synapse organizer

Synapse 组织者
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Kainate (KA)-type glutamate receptors (KARs) are implicated in various neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders through their ionotropic and metabotropic actions. However, compared to AMPA- and NMDA-type receptor functions, many aspects of KAR biology remain incompletely understood. Our study demonstrates an important role of KARs in organizing climbing fiber (CF)-Purkinje cell (PC) synapses and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellum, independently of their ion channel or metabotropic functions. The amino-terminal domain (ATD) of the GluK4 KAR subunit binds to C1ql1, provided by CFs, and associates with Bai3, an adhesion-type G protein-coupled receptor expressed in PC dendrites. Mice lacking GluK4 exhibit no KAR-mediated responses, reduced C1ql1 and Bai3 levels, and fewer CF-PC synapses, along with impaired long-term depression and oculomotor learning. Remarkably, introduction of the ATD of GluK4 significantly improves all these phenotypes. These findings demonstrate that KARs act as synaptic scaffolds, orchestrating synapses by forming a KAR-C1ql1-Bai3 complex in the cerebellum.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The conventional microelectrodes for recording neuronal activities do not have innate selectivity to cell type, which is one of the critical limitations for the detailed analysis of neuronal circuits. In this study, we engineered a downsized variant of the artificial synapse organizer based on neurexin1β and a peptide-tag, fabricated gold microelectrodes functionalized with the receptor for the organizer, and performed validation experiments in primary cultured neurons. Successful inductions of synapse-like junctions were detected at the sites of contact between neurons expressing the engineered synapse organizer and functionalized microelectrodes, but not in the negative control experiment in which the electrode functionalization was omitted. Such a molecularly inducible neuron-microelectrode junction could be the basis for the next-generation electrophysiological technique enabling cell type-selective recording.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neuroligin (NLGN) 3 is a postsynaptic cell adhesion protein organizing synapse formation through two different types of transsynaptic interactions, canonical interaction with neurexins (NRXNs) and a recently identified noncanonical interaction with protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) δ. Although, NLGN3 gene is known as a risk gene for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID), the pathogenic contribution of the canonical NLGN3-NRXN and noncanonical NLGN3-PTPδ pathways to these disorders remains elusive. In this study, we utilized Nlgn3 mutant mice selectively lacking the interaction with either NRXNs or PTPδ and investigated their social and memory performance. Neither Nlgn3 mutants showed any social cognitive deficiency in the social novelty recognition test. However, the Nlgn3 mutant mice lacking the PTPδ pathway exhibited significant decline in the social conditioned place preference (sCPP) at the juvenile stage, suggesting the involvement of the NLGN3-PTPδ pathway in the regulation of social motivation and reward. In terms of learning and memory, disrupting the canonical NRXN pathway attenuated contextual fear conditioning while disrupting the noncanonical NLGN3-PTPδ pathway enhanced it. Furthermore, disruption of the NLGN3-PTPδ pathway negatively affected the remote spatial reference memory in the Barnes maze test. These findings highlight the differential contributions of the canonical NLGN3-NRXN and noncanonical NLGN3-PTPδ synaptogenic pathways to the regulation of higher order brain functions associated with ASD and ID.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The transplantation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NS/PCs) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) has shown promise in spinal cord injury (SCI) model animals. Establishing a functional synaptic connection between the transplanted and host neurons is crucial for motor function recovery. To boost therapeutic outcomes, we developed an ex vivo gene therapy aimed at promoting synapse formation by expressing the synthetic excitatory synapse organizer CPTX in hiPSC-NS/PCs. Using an immunocompromised transgenic rat model of SCI, we evaluated the effects of transplanting CPTX-expressing hiPSC-NS/PCs using histological and functional analyses. Our findings revealed a significant increase in excitatory synapse formation at the transplantation site. Retrograde monosynaptic tracing indicated extensive integration of transplanted neurons into the surrounding neuronal tracts facilitated by CPTX. Consequently, locomotion and spinal cord conduction significantly improved. Thus, ex vivo gene therapy targeting synapse formation holds promise for future clinical applications and offers potential benefits to individuals with SCI.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Functionally mature neural circuits are shaped during postnatal development by eliminating redundant synapses formed during the perinatal period. In the cerebellum of neonatal rodents, each Purkinje cell (PC) receives synaptic inputs from multiple (more than 4) climbing fibers (CFs). During the first 3 postnatal weeks, synaptic inputs from a single CF become markedly larger and those from the other CFs are eliminated in each PC, leading to mono-innervation of each PC by a strong CF in adulthood. While molecules involved in the strengthening and elimination of CF synapses during postnatal development are being elucidated, much less is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying CF synapse formation during the early postnatal period. Here, we show experimental evidence that suggests that a synapse organizer, PTPδ, is required for early postnatal CF synapse formation and the subsequent establishment of CF to PC synaptic wiring. We showed that PTPδ was localized at CF-PC synapses from postnatal day 0 (P0) irrespective of the expression of Aldolase C (Aldoc), a major marker of PC that distinguishes the cerebellar compartments. We found that the extension of a single strong CF along PC dendrites (CF translocation) was impaired in global PTPδ knockout (KO) mice from P12 to P29-31 predominantly in PCs that did not express Aldoc [Aldoc (-) PCs]. We also demonstrated via morphological and electrophysiological analyses that the number of CFs innervating individual PCs in PTPδ KO mice were fewer than in wild-type (WT) mice from P3 to P13 with a significant decrease in the strength of CF synaptic inputs in cerebellar anterior lobules where most PCs are Aldoc (-). Furthermore, CF-specific PTPδ-knockdown (KD) caused a reduction in the number of CFs innervating PCs with decreased CF synaptic inputs at P10-13 in anterior lobules. We found a mild impairment of motor performance in adult PTPδ KO mice. These results indicate that PTPδ acts as a presynaptic organizer for CF-PC formation and is required for normal CF-PC synaptic transmission, CF translocation, and presumably CF synapse maintenance predominantly in Aldoc (-) PCs. Furthermore, this study suggests that the impaired CF-PC synapse formation and development by the lack of PTPδ causes mild impairment of motor performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clustering of neurexin-1β occurs through the formation of a trans-cellular complex with neuroligin-1, which promotes the generation of presynapse. While the extracellular region of neurexin-1β functions to constitute the heterophilic binding interface with neuroligin-1, it has remained unclear whether the region could also play any key role in exerting the intracellular signaling for presynaptic differentiation. In this study, we generated neurexin-1β lacking the binding site to neuroligin-1 and with a FLAG epitope at the N-terminus, and examined its activity in cultured neurons. The engineered protein still exhibited robust synaptogenic activities upon the epitope-mediated clustering, indicating that the region for complex formation and that for transmitting presynapse differentiation signals are structurally independent of each other. Using a fluorescence protein as an epitope, synaptogenesis was also induced by a gene-codable nanobody. The finding opens possibilities of neurexin-1β as a platform for developing various molecular tools which may allow, for example, precise modifications of neural wirings under genetic control.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Muscle dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC) links the intracellular cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. In neurons, dystroglycan and dystrophin, two major components of the DGC, localize in a subset of GABAergic synapses, where their function is unclear. Here we used mouse models to analyze the specific role of the DGC in the organization and function of inhibitory synapses. Loss of full-length dystrophin in mdx mice resulted in a selective depletion of the transmembrane β-dystroglycan isoform from inhibitory post-synaptic sites in cerebellar Purkinje cells. Remarkably, there were no differences in the synaptic distribution of the extracellular α-dystroglycan subunit, of GABAA receptors and neuroligin 2. In contrast, conditional deletion of the dystroglycan gene from Purkinje cells caused a disruption of the DGC and severely impaired post-synaptic clustering of neuroligin 2, GABAA receptors and scaffolding proteins. Accordingly, whole-cell patch-clamp analysis revealed a significant reduction in the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous IPSCs recorded from Purkinje cells. In the long-term, deletion of dystroglycan resulted in a significant decrease of GABAergic innervation of Purkinje cells and caused an impairment of motor learning functions. These results show that dystroglycan is an essential synaptic organizer at GABAergic synapses in Purkinje cells.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several C1q family members, related to the C1q complement component are extensively expressed in the central nervous system. Cbln1, which belongs to the Cbln subfamily of C1q proteins and released from cerebellar granule cells, plays an indispensable role in the synapse formation and function at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses. This is achieved by formation of a trans-synaptic tripartite complex which is composed of one unit of the Cbln1 hexamer, monomeric neurexin (NRX) containing a splice site 4 insertion at presynaptic terminals and the postsynaptic GluD2 dimers. Recently an increasing number of soluble or transmembrane proteins have been identified to bind directly to the amino-terminal domains of iGluR and regulate the recruitment and function of iGluRs at synapses. Especially at mossy fiber (MF)-CA3 synapses in the hippocampus, postsynaptic kainate-type glutamate receptors (KARs) are involved in synaptic network activity through their characteristic channel kinetics. C1ql2 and C1ql3, which belong to the C1q-like subfamily of C1q proteins, are produced by MFs and serve as extracellular organizers to recruit functional postsynaptic KAR complexes at MF-CA3 synapses via binding to the amino-terminal domains of GluK2 and GluK4 KAR subunits. In addition, C1ql2 and C1ql3 directly bind to NRX3 containing sequences encoded by exon 25b insertion at splice site 5. In the present review, we highlighted the generality of the strategy by tripartite complex formation of the specific type of NRX and iGluR via C1q family members.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tropomyosin-receptor-kinase (Trk) receptors have been extensively studied for their roles in kinase-dependent signaling cascades in nervous system development. Synapse organization is coordinated by trans-synaptic interactions of various cell adhesion proteins, a representative example of which is the neurexin-neuroligin complex. Recently, a novel role for TrkC as a synapse organizing protein has been established. Post-synaptic TrkC binds to pre-synaptic type-IIa receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase sigma (PTPσ). TrkC-PTPσ specifically induces excitatory synapses in a kinase domain-independent manner. TrkC has distinct extracellular domains for PTPσ- and NT-3-binding and thus may bind both ligands simultaneously. Indeed, NT-3 enhances the TrkC-PTPσ interaction, thus facilitating synapse induction at the pre-synaptic side and increasing pre-synaptic vesicle recycling in a kinase-independent fashion. A crystal structure study has revealed the detailed structure of the TrkC-PTPσ complex as well as competitive modulation of TrkC-mediated synaptogenesis by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), which bind the same domain of TrkC as PTPσ. Thus, there is strong evidence supporting a role for the TrkC-PTPσ complex in mechanisms underlying the fine turning of neural connectivity. Furthermore, disruption of the TrkC-PTPσ complex may be the underlying cause of certain psychiatric disorders caused by mutations in the gene encoding TrkC (NTRK3), supporting its role in cognitive functions.





