
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Agarose gel electrophoresis in the presence of chloroquine (an intercalating agent) can be used to resolve and characterize the population of topoisomers present in supercoiled plasmid DNA. Here, we describe how chloroquine gel electrophoresis can capture changes in the topoisomer distribution of plasmid DNA that bears a recognition site for a given protein, if that plasmid is isolated from cells producing the protein of interest. We also describe two complementary in vitro assays, which can be used to capture transient changes in DNA supercoiling caused when the purified protein of interest engages its recognition site. These are the topoisomerase I-mediated relaxation assay (TMRA) and the ligase-mediated supercoiling assay (LMSA). Together, these in vivo and in vitro methods allow the capture and measurement of changes in DNA topology that are triggered by DNA-binding proteins, especially those that multimerize on or spread along DNA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transcription has a mechanical component, as the translocation of the transcription machinery or RNA polymerase (RNAP) on DNA or chromatin is dynamically coupled to the chromatin torsion. This posits chromatin mechanics as a possible regulator of eukaryotic transcription, however, the modes and mechanisms of this regulation are elusive. Here, we first take a statistical mechanics approach to model the torsional response of topology-constrained chromatin. Our model recapitulates the experimentally observed weaker torsional stiffness of chromatin compared to bare DNA and proposes structural transitions of nucleosomes into chirally distinct states as the driver of the contrasting torsional mechanics. Coupling chromatin mechanics with RNAP translocation in stochastic simulations, we reveal a complex interplay of DNA supercoiling and nucleosome dynamics in governing RNAP velocity. Nucleosomes play a dual role in controlling the transcription dynamics. The steric barrier aspect of nucleosomes in the gene body counteracts transcription via hindering RNAP motion, whereas the chiral transitions facilitate RNAP motion via driving a low restoring torque upon twisting the DNA. While nucleosomes with low dissociation rates are typically transcriptionally repressive, highly dynamic nucleosomes offer less of a steric barrier and enhance the transcription elongation dynamics of weakly transcribed genes via buffering DNA twist. We use the model to predict transcription-dependent levels of DNA supercoiling in segments of the budding yeast genome that are in accord with available experimental data. The model unveils a paradigm of DNA supercoiling-mediated interaction between genes and makes testable predictions that will guide experimental design.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Escherichia coli has been a vital model organism for studying chromosomal structure, thanks, in part, to its small and circular genome (4.6 million base pairs) and well-characterized biochemical pathways. Over the last several decades, we have made considerable progress in understanding the intricacies of the structure and subsequent function of the E. coli nucleoid. At the smallest scale, DNA, with no physical constraints, takes on a shape reminiscent of a randomly twisted cable, forming mostly random coils but partly affected by its stiffness. This ball-of-spaghetti-like shape forms a structure several times too large to fit into the cell. Once the physiological constraints of the cell are added, the DNA takes on overtwisted (negatively supercoiled) structures, which are shaped by an intricate interplay of many proteins carrying out essential biological processes. At shorter length scales (up to about 1 kb), nucleoid-associated proteins organize and condense the chromosome by inducing loops, bends, and forming bridges. Zooming out further and including cellular processes, topological domains are formed, which are flanked by supercoiling barriers. At the megabase-scale both large, highly self-interacting regions (macrodomains) and strong contacts between distant but co-regulated genes have been observed. At the largest scale, the nucleoid forms a helical ellipsoid. In this review, we will explore the history and recent advances that pave the way for a better understanding of E. coli chromosome organization and structure, discussing the cellular processes that drive changes in DNA shape, and what contributes to compaction and formation of dynamic structures, and in turn how bacterial chromatin affects key processes such as transcription and replication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA in bacterial chromosomes is organized into higher-order structures by DNA-binding proteins called nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs) or bacterial chromatin proteins (BCPs). BCPs often bind to or near DNA loci transcribed by RNA polymerase (RNAP) and can either increase or decrease gene expression. To understand the mechanisms by which BCPs alter transcription, one must consider both steric effects and the topological forces that arise when DNA deviates from its fully relaxed double-helical structure. Transcribing RNAP creates DNA negative (-) supercoils upstream and positive (+) supercoils downstream whenever RNAP and DNA are unable to rotate freely. This (-) and (+) supercoiling generates topological forces that resist forward translocation of DNA through RNAP unless the supercoiling is constrained by BCPs or relieved by topoisomerases. BCPs also may enhance topological stress and overall can either inhibit or aid transcription. Here, we review current understanding of how RNAP, BCPs, and DNA topology interplay to control gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis is the method of choice to analyze DNA topology. The possibility to use E. coli strains with different genetic backgrounds in combination with nicking enzymes and different concentrations of norfloxacin improves the resolution of 2D gels to study the electrophoretic behavior of three different families of DNA topoisomers: supercoiled DNA molecules, post-replicative catenanes, and knotted DNA molecules. Here, we describe the materials and procedures required to optimize their separation by 2D gels. Understanding the differences in their electrophoretic behavior can help explain some important physical characteristics of these different types of DNA topoisomers. Key features • Preparative method to enrich DNA samples of supercoiled, catenated, and knotted families of topoisomers, later analyzed by 2D gels (or other techniques, e.g., microscopy). • 2D gels facilitate the separation of the topoisomers of any given circular DNA molecule. • Separation of DNA molecules with the same molecular masses but different shapes can be optimized by modifying the conditions of 2D gels. • Evaluating the roles of electric field and agarose concentration on the electrophoretic mobility of DNA topoisomers sheds light on their physical characteristics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Topoisomerases regulate the topological state of cellular genomes to prevent impediments to vital cellular processes, including replication and transcription from suboptimal supercoiling of double-stranded DNA, and to untangle topological barriers generated as replication or recombination intermediates. The subfamily of type IA topoisomerases are the only topoisomerases that can alter the interlinking of both DNA and RNA. In this article, we provide a review of the mechanisms by which four highly conserved N-terminal protein domains fold into a toroidal structure, enabling cleavage and religation of a single strand of DNA or RNA. We also explore how these conserved domains can be combined with numerous non-conserved protein sequences located in the C-terminal domains to form a diverse range of type IA topoisomerases in Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. There is at least one type IA topoisomerase present in nearly every free-living organism. The variation in C-terminal domain sequences and interacting partners such as helicases enable type IA topoisomerases to conduct important cellular functions that require the passage of nucleic acids through the break of a single-strand DNA or RNA that is held by the conserved N-terminal toroidal domains. In addition, this review will exam a range of human genetic disorders that have been linked to the malfunction of type IA topoisomerase.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The role of alternate DNA conformations such as Z-DNA in the regulation of transcription is currently underappreciated. These structures are encoded by sequences called flipons, many of which are enriched in promoter and enhancer regions. Through a change in their conformation, flipons provide a tunable mechanism to mechanically reset promoters for the next round of transcription. They act as actuators that capture and release energy to ensure that the turnover of the proteins at promoters is optimized to cell state. Likewise, the single-stranded DNA formed as flipons cycle facilitates the docking of RNAs that are able to microcode promoter conformations and canalize the pervasive transcription commonly observed in metazoan genomes. The strand-specific nature of the interaction between RNA and DNA likely accounts for the known asymmetry of epigenetic marks present on the histone tetramers that pair to form nucleosomes. The role of these supercoil-dependent processes in promoter choice and transcriptional interference is reviewed. The evolutionary implications are examined: the resilience and canalization of flipon-dependent gene regulation is contrasted with the rapid adaptation enabled by the spread of flipon repeats throughout the genome. Overall, the current findings underscore the important role of flipons in modulating the readout of genetic information and how little we know about their biology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prophages of the ΦSa3int family are commonly found in human-associated strains of Staphylococcus aureus where they encode factors for evading the human innate immune system. In contrast, they are usually absent in livestock-associated methicillin-resistant S. aureus (LA-MRSA) strains where the phage attachment site is mutated compared to the human strains. However, ΦSa3int phages have been found in a subset of LA-MRSA strains belonging to clonal complex 398 (CC398), including a lineage that is widespread in pig farms in Northern Jutland, Denmark. This lineage contains amino acid changes in the DNA topoisomerase IV and the DNA gyrase encoded by grlA and gyrA, respectively, which have been associated with fluoroquinolone (FQ) resistance. As both of these enzymes are involved in DNA supercoiling, we speculated that the mutations might impact recombination between the ΦSa3int phage and the bacterial chromosome. To examine this, we introduced the FQ resistance mutations into S. aureus 8325-4attBLA that carry the mutated CC398-like bacterial attachment site for ΦSa3int phages. When monitoring phage integration and release of Φ13, a well-described representative of the ΦSa3int phage family, we did not observe any significant differences between the FQ-resistant mutant and the wild-type strain. Thus our results suggest that mutations in grlA and gyrA do not contribute to the presence of the ΦSa3int phages in LA-MRSA CC398.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Topoisomerase IV (Topo IV) is the main decatenation enzyme in Escherichia coli; it removes catenation links that are formed during DNA replication. Topo IV binding and cleavage sites were previously identified in the E. coli genome with ChIP-Seq and NorfIP. Here, we used a more sensitive, single-nucleotide resolution Topo-Seq procedure to identify Topo IV cleavage sites (TCSs) genome-wide. We detected thousands of TCSs scattered in the bacterial genome. The determined cleavage motif of Topo IV contained previously known cleavage determinants (-4G/+8C, -2A/+6 T, -1 T/+5A) and additional, not observed previously, positions -7C/+11G and -6C/+10G. TCSs were depleted in the Ter macrodomain except for two exceptionally strong non-canonical cleavage sites located in 33 and 38 bp from the XerC-box of the dif-site. Topo IV cleavage activity was increased in Left and Right macrodomains flanking the Ter macrodomain and was especially high in the 50-60 kb region containing the oriC origin of replication. Topo IV enrichment was also increased downstream of highly active transcription units, indicating that the enzyme is involved in relaxation of transcription-induced positive supercoiling.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    One of the biggest paradoxes in biology is that human genome is roughly 2 m long, while the nucleus containing it is almost one million times smaller. To fit into the nucleus, DNA twists, bends and folds into several hierarchical levels of compaction. Still, DNA has to maintain a high degree of accessibility to be readily replicated and transcribed by proteins. How compaction and accessibility co-exist functionally in human cells is still a matter of debate. Here, we discuss how the torsional stress of the DNA helix acts as a buffer, regulating both chromatin compaction and accessibility. We will focus on chromatin supercoiling and on the emerging role of topoisomerases as pivotal regulators of genome organization. We will mainly highlight the major breakthrough studies led by women, with the intention of celebrating the work of this group that remains a minority within the scientific community.





