
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The use of telemedicine (TELE) increased exponentially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While patient experience with TELE has been studied in other medical disciplines, its impact and applicability to integrative medicine practices remain unknown.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to assess the impact of visit modality, TELE versus face-to-face (F2F) encounters, on patient experience at an integrative medicine practice at a single academic medical center. Given the significant role of the patient-physician relationship, therapeutic presence, and touch in integrative medicine, we hypothesized that TELE would result in reduced patient experience compared to traditional F2F encounters.
    METHODS: A retrospective examination of Press Ganey surveys at an academic, consultative, and integrative medicine practice was conducted. Anonymous surveys completed by patients, older than 18 years of age, who had TELE or F2F appointments from April 1, 2020, to March 31, 2023, were included. At our medical center, patients commonly travel in from out of state for complex care. We examined percentage \"top box\" scores (ie, the percentage of respondents who selected the most positive response category on the survey, \"very good\"), across a variety of experience metrics. ANOVA and chi-square analyses were completed, with a significance threshold of P<.05.
    RESULTS: Over the 36 months, a total of 1066 surveys were completed and returned (TELE: n=333; F2F: n=733). Overall, 73% (n=778) of respondents were female with an average age of 57.6 (SD 13.84) years. Most patients were English-speaking (n=728, 99.3%), White (n=1059, 92.7%), and not Hispanic or Latino (n=985, 92.4%). There was significantly higher satisfaction with access to care for TELE visits compared to F2F visits. There were no differences in satisfaction with the care provider or in overall experience. When examining the specific aspects of using technology during TELE visits, there were no differences in audio quality, visual quality, or ease of talking to the care provider based on sex. There was, however, a difference in video quality based on age, where those 80 years and older rated significantly lower video quality compared to all other age groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Top-level patient experience can be attained with TELE integrative medicine visits. Additional studies, particularly those correlating positive experience findings with specific behaviors used during TELE visits, would further our understanding of the integrative medicine patient experience. In the meantime, efforts should be made to ensure a policy that promotes the ongoing provision of TELE in integrative medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) tremendously affects patient health and health care globally. Changing lifestyle behaviors can help curb the burden of T2D. However, health behavior change is a complex interplay of medical, behavioral, and psychological factors. Personalized lifestyle advice and promotion of self-management can help patients change their health behavior and improve glucose regulation. Digital tools are effective in areas of self-management and have great potential to support patient self-management due to low costs, 24/7 availability, and the option of dynamic automated feedback. To develop successful eHealth solutions, it is important to include stakeholders throughout the development and use a structured approach to guide the development team in planning, coordinating, and executing the development process.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to develop an integrated, eHealth-supported, educational care pathway for patients with T2D.
    METHODS: The educational care pathway was developed using the first 3 phases of the Center for eHealth and Wellbeing Research roadmap: the contextual inquiry, the value specification, and the design phase. Following this roadmap, we used a scoping review about diabetes self-management education and eHealth, past experiences of eHealth practices in our hospital, focus groups with health care professionals (HCPs), and a patient panel to develop a prototype of an educational care pathway. This care pathway is called the Diabetes Box (Leiden University Medical Center) and consists of personalized education, digital educational material, self-measurements of glucose, blood pressure, activity, and sleep, and a smartphone app to bring it all together.
    RESULTS: The scoping review highlights the importance of self-management education and the potential of telemonitoring and mobile apps for blood glucose regulation in patients with T2D. Focus groups with HCPs revealed the importance of including all relevant lifestyle factors, using a tailored approach, and using digital consultations. The contextual inquiry led to a set of values that stakeholders found important to include in the educational care pathway. All values were specified in biweekly meetings with key stakeholders, and a prototype was designed. This prototype was evaluated in a patient panel that revealed an overall positive impression of the care pathway but stressed that the number of apps should be restricted to one, that there should be no delay in glucose value visualization, and that insulin use should be incorporated into the app. Both patients and HCPs stressed the importance of direct automated feedback in the Diabetes Box.
    CONCLUSIONS: After developing the Diabetes Box prototype using the Center for eHealth and Wellbeing Research roadmap, all stakeholders believe that the concept of the Diabetes Box is useful and feasible and that direct automated feedback and education on stress and sleep are essential. A pilot study is planned to assess feasibility, acceptability, and usefulness in more detail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Building therapeutic relationships and social presence are challenging in digital services and maybe even more difficult in written services. Despite these difficulties, in-person care may not be feasible or accessible in all situations.
    OBJECTIVE: This study aims to categorize crisis counselors\' efforts to build rapport in written conversations by using deidentified conversation transcripts from the text and chat arms of the National Child Abuse Hotline. Using these categories, we identify the common characteristics of successful conversations. We defined success as conversations where help-seekers reported the hotline was a good way to seek help and that they were a lot more hopeful, a lot more informed, a lot more prepared to address the situation, and experiencing less stress, as reported by help-seekers.
    METHODS: The sample consisted of transcripts from 314 purposely selected conversations from of the 1153 text and chat conversations during July 2020. Hotline users answered a preconversation survey (ie, demographics) and a postconversation survey (ie, their perceptions of the conversation). We used qualitative content analysis to process the conversations.
    RESULTS: Active listening skills, including asking questions, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings, and interpreting situations, were commonly used by counselors. Validation, unconditional positive regard, and evaluation-based language, such as praise and apologies, were also often used. Compared with less successful conversations, successful conversations tended to include fewer statements that attend to the emotional dynamics. There were qualitative differences in how the counselors applied these approaches. Generally, crisis counselors in positive conversations tended to be more specific and tailor their comments to the situation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Building therapeutic relationships and social presence are essential to digital interventions involving mental health professionals. Prior research demonstrates that they can be challenging to develop in written conversations. Our work demonstrates characteristics associated with successful conversations that could be adopted in other written help-seeking interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Mental disorders are the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death worldwide, which leads to the death of more than 9 million people annually. The global impact of the Coronavirus epidemic on mental health includes insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, given the current situation, innovations such as telemedicine to provide prevention and treatment services for people with mental disorders seem necessary.
    UNASSIGNED: A literature review was performed according to the preferred items to report in systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). Covering a period from January 2020 to July 2023, we conducted a systematic literature search on five electronic databases (PubMed-Mesh, Scopus, Web of Science, Science direct, and PsycInfo). The search strategy included three categories of keywords: Mental health, Tele, COVID-19.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 112 articles were identified by searching the databases of published articles, 13 articles met our inclusion criteria. A total of 76.2% of them were related to patients with stress, anxiety, and depression issues. We found that the real-time method has been the most common method used to communicate between the physician and the patient (92.3%). The communication technologies used also included telephone, video call, video conference, and E-mail. During these communications, data was exchanged in text, voice, and video formats. In three studies (27%), interoperability with other systems was mentioned. In addition, 69.2% of the studies reported challenges, the most important of which were access to electronic and communication devices, network connection problems, audio and video problems, and privacy issues.
    UNASSIGNED: Considering the many advantages of telemedicine technology in the field of mental health, the need to use this technology in developing countries, including our country, is obvious. But the application of these technologies requires the investigation of technical aspects and challenges related to them as much as possible, which have been seen in few studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Persons with diabetes use continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) to self-manage their diabetes. Care partners (CPs) frequently become involved in supporting persons with diabetes in the management of their diabetes. However, persons with diabetes and CP dyads may require more communication and problem-solving skills regarding how to share and respond to CGM data.
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of persons with diabetes and CPs who participated in the Share \"plus\" intervention, which addresses dyadic communication strategies, problem-solving, and action planning to promote sharing of CGM data among the dyad.
    METHODS: Ten dyads participated in the Share \"plus\" telehealth intervention. Participants were interviewed during and after the Share \"plus\" intervention. Thematic analysis was used to analyze interview data.
    RESULTS: During postsession interviews, dyads described feeling a sense of shared responsibility yet viewed the persons with diabetes as ultimately responsible for the disease. Additionally, dyads shared that communication patterns improved and were able to recognize the negative aspects of previously established communication patterns. Dyads reported communication focused on hypoglycemia episodes while also differing in the frequency they reviewed CGM data and set alerts. Overall, dyads expressed positive reactions to the Share \"plus\" intervention.
    CONCLUSIONS: Share \"plus\" was helpful in promoting positive CGM-related communication among dyads and encouraged more CP support. CPs play an important role in supporting older adults with type 1 diabetes. Communication strategies help support dyad involvement in CGM data sharing and self-management among persons with diabetes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to deliver mental health and addictions (MHA) services is a global priority, especially considering the urgent shift towards virtual delivery of care in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to monitor the evolving role of technology in MHA services. Given that MHA policy documents represent the highest level of priorities for a government\'s vision and strategy for mental health care, one starting point is to measure the frequency with which technology is mentioned and the terms used to describe its use in MHA policy documents (before, during, and after COVID-19). Yet, to our knowledge, no such review of the extent to which ICTs are referred to in Canadian MHA policy documents exists to date.
    The objective of this systematic policy review was to examine the extent to which technology is addressed in Canadian government-based MHA policy documents prior to the COVID-19 pandemic to establish a baseline for documenting change.
    We reviewed 22 government-based MHA policy documents, published between 2011 and 2019 by 13 Canadian provinces and territories. We conducted content analysis to synthesize the policy priorities addressed in these documents into key themes, and then systematically searched for and tabulated the use of 39 technology-related keywords (in English and French) to describe and compare jurisdictions.
    Technology was addressed in every document, however, to a varying degree. Of the 39 searched keywords, we identified 22 categories of keywords pertaining to the use of technology to deliver MHA services and information. The 6 most common categories were tele (n=16/22), phone (n=12/22), tech (n=11/22), online (n=10/22), line (n=10/22), and web (n=10/22), with n being the number of policy documents in which the category was mentioned out of 22 documents. The use of terms referring to advanced technologies, such as virtual (n=6/22) and app (n= 4/22), were less frequent. Additionally, policy documents from some provinces and territories (eg, Alberta and Newfoundland and Labrador) mentioned a diverse range of ICTs, whereas others described only 1 form of ICT.
    This review indicates that technology has been given limited strategic attention in Canadian MHA policy. Policy makers may have limited knowledge on the evidence and potential of using technology in this field, highlighting the value for knowledge translation and collaborative initiatives among policy makers and researchers. The development of a pan-Canadian framework for action addressing the integration and coordination of technology in mental health services can also guide initiatives in this field. Our findings provide a prepandemic baseline and replicable methods to monitor how the use of technology-supported services and innovations emerge relative to other priorities in MHA policy during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.





