subscapular artery

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The subscapular artery vascularizes a substantial region of the thoracic wall, and the significance of its distribution is well depicted in the diversity of reconstructive procedures that rely on its blood supply. The aim of this study is to present an uncommon anatomical variation of the artery and discuss the clinical implications of its presence.
    METHODS: This case report depicts a rare variant of compression and the kinking of the subscapular artery by the radial nerve on the posterior wall of the axilla that was encountered during dissection of a male cadaver of Greek origin.
    CONCLUSIONS: The use of autologous tissues in the reconstruction of defects and treatment of lymphedema is expanding, so the need to establish safer surgical dissections is also becoming more apparent. The case of entrapment of the subscapular artery by the radial nerve is extremely rare, however, utilizing tissues perfused by this artery for reconstructive purposes could potentially be futile and unsuccessful due to the inadequate blood supply or vessel thrombosis. Hence, the surgeon should adapt the treatment plan according to preoperative findings, as the presence of anatomical variants should always be suspected.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The vascular anatomy of the proximal subscapular artery has been previously classified into 2 major types depending on the presence of a common subscapular trunk. The purpose of this study was to determine the utility, reliability, and cost of routine chest imaging to identify these anatomical variations.
    METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively at a tertiary medical center for patients who were undergoing CT chest for various indications between October 2019 and October 2020. Two independent and blinded readers interpreted CT chest with contrast of 52 patients for a total 104 sides.
    RESULTS: The proximal branching pattern of the subscapular system was identified to have a common trunk in 99 (95%) sides. The remaining five sides (5%) demonstrated two arterial pedicles; with one patient exhibiting the variant anatomy bilaterally.
    CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative CT chest with contrast can accurately identify anatomic variation of the subscapular vascular system. For complex reconstruction requiring a single anastomosis in the vessel depleted neck, preoperative imaging can assure selection of a type I vascular anatomy of the proximal subscapular system. Preoperative imaging with contrasted CT has value in assessing this anatomy when planning for chimeric flaps involving circumflex scapular and thoracodorsal arteries.
    METHODS: 3 Laryngoscope, 134:684-687, 2024.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The third segment of the axillary artery (TSAA) is the main vascular supply to the muscles of the upper limb. Numerous studies have reported atypical branching patterns of the TSAA, which can complicate operative interventions involving structures supplied by this segment of the artery. Our current study evaluated a previously undescribed branching pattern in the TSAA, in which the subscapular artery gave rise to an unusual posterior humeral circumflex artery, and a second subscapular artery. In addition, a third variant was found in the origin of the thoracodorsal artery: two collateral horizontal arteries supplying the deep medial surface of the latissimus dorsi muscle. Vascular anatomical variants may affect the classical upper limb interventions requiring modification of the traditional surgical approaches. This case report aims to evaluate these variants from a clinical perspective regarding the management of upper limb trauma, axillary, breast, and muscle flap surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A subscapular system free-flap is extremely useful for maxillofacial reconstruction since it facilitates the simultaneous harvesting of multiple flaps using one subscapular artery (SSA) alone. However, cases of aberrations in the SSAs have been reported. Therefore, the morphology of SSA needs to be confirmed preoperatively before harvesting the flaps. Recent developments in imaging, such as three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography angiography (3D CTA), facilitate obtain high-quality images of blood vessel images. Therefore, we examined the utility of 3D CTA in navigating the course of the SSA before harvesting subscapular system free-flaps. We examined the morphology and aberrations of the SSA using 39 sides of the 3D CTA data and 22 sides of Japanese cadavers. SSAs can be classified into types S, I, P, and A. Type S SSAs are significantly long (mean length = 44.8 mm). Types I and P SSAs have short mean lengths, measuring ≤2 cm in approximately 50% of cases. In type A, the SSA is absent. The frequency of types S, I, P, and A SSAs were 28.2%, 7.7%, 51.3%, and 12.8%, respectively. Type S can be advantageous for harvesting the SSA in subscapular system free-flaps, because it is significantly longer. In contrast, types I and P might be dangerous because their mean lengths are shorter. In type A, caution is needed not to injure the axillary artery because the SSA is absent. When surgeons need to harvest the SSA, presurgical 3D CTA is recommended.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Prior knowledge of possible variations in human anatomy is essential for basic medical and clinical training. Many surgeons can avoid uncharacteristic situations by having sources and availability of resources that document potential irregularities in human anatomy. In this case, a human cadaver is identified as having an altered origin of the posterior circumflex humeral artery (PCHA). While it usually stems from the axillary artery, this cadaver had a left-sided PCHA originating from the subscapular artery (SSA) and continuing into the quadrangular space. This irregularity of the PCHA from the SSA is not commonly discussed in the literature. Physicians and anatomists need to be fully aware of this possibility and be prepared for any unexpected differences in anatomy during procedures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The presence of an upper subscapular nerve branching from the posterior division of the superior trunk, and it being accompanied by an accessory subscapular artery, is of both clinical and surgical significance. During routine dissection of the root of the neck in a 75-year-old male cadaver, an unusual branch from the third part of the right subclavian artery was observed lateral to the dorsal scapular artery. Continued dissection revealed that this artery traveled between the anterior divisions of the superior and middle trunks of the brachial plexus before traveling alongside a nerve from the posterior division of the superior trunk of the brachial plexus. This artery and nerve descended on the anterior aspect of the subscapularis muscle before piercing into its muscle belly. We believe this to be a previously unreported unique variation of the upper subscapular nerve that is accompanied by an accessory subscapular artery on its course to the subscapularis muscle. Knowledge of anatomical variations like this may lead to decreased complications in nerve blocks and surgical procedures related to the shoulder.






  • 文章类型: Letter
    The third part of the axillary artery has an intimate relationship with the cords of the brachial plexus. The subscapular artery, the largest branch of the axillary artery, arises from its third part. The radial nerve is a branch of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus and its supplies the extensors of the arm, forearm and dorsum of the hand. During routine undergraduate dissection of the axilla of a formalin-fixed cadaver of about 70 years, the subscapular artery was found sandwiched between two divisions of the radial nerve. These anterior and posterior divisions of the radial nerve arose immediately after the formation of the radial nerve and encircled the subscapular artery and fused to form a single nerve subsequently. This variant anatomy can lead to conditions like subscapular entrapment causing ischemia of the scapular region and radial nerve compression causing weakness of the extensors of the upper limb. Injury to the nerve and vessel can occur while performing diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the area. Knowledge of these variations provides a precautious approach by surgeons and other interventionists while working on this area.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: This report presents a unilateral branching pattern of the axillary artery (AA) represented by an unusual common trunk division, vessel multiplications and concomitant neural variations.
    METHODS: In a Greek male cadaver, the right AA branched into a subscapular trunk and two accessory lateral thoracic arteries of variable origin and course. Concomitantly, a high-level interconnection between the musculocutaneous and median nerves was identified, as an accessory lateral root of the median nerve. More interestingly, a rare innervation of the upper part of the latissimus dorsi muscle by a lower subscapular nerve was also revealed.
    CONCLUSIONS: In-depth knowledge of the typical and variant AA branching patterns and coexisting neural variations is of paramount importance for surgeons and interventional physicians, for a safer diagnosis and for performing uneventful procedures in that area.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    OBJECTIVE: The suprascapular artery originates in the thyrocervical trunk; however, several variations regarding both the origin and the path have already been described. This article aims to describe a complex and rare variation of the suprascapular artery originating as a branch of the subscapular artery. We described, reviewed the literature, and highlighted the clinical relevance of such variations to the medical practice.
    METHODS: A routine dissection was performed on a male adult cadaver approximately 60-70 years old, embalmed in formalin 10%. In addition, the diameter of the axillary, subscapular and suprascapular arteries was measured.
    RESULTS: During the dissection, we identified the suprascapular artery emerging from the medial side of the subscapular artery with a long and tortuous pathway to the supraspinatus fossa, under the superior transverse scapular ligament. Associated with this, three other anatomical variations stand out: the posterior circumflex humeral artery emerging from the subscapular artery, the absence of the anterior circumflex humeral artery, and two pectoral branches emerging from the third part of the axillary artery and from the subscapular artery, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: Such variations are of great clinical relevance to orthopedists, mastologists, vascular surgeons and other specialties for both surgical approaches and suprascapular neuropathy.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Variations in human anatomy have been associated with numerous clinical correlations that may affect patient care. In this article, we present a unique variation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus about the axillary artery and subscapular artery. The precise assessment of this unique morphology was performed during a cadaveric dissection.
    METHODS: Contrary to the general course of the medial cord of the brachial plexus, this report demonstrates a rare splitting of the medial cord around the axillary artery and a second abnormal communication between the posterior and medial cords that show a \"nutcracker-like\" syndrome involving the subscapular artery.
    CONCLUSIONS: Such variations could make surgeries challenging. We also infer that these anatomical variations could make gliding therapy inefficient in any motor dysfunction initiating from the brachial plexus.





