surgical flap

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate the anatomical skin shape of the first web space in cadavers and to guide flap design for this area.
    METHODS: Twelve cadavers (24 hands on both sides) were selected. Marker points were chosen based on the characteristics of the first web for morphological measurement and observation. The morphological characteristics of the first web under the radial or palmar abduction position of the thumb were measured and compared. The best morphologic features and parameters of the first web repairing flap were obtained.
    RESULTS: When the thumb was in the palmar abduction position, the maximum distance a(p) was 6.78 ± 0.72 cm and the skin area s(p) was 20.09 ± 2.63 cm2, both of which were significantly greater than the distance a(r) of 5.86 ± 0.74 cm and the skin area s(r) of 17.39 ± 2.15 cm2 when the thumb was in the radial abduction position (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the length b(r) and b(p) of the long axis of the flap between two different abduction positions (P > 0.05). It is found that the shape of the first web area was not a symmetrical spindle but an irregular quadrilateral inclined to the index finger side.
    CONCLUSIONS: The flap design and measurement for the first web space covering should take the maximum palmar abduction position of the thumb as a reference. The asymmetric quadrilateral flap design is more in line with the anatomical and morphological characteristics of the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The primary goal is preservation of the affected extremity, which can be associated with limitations in tasks relevant for daily life and a distorted body image caused by the original trauma. Therefore, a secondary goal is to reduce the trauma sequelae.
    RESULTS: For an esthetic outcome the choice of flap surgery is crucial. Factors such as tissue thickness, skin color, and hair covering need to be considered. The flap should blend seamlessly with the tissue surrounding the defect. The localization and closure of the defect are also important. The flaps undergo vascular, lymphatic and trophic postoperative changes caused by the so-called autonomization. Measures, such as compression therapy reshape the microcirculation and result in volume reduction of the transplant. It is important to preoperatively educate patients about this process. After completion of the conditioning surgical thinning procedures are available for persistent unattractive results, e.g., open surgical and liposuction techniques.
    CONCLUSIONS: Microsurgical defect coverage of traumatic skin and soft tissue defects is a compromise between limb preservation and functionality. In cases of missing local soft tissue, secure closure of the defect should be prioritized but initial esthetic considerations should also influence the choice of tissue transplant. Patients should be informed early about the development of the flap surgery and undergo postoperative compression therapy for conditioning. Secondary operative corrections are also possible.
    UNASSIGNED: EINLEITUNG: Der Verschluss von Haut- und Weichteildefekten nach einem Trauma der Extremitäten gehört zu den Hauptaufgaben der plastisch-rekonstruktiven Mikrochirurgie. Primäres Ziel ist der Erhalt der betroffenen Extremität, der, bedingt durch das ursächliche Trauma, mit alltagsrelevanten Einschränkungen und einem gestörten Körperbild verbunden sein kann. Daher besteht ein sekundäres Ziel darin, Traumafolgen zu reduzieren.
    UNASSIGNED: Für ein ästhetisches Ergebnis ist die Wahl der Lappenplastik entscheidend. Dicke, Hautfarbe und Behaarung des Gewebes sind zu beachten. Die Lappenplastik sollte sich von der Defektumgebung kaum unterscheiden. Auch Lokalisation und Verschluss des Hebedefekts sind zu bedenken. Die sog. Autonomisierung der Lappenplastiken bedingt postoperativ vaskuläre, lymphatische und trophische Veränderungen. Maßnahmen wie z. B. eine Kompressionstherapie modellieren die Mikrozirkulation und bewirken eine Volumenabnahme des Transplantats. Wichtig ist es, die Patientinnen und Patienten bereits präoperativ über diesen Prozess aufzuklären. Nach Abschluss der Konditionierung stehen bei weiterhin unästhetischen Ergebnissen chirurgische Ausdünnungsverfahren (offen-chirurgisch und Liposuktion) zur Verfügung.
    UNASSIGNED: Die mikrochirurgische Defektdeckung traumatischer Haut- und Weichteildefekte ist ein Kompromiss zwischen Erhalt der Extremität und Funktionalität. Bei fehlenden lokalen Weichteilen sollte der sichere Verschluss des Defekts im Vordergrund stehen, allerdings sollten bereits initial ästhetische Überlegungen in die Wahl des Gewebetransplantats einfließen. Frühzeitig ist über die Entwicklung der Lappenplastik aufzuklären und postoperativ eine Kompressionstherapie zur Konditionierung durchzuführen. Sekundär sind operative Korrekturen möglich.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Surgical intervention for medication-related jaw osteonecrosis (MRONJ) is currently the main treatment method, offering a higher healing rate than conservative approaches. However, the management of bony defects after sequestrectomy remains a challenging issue due to poor vascularization from the drug effect. The use of pedicled buccal fat pad (PBFP) for filling bone defects has become common and effective but is limited to the posterior maxillary region. To add to the advantages of the buccal fat pad, we explored a novel treatment approach using a free buccal fat pad (FBFP) to fill bone defects other than the posterior maxilla. While the FBFP has been employed in oral defect reconstruction, currently published cases have been utilized in recipient sites with good blood supply. There has yet to be any usage in poor vascularization defects like MRONJ. This article describes that the FBFP was used to fill the surgical defects of 8 patients who were diagnosed with MRONJ and who underwent sequestrectomy and saucerization. During follow-up visits, there was excellent wound healing and no significant tissue depression. Based on successful treatment experiences, FBFP is a reliable therapeutic option for the management of poor vascularization defects like MRONJ treated through surgical intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Studies reveal variations in the in the origin, number, and branching patterns of the lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA). The present study aimed to document such variations and their potential clinical applicability. Thirty-two femoral triangles of 16 embalmed adult human cadavers were dissected to investigate the variation in the origin, number, and branching patterns of LCFA. The main branches of the LCFA were tracked independently for numerical variations in branching pattern. The distance between the origin of LCFA and mid inguinal point (MIP) was also measured in each case. LCFA was most commonly arising from profunda femoris (PF), followed by femoral artery (FA) and common trunk of the femoral artery (CFA). Duplication LCFA was observed in 15 (46.87%) limbs, in 5 (31.25%) cases duplication was only on right side, in 4 (25%) cases duplication was only on left side and in 3 (18.75%), duplication was bilateral. Cases with duplication of LCFA, showed numerical variations with descending pattern being the most common. The average distance of LCFA1 and LCFA2 from mid-inguinal point was 5.77±1.35 cm and 6.14±2.05 cm respectively. Detailed information regarding the occurrence of duplication will be great importance for surgeons, interventional radiologists, and other medical professionals performing procedures in the femoral region. Knowledge of variation of branching pattern of LCFA is utmost important as surgeons use the descending branch of the LCFA in bypass grafting and vascular reconstruction surgeries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mouth, located in the lower third of the face, is a uniquely visible structure. It serves as a vital organ both aesthetically and functionally, playing a key role in speech, expression, and fundamental oral functions. Consequently, any alterations or defects in its shape, due to various causes, can lead to aesthetic and functional deficiencies. These issues may also result in challenges with social interactions and a decrease in confidence. In cases of microstomia, various surgical approaches are proposed based on the location, extent, shape, and cause of the defect, leading to numerous case reports. Plastic surgeons are proficient in oral reconstruction; however, cases of microstomia are relatively rare, which reduces their familiarity and interest in these cases. Additionally, preferences for oral size and shape vary according to factors such as geographical region and ethnicity, further complicating the functional definition of microstomia. Therefore, both subjective patient and physician judgments play crucial roles in the diagnosis and treatment of microstomia, as these may vary depending on individual and societal aspects. This review aims to classify the various causes and definitions of microstomia, as well as its non-surgical and surgical treatment options, with the goal of the treatment of this condition.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Dental implant procedures are crucial for replacing missing teeth, with various surgical techniques impacting the outcome. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effects of flapped and flapless surgical techniques on implant survival and marginal bone loss (MBL).
    UNASSIGNED: We included clinical studies with at least ten subjects, excluding review articles, editorials, and conference abstracts. Studies were sourced from PubMed, Medline, ERIC, and Wiley, published between 2000 and 2022. Data were analyzed using random-effects models to compare implant survival and MBL between flapped and flapless techniques.
    UNASSIGNED: The review identified 21 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. Flapless techniques showed a higher implant survival rate with an approximate survival rate of 98.6% in prospective cohort studies and 95.9% in retrospective studies. MBL was consistently lower in the flapless group, averaging 0.6-2.1 mm, compared to 1.5-3 mm in the flapped group. Low-risk studies demonstrated more consistent and reliable results, supporting the efficacy of flapless procedures.
    UNASSIGNED: Flapless implant surgery offers a viable alternative to traditional flapped surgery, showing higher rates of implant survival and less MBL. However, successful outcomes depend on advanced imaging, precise surgical techniques, and adequate training. Further high-quality studies are needed to confirm these findings and refine clinical recommendations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Acquired prostatic fistula (PF) was defined as a connection between the prostatic urethra and the rectum, symphysis, peritoneum, or ending freely in the periprostatic area. This study aims to report our experience with PF presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.
    METHODS: From January 2014 to February 2024, we retrospectively analyzed a prospectively maintained database from two urologic university hospitals to identify men with acquired PF. Diagnosis was based on post-intervention symptoms, including pneumaturia, fecaluria, rectal urine leakage, periprostatic inflammation or abscess, completed by radiological assessment using retrograde urethrogram, CT, or MRI. Standard cystoscopy and/or rectosigmoidoscopy assessed bladder and rectal integrity. Patients with post-prostatectomy fistulas were excluded.
    RESULTS: Thirteen patients with a mean age of 66.54 ± 7.40 years were identified. The most commonly presenting symptoms were fecaluria/pneumaturia 54%, rectal urine leakage 31%, and recurrent urinary tract infection 31%. The mean time from the initial treatment to fistula development was 22.28 ± 20.53 months (0.1-59 months), and from diagnosis to repair was 3.5 ± 3 months (1-12 months). Cumulative closure rates (success rate) post-first and second attempts were 77% (10 patients) and 92% (12 patients), respectively; one patient declined definitive surgery, maintaining a persistent fistula after bladder drainage.
    CONCLUSIONS: Clinical suspicion and detailed diagnosis are essential for formulating a tailored treatment plan for prostatic fistulas, which are successfully manageable in many patients. Complex cases benefit from a multidisciplinary approach, with individualized therapy based on etiology, severity, and recurrence of PF, facilitating effective closure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background/Objectives: Cadaveric models have traditionally been a mainstay of dental and medical education worldwide since their inception. In Australia, educators at dental schools were among the first to use cadaveric porcine heads in formal teaching in oral surgery. This practice has since fallen out of favour in most modern dental curricula. The aim of this pilot study was to determine the utility of cadaveric porcine models for oral surgery training from a student perspective (Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia). Methods: Thirty participants who were all third-year dental students attended a two-hour session comprising a 30 min lecture followed by a 90 min practical workshop. The lecture outlined the steps and supervision of students during the practical and was provided by a consultant maxillofacial surgeon. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants were asked to anonymously complete a printed questionnaire with eight questions related to their experience. Results: Prior to the workshop, two-thirds (61%) of participants felt that they had been taught the surgical procedure for raising mucoperiosteal flaps adequately in their dental school curriculum during their third year, although only 43% of students had assisted specialty residents in raising a mucoperiosteal flap and 14% reported having performed the procedure themselves. Almost all students (96%) agreed that the porcine model was useful for their dental education and that they would practice the exercise using the model again if provided with the opportunity. The questionnaire had a 93.33% completion rate. Conclusions: This pilot study indicates that porcine heads present a useful, low-cost adjunct in the learning of basic oral surgical procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The traditional model of centralisation of care, whilst having many advantages, also requires adaptation and upscaling to meet the requirements of both regional areas and the increasing urban sprawl. However, to ensure comparable outcomes with current major centres, this transition, when required, must be delivered in a safe and effective manner. Our project, which utilised the British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) recently published outcome data from the Quality and Outcomes in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (QOMS) project to benchmark data prospectively collected from a small-volume, emerging centre in Northern Queensland, was the first of its kind in terms of validation studies. As expected, the small volume of our centre impacted the ability to derive powerful statistical models and comparators, an intrinsic limitation for small-volume centres whilst they are developing services. However, during this evolution project, the use of comparison metrics allowed for the detection of alert and alarm levels, which are invaluable to ensure patient safety and quality of outcome.Our paper demonstrated that, irrespective of size or volume, the utilisation of quality assurance metrics (national or international) provides for the safe and transparent upscaling of head and neck services in emerging, regional, and small-volume centres.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To evaluate the outcome and complications of Endoscopic endonasal Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) using an inferiorly based mucosal flap as compared to a conventional posteriorly based mucosal flap with flap preservation and no stenting. 36 patients presenting with nasolacrimal duct obstruction were divided into two groups: the first group underwent endoscopic DCR using an inferiorly based mucosal flap, and the other group used a posteriorly based mucosal flap. In both groups, the mucosal flap was preserved, and bone was removed using Kerrison\'s punch. No stenting was done in any of the cases. The patency of the ostia was determined by syringing, and nasal endoscopy was done to look at the neo-ostium at follow-up visits to determine success and complications in each group. All 18 cases in the inferiorly based flap group had patent ostia with good mucosalization of the neo-ostium at 6-month follow-up. 3 of the 18 cases in the conventional posteriorly based flap group had failure due to granulation tissue formation around the neo-ostium. The use of an inferiorly based mucosal flap is easy to fashion and reposition at the end of the surgery. This technique has a good outcome with patent ostia during the follow-up period of 6 months.





