
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The insula, a cortical structure buried deep within the sylvian fissure, has long posed a surgical challenge. Comprehensive knowledge of the insular anatomy is therefore integral to preoperative planning and safe interventional procedures. Since magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a favoured modality for the identification of cerebral structures, this study aimed to investigate the morphology and morphometry of the insula in a South African population, using MRI scans.
    METHODS: One-hundred MRI studies of insulae (n = 200 hemispheres) were retrospectively analysed for morphological features and morphometric parameters.
    RESULTS: The insulae were predominantly trapezoidal in shape (Laterality: Left: 82%; Right: 78%; Sex: Male: 84%, Female: 76%). The central insular sulcus was almost always \"well seen\" (Laterality: Left: 97%; Right: 99%; Sex: Male: 99%, Female: 97%). The middle short insular gyrus (MSG) was most variable in visibility, especially when compared across the sexes (p = 0.004). Insular gyri widths were comparable in both cerebral hemispheres; the posterior long gyrus (PLG) presented with the smallest mean widths. Anterior lobule (AL) widths were larger than those of the posterior lobule (PL). Widths of the insular gyri and lobules were generally larger in males than in females. The MSG and PLG widths in the left hemisphere, AL width in the right hemisphere, and the PL width in both hemispheres were significantly larger in males than in females (p = 0.001; p = 0.005; p = 0.041; p = 0.001, p = 0.015, respectively).
    CONCLUSIONS: MRI scans may be used to accurately interpret insular anatomy. The data obtained may aid neurosurgeons to perform safe insula-related surgical procedures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite extensive studies published on the canine brain, inconsistencies and disagreements in the nomenclature and representation of various cerebral structures continue to exist. This study aimed to create a comprehensive mapping of the external architecture of the mesocephalic canine brain with a focus on the major gyri and sulci. Standardized dissection techniques were used on 20 ethically sourced brains obtained from 6 to 10-year-old dogs that were free of neurological disorders. Distinct gyri and sulci with unique locations and bordering structures were observed. Thus, it was possible to identify the often-ignored subprorean gyrus. In addition, this study was able to illustrate the unique locations and bordering structures of gyri and sulci. The findings can contribute to a consensus among researchers on the canine brain anatomy and assist in clarifying the inconsistencies in cerebral structure representation. Furthermore, the results of this study may hold significant implications for veterinary medicine and neuroscience and serve as a foundation for the development of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for various neurological diseases in dogs. Our findings offer valuable insights into the unique evolutionary adaptations and specialized behaviors of the canine brain, thereby increasing awareness about the neural structures that enable dogs to demonstrate their unique traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior frontal sulcus (ifs) is a prominent sulcus on the lateral frontal cortex, separating the middle frontal gyrus from the inferior frontal gyrus. The morphology of the ifs can be difficult to distinguish from adjacent sulci, which are often misidentified as continuations of the ifs. The morphological variability of the ifs and its relationship to surrounding sulci were examined in 40 healthy human subjects (i.e., 80 hemispheres). The sulci were identified and labeled on the native cortical surface meshes of individual subjects, permitting proper intra-sulcal assessment. Two main morphological patterns of the ifs were identified across hemispheres: in Type I, the ifs was a single continuous sulcus, and in Type II, the ifs was discontinuous and appeared in two segments. The morphology of the ifs could be further subdivided into nine subtypes based on the presence of anterior and posterior sulcal extensions. The ifs was often observed to connect, either superficially or completely, with surrounding sulci, and seldom appeared as an independent sulcus. The spatial variability of the ifs and its various morphological configurations were quantified in the form of surface spatial probability maps which are made publicly available in the standard fsaverage space. These maps demonstrated that the ifs generally occupied a consistent position across hemispheres and across individuals. The normalized mean sulcal depths associated with the main morphological types were also computed. The present study provides the first detailed description of the ifs as a sulcal complex composed of segments and extensions that can be clearly differentiated from adjacent sulci. These descriptions, together with the spatial probability maps, are critical for the accurate identification of the ifs in anatomical and functional neuroimaging studies investigating the structural characteristics and functional organization of this region in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    A salient neuroanatomical feature of the human brain is its pronounced cortical folding, and there is mounting evidence that sulcal morphology is relevant to functional brain architecture and cognition. Recent studies have emphasized putative tertiary sulci (pTS): small, shallow, late-developing, and evolutionarily new sulci that have been posited to serve as functional landmarks in association cortices. A fruitful approach to characterizing brain architecture has been to delineate regions based on transitions in fMRI-based functional connectivity profiles; however, exact regional boundaries can change depending on the data used to generate the parcellation. As sulci are fixed neuroanatomical structures, here, we propose to anchor functional connectivity to individual-level sulcal anatomy. We characterized fine-grained patterns of functional connectivity across 42 sulci in lateral prefrontal (LPFC) and lateral parietal cortices (LPC) in a pediatric sample (N = 43; 20 female; ages 7-18). Further, we test for relationships between pTS morphology and functional network architecture, focusing on depth as a defining characteristic of these shallow sulci, and one that has been linked to variability in cognition. We find that 1) individual sulci have distinct patterns of connectivity, but nonetheless cluster together into groups with similar patterns - in some cases with distant rather than neighboring sulci, 2) there is moderate agreement in cluster assignments at the group and individual levels, underscoring the need for individual-level analyses, and 3) across individuals, greater depth was associated with higher network centrality for several pTS. These results highlight the importance of considering individual sulcal morphology for understanding functional brain organization.
    UNASSIGNED: A salient, and functionally relevant, feature of the human brain is its pronounced cortical folding. However, the links between sulcal anatomy and brain function are still poorly understood - particularly for small, shallow, individually variable sulci in association cortices. Here, we explore functional connectivity among individually defined sulci in lateral prefrontal and parietal regions. We find that individual sulci have distinct patterns of connectivity but nonetheless cluster together into groups with similar connectivity - in some cases spanning lateral prefrontal and parietal sulci. We further show that the network centrality of specific sulci is positively associated with their depth, thereby helping to bridge the gap between individual differences in brain anatomy and functional networks leveraging the sulcal anatomy of the individual.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disentangling functional difference between cortical folding patterns of gyri and sulci provides novel insights into the relationship between brain structure and function. Previous studies using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) have revealed that sulcal signals exhibit stronger high-frequency but weaker low-frequency components compared to gyral ones, suggesting that gyri may serve as functional integration centers while sulci are segregated local processing units. In this study, we utilize naturalistic paradigm fMRI (nfMRI) to explore the functional difference between gyri and sulci as it has proven to record stronger functional integrations compared to rsfMRI. We adopt a convolutional neural network (CNN) to classify gyral and sulcal fMRI signals in the whole brain (the global model) and within functional brain networks (the local models). The frequency-specific difference between gyri and sulci is then inferred from the power spectral density (PSD) profiles of the learned filters in the CNN model. Our experimental results show that nfMRI shows higher gyral-sulcal PSD contrast effect sizes in the global model compared to rsfMRI. In the local models, the effect sizes are either increased or decreased depending on frequency bands and functional complexity of the FBNs. This study highlights the advantages of nfMRI in depicting the functional difference between gyri and sulci, and provides novel insights into unraveling the relationship between brain structure and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The third trimester of pregnancy is the most critical period for human brain development, during which significant changes occur in the morphology of the brain. The development of sulci and gyri allows for a considerable increase in the brain surface. In preterm newborns, these changes occur in an extrauterine environment that may cause a disruption of the normal brain maturation process. We hypothesize that a normalized atlas of brain maturation with cerebral ultrasound images from birth to term equivalent age will help clinicians assess these changes. This work proposes a semi-automatic Graphical User Interface (GUI) platform for segmenting the main cerebral sulci in the clinical setting from ultrasound images. This platform has been obtained from images of a cerebral ultrasound neonatal database images provided by two clinical researchers from the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Barcelona, Spain. The primary objective is to provide a user-friendly design platform for clinicians for running and visualizing an atlas of images validated by medical experts. This GUI offers different segmentation approaches and pre-processing tools and is user-friendly and designed for running, visualizing images, and segmenting the principal sulci. The presented results are discussed in detail in this paper, providing an exhaustive analysis of the proposed approach\'s effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In adult lizards, new neurons are generated from neural stem cells in the ventricular zone of the lateral ventricles. These new neurons migrate and integrate into the main telencephalic subdivisions. In this work we have studied adult neurogenesis in the lizard Podarcis liolepis (formerly Podarcis hispanica) by administering [3H]-thymidine and bromodeoxyuridine as proliferation markers and euthanizing the animals at different survival times to determine the identity of progenitor cells and to study their lineage derivatives. After short survival times, only type B cells are labeled, suggesting that they are neural stem cells. Three days after administration, some type A cells are labeled, corresponding to recently formed neuroblasts. Type A cells migrate to their final destinations, where they differentiate into mature neurons and integrate into functional circuits. Our results after long survival periods suggest that, in addition to actively dividing type B cells, there is also a type B subpopulation with low proliferative activity. We also found that new neurons incorporated into the olfactory bulb are generated both in situ, in the walls of the anterior extension of the lateral ventricle of the olfactory bulbs, but also at more caudal levels, most likely in anterior levels of the sulcus ventralis/terminalis. These cells follow a tangential migration toward the olfactory bulbs where they integrate. We hypothesized that at least part of the newly generated neurons would undergo a specialization process over time. In support of this prediction, we found two neuronal populations in the cellular layer of the medial cortex, which we named type I and II neurons. At intermediate survival times (1 month) only type II neurons were labeled with [3H]-thymidine, while at longer survival times (3, 6, or 12 months) both type I and type II neurons were labeled. This study sheds light on the ultrastructural characteristics of the ventricular zone of P. liolepis as a neurogenic niche, and adds to our knowledge of the processes whereby newly generated neurons in the adult brain migrate and integrate into their final destinations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The spoken word does not fossilize. Despite this, scientists have long sought to unearth the origins of language within the human lineage. One of the lines of evidence they have pursued is functional brain areas, such as Broca\'s and Wernicke\'s areas, which are associated with speech production and comprehension, respectively. Sulcal layout of Broca\'s area clearly differs between humans and our closest living relatives, the chimpanzees, enabling its homolog in fossil hominins to be deemed more chimpanzee-like (i.e., closer to the ancestral form) or more human-like (i.e., derived form) with relative ease. Yet, no such differences have been found for Wernicke\'s area. This study compares sulcal and gyral organization of Wernicke\'s area across extant human brains (n=4), extant chimpanzee brains (n=5) and fossil hominin endocasts (n=4). Some chimpanzee brains had indications of leftward Wernicke\'s area asymmetry in the form of a shorter Sylvian fissure and/or caudal superior temporal gyral bulging in the left hemisphere. Overlap between the superior and middle temporal sulci in human but not chimpanzee brains may be due to a relatively larger Wernicke\'s area in humans. Fragmentation of the main body of the superior temporal sulcus exclusively in human left hemispheres was ascribed to a leftward Wernicke\'s area asymmetry in this species. Endocast examination found that, while Paranthropus robustus exhibit human-like overlap between the superior and middle temporal sulci, Australopithecus africanus do not, although they do exhibit chimpanzee-like caudal superior temporal gyral bulging. Such findings signal, albeit loosely, a more human-like Wernicke\'s area in Paranthropus than Australopithecus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Certain sulci of the human cerebral cortex hold consistent relationships to cytoarchitectonic areas (e.g. the primary motor cortical area 4 and the somatosensory cortical area 3 occupy the anterior and posterior banks of the central sulcus, respectively). Recent research has improved knowledge of the cortical sulci and their variability across individuals. However, other than the so-called primary sulci, understanding of the precise relationships cortical folds hold with many cytoarchitectonic areas remains elusive. To examine these relationships, the cortex must be blocked, sectioned, and histologically processed in a manner that allows the cytoarchitectonic layers to be clearly observed. The optimal strategy to view the cytoarchitecture is to block and section the cortex perpendicular to the sulcal orientation. Most cytoarchitectonic investigations of the cortex, however, have been conducted on specimens cut along a single axis (e.g. the coronal plane), which distorts the appearance of the cytoarchitectonic layers within parts of the cortical ribbon not sectioned optimally. Thus, to understand further the relationships between sulci and cytoarchitectonic areas, the cortex should be sectioned optimally to the sulci of interest. A novel approach for blocking the cortex optimally using structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and surgical neuronavigation tools is presented here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The neuroanatomical changes that underpin cognitive development are of major interest in neuroscience. Of the many aspects of neuroanatomy to consider, tertiary sulci are particularly attractive as they emerge last in gestation, show a protracted development after birth, and are either human- or hominoid-specific. Thus, they are ideal targets for exploring morphological-cognitive relationships with cognitive skills that also show protracted development such as working memory (WM). Yet, the relationship between sulcal morphology and WM is unknown-either in development or more generally. To fill this gap, we adopted a data-driven approach with cross-validation to examine the relationship between sulcal depth in lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) and verbal WM in 60 children and adolescents between ages 6 and 18. These analyses identified 9 left, and no right, LPFC sulci (of which 7 were tertiary) whose depth predicted verbal WM performance above and beyond the effect of age. Most of these sulci are located within and around contours of previously proposed functional parcellations of LPFC. This sulcal depth model outperformed models with age or cortical thickness. Together, these findings build empirical support for a classic theory that tertiary sulci serve as landmarks in association cortices that contribute to late-maturing human cognitive abilities.





