
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Research on supergenes, non-recombining genomic regions housing tightly linked genes that control complex phenotypes, has recently gained prominence in genomics. Heterostyly, a floral heteromorphism promoting outcrossing in several angiosperm families, is controlled by the S-locus supergene. The S-locus has been studied primarily in closely related Primula species and, more recently, in other groups that independently evolved heterostyly. However, it remains unknown whether genetic architecture and composition of the S-locus are maintained among species that share a common origin of heterostyly and subsequently diverged across larger time scales. To address this research gap, we present a chromosome-scale genome assembly of Primula edelbergii, a species that shares the same origin of heterostyly with Primula veris (whose S-locus has been characterized) but diverged from it 18 million years ago. Comparative genomic analyses between these two species allowed us to show, for the first time, that the S-locus can \'jump\' (i.e. translocate) between chromosomes maintaining its function in controlling heterostyly. Additionally, we found that four S-locus genes were conserved but reshuffled within the supergene, seemingly without affecting their expression, thus we could not detect changes explaining the lack of self-incompatibility in P. edelbergii. Furthermore, we confirmed that the S-locus is not undergoing genetic degeneration. Finally, we investigated P. edelbergii evolutionary history within Ericales in terms of whole genome duplications and transposable element accumulation. In summary, our work provides a valuable resource for comparative analyses aimed at investigating the genetics of heterostyly and the pivotal role of supergenes in shaping the evolution of complex phenotypes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Social organization, dispersal and fecundity coevolve, but whether they are genetically linked remains little known. Supergenes are prime candidates for coupling adaptive traits and mediating sex-specific trade-offs. Here, we test whether a supergene that controls social structure in Formica selysi also influences dispersal-related traits and fecundity within each sex. In this ant species, single-queen colonies contain only the ancestral supergene haplotype M and produce MM queens and M males, while multi-queen colonies contain the derived haplotype P and produce MP queens, PP queens and P males. By combining multiple experiments, we show that the M haplotype induces phenotypes with higher dispersal potential and higher fecundity in both sexes. Specifically, MM queens, MP queens and M males are more aerodynamic and more fecund than PP queens and P males, respectively. Differences between MP and PP queens from the same colonies reveal a direct genetic effect of the supergene on dispersal-related traits and fecundity. The derived haplotype P, associated with multi-queen colonies, produces queens and males with reduced dispersal abilities and lower fecundity. More broadly, similarities between the Formica and Solenopsis systems reveal that supergenes play a major role in linking behavioural, morphological and physiological traits associated with intraspecific social polymorphisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Progressive recombination loss is a common feature of sex chromosomes. Yet, the evolutionary drivers of this phenomenon remain a mystery. For decades, differences in trait optima between sexes (sexual antagonism) have been the favoured hypothesis, but convincing evidence is lacking. Recent years have seen a surge of alternative hypotheses to explain progressive extensions and maintenance of recombination suppression: neutral accumulation of sequence divergence, selection of nonrecombining fragments with fewer deleterious mutations than average, sheltering of recessive deleterious mutations by linkage to heterozygous alleles, early evolution of dosage compensation, and constraints on recombination restoration. Here, we explain these recent hypotheses and dissect their assumptions, mechanisms, and predictions. We also review empirical studies that have brought support to the various hypotheses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current sequencing technology allows for the relatively affordable generation of highly contiguous genomes. Technological advances have made it possible for researchers to investigate the consequences of diverse sorts of genomic variants, such as gene gain and loss. With the extraordinary number of high-quality genomes now available, we take stock of how these genomic variants impact phenotypic evolution. We take care to point out that the identification of genomic variants of interest is only the first step in understanding their impact. Painstaking lab or fieldwork is still required to establish causal relationships between genomic variants and phenotypic evolution. We focus mostly on arthropod research, as this phylum has an impressive degree of phenotypic diversity and is also the subject of much evolutionary genetics research. This article is intended to both highlight recent advances in the field and also to be a primer for learning about evolutionary genetics and genomics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Evolutionary genetics has long struggled with understanding how functional genes under selection remain polymorphic in natural populations. Taking as a starting point that natural selection is ultimately a manifestation of ecological processes, we spotlight an underemphasized and potentially ubiquitous ecological effect that may have fundamental effects on the maintenance of genetic variation. Negative frequency dependency is a well-established emergent property of density dependence in ecology, because the relative profitability of different modes of exploiting or utilizing limiting resources tends to be inversely proportional to their frequency in a population. We suggest that this may often generate negative frequency-dependent selection (NFDS) on major effect loci that affect rate-dependent physiological processes, such as metabolic rate, that are phenotypically manifested as polymorphism in pace-of-life syndromes. When such a locus under NFDS shows stable intermediate frequency polymorphism, this should generate epistatic selection potentially involving large numbers of loci with more minor effects on life-history (LH) traits. When alternative alleles at such loci show sign epistasis with a major effect locus, this associative NFDS will promote the maintenance of polygenic variation in LH genes. We provide examples of the kind of major effect loci that could be involved and suggest empirical avenues that may better inform us on the importance and reach of this process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexually antagonistic selection, which favours different optima in males and females, is predicted to play an important role in the evolution of sex chromosomes. Body size is a sexually antagonistic trait in the shell-brooding cichlid fish Lamprologous callipterus, as \"bourgeois\" males must be large enough to carry empty snail shells to build nests whereas females must be small enough to fit into shells for breeding. In this species, there is also a second male morph: smaller \"dwarf\" males employ an alternative reproductive strategy by wriggling past spawning females into shells to fertilize eggs. L. callipterus male morphology is passed strictly from father to son, suggesting Y-linkage. However, sex chromosomes had not been previously identified in this species, and the genomic basis of size dimorphism was unknown. Here we used whole-genome sequencing to identify a 2.4-Mb sex-linked region on scaffold_23 with reduced coverage and single nucleotide polymorphism density in both male morphs compared to females. Within this sex region, distinct Y-haplotypes delineate the two male morphs, and candidate genes for body size (GHRHR, a known dwarfism gene) and sex determination (ADCYAP1R1) are in high linkage disequilibrium. Because differences in body size between females and males are under strong selection in L. callipterus, we hypothesize that sexual antagonism over body size initiated early events in sex chromosome evolution, followed by Y divergence to give rise to bourgeois and dwarf male reproductive strategies. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that sexually antagonistic traits should be linked to young sex chromosomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supergenes are clusters of linked loci that control complex phenotypes, such as alternative forms of social organization in ants. Explaining the long-term maintenance of supergenes is challenging, particularly when the derived haplotype lacks homozygous lethality and causes gene drive. In the Alpine silver ant, Formica selysi, a large and ancient social supergene with two haplotypes, M and P, controls colony social organization. Single-queen colonies only contain MM females, while multiqueen colonies contain MP and PP females. The derived P haplotype, found only in multiqueen colonies, selfishly enhances its transmission through maternal effect killing, which could have led to its fixation. A population genetic model showed that a stable social polymorphism can only be maintained under a narrow set of conditions, which includes partial assortative mating by social form (which is known to occur in the wild), and low fitness of PP queens. With a combination of field and laboratory experiments, we show that the P haplotype has deleterious effects on female fitness. The survival rate of PP queens and workers was around half that of other genotypes. Moreover, P-carrying queens had lower fertility and fecundity compared to other queens. We discuss how cryptic lethal effects of the P haplotype help stabilize this ancient polymorphism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chromosomal inversions are often thought to facilitate local adaptation and population divergence because they can link multiple adaptive alleles into non-recombining genomic blocks. Selection should thus be more efficient in driving inversion-linked adaptive alleles to high frequency in a population, particularly in the face of maladaptive gene flow. But what if ecological conditions and hence selection on inversion-linked alleles change? Reduced recombination within inversions could then constrain the formation of optimal combinations of pre-existing alleles under these new ecological conditions. Here, we outline this idea of inversions limiting adaptation and divergence when ecological conditions change across time or space. We reason and use simulations to illustrate that the benefit of inversions for local adaptation and divergence under one set of ecological conditions can come with a concomitant constraint for adaptation to novel sets of ecological conditions. This limitation of inversions to adaptation may contribute to the maintenance of polymorphism within species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intralocus sexually antagonistic selection occurs when an allele is beneficial to one sex but detrimental to the other. This form of selection is thought to be key to the evolution of sex chromosomes but is hard to detect. Here we perform an analysis of phased young sex chromosomes to look for signals of sexually antagonistic selection in the Japan Sea stickleback (Gasterosteus nipponicus). Phasing allows us to date the suppression of recombination on the sex chromosome and provides unprecedented resolution to identify sexually antagonistic selection in the recombining region of the chromosome. We identify four windows with elevated divergence between the X and Y in the recombining region, all in or very near genes associated with phenotypes potentially under sexually antagonistic selection in humans. We are unable, however, to rule out the alternative hypothesis that the peaks of divergence result from demographic effects. Thus, although sexually antagonistic selection is a key hypothesis for the formation of supergenes on sex chromosomes, it remains challenging to detect. This article is part of the theme issue \'Genomic architecture of supergenes: causes and evolutionary consequences\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local adaptation leads to differences between populations within a species. In many systems, similar environmental contrasts occur repeatedly, sometimes driving parallel phenotypic evolution. Understanding the genomic basis of local adaptation and parallel evolution is a major goal of evolutionary genomics. It is now known that by preventing the break-up of favourable combinations of alleles across multiple loci, genetic architectures that reduce recombination, like chromosomal inversions, can make an important contribution to local adaptation. However, little is known about whether inversions also contribute disproportionately to parallel evolution. Our aim here is to highlight this knowledge gap, to showcase existing studies, and to illustrate the differences between genomic architectures with and without inversions using simple models. We predict that by generating stronger effective selection, inversions can sometimes speed up the parallel adaptive process or enable parallel adaptation where it would be impossible otherwise, but this is highly dependent on the spatial setting. We highlight that further empirical work is needed, in particular to cover a broader taxonomic range and to understand the relative importance of inversions compared to genomic regions without inversions. This article is part of the theme issue \'Genomic architecture of supergenes: causes and evolutionary consequences\'.





