated vaccines. Surveillance of viral recombination should remain a priority in the detection of emergent viral strains, a goal that can only be accomplished by expanding our understanding of how these events are triggered and regulated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nucleotide analogs can help to combat RNA virus growth by stalling the viral RNA polymerase or by introducing lethal mutations into the viral genome. Janissen and Woodman et al. have used single-molecule, sequencing, and virological methods to reveal that antiviral T-1106 provides a third mechanism of counterattack: inducing recombination.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) has extraordinarily advanced our understanding of gene expression and disease etiology, and is a powerful tool for the identification of biomarkers in a wide range of organisms. However, most RNA-seq methods rely on retroviral reverse transcriptases (RTs), enzymes that have inherently low fidelity and processivity, to convert RNAs into cDNAs for sequencing. Here, we describe an RNA-seq protocol using Thermostable Group II Intron Reverse Transcriptases (TGIRTs), which have high fidelity, processivity, and strand-displacement activity, as well as a proficient template-switching activity that enables efficient and seamless RNA-seq adapter addition. By combining these activities, TGIRT-seq enables the simultaneous profiling of all RNA biotypes from small amounts of starting material, with superior RNA-seq metrics, and unprecedented ability to sequence structured RNAs. The TGIRT-seq protocol for Illumina sequencing consists of three steps: (i) addition of a 3\' RNA-seq adapter, coupled to the initiation of cDNA synthesis at the 3\' end of a target RNA, via template switching from a synthetic adapter RNA/DNA starter duplex; (ii) addition of a 5\' RNA-seq adapter, by using thermostable 5\' App DNA/RNA ligase to ligate an adapter oligonucleotide to the 3\' end of the completed cDNA; (iii) minimal PCR amplification, to add capture sites and indices for Illumina sequencing. TGIRT-seq for the Illumina sequencing platform has been used for comprehensive profiling of coding and non-coding RNAs in ribodepleted, chemically fragmented cellular RNAs, and for the analysis of intact (non-chemically fragmented) cellular, extracellular vesicle (EV), and plasma RNAs, where it yields continuous full-length end-to-end sequences of structured small non-coding RNAs (sncRNAs), including tRNAs, snoRNAs, snRNAs, pre-miRNAs, and full-length excised linear intron (FLEXI) RNAs. Graphic abstract: Figure 1.Overview of the TGIRT-seq protocol for Illumina sequencing.Major steps are: (1) Template switching from a synthetic R2 RNA/R2R DNA starter duplex with a 1-nt 3\' DNA overhang (a mixture of A, C, G, and T residues, denoted N) that base pairs to the 3\' nucleotide of a target RNA, and upon initiating reverse transcription by adding dNTPs, seamlessly links an R2R adapter to the 5\' end of the resulting cDNA; (2) Ligation of an R1R adapter to the 3\' end of the completed cDNA; and (3) Minimal PCR amplification with primers that add Illumina capture sites (P5 and P7) and barcode sequences (indices 5 and 7). The index 7 barcode is required, while the index 5 barcode is optional, to provide unique dual indices (UDIs).





