
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Identifying mechanisms that drive population divergence under varying geographic and ecological scenarios can inform our understanding of evolution and speciation. In particular, analysis of genetic data from island populations with known colonisation timelines allows us to identify potential source populations of diverging island subspecies and current relationships among populations. Silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) are a small passerine that have served as a valuable study system to investigate evolutionary patterns on both large and small geographic scales. We examined genetic relatedness and diversity of two silvereye subspecies, the mainland Z. l. cornwalli and island Z. l. chlorocephalus, and used 18 077 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), to compare locations across southeast Queensland, Australia. Although silvereyes are prolific island colonisers our findings revealed population divergence over relatively small spatial scales was strongly influenced by geographic isolation mediated by water barriers. Strong genetic connectivity was displayed between mainland sites, but minimal inter-island connectivity was shown despite comparable sampling distances. Genetic diversity analysis showed little difference in heterozygosity between island and mainland populations, but lower inbreeding scores among the island populations. Our study confirmed the range of the Z. l. chlorocephalus subspecies throughout the southern Great Barrier Reef. Our results show that water barriers and not geographic distance per se are important in driving incipient divergence in island populations. This helps to explain the relatively high number of phenotypically differentiated, but often geographically proximate, island silvereye subspecies compared to a lower number of phenotypically less well-defined Australian continental subspecies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) cause skin infections, respiratory diseases, and disseminated infections. Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare, which are slow grown Mycobacterium, are main agents of those NTM diseases. A silkworm infection model with Mycobacterium abscessus, a rapidly growing Mycobacterium species, was established to quantitatively evaluate its virulence within a short period. However, a silkworm infection model to quantitatively evaluate the virulence of M. intracellulare has not yet been developed. In this study, we determined the virulence of M. intracellulare subspecies within 4 days using a silkworm infection model. The subspecies of M. intracellulare strains used in this study were estimated by phylogenetic tree analysis using core gene data. The median lethal dose (LD50) values, which are the dose of a pathogen required to kill half of the silkworms in a group, were determined 4 days after infection. The LD50 value of M. intracellulare subsp. chimaera DSM44623 was higher than that of M. intracellulare subsp. intracellulare ATCC13950. These results suggest that the virulence of M. intracellulare subspecies can be compared using a silkworm model within 4 days.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Phylogenomics has the power to uncover complex phylogenetic scenarios across the genome. In most cases, no single topology is reflected across the entire genome as the phylogenetic signal differs among genomic regions due to processes, such as introgression and incomplete lineage sorting. Baleen whales are among the largest vertebrates on Earth with a high dispersal potential in a relatively unrestricted habitat, the oceans. The fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) is one of the most enigmatic baleen whale species, currently divided into four subspecies. It has been a matter of debate whether phylogeographic patterns explain taxonomic variation in fin whales. Here we present a chromosome-level whole genome analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among fin whales from multiple ocean basins. First, we estimated concatenated and consensus phylogenies for both the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. The consensus phylogenies based upon the autosomal genome uncovered monophyletic clades associated with each ocean basin, aligning with the current understanding of subspecies division. Nevertheless, discordances were detected in the phylogenies based on the Y chromosome, mitochondrial genome, autosomal genome and X chromosome. Furthermore, we detected signs of introgression and pervasive phylogenetic discordance across the autosomal genome. This complex phylogenetic scenario could be explained by a puzzle of introgressive events, not yet documented in fin whales. Similarly, incomplete lineage sorting and low phylogenetic signal could lead to such phylogenetic discordances. Our study reinforces the pitfalls of relying on concatenated or single locus phylogenies to determine taxonomic relationships below the species level by illustrating the underlying nuances which some phylogenetic approaches may fail to capture. We emphasize the significance of accurate taxonomic delineation in fin whales by exploring crucial information revealed through genome-wide assessments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This scientific report provides an update of the Xylella spp. host plant database, aiming to provide information and scientific support to risk assessors, risk managers and researchers dealing with Xylella spp. Upon a mandate of the European Commission, EFSA created and regularly updates a database of host plant species of Xylella spp. The current mandate covers the period 2021-2026. This report is related to the 10th version of the database published in Zenodo in the EFSA Knowledge Junction community, covering literature published from 1 July 2023 up to 31 December 2023, and recent Europhyt outbreak notifications. Informative data have been extracted from 39 selected publications. Sixteen new host plants, five genera and one family were identified and added to the database. They were naturally infected by X. fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa or unknown either in Portugal or the United States. No additional data were retrieved for X. taiwanensis, and no additional multilocus sequence types (STs) were identified worldwide. New information on the tolerant/resistant response of plant species to X. fastidiosa infection were added to the database. The Xylella spp. host plant species were listed in different categories based on the number and type of detection methods applied for each finding. The overall number of Xylella spp. host plants determined with at least two different detection methods or positive with one method either by sequencing or pure culture isolation (category A), reaches now 451 plant species, 204 genera and 70 families. Such numbers rise to 712 plant species, 312 genera and 89 families if considered regardless of the detection methods applied (category E).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a glacial relict endemic to a small, isolated massif in northeast Spain, is considered the only Critically Endangered urodele in Europe. Its restricted range is divided by a deep valley that acts as an impassable barrier to dispersal, separating two isolated metapopulations (Western and Eastern) that correspond to independent lineages with different evolutionary trajectories, based on genetic and genomic data. Here, we address the ecological differentiation between lineages and discuss its potential effect on the phenotypic distinctness of each lineage. Based on multiple lines of evidence, we formally describe the Western Montseny brook newt as a new subspecies: Calotriton arnoldi laietanus ssp. nov. Finally, our study underscores the importance of considering taxonomic progress in the conservation policies of endangered species, ensuring appropriate management and protection of the newly described taxa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crassostrea ariakensis (Fujita, 1913) is one of the most important economic and ecological oysters that is naturally distributed along the coast of Asia, separated by the Yangtze River estuary. They are usually compared as different populations, while there is no consensus on whether C. ariakensis in northern and southern areas should be considered as two species or subspecies. Here, we analyzed morphological characteristics, COI, 16s rRNA, mitogenome sequences, and species delimitation analysis (ASAP and PTP) to resolve the intraspecific taxonomic status of the C. ariakensis. Phylogenetic and ASAP analysis highlight that C. ariakensis was divided into N-type and S-type. PTP was unable to differentiate between the two types of C. ariakensis. The divergence time of N-type and S-type C. ariakinsis is estimated to be 1.6 Mya, using the relaxed uncorrelated lognormal clock method. Additionally, significant morphological differences exist between the two groups in terms of the adductor muscle scar color. Despite these differences, the COI (0.6%) and 16S rRNA (0.6%) genetic distance differences between N-type and S-type C. ariakensis has not yet reached the interspecific level. These results suggest that N-type and S-type C. ariakensis should be treated as different subspecies and renamed as C. ariakensis ariakensis subsp. nov and C. ariakensis meridioyangtzensis subsp. nov.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conservation is prioritized based on accepted taxa. As a consequence, a conservation incentive exists to emphasize inter-population differences to define taxa, potentially leading to taxonomic inflation. But stressing the uniqueness of threatened populations has the side effect of hindering conservation actions that promote inter-population gene flow, such as genetic rescue. These actions may be of critical importance for severely inbred populations involved in extinction vortices, for which an inflated taxonomy can become a conservation trap. Here, we exemplify this scenario with the western capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus, Phasianidae) population in the Cantabrian Mountains, described and legally listed as a subspecies not supported by recent molecular data. The Cantabrian capercaillie population is Critically Endangered after a long-lasting decline and a recent demographic collapse. It shows clear signs of inbreeding depression, including striking clutch size decreases as well as reduced hatchability and chick survival. This critical situation could be alleviated through a genetic rescue, but this possibility is hindered by inertias rooted in the putative uniqueness of the Cantabrian capercaillie. It had been previously argued that poor taxonomy could hamper conservation, through the oblivion of populations deserving, but not having, a taxonomic status. We show that taxonomic inflation can also become an obstacle for effective conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Traditional Dipodomys (sub)species identification uses geography, phenotype, and external/skull measurements. Such measurements are correlated with size and thus redundant. I assessed the value of scaled cranial shape, based on two-dimensional landmarks (analyzed using geometric morphometric methods) in distinguishing Dipodomys taxa, and in summarizing their variation. My dataset includes 601 adult specimens from 20 species (49 operational taxonomic units - OTUs) across 190 localities. Cranial shape was highly useful in classifying Dipodomys taxa without considering geography. The auditory bulla was the most variable region-taxa differed in its hypertrophy, accompanied by different degrees of nearby structure crowding. Cranial shape was weakly allometric, with no significant sexual dimorphism. Weak size dimorphism was detected. (Sub)specific taxonomy is not reflective of shape variation, as the number of subspecies per species is not associated with disparity. Shape had significant phylogenetic signal, but subspecies did not always cluster with conspecifics and species did not always cluster according to phylogenetic relationship/taxonomy. Shape variation was correlated with climate, and species differed in morphological disparity and degree of specialization, which may contribute to divergence in shape variation patterns from phylogeny. D. deserti was the most specialized species, diverging greatly from the genus mean; D. heermanni was the least specialized. This study provides new insights into morphological variation of North American keystone species, several of conservation interest, for example, D. heermanni berkeleyensis, D. h. dixoni, D. nitratoides brevinasus, and D. n. nitratoides.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial
    Studies on fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) have reported inconsistent connections between clinical outcomes and donor strain engraftment. Analyses of subspecies-level crosstalk and its influences on lineage transfer in metagenomic FMT datasets have proved challenging, as single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are generally not linked and are often absent. Here, we utilized species genome bin (SGB), which employs co-abundance binning, to investigate subspecies-level microbiome dynamics in patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who had gastrointestinal comorbidities and underwent encapsulated FMT (Chinese Clinical Trial: 2100043906). We found that interactions between donor and recipient microbes, which were overwhelmingly phylogenetically divergent, were important for subspecies transfer and positive clinical outcomes. Additionally, a donor-recipient SGB match was indicative of a high likelihood of strain transfer. Importantly, these ecodynamics were shared across FMT datasets encompassing multiple diseases. Collectively, these findings provide detailed insight into specific microbial interactions and dynamics that determine FMT success.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genus Molossops includes two monotypic species of insectivore bats distributed in South America: Molossopsneglectus and Molossopstemminckii. Both can be differentiated, based on sizes, M.temminckii being smaller (forearm less than 33 mm). Despite being monotypic, at least two additional subspecies have been described for M.temminckii, of which M.temminckiigriseiventer from the inter-Andean Valley of the Magdalena River in Colombia might represent a valid taxon. To test the taxonomic status of M.t.griseiventer, we reviewed specimens of M.temminckii from cis- and trans-Andean localities in Colombia. We used Cytochrome-b and Cytochrome Oxidase I comparisons to test the phylogenetic position of cis- and trans-Andean samples and compared qualitative morphology, morphometric and bioacoustics. Our results show that M.t.griseiventer is differentiated from cis-Andean specimens, providing further evidence of its validity at the species level. Furthermore, M.temminckii (sensu stricto) is also distributed in Colombia, but both M.griseiventer and M.temminckii are allopatric, with the Andes acting as a barrier. The specific identity of the specimens from the Caribbean Region of Colombia needs a new evaluation, but our results clearly show that the diversity of Molossops is underestimated.





