synaptic connectivity

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Significant technical challenges exist when measuring synaptic connections between neurons in living brain tissue. The patch clamping technique, when used to probe for synaptic connections, is manually laborious and time-consuming. To improve its efficiency, we pursued another approach: instead of retracting all patch clamping electrodes after each recording attempt, we cleaned just one of them and reused it to obtain another recording while maintaining the others. With one new patch clamp recording attempt, many new connections can be probed. By placing one pipette in front of the others in this way, one can \"walk\" across the tissue, termed \"patch-walking.\" We performed 136 patch clamp attempts for two pipettes, achieving 71 successful whole cell recordings (52.2%). Of these, we probed 29 pairs (i.e., 58 bidirectional probed connections) averaging 91 μm intersomatic distance, finding 3 connections. Patch-walking yields 80-92% more probed connections, for experiments with 10-100 cells than the traditional synaptic connection searching method.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hippocampal CA3 region plays an important role in learning and memory. CA3 pyramidal neurons (PNs) receive two prominent excitatory inputs-mossy fibers (MFs) from dentate gyrus (DG) and recurrent collaterals (RCs) from CA3 PNs-that play opposing roles in pattern separation and pattern completion, respectively. Although the dorsoventral heterogeneity of the hippocampal anatomy, physiology, and behavior has been well established, nothing is known about the dorsoventral heterogeneity of synaptic connectivity in CA3 PNs. In this study, we performed Timm\'s sulfide silver staining, dendritic and spine morphological analyses, and ex vivo electrophysiology in mice of both sexes to investigate the heterogeneity of MF and RC pathways along the CA3 dorsoventral axis. Our morphological analyses demonstrate that ventral CA3 (vCA3) PNs possess greater dendritic lengths and more complex dendritic arborization, compared with dorsal CA3 (dCA3) PNs. Moreover, using ChannelRhodopsin2 (ChR2)-assisted patch-clamp recording, we found that the ratio of the RC-to-MF excitatory drive onto CA3 PNs increases substantially from dCA3 to vCA3, with vCA3 PNs receiving significantly weaker MFs, but stronger RCs, excitation than dCA3 PNs. Given the distinct roles of MF versus RC inputs in pattern separation versus completion, our findings of the significant dorsoventral variations of MF and RC excitation in CA3 PNs may have important functional implications for the contribution of CA3 circuit to the dorsoventral difference in hippocampal function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Alzheimer\'s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegeneration disease. Physical activity is one of the most promising modifiable lifestyles that can be effective in slowing down the progression of AD at an early stage.
    UNASSIGNED: Explore the molecular processes impaired in AD that were conversely preserved and enhanced by physical activity.
    UNASSIGNED: Integrated transcriptomic analyses were performed in datasets that contain AD patients and elders with different degrees of physical activity. The changes of the hub genes were validated through analyzing another two datasets. The expression of the hub genes was further detected in the hippocampus and cortexes of APP/PS1 transgenic mice with or without physical activity by Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).
    UNASSIGNED: Cross-comparison highlighted 195 DEGs displaying opposed regulation patterns between AD and high physical activity (HPA). The common DEGs were predominantly involved in synaptic vesicle recycling and synaptic transmission, largely downregulated in AD patients but upregulated in the elders with HPA. Two key modules and four hub genes that were related to synaptic vesicle turnover were obtained from the PPI network. The expression of these hub genes (SYT1, SYT4, SH3GL2, and AP2M1) was significantly decreased in AD transgenic mice and was reversed by HPA training.
    UNASSIGNED: HPA may reverse AD pathology by upregulating a range of synaptic vesicle transport related proteins which might improve the efficiency of synaptic vesicle turnover and facilitate inter-neuronal information transfer. The study provides novel insights into the mechanisms underlining the protective effects of HPA on AD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mapping the connectivity of diverse neuronal types provides the foundation for understanding the structure and function of neural circuits. High-throughput and low-cost neuroanatomical techniques based on RNA barcode sequencing have the potential to map circuits at cellular resolution and a brain-wide scale, but existing Sindbis virus-based techniques can only map long-range projections using anterograde tracing approaches. Rabies virus can complement anterograde tracing approaches by enabling either retrograde labeling of projection neurons or monosynaptic tracing of direct inputs to genetically targeted postsynaptic neurons. However, barcoded rabies virus has so far been only used to map non-neuronal cellular interactions in vivo and synaptic connectivity of cultured neurons. Here we combine barcoded rabies virus with single-cell and in situ sequencing to perform retrograde labeling and transsynaptic labeling in the mouse brain. We sequenced 96 retrogradely labeled cells and 295 transsynaptically labeled cells using single-cell RNA-seq, and 4130 retrogradely labeled cells and 2914 transsynaptically labeled cells in situ. We found that the transcriptomic identities of rabies virus-infected cells can be robustly identified using both single-cell RNA-seq and in situ sequencing. By associating gene expression with connectivity inferred from barcode sequencing, we distinguished long-range projecting cortical cell types from multiple cortical areas and identified cell types with converging or diverging synaptic connectivity. Combining in situ sequencing with barcoded rabies virus complements existing sequencing-based neuroanatomical techniques and provides a potential path for mapping synaptic connectivity of neuronal types at scale.
    In the brain, messages are relayed from one cell to the next through intricate networks of axons and dendrites that physically interact at junctions known as synapses. Mapping out this synaptic connectivity – that is, exactly which neurons are connected via synapses – remains a major challenge. Monosynaptic tracing is a powerful approach that allows neuroscientists to explore neural networks by harnessing viruses which spread between neurons via synapses, in particular the rabies virus. This pathogen travels exclusively from ‘postsynaptic’ to ‘presynaptic’ neurons – from the cell that receives a message at a synapse, back to the one that sends it. A modified variant of the rabies virus can therefore be used to reveal the presynaptic cells connecting to a population of neurons in which it has been originally introduced. However, this method does not allow scientists to identify the exact postsynaptic neuron that each presynaptic cell is connected to. One way to bypass this issue is to combine monosynaptic tracing with RNA barcoding to create distinct versions of the modified rabies virus, which are then introduced into separate populations of neurons. Tracking the spread of each version allows neuroscientists to spot exactly which presynaptic cells signal to each postsynaptic neuron. So far, this approach has been used to examine synaptic connectivity in neurons grown in the laboratory, but it remains difficult to apply it to neurons in the brain. In response, Zhang, Jin et al. aimed to demonstrate how monosynaptic tracing that relies on barcoded rabies viruses could be used to dissect neural networks in the mouse brain. First, they confirmed that it was possible to accurately detect which version of the virus had spread to presynaptic neurons using both in situ and single-cell RNA sequencing. Next, they described how this information could be analysed to build models of potential neural networks, and what type of additional experiments are required for this work. Finally, they used the approach to identify neurons that tend to connect to the same postsynaptic cells and then investigated what these have in common, showing how the technique enables a finer understanding of neural circuits. Overall, the work by Zhang, Jin et al. provides a comprehensive review of the requirements and limitations associated with monosynaptic tracing experiments based on barcoded rabies viruses, as well as how the approach could be optimized in the future. This information will be of broad interest to scientists interested in mapping neural networks in the brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Processing neural activity to reconstruct network connectivity is a central focus of neuroscience, yet the spatiotemporal requisites of biological nervous systems are challenging for current neuronal sensing modalities. Consequently, methods that leverage limited data to successfully infer synaptic connections, predict activity at single unit resolution, and decipher their effect on whole systems, can uncover critical information about neural processing. Despite the emergence of powerful methods for inferring connectivity, network reconstruction based on temporally subsampled data remains insufficiently unexplored.
    We infer synaptic weights by processing firing rates within variable time bins for a heterogeneous feed-forward network of excitatory, inhibitory, and unconnected units. We assess classification and optimize model parameters for postsynaptic spike train reconstruction. We test our method on a physiological network of leaky integrate-and-fire neurons displaying bursting patterns and assess prediction of postsynaptic activity from microelectrode array data.
    Results reveal parameters for improved prediction and performance and suggest that lower resolution data and limited access to neurons can be preferred.
    Recent computational methods demonstrate highly improved reconstruction of connectivity from networks of parallel spike trains by considering spike lag, time-varying firing rates, and other underlying dynamics. However, these methods insufficiently explore temporal subsampling representative of novel data types.
    We provide a framework for reverse engineering neural networks from data with limited temporal quality, describing optimal parameters for each bin size, which can be further improved using non-linear methods and applied to more complicated readouts and connectivity distributions in multiple brain circuits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During development of the sensory cortex, the ascending innervation from deep to upper layers provides a temporary scaffold for the construction of other circuits that remain at adulthood. Whether an alteration in this sequence leads to brain dysfunction in neuro-developmental diseases remains unknown. Using functional approaches in a genetic model of Absence Epilepsy (GAERS), we investigated in barrel cortex, the site of seizure initiation, the maturation of excitatory and inhibitory innervations onto layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons and cell organization into neuronal assemblies. We found that cortical development in GAERS lacks the early surge of connections originating from deep layers observed at the end of the second postnatal week in normal rats and the concomitant structuring into multiple assemblies. Later on, at seizure onset (1 month old), excitatory neurons are hyper-excitable in GAERS when compared to Wistar rats. These findings suggest that early defects in the development of connectivity could promote this typical epileptic feature and/or its comorbidities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Visualizing synaptic connectivity has traditionally relied on time-consuming electron microscopy-based imaging approaches. To scale the analysis of synaptic connectivity, fluorescent protein-based techniques have been established, ranging from the labeling of specific pre- or post-synaptic components of chemical or electrical synapses to transsynaptic proximity labeling technology such as GRASP and iBLINC. In this paper, we describe WormPsyQi, a generalizable image analysis pipeline that automatically quantifies synaptically localized fluorescent signals in a high-throughput and robust manner, with reduced human bias. We also present a resource of 30 transgenic strains that label chemical or electrical synapses throughout the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, using CLA-1, RAB-3, GRASP (chemical synapses), or innexin (electrical synapse) reporters. We show that WormPsyQi captures synaptic structures in spite of substantial heterogeneity in neurite morphology, fluorescence signal, and imaging parameters. We use these toolkits to quantify multiple obvious and subtle features of synapses - such as number, size, intensity, and spatial distribution of synapses - in datasets spanning various regions of the nervous system, developmental stages, and sexes. Although the pipeline is described in the context of synapses, it may be utilized for other \'punctate\' signals, such as fluorescently tagged neurotransmitter receptors and cell adhesion molecules, as well as proteins in other subcellular contexts. By overcoming constraints on time, sample size, cell morphology, and phenotypic space, this work represents a powerful resource for further analysis of synapse biology in C. elegans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    How our brain generates diverse neuron types that assemble into precise neural circuits remains unclear. Using Drosophila lamina neuron types (L1-L5), we show that the primary homeodomain transcription factor (HDTF) brain-specific homeobox (Bsh) is initiated in progenitors and maintained in L4/L5 neurons to adulthood. Bsh activates secondary HDTFs Ap (L4) and Pdm3 (L5) and specifies L4/L5 neuronal fates while repressing the HDTF Zfh1 to prevent ectopic L1/L3 fates (control: L1-L5; Bsh-knockdown: L1-L3), thereby generating lamina neuronal diversity for normal visual sensitivity. Subsequently, in L4 neurons, Bsh and Ap function in a feed-forward loop to activate the synapse recognition molecule DIP-β, thereby bridging neuronal fate decision to synaptic connectivity. Expression of a Bsh:Dam, specifically in L4, reveals Bsh binding to the DIP-β locus and additional candidate L4 functional identity genes. We propose that HDTFs function hierarchically to coordinate neuronal molecular identity, circuit formation, and function. Hierarchical HDTFs may represent a conserved mechanism for linking neuronal diversity to circuit assembly and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons typically generate action potentials at their axon initial segment based on the integration of synaptic inputs. In many neurons, the axon extends from the soma, equally weighting dendritic inputs. A notable exception is found in a subset of hippocampal pyramidal cells where the axon emerges from a basal dendrite. This structure allows these axon-carrying dendrites (AcDs) a privileged input route. We found that in male mice, such cells in the CA1 region receive stronger excitatory input from the contralateral CA3, compared with those with somatic axon origins. This is supported by a higher count of putative synapses from contralateral CA3 on the AcD. These findings, combined with prior observations of their distinct role in sharp-wave ripple firing, suggest a key role of this neuron subset in coordinating bi-hemispheric hippocampal activity during memory-centric oscillations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Blast exposure can cause auditory deficits that have a lasting, significant impact on patients. Although the effects of blast on auditory functions localized to the ear have been well documented, the impact of blast on central auditory processing is largely undefined. Understanding the structural and functional alterations in the central nervous system (CNS) associated with blast injuries is crucial for unraveling blast-induced pathophysiological pathways and advancing development of therapeutic interventions. In this study, we used electrophysiology in combination with optogenetics assay, proteomic analysis, and morphological evaluation to investigate the impairment of synaptic connectivity in the auditory cortex (AC) of mice following blast exposure. Our results show that the long-range functional connectivity between the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) and AC was impaired in the acute phase of blast injury. We also identified impaired synaptic transmission and dendritic spine alterations within 7 days of blast exposure, which recovered at 28 days post-blast. Additionally, proteomic analysis identified a few differentially expressed proteins in the cortex that are involved in synaptic signaling and plasticity. These findings collectively suggest that blast-induced alterations in the sound signaling network in the auditory cortex may underlie hearing deficits in the acute and sub-acute phases after exposure to shockwaves. This study may shed light on the perturbations underlying blast-induced auditory dysfunction and provide insights into the potential therapeutic windows for improving auditory outcomes in blast-exposed individuals.





