
  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    UV radiation causes long- and short-term skin damage, such as erythema and skin cancer. Therefore, the use of sunscreens is extremely important. However, concerns about UV filter safety have prompted exploration into alternative solutions, with nanotechnology emerging as a promising avenue. This systematic review identified 23 experimental studies utilizing nanocarriers to encapsulate sunscreens with the aim of enhancing their efficacy and safety. Polymeric and lipid nanoparticles are frequently employed to encapsulate both organic and inorganic UV filters along with natural antioxidants. Nanocarriers have demonstrated benefits including reduced active ingredient usage, increased sun protection factor, and mitigated photoinstability. Notably, they also decreased the skin absorption of UV filters. In summary, nanocarriers represent a viable strategy for improving sunscreen formulations, offering enhanced physicochemical properties and bolstered photoprotective effects, thereby addressing concerns regarding UV filter safety and efficacy in cosmetic applications.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Balearic Islands, a top tourist destination for sunny beaches, face physical and chemical pressures from human activities, impacting keystone species like the endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica and its associated microbiome. This study evaluated the effects of ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles and three commercial sunscreens with varying protection factors (50 or 90) and chemical complexities (1- SPF50_E \"eco-friendly\"; 2- SPF50 not \"eco-friendly\"; 3- SPF90 not \"eco-friendly\") on five heterotrophic bacteria (Pseudomonas azotifigens, Marinobacterium litorale, Thiothrix nivea, Sedimenticola thiotaurini and Cobetia sp) and two autotrophic cyanobacteria (Halothece sp. and Fischerella muscicola) associated to P. oceanica, as well as a natural leaf epiphytic community. Results indicated that TiO2 affected all heterotrophic bacteria, while ZnO was toxic to only two species, while autotrophs were unaffected. Commercial sunscreens impacted three heterotrophs and the natural epiphytic community, while autotrophs were only affected by SPF50. SPF50_E reduced phosphorus uptake, and both SPF50 and SPF90 decreased alkaline phosphatase activity. Reactive oxygen species production was mainly induced by SPF90, followed by SPF50_E and SPF50. Generally, the smallest bacteria were most sensitive to UV-filters (UVFs). This study indicates that UVFs exposure may alter the epiphytic community structure of P. oceanica.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine the ability of sunscreen active ingredients to inhibit in vitro drug metabolism via cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and drug uptake transporters.
    METHODS: Metabolism assays with human liver microsomes were conducted for CYP2C9, CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 using probe substrates warfarin, bufuralol and midazolam, respectively. Uptake transporter assays with transfected cell lines were conducted for OAT3, OCT2 and OATP1B1 with probe substrates estrone-3-sulfate, metformin and rosuvastatin, respectively. Six sunscreen active ingredients, avobenzone, enzacamene, oxybenzone, octinoxate, trolamine, and homosalate, were evaluated up to their aqueous solubility limits in the assays.
    RESULTS: None of the sunscreen active ingredients inhibited CYP2D6 or CYP3A4 activities in the microsomes at concentration ranges up to tenfold higher than their known clinical total plasma levels. Only enzacamene, oxybenzone and trolamine were found to be inhibitory to CYP2C9 activity with IC50 values of 14.76, 22.46 and 154.7 µM, respectively. Avobenzone, enzacamene, homosalate and octinoxate were not inhibitory to the uptake transporters at the evaluated concentrations. Oxybenzone was inhibitory to OAT3 and OCT2 with IC50 values of 39.93 and 42.77 µM, respectively. Trolamine also inhibited uptake in OAT3 and OCT2 transfected cells with IC50 values of 448.1 and 1376 μM, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Although enzacamene, oxybenzone and trolamine inhibited CYP2C9 and the renal transporters OAT3 and OCT2 in vitro, their IC50 values exceeded total plasma levels found in clinical studies. Therefore, it is unlikely that these sunscreen active ingredients in sunscreen products will inhibit the metabolism or transport of co-administered drugs in consumers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, concerns about the harmful effects of synthetic UV filters on the environment have highlighted the need for natural sun blockers. Lignin, the most abundant aromatic renewable biopolymer on Earth, is a promising candidate for next-generation sunscreen due to its inherent UV absorbance and its green, biodegradable, and biocompatible properties. Lignin\'s limitations, such as its dark color and poor dispersity, can be overcome by reducing particle size to the nanoscale, enhancing UV protection and formulation. In this study, 100-200 nm lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) were prepared from various biomass by-products (hardwood, softwood, and herbaceous material) using an eco-friendly anti-solvent precipitation method. Pure lignin macroparticles (LMPs) were extracted from beech, spruce, and wheat straw using an ethanol-organosolv treatment and compared with sulfur-rich kraft lignin (KL). Sunscreen lotions made from these LMPs and LNPs at various concentrations demonstrated novel UV-shielding properties based on biomass source and particle size. The results showed that transitioning from the macro- to nanoscale increased the sun protection factor (SPF) by at least 2.5 times, with the best results improving the SPF from 7.5 to 42 for wheat straw LMPs and LNPs at 5 wt%. This study underscores lignin\'s potential in developing high-quality green sunscreens, aligning with green chemistry principles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Although quantum mechanical calculations have proven effective in accurately predicting UV absorption and assessing the antioxidant potential of compounds, the utilization of computer-aided drug design (CADD) to support sustainable synthesis research of new sunscreen active ingredients remains an area with limited exploration. Furthermore, there are ongoing concerns about the safety and effectiveness of existing sunscreens. Therefore, it remains crucial to investigate photoprotection mechanisms and develop enhanced strategies for mitigating the harmful effects of UVR exposure, improving both the safety and efficacy of sunscreen products. A previous study conducted synthesis research on eight novel hybrid compounds (I-VIII) for use in sunscreen products by molecular hybridization of trans-resveratrol (RESV), avobenzone (AVO), and octinoxate (OMC). Herein, time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) calculations performed in the gas phase on the isolated hybrid compounds (I-VIII) proved to reproduce the experimental UV absorption. Resveratrol-avobenzone structure-based hybrids (I-IV) present absorption maxima in the UVB range with slight differences between them, while resveratrol-OMC structure-based hybrids (V-VIII) showed main absorption in the UVA range. Among RESV-OMC hybrids, compounds V and VI exhibited higher UV absorption intensity, and compound VIII stood out for its broad-spectrum coverage in our simulations. Furthermore, both in silico and in vitro analyses revealed that compounds VII and VIII exhibited the highest antioxidant activity, with compound I emerging as the most reactive antioxidant within RESV-AVO hybrids. The study suggests a preference for the hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) mechanism over single-electron transfer followed by proton transfer (SET-PT) in the gas phase. With a strong focus on sustainability, this approach reduces costs and minimizes effluent production in synthesis research, promoting the eco-friendly development of new sunscreen active ingredients.
    METHODS: The SPARTAN\'20 program was utilized for the geometry optimization and energy calculations of all compounds. Conformer distribution analysis was performed using the Merck molecular force field 94 (MMFF94), and geometry optimization was carried out using the parametric method 6 (PM6) followed by density functional theory (DFT/B3LYP/6-31G(d)). The antioxidant behavior of the hybrid compounds (I-VIII) was determined using the highest occupied molecular orbital (εHOMO) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (εLUMO) energies, as well as the bond dissociation enthalpy (BDE), ionization potential (IP), and proton dissociation enthalpy (PDE) values, all calculated at the same level of structural optimization. TD-DFT study is carried out to calculate the excitation energy using the B3LYP functional with the 6-31G(d) basis set. The calculated transitions were convoluted with a Gaussian profile using the Gabedit program.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Benzophenone-3 (BP-3), utilized as a UV filter in cosmetic products, is an emerging contaminant that constitutes a threat to natural resources and environmental health. This study investigated the assimilation of the UV filter BP-3 in Crassostrea gigas oysters collected in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil. Lyophilized oyster tissue extracts were prepared using the QuEChERS method, and LC-MS/MS was employed to determine the BP-3 concentration in the samples. The method was applied to specimens intentionally exposed to two concentrations of the contaminant, for different periods of exposure (1 and 7 days). Samples from treatment 1 (T1) were exposed to a concentration of 1 μg L-1 of the BP-3 standard, and samples from treatment 2 (T2) were exposed to a concentration of 100 μg L-1 of the BP-3 standard. The results revealed rapid absorption of BP-3, with an increase of 126% for lower concentrations, reaching 1.13 μg of BP-3 per gram of oyster tissue, and 17% for higher concentrations, reaching 34.6 μg of BP-3 per gram of oyster tissue after 7 days. The presence of BP-3 even in samples not directly exposed to the contaminant indicates its widespread environmental distribution. The rapid bioaccumulation suggests the need to consider seasonal variations, such as increased tourism in the summer. The validated analytical method demonstrated efficacy in quantifying BP-3, providing an integrated approach for long-term monitoring of pollution levels and their dynamic variations over time. In addition, variation in BP-3 levels in the samples may be related to transport patterns influenced by tides and discharges from septic system, highlighting the need to improve wastewater treatment. These findings underscore the necessity for continuous biomonitoring and effective environmental management to safeguard the health of marine ecosystems and humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Nowadays, there are emerging trends in customized and personalized photoprotection, focusing on the innovative approaches to enhance sun protection efficacy tailored to individual needs.
    METHODS: We conducted an electronic search of the following databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cochrane Skin Group Specialised Skin Register, and TESEO. Specific search terms related to personalized photoprotection and the variables of age, genetic predisposition, skin phototype, photodermatosis, and physiological conditions such as pregnancy, as well as lifestyle habits were used.
    CONCLUSIONS: The article highlights the challenges and opportunities in adopting personalized photoprotection strategies, aiming to promote skin health and prevent the harmful effects of UV radiation in the era of precision medicine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction Prolonged sun exposure has been linked with the development of numerous medical and dermatological complications, such as skin cancer. Photoprotection can help reduce ultraviolet radiation (UVR)-induced skin damage and skin cancer. This study aims to assess the knowledge about and attitude toward the use of sun protection to prevent laser adverse events among the general population in Saudi Arabia. Methodology This is a cross-sectional, analytical, community-based study carried out among the general population (sunscreen users) in Saudi Arabia. A total of 600 participants were enrolled in the study. Data were collected using a validated online self-administered questionnaire using Google Forms. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY). Results A total of 600 sunscreen users were enrolled in this study, with an overall poor knowledge rate of 471 (78.5%) regarding the use of sun protection methods. Their ages ranged from 18 years to >55 years. The majority of them were females (537, 89.5%), had Saudi Nationality (533, 88.8%), and had skin type III (313, 52.2%). Almost all the participants (491, 81.9%) had undergone laser treatment before; the most reported reason was hair removal (522, 87%). In addition, 267 (44.5%) participants used sunscreens five to six times a week, with 440 (73.3%) also using sunglasses. Notably, only 91 (15.2%) of the study participants were aware that sunscreen covers UVA and UVB, and 34 (5.7%) knew that PA+++ is used in sunscreen. A total of 149 (24.8%) reported that sunscreen should be applied 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure, while 153 (25.5%) stated that it should be reapplied every two hours. Moreover, 484 (80.7%) participants reported using topical steroid application after laser treatment. The results also showed that young participants (P = 0.001), single participants (P = 0.001), post-graduate participants (P = 0.010), students rather than the unemployed group (P = 0.002), and those who used sunscreens five to six times per week compared to those who never used sunscreens (P = 0.001) demonstrated an overall good knowledge about sunscreens and laser treatment. Conclusions The study showed poor knowledge among the participants regarding the use of sun protection to prevent adverse laser events. Therefore, an increase in awareness among the general public about the protection through campaigns is highly recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Marine macroalgae (seaweeds) are important primary global producers, with a wide distribution in oceans around the world from polar to tropical regions. Most of these species are exposed to variable environmental conditions, such as abiotic (e.g., light irradiance, temperature variations, nutrient availability, salinity levels) and biotic factors (e.g., grazing and pathogen exposure). As a result, macroalgae developed numerous important strategies to increase their adaptability, including synthesizing secondary metabolites, which have promising biotechnological applications, such as UV-absorbing Mycosporine-Like Amino Acid (MAAs). MAAs are small, water-soluble, UV-absorbing compounds that are commonly found in many marine organisms and are characterized by promising antioxidative, anti-inflammatory and photoprotective properties. However, the widespread use of MAAs by humans is often restricted by their limited bioavailability, limited success in heterologous expression systems, and low quantities recovered from the natural environment. In contrast, bloom-forming macroalgal species from all three major macroalgal clades (Chlorophyta, Phaeophyceae, and Rhodophyta) occasionally form algal blooms, resulting in a rapid increase in algal abundance and high biomass production. This review focuses on the bloom-forming species capable of producing pharmacologically important compounds, including MAAs, and the application of proteomics in facilitating macroalgal use in overcoming current environmental and biotechnological challenges.





