
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent work has revealed the importance of contemporary evolution in shaping ecological outcomes. In particular, rapid evolutionary divergence between populations has been shown to impact the ecology of populations, communities, and ecosystems. While studies have focused largely on the role of adaptive divergence in generating ecologically important variation among populations, much less is known about the role of gene flow in shaping ecological outcomes. After divergence, populations may continue to interact through gene flow, which may influence evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we investigate the role of gene flow in shaping the contemporary evolution and ecology of recently diverged populations of anadromous steelhead and resident rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Results show that resident rainbow trout introduced above waterfalls have diverged evolutionarily from downstream anadromous steelhead, which were the source of introductions. However, the movement of fish from above to below the waterfalls has facilitated gene flow, which has reshaped genetic and phenotypic variation in the anadromous source population. In particular, gene flow has led to an increased frequency of residency, which in turn has altered population density, size structure, and sex ratio. This result establishes gene flow as a contemporary evolutionary process that can have important ecological outcomes. From a management perspective, anadromous steelhead are generally regarded as a higher conservation priority than resident rainbow trout, even when found within the same watershed. Our results show that anadromous and resident O. mykiss populations may be connected via gene flow, with important ecological consequences. Such eco-evolutionary processes should be considered when managing recently diverged populations connected by gene flow.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since the first introduction from North America more than a century ago, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) have rapidly established self-sustaining populations in major river basins of Patagonia. Many generations later, only the freshwater resident life history is expressed in the Chubut and Negro rivers of northern Argentinian Patagonia, whereas both the resident and anadromous life histories are found in the Santa Cruz River of southern Argentina. Despite previous studies that have tried to identify the sources of these introduced populations, uncertainty still exists. Here we combined data from many single-nucleotide polymorphisms and microsatellite loci in O. mykiss populations from Argentina and North America to evaluate putative source populations, gene flow between Argentinian river basins, and genetic diversity differences between Argentinian and North American populations. We found that populations from northern and southern Patagonia are highly differentiated and have limited gene flow between them. Phylogeographic analysis also confirmed that they have separate origins, with the northern populations most closely related to the domesticated rainbow trout strains that are raised worldwide and the Santa Cruz River populations most closely related to North American populations from California and Oregon that have an anadromous component. In addition, fish with different life histories in the Santa Cruz River were found to constitute a single interbreeding population. No evidence was found of reduced genetic variation in introduced rainbow trout, suggesting multiple contributing sources. In spite of these advances in understanding, significant questions remain regarding the origins and evolution of the introduced O. mykiss in Patagonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genetic stock identification (GSI) is an important fisheries management tool to identify the origin of fish harvested in mixed stock fisheries. Periodic updates of genetic baselines can improve performance via the addition of unsampled or under-sampled populations and the inclusion of more informative markers. We used a combination of baselines to evaluate how population representation, marker number, and marker type affected the performance and accuracy of genetic stock assignments (self-assignment, bias, and holdout group tests) for steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Snake River basin. First, we compared the performance of an existing genetic baseline with a newly developed one which had a reduced number of individuals from more populations using the same set of markers. Self-assignment rates were significantly higher (p < 0.001; +5.4%) for the older, larger baseline, bias did not differ significantly between the two, but there was a significant improvement in performance for the new baseline in holdout results (p < 0.001; mean increase of 25.0%). Second, we compared the performance of the new baseline with increased numbers of genetic markers (~2x increase of single-nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs) for the same set of baseline individuals. In this comparison, results produced significantly higher rates of self-assignment (p < 0.001; +9.7%) but neither bias nor leave-one-out were significantly affected. Third, we compared 334 SNPs versus opportunistically discovered microhaplotypes from the same amplicons for the new baseline, and showed the latter produced significantly higher rates of self-assignment (p < 0.01; +2.6%), similar bias, but slightly lower holdout performance (-0.1%). Combined, we show the performance of genetic baselines can be improved via representative and efficient sampling, that increased marker number consistently improved performance over the original baseline, and that opportunistic discovery of microhaplotypes can lead to small improvements in GSI performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Life-history variation is the raw material of adaptation, and understanding its genetic and environmental underpinnings is key to designing effective conservation strategies. We used large-scale genetic pedigree reconstruction of anadromous steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Russian River, CA, USA, to elucidate sex-specific patterns of life-history traits and their heritability. SNP data from adults returning from sea over a 14-year period were used to identify 13,474 parent-offspring trios. These pedigrees were used to determine age structure, size distributions and family sizes for these fish, as well as to estimate the heritability of two key life-history traits, spawn date and age at maturity (first reproduction). Spawn date was highly heritable (h2  = 0.73) and had a cross-sex genetic correlation near unity. We provide the first estimate of heritability for age at maturity in ocean-going fish from this species and found it to be highly heritable (h2 from 0.29 to 0.62, depending on sex and method), with a much lower genetic correlation across sexes. We also evaluated genotypes at a migration-associated inversion polymorphism and found sex-specific correlations with age at maturity. The significant heritability of these two key reproductive traits in these imperiled fish, and their patterns of inheritance in the two sexes, is consistent with predictions of both natural and sexually antagonistic selection (sexes experience opposing selection pressures). This emphasizes the importance of anthropogenic factors, including hatchery practices and ecosystem modifications, in shaping the fitness of this species, thus providing important guidance for management and conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Hybridization between coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) and steelhead (O. mykiss) was assessed in the Smith River, California. Individuals were categorized as pure or as 1 of 10 hybrid classes using 30 \"diagnostic\" single-nucleotide polymorphisms positioned on 26 separate chromosomes. Most of the individuals examined (n = 876), were pure coastal cutthroat trout (n = 634) or pure steelhead (n = 213), and 29 individuals were identified as having hybrid ancestry. Among hybrids, first generation hybrids (n = 15) and coastal cutthroat trout backcrosses (n = 12) were the most common. No individuals were identified as backcrosses to SH, suggesting the presence of genetic or behavioral mechanisms constraining such backcrosses, or the growth and survival of their progeny. Mitochondrial DNA of 14 of 15 F1 hybrids was of steelhead origin, suggesting that hybridization was driven primarily by sneak-mating of male coastal cutthroat trout with female steelhead. Evaluation of classical phenotypic characters for coastal cutthroat trout and steelhead (i.e. jaw slash, maxillary length, and hyoid teeth) were not reliable by themselves for identification of either pure parental fish or hybrids. In contrast, analysis with geometric morphometrics revealed distinctive body shapes for pure coastal cutthroat trout and steelhead, and the combination of classical traits and geometric morphology was mostly accurate in distinguishing them. However, first generation hybrids and backcrosses overlapped completely with parental types, highlighting challenges in hybrid identification using phenotypic traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Early rearing of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Oregon hatcheries is often problematic; fry can become emaciated and die during the period between hatch and first feed. Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency has caused early mortality in salmonids; however, the thiamine status of Oregon\'s steelhead populations is unknown, to date. Of the 26 egg samples from three Oregon hatcheries in 2019, 20 (77%) had thiamine levels < 10 nmol/g, and 13 of those samples (50%) had levels <6.5 nmol/g, suggesting the thiamine deficiency of adult, female steelhead. To investigate if thiamine deficiency was causally related to fry survival, females were injected with buffered thiamine HCl 50 mg/kg prior to spawning; additionally, a subset of eggs were supplemented via bath treatment with thiamine mononitrate (1000 ppm) at spawning. Cumulative fry mortality at 8 weeks post-hatch from thiamine-injected females was 2.9% compared to 13.8% mortality of fry without thiamine supplementation. Fry treated only with the thiamine via bath as eggs had a mortality rate of 6.9%. There were no additional improvements for the survival of fry from injected females that also received a thiamine bath. Furthermore, condition factors were greater in thiamine-supplemented fry than in those that received no thiamine. These data identify thiamine deficiency in Oregon steelhead and suggest supplementation with thiamine can mitigate early rearing mortality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the coastal region of Washington State, a major pathogen emergence event occurred between 2007 and 2011 in which steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) experienced a high incidence of infection and disease outbreaks due to the rhabdovirus infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV). Genetic typing showed that the introduced viruses were in the steelhead-specific MD subgroup of IHNV and indicated the most likely source was a virus from the nearby Columbia River Basin. In the current study, full-length viral glycoprotein (G) gene sequences were determined for 55 IHNV isolates from both coastal and Columbia fish populations to identify specific source populations and infer mechanisms of transmission to coastal steelhead. We identified three transmission links based on exact fullG genotype matches between Columbia and coastal fish. In all cases, the likely source population was infected juvenile fish, and sink populations were adult fish returning to coastal rivers to spawn. The time intervals between detection in source and sink populations varied from 6 months to nearly 4 years, suggesting different transmission pathways. Surprisingly, distances between source and sink populations varied between 140 and 1000 km. These results confirm repeated introductions of virus from Columbia River Basin fish as the cause of emergence of MD virus on the Washington coast from 2007 to 2011.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The increasing feasibility of assembling large genomic datasets for non-model species presents both opportunities and challenges for applied conservation and management. A popular theme in recent studies is the search for large-effect loci that explain substantial portions of phenotypic variance for a key trait(s). If such loci can be linked to adaptations, 2 important questions arise: 1) Should information from these loci be used to reconfigure conservation units (CUs), even if this conflicts with overall patterns of genetic differentiation? 2) How should this information be used in viability assessments of populations and larger CUs? In this review, we address these questions in the context of recent studies of Chinook salmon and steelhead (anadromous form of rainbow trout) that show strong associations between adult migration timing and specific alleles in one small genomic region. Based on the polygenic paradigm (most traits are controlled by many genes of small effect) and genetic data available at the time showing that early-migrating populations are most closely related to nearby late-migrating populations, adult migration differences in Pacific salmon and steelhead were considered to reflect diversity within CUs rather than separate CUs. Recent data, however, suggest that specific alleles are required for early migration, and that these alleles are lost in populations where conditions do not support early-migrating phenotypes. Contrasting determinations under the US Endangered Species Act and the State of California\'s equivalent legislation illustrate the complexities of incorporating genomics data into CU configuration decisions. Regardless how CUs are defined, viability assessments should consider that 1) early-migrating phenotypes experience disproportionate risks across large geographic areas, so it becomes important to identify early-migrating populations that can serve as reliable sources for these valuable genetic resources; and 2) genetic architecture, especially the existence of large-effect loci, can affect evolutionary potential and adaptability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There has been a recent flurry of publications describing the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on both commercial and recreational fisheries. As of yet, studies have only provided insights from researchers or industry experts detailing perceived consequences, or from survey data indicating modifications in angler activity levels and behaviours. Using real recreational fisheries data from an ongoing radio telemetry study (2018-present), we explored changes in the relative exploitation rates of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss; Walbaum 1792) in the Saugeen River, Ontario, a tributary to Lake Huron, before compared to during the pandemic. Restrictions on site access that affected the implementation of important management activities that usually support this popular fishery are also discussed. During the initial phase of complete public lock-downs imposed during spring 2020, angler exploitation rates decreased to half that reported prior to the pandemic. Fishway operations were temporarily suspended and hatchery efforts were interrupted. Once restrictions began to ease in fall 2020, there was an eight-fold increase in overall exploitation rate and a four and a half-fold increase in harvest rate compared to seasons prior to the pandemic. While the full impact of the ongoing pandemic on the Lake Huron fishery is not likely to be fully realized for several years, the potential effects on future return run sizes may need to be considered by fisheries managers monitoring trends in population escapement.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anadromous fish experience physiological modifications necessary to migrate between vastly different freshwater and marine environments, but some species such as Oncorhynchus mykiss demonstrate variation in life history strategies with some individuals remaining exclusively resident in freshwater, whereas others undergo anadromous migration. Because there is limited understanding of genes involved in this life history variation across populations of this species, we evaluated the genomic difference between known anadromous (n = 39) and resident (n = 78) Oncorhynchus mykiss collected from the Klickitat River, WA, USA, with whole-genome resequencing methods. Sequencing of these collections yielded 5.64 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms that were tested for significant differences between resident and anadromous groups along with previously identified candidate gene regions. Although a few regions of the genome were marginally significant, there was one region on chromosome Omy12 that provided the most consistent signal of association with anadromy near two annotated genes in the reference assembly: COP9 signalosome complex subunit 6 (CSN6) and NACHT, LRR, and PYD domain-containing protein 3 (NLRP3). Previously identified candidate genes for anadromy within the inversion region of chromosome Omy05 in coastal steelhead and rainbow trout were not informative for this population as shown in previous studies. Results indicate that the significant region on chromosome Omy12 may represent a minor effect gene for male anadromy and suggests that this life history variation in Oncorhynchus mykiss is more strongly driven by other mechanisms related to environmental rearing such as epigenetic modification, gene expression, and phenotypic plasticity. Further studies into regulatory mechanisms of this trait are needed to understand drivers of anadromy in populations of this protected species.





