sulcal morphology

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We developed a computational pipeline (now provided as a resource) for measuring morphological similarity between cortical surface sulci to construct a sulcal phenotype network (SPN) from each magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan in an adult cohort (n = 34,725; 45-82 years). Networks estimated from pairwise similarities of 40 sulci on 5 morphological metrics comprised two clusters of sulci, represented also by the bimodal distribution of sulci on a linear-to-complex dimension. Linear sulci were more heritable and typically located in unimodal cortex, and complex sulci were less heritable and typically located in heteromodal cortex. Aligning these results with an independent fetal brain MRI cohort (n = 228; 21-36 gestational weeks), we found that linear sulci formed earlier, and the earliest and latest-forming sulci had the least between-adult variation. Using high-resolution maps of cortical gene expression, we found that linear sulcation is mechanistically underpinned by trans-sulcal gene expression gradients enriched for developmental processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The inferior frontal sulcus (ifs) is a prominent sulcus on the lateral frontal cortex, separating the middle frontal gyrus from the inferior frontal gyrus. The morphology of the ifs can be difficult to distinguish from adjacent sulci, which are often misidentified as continuations of the ifs. The morphological variability of the ifs and its relationship to surrounding sulci were examined in 40 healthy human subjects (i.e., 80 hemispheres). The sulci were identified and labeled on the native cortical surface meshes of individual subjects, permitting proper intra-sulcal assessment. Two main morphological patterns of the ifs were identified across hemispheres: in Type I, the ifs was a single continuous sulcus, and in Type II, the ifs was discontinuous and appeared in two segments. The morphology of the ifs could be further subdivided into nine subtypes based on the presence of anterior and posterior sulcal extensions. The ifs was often observed to connect, either superficially or completely, with surrounding sulci, and seldom appeared as an independent sulcus. The spatial variability of the ifs and its various morphological configurations were quantified in the form of surface spatial probability maps which are made publicly available in the standard fsaverage space. These maps demonstrated that the ifs generally occupied a consistent position across hemispheres and across individuals. The normalized mean sulcal depths associated with the main morphological types were also computed. The present study provides the first detailed description of the ifs as a sulcal complex composed of segments and extensions that can be clearly differentiated from adjacent sulci. These descriptions, together with the spatial probability maps, are critical for the accurate identification of the ifs in anatomical and functional neuroimaging studies investigating the structural characteristics and functional organization of this region in the human brain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superior frontal sulcus (SFS) is the major sulcus on the dorsolateral frontal cortex that defines the lateral limit of the superior frontal gyrus. Caudally, it originates near the superior precentral sulcus (SPRS) and, rostrally, it terminates near the frontal pole. The advent of structural neuroimaging has demonstrated significant variability in this sulcus that is not captured by the classic sulcal maps. The present investigation examined the morphological variability of the SFS in 50 individual magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the human brain that were registered to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) standard stereotaxic space. Two primary morphological patterns were identified: (i) the SFS was classified as a continuous sulcus or (ii) the SFS was a complex of sulcal segments. The SFS showed a high probability of merging with neighbouring sulci on the superior and middle frontal gyri and these patterns were documented. In addition, the morphological variability and spatial extent of the SFS were quantified using volumetric and surface spatial probability maps. The results from the current investigation provide an anatomical framework for understanding the morphology of the SFS, which is critical for the interpretation of structural and functional neuroimaging data in the dorsolateral frontal region, as well as for improving the accuracy of neurosurgical interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Novel features derived from imaging and artificial intelligence systems are commonly coupled to construct computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems that are intended as clinical support tools or for investigation of complex biological patterns. This study used sulcal patterns from structural images of the brain as the basis for classifying patients with schizophrenia from unaffected controls. Statistical, machine learning and deep learning techniques were sequentially applied as a demonstration of how a CAD system might be comprehensively evaluated in the absence of prior empirical work or extant literature to guide development, and the availability of only small sample datasets. Sulcal features of the entire cerebral cortex were derived from 58 schizophrenia patients and 56 healthy controls. No similar CAD systems has been reported that uses sulcal features from the entire cortex. We considered all the stages in a CAD system workflow: preprocessing, feature selection and extraction, and classification. The explainable AI techniques Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations and SHapley Additive exPlanations were applied to detect the relevance of features to classification. At each stage, alternatives were compared in terms of their performance in the context of a small sample. Differentiating sulcal patterns were located in temporal and precentral areas, as well as the collateral fissure. We also verified the benefits of applying dimensionality reduction techniques and validation methods, such as resubstitution with upper bound correction, to optimize performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Similarities and differences in brain structure and function across species are of major interest in systems neuroscience, comparative biology, and brain mapping. Recently, increased emphasis has been placed on tertiary sulci, which are shallow indentations of the cerebral cortex that appear last in gestation, continue to develop after birth, and are largely either human or hominoid specific. While tertiary sulcal morphology in lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) has been linked to functional representations and cognition in humans, it is presently unknown if small and shallow LPFC sulci also exist in non-human hominoids. To fill this gap in knowledge, we leveraged two freely available multimodal datasets to address the following main question: Can small and shallow LPFC sulci be defined in chimpanzee cortical surfaces from human predictions of LPFC tertiary sulci? We found that 1-3 components of the posterior middle frontal sulcus (pmfs) in the posterior middle frontal gyrus are identifiable in nearly all chimpanzee hemispheres. In stark contrast to the consistency of the pmfs components, we could only identify components of the paraintermediate frontal sulcus (pimfs) in two chimpanzee hemispheres. Putative LPFC tertiary sulci were relatively smaller and shallower in chimpanzees compared to humans. In both species, two of the pmfs components were deeper in the right compared to the left hemisphere. As these results have direct implications for future studies interested in the functional and cognitive role of LPFC tertiary sulci, we share probabilistic predictions of the three pmfs components to guide the definitions of these sulci in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship among brain structure, brain function, and behavior is of major interest in neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and psychology. This relationship is especially intriguing when considering hominoid-specific brain structures because they cannot be studied in widely examined models in neuroscience such as mice, marmosets, and macaques. The fusiform gyrus (FG) is a hominoid-specific structure critical for face processing that is abnormal in individuals with developmental prosopagnosia (DPs)-individuals who have severe deficits recognizing the faces of familiar people in the absence of brain damage. While previous studies have found anatomical and functional differences in the FG between DPs and NTs, no study has examined the shallow tertiary sulcus (mid-fusiform sulcus, MFS) within the FG that is a microanatomical, macroanatomical, and functional landmark in humans, as well as was recently shown to be present in non-human hominoids. Here, we implemented pre-registered analyses of neuroanatomy and face perception in NTs and DPs. Results show that the MFS was shorter in DPs than NTs. Furthermore, individual differences in MFS length in the right, but not left, hemisphere predicted individual differences in face perception. These results support theories linking brain structure and function to perception, as well as indicate that individual differences in MFS length can predict individual differences in face processing. Finally, these findings add to growing evidence supporting a relationship between morphological variability of late developing, tertiary sulci and individual differences in cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expansion of the cerebral cortex is one of the most distinctive changes in the evolution of the human brain. Cortical expansion and related increases in cortical folding may have contributed to emergence of our capacities for high-order cognitive abilities. Molecular analysis of humans, archaic hominins, and non-human primates has allowed identification of chromosomal regions showing evolutionary changes at different points of our phylogenetic history. In this study, we assessed the contributions of genomic annotations spanning 30 million years to human sulcal morphology measured via MRI in more than 18,000 participants from the UK Biobank. We found that variation within brain-expressed human gained enhancers, regulatory genetic elements that emerged since our last common ancestor with Old World monkeys, explained more trait heritability than expected for the left and right calloso-marginal posterior fissures and the right central sulcus. Intriguingly, these are sulci that have been previously linked to the evolution of locomotion in primates and later on bipedalism in our hominin ancestors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent findings spanning fields, from braincases in paleoneurobiology to invivo measurements in cognitive neuroscience, provide insights into the evolution of cognition. Here, we integrate these findings and propose that studying small, evolutionarily new cortical structures has significant implications for identifying new links between neuroanatomical substrates and human-specific aspects of cognition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Delayed reward discounting (DRD) is a form of decision-making reflecting valuation of smaller immediate rewards versus larger delayed rewards, and high DRD has been linked to several health behaviors, including substance use disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and obesity. Elucidating the underlying neuroanatomical factors may offer important insights into the etiology of these conditions. We used structural MRI scans of 1038 Human Connectome Project participants (Mage = 28.86, 54.7% female) to explore two novel measures of neuroanatomy related to DRD: 1) sulcal morphology (SM; depth and width) and 2) fractal dimensionality (FD), or cortical morphometric complexity, of parcellated cortical and subcortical regions. To ascertain unique contributions to DRD preferences, indicators that displayed significant partial correlations with DRD after family-wise error correction were entered into iterative mixed-effect models guided by the association magnitude. When considering only SM indicators, the depth of the right inferior and width of the left central sulci were uniquely associated with DRD preferences. When considering only FD indicators, the FD of the left middle temporal gyrus, right lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and left lateral occipital and entorhinal cortices uniquely contributed DRD. When considering SM and FD indicators simultaneously, the right inferior frontal sulcus depth and left central sulcus width; and the FD of the left middle temporal gyrus, lateral occipital cortex and entorhinal cortex were uniquely associated with DRD. These results implicate SM and FD as features of the brain that underlie variation in the DRD decision-making phenotype and as promising candidates for understanding DRD as a biobehavioral disease process.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The superior parietal sulcus (SPS) is the defining sulcus within the superior parietal lobule (SPL). The morphological variability of the SPS was examined in individual magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the human brain that were registered to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) standard stereotaxic space. Two primary morphological patterns were consistently identified across hemispheres: (i) the SPS was identified as a single sulcus, separating the anterior from the posterior part of the SPL and (ii) the SPS was found as a complex of multiple sulcal segments. These morphological patterns were subdivided based on whether the SPS or SPS complex remained distinct or merged with surrounding parietal sulci. The morphological variability and spatial extent of the SPS were quantified using volumetric and surface spatial probabilistic mapping. The current investigation established consistent morphological patterns in a common anatomical space, the MNI stereotaxic space, to facilitate structural and functional analyses within the SPL.





