subgenomic flaviviral RNA

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subgenomic flaviviral RNAs (sfRNAs) are small non-coding products of the incomplete degradation of viral genomic RNA. They accumulate during flaviviral infection and have been associated with many functional roles inside the host cell. Studies so far have demonstrated that sfRNA plays a crucial role in determining West Nile virus (WNV) pathogenicity. However, its modulatory role on neuronal homeostasis has not been studied in depth. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of sfRNA biosynthesis and its importance for WNV replication in neuronal cells. We found that sfRNA1 is functionally redundant for both replication and translation of WNV. However, the concurrent absence of sfRNA1 and sfRNA2 species is detrimental for the survival of the virus. Differential expression analysis on RNA-seq data from WT and ΔsfRNA replicon cell lines revealed transcriptional changes induced by sfRNA and identified a number of putative targets. Overall, it was shown that sfRNA contributes to the viral evasion by suppressing the interferon-mediated antiviral response. An additional differential expression analysis among replicon and control Neuro2A cells also clarified the transcriptional changes that support WNV replication in neuronal cells. Increased levels of translation and oxidative phosphorylation, post-translational modification processes, and activated DNA repair pathways were observed in replicon cell lines, while developmental processes such as axonal growth were deficient.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The common feature of flaviviral infection is the accumulation of abundant virus-derived noncoding RNA, named flaviviral subgenomic RNA (sfRNA) in infected cells. This RNA represents a product of incomplete degradation of viral genomic RNA by the cellular 5\'-3\' exoribonuclease XRN1 that stalls at the conserved highly structured elements in the 3\' untranslated region (UTR). This mechanism of sfRNA generation was discovered a decade ago and since then sfRNA has been a focus of intense research. The ability of flaviviruses to produce sfRNA was shown to be evolutionary conserved in all members of Flavivirus genus. Mutations in the 3\'UTR that affect production of sfRNAs and their interactions with host factors showed that sfRNAs are responsible for viral pathogenicity, host adaptation, and emergence of new pathogenic strains. RNA structural elements required for XRN1 stalling have been elucidated and the role of sfRNAs in inhibiting host antiviral responses in arthropod and vertebrate hosts has been demonstrated. Some molecular mechanisms determining these properties of sfRNA have been recently characterized, while other aspects of sfRNA functions remain an open avenue for future research. In this review we summarise the current state of knowledge on the mechanisms of generation and functional roles of sfRNAs in the life cycle of flaviviruses and highlight the gaps in our knowledge to be addressed in the future.





