
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species within tropical alpine treeline ecotones are predicted to be especially sensitive to climate variability because this zone represents tree species\' altitudinal limits. Hawaiian volcanoes have distinct treeline ecotones driven by trade wind inversions. The local climate is changing, but little is known about how this influences treeline vegetation. To predict future impacts of climate variability on treelines, we must define the range of variation in treeline ecotone characteristics. Previous studies highlighted an abrupt transition between subalpine grasslands and wet forest on windward Haleakalā, but this site does not represent the diversity of treeline ecotones among volcanoes, lava substrates, and local climatic conditions. To capture this diversity, we used data from 225 plots spanning treelines (1500-2500 m) on Haleakalā and Mauna Loa to characterize ecotonal plant communities. Treeline indicator species differ by moisture and temperature, with common native species important for wet forest, subalpine woodland, and subalpine shrubland. The frequency or abundance of community indicator species may be better predictors of shifting local climates than the presence or absence of tree life forms per se. This study further supports the hypothesis that changes in available moisture, rather than temperature, will dictate the future trajectory of Hawaiian treeline ecotone communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The main objective of this study was to examine how different stand types influenced the tendency of visitors for varying recreational activities (i.e., hiking, trekking, camping and hunting) from 1993 to 2018 in the surrounding areas of Uluyayla Natural Recreation Site in Bartin, northern Turkey. A total of 627 visitors were selected on a voluntary basis, and questioned in the form of questionnaire. Most of the participants were in the age of 21-40 years old, and they were mostly (62.4%) male. Most of the participants (82.7%) lived in cities, while 62.8% of them were tourists when visiting the site. In determining the preferences of the visitors regarding the stand types for different recreational activities, several images of each stand were shared with them, and they were asked which stand type they would prefer for a given recreation activity (i.e., hiking, tracking, camping and hunting). A range of options from 1 to 5 in Likert\'s scale was used in evaluating the given responses. The degree of positive and negative effects was examined via trend analysis. It was found that stand type had influence on the preferences of visitors regarding the recreational activities. In general, unmanaged and moderately treated stands were more preferred by visitors for the recreational purposes, compared to the previously managed stands. On the other hand, visitors\' preference for the activities were different during two periods (i.e., 1993-2005 and 2006-2018). For each recreational activity, there was an increasing trend from 1993 to 2018. There had been a continuous increase for hunting since 1996, and for trekking and camping after 1999. The increases between 1993-1996 and 1996-1999 were likely due to the increasing awareness of the society as a result of the training and consciousness raising activities for nature conservation. The demand on the recreational activities continuously increased in unmanaged and moderately treated stands, while no significant changes were examined in the previously managed stands. The study points out that forest planning and management should consider different needs of visitors for recreational infrastructure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Forest trees use various water sources to adapt to environmental conditions in mountainous regions. However, water resources variances along elevational gradients are not clearly understood. This limits the assessment of the ecosystem responses to climate change. In this study, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes were used to investigate the spatiotemporal patterns of water sources for Faber\'s fir in a humid high-altitude elevational gradient (ranging between 2800 m.a.s.l. and 3700 m.a.s.l.) on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The results indicated that 27 ± 8.3 % of the xylem water was from previous winter snowmelt between May and June. In contrast, almost all xylem water was from current summer precipitation between July and October. Faber\'s fir at the lower elevation (2800 m.a.s.l.) primarily relied on water derived from winter precipitation during May and June. Yet, trees located near the tree line (3700 m.a.s.l.) were mostly dependent on current precipitation over the entire growing season. However, when statistically analyzing data from all seven different elevation gradients in this study, the contribution of winter precipitation to xylem water was not elevation dependent. Precipitation contributed to a large proportion (59.86 % ± 33.43 %) of xylem water between May and October. Meanwhile, no linear contribution ratio of precipitation to trees was identified in this high-altitude elevational gradient. The replenishment of soil water and the soil water storage determine the spatiotemporal patterns of water sources. Climate change has the possibility of reducing winter precipitation at high altitudes on the Tibetan Plateau. Thus, tree water use at different altitude gradients will play varied roles in influencing the evolution of forest composition under ongoing climate change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Montane meadows are highly productive ecosystems that contain high densities of soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N). However, anthropogenic disturbances that have led to channel incision and disconnected floodplain hydrology have altered the C balance of many meadows, converting them from net C sinks to net sources of C to the atmosphere. Restoration efforts designed to reconnect floodplain hydrology may slow rates of soil C loss from degraded meadows and restore the conditions for C sequestration and N immobilization, yet questions remain about the long-term impact of such efforts. Here, we used a 22-year meadow restoration chronosequence to measure the decadal impact of hydrologic restoration on aboveground and belowground C and N stocks and concentrations. Increases in herbaceous vegetation biomass preceded changes in soil C stocks, with the largest gains occurring belowground. Root biomass (0-15 cm) increased at a rate of 270.3 g m-2 year-1 and soil C stocks (0-15 cm) increased by 232.9 g C m-2 year-1 across the chronosequence. Increases in soil C concentration (2.99 g C kg-1 year-1 ) were tightly coupled with increases in soil N concentration (0.21 g N kg-1 year-1 ) and soil C:N did not vary with time since restoration. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results showed that the fraction of labile aliphatic C-H and carboxylate C-O (COO) compounds in the soil increased with the age of restoration and were positively correlated with soil C and N concentrations. Our results demonstrate that restoration of floodplain hydrology in montane meadows has significant impacts on belowground C and N stocks, soil C and N concentration, and soil C chemistry within the first two decades following restoration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vegetation restoration is an essential approach to re-establish the ecological balance in subalpine areas. Changes in vegetation cover represent, to some extent, vegetation growth trends and are the consequence of a complex of different natural factors and human activities. Microtopography influences vegetation growth by affecting the amount of heat and moisture reaching the ground, a role that is more pronounced in subalpine areas. However, little research is concerned with the characteristics and dynamics of vegetation restoration in different microtopography types. The respective importance of the factors driving vegetation changes in subalpine areas is also not clear yet. We used linear regression and the Hurst exponent to analyze the trends in vegetation restoration and sustainability in different microtopography types since 2000, based on Fractional Vegetation Cover (FVC) and identified potential driving factors of vegetation change and their importance by using Geographical Detector. The results show that: (1) The FVC in the region under study has shown an up-trend since 2000, and the rate of increase is 0.26/year (P = 0.028). It would be going from improvement to degradation, continuous decrease or continuous significant decrease in 47.48% of the region, in the future. (2) The mean FVC is in the following order: lower slope (cool), lower slope, lower slope (warm), valley, upper slope (warm), upper slope, valley (narrow), upper slope (cool), cliff, mountain/divide, peak/ridge (warm), peak/ridge, peak/ridge (cool). The lower slope is the microtopographic type with the best vegetation cover, and ridge peak is the most difficult to be afforested. (3) The main factors affecting vegetation restoration in subalpine areas are aspect, microtopographic type, and soil taxonomy great groups. The interaction between multiple factors has a much stronger effect on vegetation cover than single factors, with the effect of temperatures and aspects having the most significant impact on the vegetation cover changes. Natural factors have a greater impact on vegetation restoration than human factors in the study area. The results of this research can contribute a better understanding of the influence of different drivers on the change of vegetation cover, and provide appropriate references and recommendations for vegetation restoration and sustainable development in typical logging areas in subalpine areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability of tree species to acclimate and tolerate projected increases in drought frequency and intensity has fundamental implications for future forest dynamics with climate change. Inquiries to date on the drought tolerance capacities of tree species, however, have focused almost exclusively on mature trees with scant in situ work on seedlings, despite the central role that regeneration dynamics play in forest responses to changing conditions. We subjected naturally established seedlings of co-dominant subalpine conifer species (Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii) in the southern Rocky Mountains to 2 years of in situ summer precipitation exclusion, simulating summer drought conditions similar to a failure of the North American monsoon. We compared the morphological and physiological responses of seedlings growing in drought vs. ambient conditions to assess the relative changes in drought tolerance traits as a function of seedling size. Drought treatments had a marked impact on soil moisture: volumetric water content averaged ≈5-8 % in drought treatments and ≈8-12 % in ambient controls. We detected no significant shifts in morphology (e.g. root biomass, leaf:stem area ratio) in response to drought for either species, but net photosynthesis in drought treatments was 78 % lower for spruce and 37 % lower for fir. Greater stomatal control associated with increasing stem diameter conferred greater water use efficiencies in larger seedlings in both species but was not significantly different between drought and ambient conditions, suggesting an overall lack of responsivity to water stress and a prioritization of carbon gain over investment in drought mitigation traits. These results indicate a canonization of traits that, while useful for early seedling establishment, may portend substantial vulnerability of subalpine seedling populations to prolonged or recurrent droughts, especially for spruce.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Uncertainty regarding how subalpine forest ecosystems respond to tree harvesting hinders their sustainable management and conservation strategies. To investigate the impact of oak (Quercus aquifolioides Rehd. et Wils.) harvesting and stand recovery processes on soil microbial communities and understory vegetation on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, we sampled and quantified the microbial community structure and understory vegetation in three age classes (1 year, 10 years, and 20 years since tree logging) of harvested stands and an un-harvested reference (control) stand of subalpine oak forest. Our result showed logging significantly altered the edaphic properties (p < 0.001) and shifted microbial community structure (p < 0.05), increasing the abundances of the Actinobacteria and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) but decreasing fungi and general, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Post-harvest evolution increased the biomass of understory vegetation and reshaped its community. Fungi (18:1ω7c, 18:1ω9c) and gram-negative bacteria (18:2ω7c, cy19:0) abundances changed significantly (p < 0.01) after harvesting and during stand recovery, suggesting their potential use as indicators for post-harvest oak recovery. Structural equation modeling (SEqM) revealed that, via litter, residue, and edaphic properties, the recovery process indirectly promoted microbe abundance while the overstory vegetation regrowth inhibited the plant community\'s biomass in the understory. Microbial communities only had a minor, direct effect on understory vegetation. Litter and edaphic factors played important roles in reshaping understory plant and soil microbial communities for post-harvest evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate biodiversity and population monitoring is a requirement for effective conservation decision making. Survey method bias is therefore a concern, particularly when research programs face logistical and cost limitations.We employed point counts (PCs) and autonomous recording units (ARUs) to survey avian biodiversity within comparable, high elevation, temperate mountain habitats at opposite ends of the Americas: nine mountains in British Columbia (BC), Canada, and 10 in southern Chile. We compared detected species richness against multiyear species inventories and examined method-specific detection probability by family. By incorporating time costs, we assessed the performance and efficiency of single versus combined methods.Species accumulation curves indicate ARUs can capture ~93% of species present in BC but only ~58% in Chile, despite Chilean mountain communities being less diverse. The avian community, rather than landscape composition, appears to drive this dramatic difference. Chilean communities contain less-vocal species, which ARUs missed. Further, 6/13 families in BC were better detected by ARUs, while 11/11 families in Chile were better detected by PCs. Where survey conditions differentially impacted method performance, PCs mostly varied over the morning and with canopy cover in BC, while ARUs mostly varied seasonally in Chile. Within a single year of monitoring, neither method alone was predicted to capture the full avian community, with the exception of ARUs in the alpine and subalpine of BC. PCs contributed little to detected diversity in BC, but including this method resulted in negligible increases in total time costs. Combining PCs with ARUs in Chile significantly increased species detections, again, for little cost.Combined methods were among the most efficient and accurate approaches to capturing diversity. We recommend conducting point counts, while ARUs are being deployed and retrieved in order to capture additional diversity with minimal additional effort and to flag methodological biases using a comparative framework.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change is affecting the distribution of species and the functioning of ecosystems. For species that are slow growing and poorly dispersed, climate change can force a lag between the distributions of species and the geographic distributions of their climatic envelopes, exposing species to the risk of extinction. Climate also governs the resilience of species and ecosystems to disturbance, such as wildfire. Here we use species distribution modelling and palaeoecology to assess and test the impact of vegetation-climate disequilibrium on the resilience of an endangered fire-sensitive rainforest community to fires. First, we modelled the probability of occurrence of Athrotaxis spp. and Nothofagus gunnii rainforest in Tasmania (hereon \"montane rainforest\") as a function of climate. We then analysed three pollen and charcoal records spanning the last 7,500 cal year BP from within both high (n = 1) and low (n = 2) probability of occurrence areas. Our study indicates that climatic change between 3,000 and 4,000 cal year bp induced a disequilibrium between montane rainforests and climate that drove a loss of resilience of these communities. Current and future climate change are likely to shift the geographic distribution of the climatic envelopes of this plant community further, suggesting that current high-resilience locations will face a reduction in resilience. Coupled with the forecast of increasing fire activity in southern temperate regions, this heralds a significant threat to this and other slow growing, poorly dispersed and fire sensitive forest systems that are common in the southern mid to high latitudes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High elevation spruce forests of the European Alps are frequently infected by the needle rust Chrysomyxa rhododendri, a pathogen causing remarkable defoliation, reduced tree growth and limited rejuvenation. Exact quantification of the disease severity on different spatial scales is crucial for monitoring, management and resistance breeding activities. Based on the distinct yellow discolouration of attacked needles, it was investigated whether image analysis of digital photographs can be used to quantify disease severity and to improve phenotyping compared to conventional assessment in terms of time, effort and application range. The developed protocol for preprocessing and analysis of digital RGB images enabled identification of disease symptoms and healthy needle areas on images obtained in ground surveys (total number of analysed images n = 62) and by the use of a semiprofessional quadcopter (n = 13). Obtained disease severities correlated linearly with results obtained by manual counting of healthy and diseased needles for all approaches, including images of individual branches with natural background (R2 = 0.87) and with black background (R2 = 0.95), juvenile plants (R2 = 0.94), and top views and side views of entire tree crowns of adult trees (R2 = 0.98 and 0.88, respectively). Results underline that a well-defined signal related to needle bladder rust symptoms of Norway spruce can be extracted from images recorded by standard digital cameras and using drones. The presented protocol enables precise and time-efficient quantification of disease symptoms caused by C. rhododendri and provides several advantages compared to conventional assessment by manual counting or visual estimations.





