
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The propensity to experience meaningful patterns in random arrangements and unrelated events shows considerable interindividual differences. Reduced inhibitory control (over sensory processes) and decreased working memory capacities are associated with this trait, which implies that the activation of frontal as well as posterior brain regions may be altered during rest and working memory tasks. In addition, people experiencing more meaningful coincidences showed reduced gray matter of the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), which is linked to the inhibition of irrelevant information in working memory and the control and integration of multisensory information. To study deviations in the functional connectivity of the IFG with posterior associative areas, the present study investigated the fMRI resting state in a large sample of n = 101 participants. We applied seed-to-voxel analysis and found that people who perceive more meaningful coincidences showed negative functional connectivity of the left IFG (i.e. pars triangularis) with areas of the left posterior associative cortex (e.g. superior parietal cortex). A data-driven multivoxel pattern analysis further indicated that functional connectivity of a cluster located in the right cerebellum with a cluster including parts of the left middle frontal gyrus, left precentral gyrus, and the left IFG (pars opercularis) was associated with meaningful coincidences. These findings add evidence to the neurocognitive foundations of the propensity to experience meaningful coincidences, which strengthens the idea that deviations of working memory functions and inhibition of sensory and motor information explain why people experience more meaning in meaningless noise.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Timeliness is repeatedly referenced in the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Agreement negotiation draft, published in March 2024. However, the draft remains vague with regard to what is considered timely. Health policymaking should be much more conscious of the time scales it evokes and implements in order to support global equity and solidarity. The Pandemic Agreement negotiation draft could be made more specific to foster global synchronicity by: (1) replacing \'best endeavor\' language with enforceable timelines, particularly for benefit sharing mechanisms, (2) mandating an automatically triggered time-bound IP waiver for pandemic health technologies to accelerate manufacturing and distribution scale-up to global levels, and (3) strengthening the pandemic fund and debt relief mechanisms to safeguard financial resources to enable global synchronicity for future pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. In summary, global solidarity during a pandemic requires more attention to synchronicity by ensuring the simultaneous implementation and rollout of measures to prevent, contain, or end a pandemic in different countries or regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perception of meaningful patterns in random arrangements and unrelated events takes place in our everyday lives, coined apophenia, synchronicity, or the experience of meaningful coincidences. However, we do not know yet what predicts this phenomenon. To investigate this, we re-analyzed a combined data set of two daily diary studies with a total of N = 169 participants (mean age 29.95 years; 54 men). We investigated if positive or negative affect (PA, NA) predicts the number of meaningful coincidences on the following day (or vice versa). By means of a cross-lagged multilevel modelling approach (Bayesian estimation) we evaluated with which of two theoretical assumptions the data are more in line. First, if meaningful coincidences are facilitated by a broader and more flexible thinking style, PA should positively predict meaningful coincidences at the following day. However, if the experience of meaningful coincidences signifies a strategy to cope with negative feeling states, NA should predict the experience of meaningful coincidences during the following day. In favour of a more flexible thinking style, we found that PA predicted the number of perceived coincidences the following day. We did not find any effect for NA, and therefore, no evidence arguing for the coping mechanism hypothesis of meaningful coincidences.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Synchronicity describes a meaningful coincidence of events, which is familiar to us from treatments of our patients, but unfortunately has not yet been empirically substantiated. Adding to previous findings that point out beneficial aspects of synchronicity (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), in this paper I will show through a series of five synchronistic moments which happened in the context of therapy and analysis and which have been documented empirically, how synchronicities occur and can be used therapeutically. In my research I found several situational factors that can be considered structural aspects of synchronistic moments. Furthermore, I will show that synchronistic phenomena can have a positive influence if certain relational and transference-countertransference referential aspects are considered by the therapist and analyst. The concept of synchronicity brings the possibility of a further therapeutical instrument for the patient-analyst-dyad.
    La synchronicité décrit une coïncidence significative d\'événements, qui nous est familière dans les traitements de nos patients, mais qui malheureusement n\'a pas encore pu être étayée scientifiquement. Dans cet article - tout en allant dans le sens d\'articles antérieurs qui montrent les aspects bénéfiques de la synchronicité (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021, Connolly, 2015) - je montrerai, à travers une série de cinq moments synchronistiques qui se produisirent dans le contexte de thérapie et d\'analyse et qui ont été documentés de manière empirique, comment les synchronicités se produisent et comment elles peuvent être utilisées de manière thérapeutique. Dans ma recherche j\'ai trouvé plusieurs facteurs situationnels qui peuvent être considérés comme des aspects structurels de moments synchronistiques. De plus, je montrerai que les phénomènes de synchronicité peuvent avoir une influence positive si certains aspects relationnels, et qui font référence au transfert-contretransfert, sont pris en compte par le thérapeute et l\'analyste. Le concept de synchronicité offre la possibilité d\'un instrument thérapeutique de plus pour la dyade patient-analyste.
    Synchronizität beschreibt ein sinnvolles Zusammentreffen von Ereignissen, das uns aus der Behandlung unserer Patienten bekannt ist, aber leider noch nicht wissenschaftlich belegt werden konnte. In Ergänzung zu früheren Erkenntnissen, die auf vorteilhafte Aspekte der Synchronizität hinweisen (Marlo 2022, Lagutina 2021, Connolly 2015), werde ich in diesem Aufsatz eine Reihe von fünf synchronistischen Momenten aufzeigen, die im Kontext von Therapie und Analyse aufgetreten und empirisch dokumentiert sind und die veranschaulichen, wie Synchronizitäten auftauchen und therapeutisch genutzt werden können. Bei meiner Forschung habe ich mehrere situative Faktoren gefunden, die als strukturelle Aspekte synchronistischer Momente betrachtet werden können. Darüber hinaus werde ich zeigen, daß synchronistische Phänomene einen positiven Einfluß haben können, wenn bestimmte relationale und auf Übertragung-Gegenübertragung bezogene Aspekte vom Therapeuten und Analytiker berücksichtigt werden. Das Konzept der Synchronizität bietet die Möglichkeit eines zusätzlichen therapeutischen Instrumentes für die Patient-Analytiker-Dyade.
    La sincronicità descrive una coincidenza significativa di eventi, che ci è familiare dal lavoro con i nostri pazienti, ma che sfortunatamente non è stata ancora scientificamente provata. In aggiunta ai risultati precedenti che evidenziano gli aspetti benefici della sincronicità (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), in questo articolo mostrerò come si verificano le sincronicità e come possono essere usate a scopo terapeutico, attraverso una serie di cinque momenti sincronici avvenuti nel contesto della terapia e dell\'analisi e che sono stati documentati empiricamente. Nella mia ricerca ho trovato diversi fattori situazionali che possono essere considerati aspetti strutturali di momenti sincronici. Inoltre, mostrerò che i fenomeni sincronici possono avere un\'influenza positiva se certi aspetti relazionali di transfert-controtransfert vengono considerati dal terapeuta e dall\'analista. Il concetto di sincronicità porta con sé la possibilità di un ulteriore strumento terapeutico per la diade paziente-analista.
    Синхронистичностью называют значимое совпадение событий; мы знаем о ней благодаря нашим пациентам, однако эта концепция, к сожалению, пока не получила научного обоснования. В дополнение к предыдущим материалам, свидетельствующим о ценных аспектах синхронистичности (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), в данной статье я демонстрирую на примере пяти синхронистичных моментов, произошедших в контексте терапии и анализа и обоснованных эмпирически, как синхронистичность возникает и может быть использована в терапевтических целях. В ходе исследования я обнаружил несколько ситуационных факторов, которые можно рассматривать как структурные аспекты синхронистичных моментов. Кроме того, я покажу, что синхронистичные явления могут оказывать положительное влияние, если терапевт и аналитик учитывают определенные референтные аспекты переноса и контрпереноса. Концепция синхронистичности открывает возможность создания дополнительного терапевтического инструмента для диады пациент-аналитик.
    La sincronicidad describe una coincidencia significativa de eventos, que nos es familiar a partir de los tratamientos de nuestros pacientes, pero que desafortunadamente aún no ha sido científicamente fundamentada. Sumándome a hallazgos previos que dan cuenta de aspectos beneficiosos de la sincronicidad (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), en este trabajo mostraré a través de una serie de cinco momentos sincronísticos que sucedieron en el contexto de la terapia y el análisis y que han sido documentados empíricamente, cómo suceden las sincronicidades y cómo pueden utilizarse terapéuticamente. En mi investigación encontré varios factores situacionales que pueden considerarse aspectos estructurales de los momentos sincronísticos. Además, mostraré que los fenómenos sincronísticos pueden tener una influencia positiva si ciertos aspectos relacionales y vinculados a la transferencia-contratransferencia son considerados por el analista - terapeuta. El concepto de sincronicidad brinda la posibilidad de un instrumento terapéutico más para la díada paciente-analista.
    心理治疗中共时性时刻的结构面向:心理治疗和精神分析中关于共时性实证研究的发现 共时性指一个有意义的巧合事件, 这是我们通过病人已然熟知, 但却未曾证实的事情。此前研究已经指出共时性事件可以带来的多方面获益 (Marlo, 2022; Lagutina, 2021; Connolly, 2015), 这篇文章在此基础上, 通过五个被实证记录在案的治疗和分析中发生的共时性时刻, 来展示共时性事件如何发生, 以及如何被治疗性的使用。在我的研究中, 我发现了几个情境因素, 它们可以被视为共时性时刻的结构面向。此外, 我将呈现, 当治疗师和分析师可以考虑到某些与关系相关的, 及与移情-反移情相关的方面, 那么共时性现象可以具备积极的影响。共时性的概念可能为病人-分析师联合体提供另一种治疗工具。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe the duration, timing, tempo, and synchronicity of puberty, as well as the correlation between timing and tempo of puberty.
    METHODS: Overall, 15,819 of 22,439 invited children participated in the Puberty Cohort within the Danish National Birth Cohort. Participants completed a web-based questionnaire every 6 months through maturation with questions on current pubertal status. Girls reported current Tanner stage of breast and pubic hair development, and timing of menarche. Boys reported current Tanner stage of genital and pubic hair development, timing of first ejaculation, and vocal changes. While accounting for this interval-censored puberty information, we estimated the duration of puberty. Then, we used a nonlinear mixed effect growth model to estimate timing, tempo, synchronicity of puberty, and correlation between timing and tempo of puberty.
    RESULTS: In girls, the average duration of breast development was longer, whereas the average tempo was slower than pubic hair development. The average timing of breast development was earlier than the average timing of pubic hair development. The majority of girls had asynchronous puberty. In boys, the average duration was longer and average tempo slower for genital than pubic hair development. The average timing of genital and pubic hair development were comparable; hence, the majority had synchronous pubertal development. Adolescents who had earlier timing also tended to have a faster tempo.
    CONCLUSIONS: Being one of the largest puberty cohorts worldwide, these unique contemporary data can help physicians, parents, and children to understand and anticipate expected progression through pubertal development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The present study contributes to the conversations on the role of \'autonomy supportive\' factors in employee wellbeing in remote work contexts by examining the relationships between servant leadership, communication frequency - overall and via synchronous (i.e., individual video-calls, individual telephone calls) and asynchronous communication channels (i.e., e-mail messages, and WhatsApp) - on the one hand, and job satisfaction, on the other, and the moderating role of generation (Baby Boomers and Gen X versus Gen Y) in these relationships.
    UNASSIGNED: Building on self-determination theory, incorporating insights from servant leadership, telework, and media richness and synchronicity literatures, we developed hypotheses that were tested via multilevel analysis (273 employees nested in 89 managers).
    UNASSIGNED: In line with expectations, servant leadership had a positive relationship with job satisfaction. Total communication frequency, however, was not related to job satisfaction. Further analyses per communication channel showed that only level 2 e-mail communication frequency was positively related to job satisfaction. In contrast to expectations, the relationships studied were not moderated by generation.
    UNASSIGNED: We concluded that, for all generations, both servant leadership and frequent (e-mail) communication can be regarded as \'autonomy supportive\' factors in employee wellbeing. Paradoxically, whereas servant leadership, considered as a human-centric leadership style, suggests close trust-based employment relationships, employees valued frequent asynchronous communication (via e-mail). Having access to information and knowledge when needed may satisfy employees\' need for autonomy (and perhaps for flexibility to engage in work and non-work activities). The insights gained in our study can inform organizations, managers, and employees, particularly in future remote work contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We have analysed the synchronisation scenario and the rich spatiotemporal patterns in the network of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons under the influence of self, mixed and cross coupling of state variables which are realised by varying coupling phase. We have introduced a coupling matrix in the model to vary coupling phase. The excitatory and inhibitory couplings in the membrane potential induce in-phase and anti-phase bursting dynamics, respectively, in the two coupled system. When the off-diagonal elements of the matrix are zero, the system shows self coupling of the three variables, which helps to attain synchrony. The off-diagonal elements give cross interactions between the variables, which reduces synchrony. The stability of the synchrony attained is analysed using Lyapunov function approach. In our study, we found that self coupling in three variables is sufficient to induce chimera states in non-local coupling. The strength of incoherence and discontinuity measure validates the existence of chimera and multichimera states. The inhibitor self coupling in local interaction induces interesting patterns like Mixed Oscillatory State and clusters. The results may help in understanding the spatiotemporal communications of the brain, within the limitations of the size of the network analysed in this study.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Concurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and urothelial carcinoma (UC) in the same kidney is a rare phenomenon. It is critical to define this unusual disease to avoid a delay in diagnosis and improve the prognosis. The present study describes a case of a 71-year-old patient with synchronous ipsilateral RCC and UC of the renal pelvis and ureter. The patient presented with intermittent attacks of left loin pain with frank hematuria for 3 months and a weight loss of 5 kg over the same period of time. The patient had been a chronic heavy smoker for >45 years. Physical examination revealed stable vital signs; however, a mobile, non-tender mass was palpated in the left upper abdomen. A left nephroureterectomy with the removal of a bladder cuff was performed. Histopathological examination revealed a papillary RCC with a pathological stage of pT1N0Mx and a high-grade UC of the renal pelvis and ureter with a pathological stage of pT3-pN1-pMx. The postoperative recovery was good, and the patient was referred to an oncology center for further management. Previous reports have failed to identify definitive risk factors for the concurrence of RCC and UC. However, 24% of the patients in the various case reports in the literature were smokers. The most common presenting complaints included weight loss and painless hematuria. The concurrence of RCC and UC in the same kidney is a rare entity, and it frequently leads to a worse prognosis than the occurrence of RCC alone. Radical nephroureterectomy is the main line of treatment for patients with upper tract UC.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    When it comes to skin diseases, melanomas are considered the most lethal. Triple synchronous primary melanomas (SPMs) are rare. Here we have reported a case of a 77-year-old white male with three SPMs. The patient presented with a nodular melanoma in the upper left back; total skin examination (TSE) revealed additional melanomas in the right retroauricular region and on the left arm. The patient was unaware of these two additional melanomas that were only found because of the routine TSE, and the index lesion focused examination would have missed both. We advocate that TSE should be practised routinely by all dermatologists for all new patients, and also, from time to time in patients attending long-term follow-up appointments. Early diagnosis means simpler treatments and more favourable outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The question of whether tele-analysis is an acceptable way of conducting analysis has been discussed since it has become available. Merchant (2016) and others concluded that \'the essentials of a genuine analytic process are not necessarily precluded\' (p. 1). In this paper, the author goes a step further and examines potential advantages of tele-analysis. There may be benefits for patients with a history of physical or sexual abuse who value the distance. The potential for a \'safe place\' for work with erotic transference is also examined. In a further section the author is interested in allowing the analyst the freedom to practise in an authentic way, congruent with their personality. Also explored is the concept of the interactive field including the technological medium, which is subject to synchronistic events. Finally, the author gives examples of a deep connection between patient and analyst which came about despite the physical distance.
    La question de savoir si l’analyse en ligne est une manière acceptable de conduire une analyse a été débattue dès l’apparition de cette modalité. Merchant (2016) et d’autres auteurs ont conclu que « les fondamentaux d’un processus analytique authentique ne sont pas nécessairement compromis » (p.1). Dans cet article, l’auteur va plus loin et étudie les avantages potentiels de l’analyse en ligne. Il pourrait y avoir des avantages pour les patients qui ont vécu des abus sexuels ou de violence et pour qui la distance est bénéfique. L’article considère également le potentiel pour un ‘environnement protégé’ pour travailler le transfert érotique. Dans une autre partie l’auteur souligne l’intérêt de permettre à l’analyste la liberté de pratiquer d’une manière authentique, en cohérence avec sa personnalité. Le concept du champ interactif incluant l’intermédiaire technologique - qui est sujet aux événements synchronistiques - est aussi exploré. Pour terminer, l’auteur donne des exemples de liens profonds entre patient et analyste, liens qui se sont développés malgré la distance physique.
    Die Frage, ob die Teleanalyse eine akzeptable Art der Analyse ist, wird diskutiert, seit sie verfügbar ist. Merchant (2016) und andere kamen zu dem Schluß, daß \'die Grundlagen eines echten analytischen Prozesses nicht unbedingt ausgeschlossen sind\' (S. 1). In diesem Beitrag geht der Autor einen Schritt weiter und untersucht mögliche Vorteile der Teleanalyse. Es kann Vorteile für Patienten mit einer Vorgeschichte von körperlichem oder sexuellem Mißbrauch geben, die deswegen die Distanz schätzen. Auch das Potential für einen \'sicheren Ort\' für die Arbeit mit erotischer Übertragung wird untersucht. In einem weiteren Abschnitt geht es dem Autor darum, dem Analytiker die Freiheit zu geben, authentisch und im Einklang mit seiner Persönlichkeit zu praktizieren. Erforscht wird auch das Konzept des interaktiven Feldes einschließlich des technologischen Mediums, das synchronistischen Ereignissen unterliegt. Abschließend nennt der Verfasser Beispiele für eine tiefe Verbundenheit zwischen Patient und Analytiker, die trotz der räumlichen Distanz zustande kam.
    La domanda se la teleanalisi sia un modo accettabile di condurre l’analisi è stata discussa da quando questa è diventata possibile. Merchant (2016) e altri hanno concluso che ‘gli elementi essenziali di un autentico processo analitico non sono necessariamente preclusi’ (p.1). In questo articolo l’Autore fa un passo avanti ed esamina i potenziali benefici della teleanalisi. Vi possono essere dei vantaggi per i pazienti con una storia di abusi fisici o sessuali che valorizzano la distanza. Viene anche esaminato il potenziale di uno ‘spazio sicuro’ per il lavoro con il transfert erotico. In una sezione successiva l’Autore è interessato a permettere all’analista la libertà di lavorare in modo più autentico, congruente con la sua personalità. Viene inoltre esplorato il concetto di campo interattivo includendo il mezzo tecnologico, che è soggetto ad eventi sincronistici. Infine, l’autore fornisce esempi di una profonda connessione tra paziente e analista che si è verificata nonostante la distanza fisica.
    Как только появился дистанционный анализ, сразу же началось обсуждение его приемлемости в качестве метода аналитической работы. Мерчант (Merchant, 2016) и другие пришли к выводу, что при этом \"не обязательно отсутствуют основные элементы подлинного аналитического процесса\" (стр. 1). В данной работе автор идет дальше и рассматривает потенциальные преимущества дистанционного анализа. В нем есть свои плюсы для пациентов с опытом физического или сексуального насилия, которым важна дистанция. Он также рассматривается в качестве потенциального \"безопасного места\" в работе с эротическим переносом. В следующем разделе автор ратует за то, чтобы аналитику была предоставлена свобода и возможность работать аутентичным способом, свойственным его личности. Также исследуется идея интерактивного поля, в том числе технологической среды, подверженным синхронистическим событиям. Наконец, автор приводит примеры возникновения глубокой связи между пациентом и аналитиком, несмотря на физическое расстояние.
    La pregunta acerca de si el tele-análisis es un modo aceptable de conducir el análisis se ha discutido desde que comenzó a implementarse. Merchant (2016) y otros han concluido que `lo esencial de un proceso analítico genuino no queda excluido necesariamente`(p.1). En el presente ensayo, el autor da un paso más y examina las ventajas potenciales del tele-análisis. Puede haber beneficios para pacientes con historia de abuso físico o sexual quienes valoran la distancia. También se indaga en el potencial de un `espacio seguro`en el que trabajar la transferencia erótica. En otra sección el autor se interesa en el permiso y la libertad del analista para practicar en un modo auténtico, congruente con su personalidad. También se explora el concepto de campo interactivo, incluyendo el soporte tecnológico, el cual es sujeto a eventos sincronísticos. Finalmente, el autor ofrece ejemplos de una conexión profunda entre paciente y analista la cual se produjo a pesar de la distancia física.
    线上分析的机遇 自从远程分析出现以来, 人们一直在讨论远程分析是否是一种可接受的分析方式。Merchant(2016)等人的结论是, \"真正的分析过程的基本要素不一定会被排除\"(第1页)。在本文中, 作者更推进一步, 研究了远程分析的潜在优势。对于有身体或性虐待史的病人来说, 远程分析可能有好处, 因为他们重视距离。本文还研究了远程分析为情欲移情工作提供 \"安全场域 \"的可能性。在另一个章节中, 作者感兴趣于允许分析师以与他们的个性相一致的, 真实的方式进行实践。还探讨了互动领域的概念, 包括受制于共时性事件的技术媒介。最后, 作者给出了病人和分析师之间, 在有物理距离的情况下, 仍然有深层联系的例子。.





