
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The long-term balancing selection acting on mating types or sex-determining genes is expected to lead to the accumulation of deleterious mutations in the tightly linked chromosomal segments that are locally \'sheltered\' from purifying selection. However, the factors determining the extent of this accumulation are poorly understood. Here, we took advantage of variations in the intensity of balancing selection along a dominance hierarchy formed by alleles at the sporophytic self-incompatibility system of the Brassicaceae to compare the pace at which linked deleterious mutations accumulate among them. We first experimentally measured the phenotypic manifestation of the linked load at three different levels of the dominance hierarchy. We then sequenced and phased polymorphisms in the chromosomal regions linked to 126 distinct copies of S-alleles in two populations of Arabidopsis halleri and three populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. We find that linkage to the S-locus locally distorts phylogenies over about 10-30 kb along the chromosome. The more intense balancing selection on dominant S-alleles results in greater fixation of linked deleterious mutations, while recessive S-alleles accumulate more linked deleterious mutations that are segregating. Hence, the structure rather than the overall magnitude of the linked genetic load differs between dominant and recessive S-alleles. Our results have consequences for the long-term evolution of new S-alleles, the evolution of dominance modifiers between them, and raise the question of why the non-recombining regions of some sex and mating type chromosomes expand over evolutionary times while others, such as the S-locus of the Brassicaceae, remain restricted to small chromosomal regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Social insects vary considerably in their social organization both between and within species. In the California harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus (Buckley 1867), colonies are commonly founded and headed by a single queen (haplometrosis, primary monogyny). However, in some populations in California (USA), unrelated queens cooperate not only during founding (pleometrosis) but also throughout the life of the colony (primary polygyny). The genetic architecture and evolutionary dynamics of this complex social niche polymorphism (haplometrosis vs pleometrosis) have remained unknown.
    RESULTS: We provide a first analysis of its genomic basis and evolutionary history using population genomics comparing individuals from a haplometrotic population to those from a pleometrotic population. We discovered a recently evolved (< 200 k years), 8-Mb non-recombining region segregating with the observed social niche polymorphism. This region shares several characteristics with supergenes underlying social polymorphisms in other socially polymorphic ant species. However, we also find remarkable differences from previously described social supergenes. Particularly, four additional genomic regions not in linkage with the supergene show signatures of a selective sweep in the pleometrotic population. Within these regions, we find for example genes crucial for epigenetic regulation via histone modification (chameau) and DNA methylation (Dnmt1).
    CONCLUSIONS: Altogether, our results suggest that social morph in this species is a polygenic trait involving a potential young supergene. Further studies targeting haplo- and pleometrotic individuals from a single population are however required to conclusively resolve whether these genetic differences underlie the alternative social phenotypes or have emerged through genetic drift.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It has been well documented that mutations in coding DNA or cis-regulatory elements underlie natural phenotypic variation in many organisms. However, the development of sophisticated functional tools in recent years in a wide range of traditionally non-model systems have revealed many \'unusual suspects\' in the molecular bases of phenotypic evolution, including upstream open reading frames (uORFs), cryptic splice sites, and small RNAs. Furthermore, large-scale genome sequencing, especially long-read sequencing, has identified a cornucopia of structural variation underlying phenotypic divergence and elucidated the composition of supergenes that control complex multi-trait polymorphisms. In this review article we highlight recent studies that demonstrate this great diversity of molecular mechanisms producing adaptive genetic variation and the panoply of evolutionary paths leading to the \'grandeur of life\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization is common in flowering plants and is believed to be an important force driving adaptation and speciation. The flowers of hybrids often exhibit new trait combinations, which, theoretically, could attract new species of pollinators. In this study, we found that the hybrids between a hummingbird-pollinated species Mimulus cardinalis and a self-pollinated species Mimulus parishii attract bumblebees (Bombus impatiens), a pollinator not attracted to either of the progenitor species. This novel attraction is explained by new combinations of floral traits in hybrids, including, most importantly, petal color, in addition to nectar concentration and corolla size. To understand how petal color variation is perceived by bumblebees, we performed reflectance spectroscopy and multispectral imaging to model the flower appearance in bee vision. This analysis showed that color variation would impact the ease of detection. We also found that YUP, the genetic locus responsible for a large portion of floral color variation and previously shown to be important in bee interactions with other Mimulus species, also played an important role in this novel attraction. These results together suggest that the attraction of new pollinators to hybrid plants could be an underexplored avenue for pollinator shift and speciation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Papilio butterflies are known to possess female-limited Batesian mimicry polymorphisms. In Papilio memnon, females have mimetic and non-mimetic forms, whereas males are monomorphic and non-mimetic. Mimetic females are characterized by color patterns and tails in the hindwing and yellow abdomens. Recently, an analysis of whole-genome sequences has shown that an approximately 160 kb region of chromosome 25 is responsible for mimicry and has high diversity between mimetic (A) and non-mimetic (a) alleles (highly diversified region: HDR). The HDR includes three genes, UXT, doublesex (dsx), and Nach-like, but the functions of these genes are unknown. Here, we investigated the function of dsx, a gene involved in sexual differentiation, which is expected to be functionally important for hindwing and abdominal mimetic traits in P. memnon. Expression analysis by reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and RNA sequencing showed that mimetic dsx (dsx-A) was highly expressed in the hindwings in the early pupal stage. In the abdomen, both dsx-A and dsx-a were highly expressed during the early pupal stage. When dsx was knocked down using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) designed in the common region of dsx-A and dsx-a, a male-like pattern appeared on the hindwings of mimetic and non-mimetic females. Similarly, when dsx was knocked down in the abdomen, the yellow scales characteristic of mimetic females changed to black. Furthermore, when dsx-a was specifically knocked down, the color pattern of the hindwings changed, as in the case of dsx knockdown in non-mimetic females but not mimetic females. These results suggest that dsx-a is involved in color pattern formation on the hindwings of non-mimetic females, whereas dsx-A is involved in hindwing and abdominal mimetic traits. dsx was involved in abdominal and hindwing mimetic traits, but dsx expression patterns in the hindwing and abdomen were different, suggesting that different regulatory mechanisms may exist. Our study is the first to show that the same gene (dsx) regulates both the hindwing and abdominal mimetic traits. This is the first functional analysis of abdominal mimicry in butterflies.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The maintenance of stable mating type polymorphisms is a classic example of balancing selection, underlying the nearly ubiquitous 50/50 sex ratio in species with separate sexes. One lesser known but intriguing example of a balanced mating polymorphism in angiosperms is heterodichogamy - polymorphism for opposing directions of dichogamy (temporal separation of male and female function in hermaphrodites) within a flowering season. This mating system is common throughout Juglandaceae, the family that includes globally important and iconic nut and timber crops - walnuts ( Juglans ), as well as pecan and other hickories ( Carya ). In both genera, heterodichogamy is controlled by a single dominant allele. We fine-map the locus in each genus, and find two ancient ( > 50 Mya) structural variants involving different genes that both segregate as genus-wide trans-species polymorphisms. The Juglans locus maps to a ca. 20 kb structural variant adjacent to a probable trehalose phosphate phosphatase ( TPPD-1 ), homologs of which regulate floral development in model systems. TPPD-1 is differentially expressed between morphs in developing male flowers, with increased allele-specific expression of the dominant haplotype copy. Across species, the dominant haplotype contains a tandem array of duplicated sequence motifs, part of which is an inverted copy of the TPPD-1 3\' UTR. These repeats generate various distinct small RNAs matching sequences within the 3\' UTR and further downstream. In contrast to the single-gene Juglans locus, the Carya heterodichogamy locus maps to a ca. 200-450 kb cluster of tightly linked polymorphisms across 20 genes, some of which have known roles in flowering and are differentially expressed between morphs in developing flowers. The dominant haplotype in pecan, which is nearly always heterozygous and appears to rarely recombine, shows markedly reduced genetic diversity and is over twice as long as its recessive counterpart due to accumulation of various types of transposable elements. We did not detect either genetic system in other heterodichogamous genera within Juglandaceae, suggesting that additional genetic systems for heterodichogamy may yet remain undiscovered.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Heterosis, also known as hybrid vigor, is the phenomenon wherein a progeny exhibits superior traits relative to one or both parents. In terms of crop breeding, this usually refers to the yield advantage of F1 hybrids over both inbred parents. The development of high-yielding hybrid cultivars across a wider range of crops is key to meeting future food demands. However, conventional hybrid breeding strategies are proving to be exceptionally challenging to apply commercially in many self-pollinating crops, particularly wheat and barley. Currently in these crops, the relative performance advantage of hybrids over inbred line cultivars does not outweigh the cost of hybrid seed production. Here, we review the genetic basis of heterosis, discuss the challenges in hybrid breeding, and propose a strategy to recruit multiple heterosis-associated genes to develop lines with improved agronomic characteristics. This strategy leverages modern genetic engineering tools to synthesize supergenes by fusing multiple heterotic alleles across multiple heterosis-associated loci. We outline a plan to assess the feasibility of this approach to improve line performance using barley (Hordeum vulgare) as the model self-pollinating crop species, and a few heterosis-associated genes. The proposed method can be applied to all crops for which heterotic gene combinations can be identified.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Supergenes, tightly linked sets of alleles, offer some of the most spectacular examples of polymorphism persisting under long-term balancing selection. However, we still do not understand their evolution and persistence, especially in the face of accumulation of deleterious elements. Here, we show that an overdominant supergene in seaweed flies, Coelopa frigida, modulates male traits, potentially facilitating disassortative mating and promoting intraspecific polymorphism. Across two continents, the Cf-Inv(1) supergene strongly affected the composition of male cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) but only weakly affected CHC composition in females. Using gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection, we show that females can sense male CHCs and that there may be differential perception between genotypes. Combining our phenotypic results with RNA-seq data, we show that candidate genes for CHC biosynthesis primarily show differential expression for Cf-Inv(1) in males but not females. Conversely, candidate genes for odorant detection were differentially expressed in both sexes but showed high levels of divergence between supergene haplotypes. We suggest that the reduced recombination between supergene haplotypes may have led to rapid divergence in mate preferences as well as increasing linkage between male traits, and overdominant loci. Together this probably helped to maintain the polymorphism despite deleterious effects in homozygotes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A paradox in evolutionary biology is how supergenes can maintain high fitness despite reduced effective population size, the suppression of recombination, and the expected accumulation of mutational load. The ruff supergene involves 2 rare inversion haplotypes (satellite and faeder). These are recessive lethals but with dominant effects on male mating strategies, plumage, and body size. Sequence divergence to the wild-type (independent) haplotype indicates that the inversion could be as old as 4 million years. Here, we have constructed a highly contiguous genome assembly of the inversion region for both the independent and satellite haplotypes. Based on the new data, we estimate that the recombination event(s) creating the satellite haplotype occurred only about 70,000 yr ago. Contrary to expectations for supergenes, we find no substantial expansion of repeats and only a modest mutation load on the satellite and faeder haplotypes despite high sequence divergence to the non-inverted haplotype (1.46%). The essential centromere protein N (CENPN) gene is disrupted by the inversion and is as well conserved on the inversion haplotypes as on the noninversion haplotype. These results suggest that the inversion may be much younger than previously thought. The low mutation load, despite recessive lethality, may be explained by the introgression of the inversion from a now extinct lineage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Leaf oil terpenes vary categorically in many plant populations, leading to discrete phenotypes of adaptive and economic significance, but for most species, a genetic explanation for the concerted fluctuation in terpene chemistry remains unresolved. To uncover the genetic architecture underlying multi-component terpene chemotypes in Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree), a genome-wide association study was undertaken for 148 individuals representing all six recognised chemotypes. A number of single nucleotide polymorphisms in a genomic region of c. 400 kb explained large proportions of the variation in key monoterpenes of tea tree oil. The region contained a cluster of 10 monoterpene synthase genes, including four genes predicted to encode synthases for 1,8-cineole, terpinolene, and the terpinen-4-ol precursor, sabinene hydrate. Chemotype-dependent null alleles at some sites suggested structural variants within this gene cluster, providing a possible basis for linkage disequilibrium in this region. Genotyping in a separate domesticated population revealed that all alleles surrounding this gene cluster were fixed after artificial selection for a single chemotype. These observations indicate that a supergene accounts for chemotypes in M. alternifolia. A genetic model with three haplotypes, encompassing the four characterised monoterpene synthase genes, explained the six terpene chemotypes, and was consistent with available biparental cross-segregation data.





