
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Access to comprehensive municipal pound, animal welfare shelters, and rescue group data for admissions and outcomes for stray and owner-relinquished cats in Australia is currently lacking. This hinders effective assessment of existing management strategies for domestic cats by animal management agencies. Our study aimed to estimate the numbers of cat admissions and intakes to Australian municipal council pounds, animal welfare organizations (excluding smaller animal welfare organizations thought to have annual cat intakes of less than 500), and animal rescue groups and their respective outcomes for 2018-2019 (pre-COVID). Unavailable municipal council data were imputed based on known data and council human populations. Only Victoria and New South Wales had publicly available municipal data, and only RSPCA had publicly available data in all states. We estimated a total of 179,615 (7.2/1000 human residents) admissions to pounds, shelters, and rescue groups in 2018-2019, with an estimated 5% reclaimed, 65% rehomed, and 28% euthanized. Reclaim rates were low across all the agencies. Councils operating their own pound had nearly double the euthanasia rate (estimated at 46%) compared to animal welfare organizations (25%). Rescue groups rehomed an estimated 35% of the total number of cats rehomed by all agencies. The upper quartiles of councils with intakes of >50 cats in Victoria and New South Wales had estimated euthanasia rates from 73% to 98%, and 67% to 100%, respectively. We recommend that comprehensive municipal pound, shelter, and rescue statistics be routinely calculated using standardized methods and made available publicly in a timely fashion. This would inform management strategies to optimize live outcomes and therefore reduce the negative mental health impacts on staff tasked with euthanizing healthy and treatable cats and kittens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unowned \'stray\' domestic cats threaten wildlife, as well as create a community nuisance and contribute to high rates of euthanasia in animal shelters. These cats can experience poor welfare, contribute to the pet cat population and compromise attempts to control feral cats. However, many unowned domestic cats are cared for by semi-owners who do not consider they own these cats; therefore, semi-owners are a potentially important target population for human behaviour change interventions. The present study aimed to describe the characteristics of cat semi-owners and compare these with the general population of cat owners and non-cat owners to inform future cat management interventions.
    An online questionnaire open to all residents of New South Wales, Australia was developed and advertised. Respondents were asked \'do you care for other free-roaming or stray cats (not including the cats you own)?\', whether they owned cats, about characteristics of their home and their agreement with 15 capability, social opportunity and motivation (COM) items relating to cat containment.
    Questionnaire responses were received from 8708 people, including 588 semi-owners (7%). Semi-owners were significantly more likely to be female, live in urban areas, live in lower socioeconomic areas and rent their home. Most semi-owners also owned their own cats and owned more cats than non-semi-owners.
    Semi-owners of unowned \'stray\' cats are a valuable potential target audience for human behaviour change interventions. Understanding that these semi-owners often have their own cats, might already be overwhelmed with cat-caring responsibilities and are disproportionately from lower socioeconomic backgrounds should guide intervention design. A nuanced approach is needed that prioritises the wellbeing of cats and semi-owners for semi-owners to \'buy in\'. Any intervention should also recognise that semi-owners often face multiple, complex barriers to neutering or claiming ownership of the cats they care for, especially cost, and trust in the authorities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    History has witnessed a long-term relationship between humans and animals. Historical documents and modern findings prove that humans\' needs to use animals for companions or services are commonplace in many parts of the world, leading to the domestication of certain animals. Yet, modern societies have degraded many natural habitats for wildlife, confining them to small patches of landscapes or urban areas. Whether a domesticated/free-roaming animal or a wild species, their close contact with humans can create cumbersome situations for both species. This paper explores a link between online media content and on-the-ground efforts to manage free-roaming dogs as a rare case study. As indicated by news articles, the municipal costs of managing free-roaming dogs in Iranian cities have increased, and this can potentially derail the control of such dogs in the long run. This paper lays out pivotal factors for recent increasing human-animal encounters, which have led to many challenges (e.g., rabies) across cities in Iran. We show that some urban features (e.g., topography) can influence the presence and behaviours of free-roaming animals in the cities. The findings of this paper can be related to other developing countries where the plague of rabies is rising.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most cats and dogs entering Australian animal shelters and municipal facilities are classed as strays, typically from low socio-economic areas. Contemporary practices increasingly focus on proactively reducing the number of stray animals, which requires further understanding of factors associated with straying animals, including pet confinement. Australian cat and dog owners (n = 2103) were surveyed to investigate attitudes towards four types of pet confinement and how these were influenced by social norms, demographics and concerns about pet quality of life and potential wildlife predation. Dog owners showed the strongest support for confining dogs to the owners\' property whenever unsupervised (98% agreement) and less support for confining dogs inside the house at night (54% agreement), and only 23% believed dogs had a negative impact on wildlife. Cat owners showed the strongest support for confining cats inside the house at night (89% agreement). Cat owners\' non-supportive attitudes towards cat confinement were partly because of higher concern for cat quality of life and lower concern about their cats\' predation behaviours, compared to non-cat owners. The findings provide valuable information to inform more effective strategies to reduce stray animals which would reduce shelter admissions, euthanasia, costs, nuisance issues, potential wildlife predation and negative mental health impacts of euthanasia on staff. Strategies to reduce strays include assisting low-income pet owners to install effective fencing and programs to increase identification. Informing cat owners about bedtime feeding is recommended to assist with night containment, and providing high-intensity free sterilization of owned and semi-owned cats targeted to areas of high cat impoundments is also recommended.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxocariosis is an important neglected tropical helminth disease of zoonotic significance for which canids are the definitive hosts. Dogs are also considered the sentinel host for the occurrence of T. canis infections in humans. Therefore, understanding its prevalence in canine population is imperative for any effective disease control in humans. A comprehensive review of literature on the prevalence of T. canis in canids was lacking from the Indian subcontinent which necessitated our efforts to compile available data published on this topic. Data on prevalence, incidence and occurrence of this helminths in canids were presented in this review as tabular format for easy comprehension. Moreover, the data were categorized based on the region where the studies were conducted with an aim to understand the spatial distribution of this parasite in the subcontinent. Factors influencing the regional prevalence/occurrence of T. canis such as type of canids (stray or pet), age, sex, breed, season and the choice of analytical methods were also discussed. In addition, data on the prevalence of T. canis in environmental samples and in zoo canids were also compiled and presented. We anticipate such an exhaustive review of literature available mostly in the journals published from the subcontinent would become a point source of information necessary for prioritizing future surveillance efforts in this region and for making informed policy decision to control this zoonotic helminth infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxocara prevalence ranges from 0 to >87% and 0 to >60% in dogs and cats, respectively, within the United States, Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Higher prevalence occurs in animals less than 1 year of age. Overall, prevalence is higher in cats compared to dogs. The lowest prevalence occurs in the US owned dog population. Specific populations in this industrialized nation, in animal shelters or resource-limited locations, have prevalences similar to those seen in populations from other regions reviewed here. Conversely, subpopulations in Central America and the Caribbean have very low prevalence. Apparent contributors to prevalence, excluding animal age and climate, are socio-economic factors, attitudes towards pet management and animal population density. The lack of data from some regions pose a challenge in assessing trends; however, with the exception of the US owned dog population, there is no strong indication of any decrease in prevalence from historical levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As carnivorans rely heavily on their head and jaws for prey capture and handling, skull morphology and bite force can therefore reflect their ability to take larger or more difficult-to-handle prey. For 568 feral and stray cats (Felis catus), we recorded their demographics (sex and age), source location (feral or stray) and morphological measures (body mass, body condition); we estimated potential bite force from skull measurements for n = 268 of these cats, and quantified diet composition from stomach contents for n = 358. We compared skull measurements to estimate their bite force and determine how it varied with sex, age, body mass, body condition. Body mass had the strongest influence of bite force. In our sample, males were 36.2% heavier and had 20.0% greater estimated bite force (206.2 ± 44.7 Newtons, n = 168) than females (171.9 ± 29.3 Newtons, n = 120). However, cat age was the strongest predictor of the size of prey that they had taken, with older cats taking larger prey. The predictive power of this relationship was poor though (r2 < 0.038, p < 0.003), because even small cats ate large prey and some of the largest cats ate small prey, such as invertebrates. Cats are opportunistic, generalist carnivores taking a broad range of prey. Their ability to handle larger prey increases as the cats grow, increasing their jaw strength, and improving their hunting skills, but even the smallest cats in our sample had tackled and consumed large and potentially \'dangerous\' prey that would likely have put up a defence.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The worldwide population of domestic dogs is estimated at approximately 700 million, with around 75% classified as \"free-roaming\". Where free-roaming dogs exist in high densities, there are significant implications for public health, animal welfare, and wildlife. Approaches to manage dog populations include culling, fertility control, and sheltering. Understanding the effectiveness of each of these interventions is important in guiding future dog population management. We present the results of a systematic review of published studies investigating dog population management, to assess: (1) where and when studies were carried out; (2) what population management methods were used; and (3) what was the effect of the method. We evaluated the reporting quality of the published studies for strength of evidence assessment. The systematic review resulted in a corpus of 39 papers from 15 countries, reporting a wide disparity of approaches and measures of effect. We synthesised the management methods and reported effects. Fertility control was most investigated and had the greatest reported effect on dog population size. Reporting quality was low for power calculations (11%), sample size calculations (11%), and the use of control populations (17%). We provide recommendations for future studies to use common metrics and improve reporting quality, study design, and modelling approaches in order to allow better assessment of the true impact of dog population management.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Measures aimed at reducing the length of stay (LOS) of cats in shelters can promote animal welfare and more efficient use of resources. The extent to which variables shown to impact LOS are broadly applicable is unclear. The aim of this study was to describe a population of cats adopted from an urban shelter, and to analyze the association between potential predictor variables and LOS. A study cohort was identified retrospectively from shelter records (n = 2584), 48.8% of which were < 12 weeks old at admission, and 80.7% were stray. Among 445 cats relinquished by owners, reasons for surrender were primarily owner-related (87.2%). Overall, reason for surrender and coat color were significantly associated with LOS. Hazard ratios showed that all reasons for surrender for owner-relinquished cats were associated with a shorter LOS than stray cats and this association was significant (p < 0.05) for all except cat behavioral or medical reasons. In contrast to previous reports, white cats had a significantly (p < 0.05) longer LOS than black cats. This study highlights an important role for shelter-specific baseline data to inform and measure the effect of interventional studies aimed at improving animal welfare by reducing LOS in shelter-housed cats.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cats can be infected by various intestinal parasites, some that are zoonotic. Although surveys of parasite prevalence in owned and shelter cats have been published, none addressed free-roaming, wild-trapped, domestic cat (Felis catus) populations. An opportunity to determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in wild-trapped, free-roaming cats in northcentral Oklahoma, United States occurred through a trap-neuter-return (TNR) program conducted at Oklahoma State University, Boren Veterinary Medical Hospital, between February 2015 and April 2016. Approximately 1 g to 5 g of feces was collected from 846 free-roaming cats either from cage traps, when available, or rectally using disposable fecal loops and examined by centrifugal fecal flotation tests with 33% zinc sulfate solution. Parasite infections were confirmed by microscopic detection of eggs, cysts, or oocysts and visual detection of proglottids. Approximately 63.9% (541/846) of free-roaming cats were infected by at least one parasite, and 24.9% (211/846) of cats were infected by multiple parasites. The most common intestinal parasite infections detected were: Toxocara cati (44.6%; 377/846), followed by Alaria (13.4%; 113/846), Ancylostoma (11.2%; 95/846), Cystoisospora (9.7%; 82/846), taeniids (7.7%; 65/846), Dipylidium caninum (4.5%; 38/846), Physaloptera (2.2%; 19/846), Eucoleus aerophilus (1.4%; 12/846), Giardia (1.2%; 10/846), and a small (10-12 μm in diameter) Toxoplasma-like oocyst (0.1%; 1/846). A few ectoparasites, Demodex gatoi (0.5%; 4/846) and Cheyletiella (0.1%; 1/846), were also detected by fecal flotation. Our findings indicate that a higher prevalence of parasite infections occurs in free-roaming cats in Oklahoma than in owned cats, and these free-roaming cats contribute to contamination of the environment with several zoonotic parasites. Regional data on the prevalence of parasites in free-roaming cats can aid in the justification for parasite control programs in owned cats since both can share the same environment and supports the current practice of routine broad-spectrum anthelmintic and ectoparasite treatments for owned cats.





