
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium sporozoites invade hepatocytes, transform into liver stages, and replicate into thousands of merozoites that infect erythrocytes and cause malaria. Proteins secreted from micronemes play an essential role in hepatocyte invasion, and unneeded micronemes are subsequently discarded for replication. The liver-stage parasites are potent immunogens that prevent malarial infection. Late liver stage-arresting genetically attenuated parasites (GAPs) exhibit greater protective efficacy than early GAP. However, the number of late liver-stage GAPs for generating GAPs with multiple gene deletions is limited. Here, we identified Scot1 (Sporozoite Conserved Orthologous Transcript 1), which was previously shown to be upregulated in sporozoites, and by endogenous tagging with mCherry, we demonstrated that it is expressed in the sporozoite and liver stages in micronemes. Using targeted gene deletion in Plasmodium berghei, we showed that Scot1 is essential for late liver-stage development. Scot1 KO sporozoites grew normally into liver stages but failed to initiate blood-stage infection in mice due to impaired apicoplast biogenesis and merozoite formation. Bioinformatic studies suggested that Scot1 is a metal-small-molecule carrier protein. Remarkably, supplementation with metals in the culture of infected Scot1 KO cells did not rescue their phenotype. Immunization with Scot1 KO sporozoites in C57BL/6 mice confers protection against malaria via infection. These proof-of-concept studies will enable the generation of P. falciparum Scot1 mutants that could be exploited to generate GAP malaria vaccines.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor protein modification in Plasmodium species is well known and represents the principal form of glycosylation in these organisms. The structure and biosynthesis of GPI anchors of Plasmodium spp. has been primarily studied in the asexual blood stage of Plasmodium falciparum and is known to contain the typical conserved GPI structure of EtN-P-Man3GlcN-PI. Here, we have investigated the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) for the presence of a GPI anchor. CSP is the major surface protein of Plasmodium sporozoites, the infective stage of the malaria parasite. While it is widely assumed that CSP is a GPI-anchored cell surface protein, compelling biochemical evidence for this supposition is absent. Here, we employed metabolic labeling and mass-spectrometry-based approaches to confirm the presence of a GPI anchor in CSP. Biosynthetic radiolabeling of CSP with [3H]-palmitic acid and [3H]-ethanolamine, with the former being base-labile and therefore ester-linked, provided strong evidence for the presence of a GPI anchor on CSP, but these data alone were not definitive. To provide further evidence, immunoprecipitated CSP was analyzed for the presence of myo-inositol (a characteristic component of GPI anchor) using strong acid hydrolysis and GC-MS for highly sensitive and quantitative detection. The single ion monitoring (SIM) method for GC-MS analysis confirmed the presence of the myo-inositol component in CSP. Taken together, these data provide confidence that the long-assumed presence of a GPI anchor on this important parasite protein is correct.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium sporozoites are the infective forms of the malaria parasite in the mosquito and vertebrate host. Gliding motility allows sporozoites to migrate and invade mosquito salivary glands and mammalian hosts. Motility and invasion are powered by an actin-myosin motor complex linked to the glideosome, which contains glideosome-associated proteins (GAPs), MyoA and the myosin A tail-interacting protein (MTIP). However, the role of several proteins involved in gliding motility remains unknown. We identified that the S14 gene is upregulated in sporozoite from transcriptome data of Plasmodium yoelii and further confirmed its transcription in P. berghei sporozoites using real-time PCR. C-terminal 3×HA-mCherry tagging revealed that S14 is expressed and localized on the inner membrane complex of the sporozoites. We disrupted S14 in P. berghei and demonstrated that it is essential for sporozoite gliding motility, and salivary gland and hepatocyte invasion. The gliding and invasion-deficient S14 knockout sporozoites showed normal expression and organization of inner membrane complex and surface proteins. Taken together, our data show that S14 plays a role in the function of the glideosome and is essential for malaria transmission.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sporozoite invasion of hepatocytes is an essential step in the Plasmodium life-cycle and has similarities, at the cellular level, to merozoite invasion of erythrocytes. In the case of the Plasmodium blood-stage, efforts to identify host-pathogen protein-protein interactions have yielded important insights including vaccine candidates. In the case of sporozoite-hepatocyte invasion, the host-pathogen protein-protein interactions involved are poorly understood.
    METHODS: To gain a better understanding of the protein-protein interaction between the sporozoite ligands and host receptors, a systematic screen was performed. The previous Plasmodium falciparum and human surface protein ectodomain libraries were substantially extended, resulting in the creation of new libraries comprising 88 P. falciparum sporozoite protein coding sequences and 182 sequences encoding human hepatocyte surface proteins. Having expressed recombinant proteins from these sequences, a plate-based assay was used, capable of detecting low affinity interactions between recombinant proteins, modified for enhanced throughput, to screen the proteins for interactions. The novel interactions identified in the screen were characterized biochemically, and their essential role in parasite invasion was further elucidated using antibodies and genetically manipulated Plasmodium parasites.
    RESULTS: A total of 7540 sporozoite-hepatocyte protein pairs were tested under conditions capable of detecting interactions of at least 1.2 µM KD. An interaction between the human fibroblast growth factor receptor 4 (FGFR4) and the P. falciparum protein Pf34 is identified and reported here, characterizing its affinity and demonstrating the blockade of the interaction by reagents, including a monoclonal antibody. Furthermore, further interactions between Pf34 and a second P. falciparum rhoptry neck protein, PfRON6, and between human low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and the P. falciparum protein PIESP15 are identified. Conditional genetic deletion confirmed the essentiality of PfRON6 in the blood-stage, consistent with the important role of this protein in parasite lifecycle. Pf34 was refractory to attempted genetic modification. Antibodies to Pf34 abrogated the interaction and had a modest effect upon sporozoite invasion into primary human hepatocytes.
    CONCLUSIONS: Pf34 and PfRON6 may be members of a functionally important invasion complex which could be a target for future interventions. The modified interaction screening assay, protein expression libraries and P. falciparum mutant parasites reported here may be a useful tool for protein interaction discovery and antigen candidate screening which could be of wider value to the scientific community.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptosporidium parvum is a common cause of a zoonotic disease and a main cause of diarrhea in newborns. Effective drugs or vaccines are still lacking. Oocyst is the infective form of the parasite; after its ingestion, the oocyst excysts and releases four sporozoites into the host intestine that rapidly attack the enterocytes. The membrane protein CpRom1 is a large rhomboid protease that is expressed by sporozoites and recognized as antigen by the host immune system. In this study, we observed the release of CpRom1 with extracellular vesicles (EVs) that was not previously described. To investigate this phenomenon, we isolated and resolved EVs from the excystation medium by differential ultracentrifugation. Fluorescence flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) experiments identified two types of sporozoite-derived vesicles: large extracellular vesicles (LEVs) and small extracellular vesicles (SEVs). Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) revealed mode diameter of 181 nm for LEVs and 105 nm for SEVs, respectively. Immunodetection experiments proved the presence of CpRom1 and the Golgi protein CpGRASP in LEVs, while immune-electron microscopy trials demonstrated the localization of CpRom1 on the LEVs surface. TEM and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that LEVs were generated by means of the budding of the outer membrane of sporozoites; conversely, the origin of SEVs remained uncertain. Distinct protein compositions were observed between LEVs and SEVs as evidenced by their corresponding electrophoretic profiles. Indeed, a dedicated proteomic analysis identified 5 and 16 proteins unique for LEVs and SEVs, respectively. Overall, 60 proteins were identified in the proteome of both types of vesicles and most of these proteins (48 in number) were already identified in the molecular cargo of extracellular vesicles from other organisms. Noteworthy, we identified 12 proteins unique to Cryptosporidium spp. and this last group included the immunodominant parasite antigen glycoprotein GP60, which is one of the most abundant proteins in both LEVs and SEVs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haemoproteus parasites are the most diverse among Haemosporida. However, their natural vectors (Culicoides) are still poorly investigated and were identified for only a few parasite species and lineages. The application of an integrative approach (insect dissection, microscopic analysis, and molecular-based methods) is necessary in these studies, which have been carried out by a few research groups, mainly in Europe. The aim of this study was (i) to determine the Culicoides species that are naturally infected by Haemoproteus parasites, and which can support its complete sporogonic development, and (ii) to investigate the prevalence of Culicoides species and Haemoproteus parasite lineages in different study sites. In total, 1953 parous Culicoides females, from 11 species, were collected in four different localities in Lithuania and were dissected and analyzed using an integrative approach. The most abundant was C. pictipennis (30.3%). Parasite DNA was found in 7.9% of all investigated Culicoides, of which ~30% had sporozoites in their salivary glands, confirming their vector competence for these parasites. The Botanical Garden presented the highest number of Culicoides parous females, Culicoides species, and parasite lineages, as well as the highest positivity for sporozoites. Culicoides reconditus was confirmed as a natural vector of Haemoproteus parasites, sporozoites of six Haemoproteus lineages were reported for the first time, and 12 new interactions between Haemoproteus parasite lineages and Culicoides species were identified. Haemoproteus parasites seem to be transmitted by a high number of Culicoides species, with C. kibunensis, C. pictipennis, and C. segnis being the most important vectors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    It is currently unknown whether all Plasmodium falciparum-infected mosquitoes are equally infectious. We assessed sporogonic development using cultured gametocytes in the Netherlands and naturally circulating strains in Burkina Faso. We quantified the number of sporozoites expelled into artificial skin in relation to intact oocysts, ruptured oocysts, and residual salivary gland sporozoites. In laboratory conditions, higher total sporozoite burden was associated with shorter duration of sporogony (p<0.001). Overall, 53% (116/216) of infected Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes expelled sporozoites into artificial skin with a median of 136 expelled sporozoites (interquartile range [IQR], 34-501). There was a strong positive correlation between ruptured oocyst number and salivary gland sporozoite load (ρ = 0.8; p<0.0001) and a weaker positive correlation between salivary gland sporozoite load and number of sporozoites expelled (ρ = 0.35; p=0.0002). In Burkina Faso, Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes were infected by natural gametocyte carriers. Among salivary gland sporozoite positive mosquitoes, 89% (33/37) expelled sporozoites with a median of 1035 expelled sporozoites (IQR, 171-2969). Again, we observed a strong correlation between ruptured oocyst number and salivary gland sporozoite load (ρ = 0.9; p<0.0001) and a positive correlation between salivary gland sporozoite load and the number of sporozoites expelled (ρ = 0.7; p<0.0001). Several mosquitoes expelled multiple parasite clones during probing. Whilst sporozoite expelling was regularly observed from mosquitoes with low infection burdens, our findings indicate that mosquito infection burden is positively associated with the number of expelled sporozoites. Future work is required to determine the direct implications of these findings for transmission potential.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Vaccination with infectious Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) sporozoites (SPZ) administered with antimalarial drugs (PfSPZ-CVac), confers superior sterilizing protection against infection when compared to vaccination with replication-deficient, radiation-attenuated PfSPZ. However, the requirement for drug administration constitutes a major limitation for PfSPZ-CVac. To obviate this limitation, we generated late liver stage-arresting replication competent (LARC) parasites by deletion of the Mei2 and LINUP genes (mei2-/linup- or LARC2). We show that Plasmodium yoelii (Py) LARC2 sporozoites did not cause breakthrough blood stage infections and engendered durable sterilizing immunity against various infectious sporozoite challenges in diverse strains of mice. We next genetically engineered a PfLARC2 parasite strain that was devoid of extraneous DNA and produced cryopreserved PfSPZ-LARC2. PfSPZ-LARC2 liver stages replicated robustly in liver-humanized mice but displayed severe defects in late liver stage differentiation and did not form liver stage merozoites. This resulted in complete abrogation of parasite transition to viable blood stage infection. Therefore, PfSPZ-LARC2 is the next-generation vaccine strain expected to unite the safety profile of radiation-attenuated PfSPZ with the superior protective efficacy of PfSPZ-CVac.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plasmodium is an obligate intracellular parasite that requires intense lipid synthesis for membrane biogenesis and survival. One of the principal membrane components is oleic acid, which is needed to maintain the membrane\'s biophysical properties and fluidity. The malaria parasite can modify fatty acids, and stearoyl-CoA Δ9-desaturase (Scd) is an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of oleic acid by desaturation of stearic acid. Scd is dispensable in P. falciparum blood stages; however, its role in mosquito and liver stages remains unknown. We show that P. berghei Scd localizes to the ER in the blood and liver stages. Disruption of Scd in the rodent malaria parasite P. berghei did not affect parasite blood stage propagation, mosquito stage development, or early liver-stage development. However, when Scd KO sporozoites were inoculated intravenously or by mosquito bite into mice, they failed to initiate blood-stage infection. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that organelle biogenesis was impaired and merozoite formation was abolished, which initiates blood-stage infections. Genetic complementation of the KO parasites restored merozoite formation to a level similar to that of WT parasites. Mice immunized with Scd KO sporozoites confer long-lasting sterile protection against infectious sporozoite challenge. Thus, the Scd KO parasite is an appealing candidate for inducing protective pre-erythrocytic immunity and hence its utility as a GAP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Multi-protein complexes are crucial for various essential biological processes of the malaria parasite Plasmodium, such as protein synthesis, host cell invasion and adhesion. Especially during the sexual phase of the parasite, which takes place in the midgut of the mosquito vector, protein complexes are required for fertilization, sporulation and ultimately for the successful transmission of the parasite. Among the most noticeable protein complexes of the transmission stages are the ones formed by the LCCL domain-containing protein family that play critical roles in the generation of infective sporozoites. The six members of this protein family are characterized by numerous adhesive modules and domains typically found in secreted proteins. This review summarizes the findings of expression and functional studies on the LCCL domain-containing proteins of the human pathogenic P. falciparum and the rodent-infecting P. berghei and discusses the common features and differences of the homologous proteins.





