sulfur oxidation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    None declared.Conflicts of interestMicroorganisms play vital roles in sulfur cycling through the oxidation of elemental sulfur and reduction of sulfite. These metabolisms are catalyzed by dissimilatory sulfite reductases (Dsr) functioning in either the reductive or reverse, oxidative direction. Dsr-mediated sulfite reduction is an ancient metabolism proposed to have fueled energy metabolism in some of Earth\'s earliest microorganisms, whereas sulfur oxidation is believed to have evolved later in association with the widespread availability of oxygen on Earth. Organisms are generally believed to carry out either the reductive or oxidative pathway, yet organisms from diverse phyla have been discovered with gene combinations that implicate them in both pathways. A comprehensive investigation into the metabolisms of these phyla regarding Dsr is currently lacking. Here, we selected one of these phyla, the metabolically versatile candidate phylum SAR324, to study the ecology and evolution of Dsr-mediated metabolism. We confirmed that diverse SAR324 encode genes associated with reductive Dsr, oxidative Dsr, or both. Comparative analyses with other Dsr-encoding bacterial and archaeal phyla revealed that organisms encoding both reductive and oxidative Dsr proteins are constrained to a few phyla. Further, DsrAB sequences from genomes belonging to these phyla are phylogenetically positioned at the interface between well-defined oxidative and reductive bacterial clades. The phylogenetic context and dsr gene content in these organisms points to an evolutionary transition event that ultimately gave way to oxidative Dsr-mediated metabolism. Together, this research suggests that SAR324 and other phyla with mixed dsr gene content are associated with the evolution and origins of Dsr-mediated sulfur oxidation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A novel Gram-stain-negative, facultatively anaerobic, and mixotrophic bacterium, designated as strain LZ166T, was isolated from the bathypelagic seawater in the western Pacific Ocean. The cells were short rod-shaped, oxidase- and catalase-positive, and motile by means of lateral flagella. The growth of strain LZ166T was observed at 10-45 °C (optimum 34-37 °C), at pH 5-10 (optimum 6-8), and in the presence of 0-5% NaCl (optimum 1-3%). A phylogenetic analysis based on the 16S rRNA gene showed that strain LZ166T shared the highest similarity (98.58%) with Aquibium oceanicum B7T and formed a distinct branch within the Aquibium genus. The genomic characterization, including average nucleotide identity (ANI, 90.73-76.79%), average amino identity (AAI, 88.50-79.03%), and digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH, 36.1-22.2%) values between LZ166T and other species within the Aquibium genus, further substantiated its novelty. The genome of strain LZ166T was 6,119,659 bp in size with a 64.7 mol% DNA G+C content. The predominant fatty acid was summed feature 8 (C18:1ω7c and/or C18:1ω6c). The major polar lipids identified were diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), glycolipid (GL), and phosphatidylglycerol (PG), with ubiquinone-10 (Q-10) as the predominant respiratory quinone. The genomic annotation indicated the presence of genes for a diverse metabolic profile, including pathways for carbon fixation via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle and inorganic sulfur oxidation. Based on the polyphasic taxonomic results, strain LZ166T represented a novel species of the genus Aquibium, for which the name Aquibium pacificus sp. nov. is proposed, with the type strain LZ166T (=MCCC M28807T = KACC 23148T = KCTC 82889T).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Members of the genus Shewanella are known for their versatile electron accepting routes, which allow them to couple decomposition of organic matter to reduction of various terminal electron acceptors for heterotrophic growth in diverse environments. Here, we report autotrophic growth of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 with photoelectrons provided by illuminated biogenic CdS nanoparticles. This hybrid system enables photosynthetic oscillatory acetate production from CO2 for over five months, far exceeding other inorganic-biological hybrid system that can only sustain for hours or days. Biochemical, electrochemical and transcriptomic analyses reveal that the efficient electron uptake of S. oneidensis MR-1 from illuminated CdS nanoparticles supplies sufficient energy to stimulate the previously overlooked reductive glycine pathway for CO2 fixation. The continuous solar-to-chemical conversion is achieved by photon induced electric recycling in sulfur species. Overall, our findings demonstrate that this mineral-assisted photosynthesis, as a widely existing and unique model of light energy conversion, could support the sustained photoautotrophic growth of non-photosynthetic microorganisms in nutrient-lean environments and mediate the reversal of coupled carbon and sulfur cycling, consequently resulting in previously unknown environmental effects. In addition, the hybrid system provides a sustainable and flexible platform to develop a variety of solar products for carbon neutrality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The sulfur powder as electron donor in driving dual-chamber microbial fuel cell denitrification (S) process has the advantages in economy and pollution-free to treat nitrate-contained groundwater. However, the low efficiency of electron utilization in sulfur oxidation (ACE) is the bottleneck to this method. In this study, the addition of calcined pyrite to the S system (SCP) accelerated electron generation and intra/extracellular transfer efficiency, thereby improving ACE and denitrification performance. The highest nitrate removal rate reached to 3.55 ± 0.01 mg N/L/h in SCP system, and the ACE was 103 % higher than that in S system. More importantly, calcined pyrite enhanced the enrichment of functional bacteria (Burkholderiales, Thiomonas and Sulfurovum) and functional genes which related to sulfur metabolism and electron transfer. This study was more effective in removing nitrate from groundwater without compromising the water quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mixotrophy is an important trophic strategy for bacterial survival in the ocean. However, the global relevance and identity of the major mixotrophic taxa remain largely elusive. Here, we combined phylogenetic, metagenomic, and metatranscriptomic analyses to characterize ubiquitous Arcobacteraceae based on our deep-sea in situ incubations and the global data. The phylogenomic tree of Arcobacteraceae is divided into three large clades, among which members of clades A and B are almost all from terrestrial environments, while those of clade C are widely distributed in various marine habitats in addition to some terrestrial origins. All clades harbor genes putatively involved in chitin degradation, sulfide oxidation, hydrogen oxidation, thiosulfate oxidation, denitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, microaerophilic respiration, and metal (iron/manganese) reduction. Additionally, in clade C, more unique pathways were retrieved, including thiosulfate disproportionation, ethanol fermentation, methane oxidation, fatty acid oxidation, cobalamin synthesis, and dissimilatory reductions of sulfate, perchlorate, and arsenate. Within this clade, two mixotrophic Candidatus genera represented by UBA6211 and CAIJNA01 harbor genes putatively involved in the reverse tricarboxylic acid pathway for carbon fixation. Moreover, the metatranscriptomic data in deep-sea in situ incubations indicated that the latter genus is a mixotroph that conducts carbon fixation by coupling sulfur oxidation and denitrification and metabolizing organic matter. Furthermore, global metatranscriptomic data confirmed the ubiquitous distribution and global relevance of Arcobacteraceae in the expression of those corresponding genes across all oceanic regions and depths. Overall, these results highlight the contribution of previously unrecognized Arcobacteraceae to carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling in global oceans.IMPORTANCEMarine microorganisms exert a profound influence on global carbon cycling and ecological relationships. Mixotrophy, characterized by the simultaneous utilization of both autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition, has a significant impact on the global carbon cycling. This report characterizes a group of uncultivated bacteria Arcobacteraceae that thrived on the \"hot time\" of bulky particulate organic matter and exhibited mixotrophic strategy during the in situ organic mineralization. Compared with clades A and B, more unique metabolic pathways were retrieved in clade C, including the reverse tricarboxylic acid pathway for carbon fixation, thiosulfate disproportionation, methane oxidation, and fatty acid oxidation. Global metatranscriptomic data from the Tara Oceans expeditions confirmed the ubiquitous distribution and extensive transcriptional activity of Arcobacteraceae with the expression of genes putatively involved in carbon fixation, methane oxidation, multiple sulfur compound oxidation, and denitrification across all oceanic regions and depths.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a highly effective decontaminant against chemical warfare agents (CWAs) when present both in a liquid and as a solid powder. For the latter, this can be in the form of H2O2 being complexed to a polymer, such as polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). While a H2O2-PVP complex is indeed effective at decontaminating CWAs, it is vulnerable to environmental conditions such as high relative humidities (RH), which can dissociate the H2O2 from the complex before it is given the opportunity to react with CWAs. In this paper, we demonstrate that the cross-linked version of PVP forms a highly stable complex with H2O2, which can withstand both high (40 °C) and low (-20 °C) temperatures as well as maintain stability at high RH up to 90% over several days. Collectively, this lays the framework for processing the H2O2-PVP complex in a variety of form factors that can maintain efficacy under a wide range of real-world environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arsenate [As(V)] reduction is a major cause of arsenic (As) release from soils, which threatens more than 200 million people worldwide. While heterotrophic As(V) reduction has been investigated extensively, the mechanism of chemolithotrophic As(V) reduction is less studied. Since As is frequently found as a sulfidic mineral in the environment, microbial mediated sulfur oxidation coupled to As(V) reduction (SOAsR), a chemolithotrophic process, may be more favorable in sites impacted by oligotrophic mining (e.g. As-contaminated mine tailings). While SOAsR is thermodynamically favorable, knowledge regarding this biogeochemical process is still limited. The current study suggested that SOAsR was a more prevalent process than heterotrophic As(V) reduction in oligotrophic sites, such as mine tailings. The water-soluble reduced sulfur concentration was predicted to be one of the major geochemical parameters that had a substantial impact on SOAsR potentials. A combination of DNA stable isotope probing and metagenome binning revealed members of the genera Sulfuricella, Ramlibacter, and Sulfuritalea as sulfur oxidizing As(V)-reducing bacteria (SOAsRB) in mine tailings. Genome mining further expanded the list of potential SOAsRB to diverse phylogenetic lineages such as members associated with Burkholderiaceae and Rhodocyclaceae. Metagenome analysis using multiple tailing samples across southern China confirmed that the putative SOAsRB were the dominant As(V) reducers in these sites. Together, the current findings expand our knowledge regarding the chemolithotrophic As(V) reduction process, which may be harnessed to facilitate future remediation practices in mine tailings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) have developed distinct ecological strategies to obtain reduced sulfur compounds for growth. These range from specialists that can only use a limited range of reduced sulfur compounds to generalists that can use many different forms as electron donors. Forming intimate symbioses with animal hosts is another highly successful ecological strategy for SOB, as animals, through their behavior and physiology, can enable access to sulfur compounds. Symbioses have evolved multiple times in a range of animal hosts and from several lineages of SOB. They have successfully colonized a wide range of habitats, from seagrass beds to hydrothermal vents, with varying availability of symbiont energy sources. Our extensive analyses of sulfur transformation pathways in 234 genomes of symbiotic and free-living SOB revealed widespread conservation in metabolic pathways for sulfur oxidation in symbionts from different host species and environments, raising the question of how they have adapted to such a wide range of distinct habitats. We discovered a gene family expansion of soxY in these genomes, with up to five distinct copies per genome. Symbionts harboring only the \"canonical\" soxY were typically ecological \"specialists\" that are associated with specific host subfamilies or environments (e.g., hydrothermal vents, mangroves). Conversely, symbionts with multiple divergent soxY genes formed versatile associations across diverse hosts in various marine environments. We hypothesize that expansion and diversification of the soxY gene family could be one genomic mechanism supporting the metabolic flexibility of symbiotic SOB enabling them and their hosts to thrive in a range of different and dynamic environments.IMPORTANCESulfur metabolism is thought to be one of the most ancient mechanisms for energy generation in microorganisms. A diverse range of microorganisms today rely on sulfur oxidation for their metabolism. They can be free-living, or they can live in symbiosis with animal hosts, where they power entire ecosystems in the absence of light, such as in the deep sea. In the millions of years since they evolved, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria have adopted several highly successful strategies; some are ecological \"specialists,\" and some are \"generalists,\" but which genetic features underpin these ecological strategies are not well understood. We discovered a gene family that has become expanded in those species that also seem to be \"generalists,\" revealing that duplication, repurposing, and reshuffling existing genes can be a powerful mechanism driving ecological lifestyle shifts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) is the key enzyme in the biosynthesis pathway of CSOs with sulfur oxidation. In order to explore the molecular regulatory mechanism of FMO in the synthesis of onion CSOs, based on transcriptome database and phylogenetic analysis, one AcFMO gene that may be involved in alliin synthesis was obtained, the AcFMO had a cDNA of 1 374 bp and encoded 457 amino acids, which was evolutionarily closest to the AsFMO of garlic. Real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) indicated that AcFMO was the highest in the flowers and the lowest in the leaf sheaths. The results of subcellular localization showed that the AcFMO gene product was widely distributed throughout the cell A yeast expression vector was constructed, and the AcFMO gene was ecotopically overexpressed in yeast to further study the enzyme function in vitro and could catalyze the synthesis of alliin by S-allyl-l-cysteine. In summary, the cloning and functional identification of AcFMO have important reference value for understanding the biosynthesis of CSOs in onions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Membrane vesicles (MVs) are envelope-derived extracellular sacs that perform a broad diversity of physiological functions in bacteria. While considerably studied in pathogenic microorganisms, the roles, relevance, and biotechnological potential of MVs from environmental bacteria are less well established. Acidithiobacillaceae family bacteria are active players in the sulfur and iron biogeochemical cycles in extremely acidic environments and drivers of the leaching of mineral ores contributing to acid rock/mine drainage (ARD/AMD) and industrial bioleaching. One key aspect of such a role is the ability of these bacteria to tightly interact with the mineral surfaces and extract electrons and nutrients to support their chemolithotrophic metabolism. Despite recent advances in the characterization of acidithiobacilli biofilms and extracellular matrix (ECM) components, our understanding of its architectural and mechanistic aspects remains scant. Using different microscopy techniques and nano-tracking analysis we show that vesiculation is a common phenomenon in distant members of the Acidithiobacillaceae family, and further explore the role of MVs in multicellular colonization behaviors using \'Fervidacidithiobacillus caldus\' as a bacterial model. Production of MVs in \'F. caldus\' occurred in both planktonic cultures and biofilms formed on sulfur surfaces, where MVs appeared individually or in chains resembling tube-shaped membranous structures (TSMSs) important for microbial communication. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry data and bioinformatic analysis of the MV-associated proteome revealed that \'F. caldus\' MVs were enriched in proteins involved in cell-cell and cell-surface processes and largely typified the MVs as outer MVs (OMVs). Finally, microbiological assays showed that amendment of \'F. caldus\' MVs to cells and/or biofilms affects collective colonizing behaviors relevant to the ecophysiology and applications of these acidophiles, providing grounds for their exploitation in biomining.





