spliceosome assembly

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spliceosome assembly contributes an important but incompletely understood aspect of splicing regulation. Prp45 is a yeast splicing factor which runs as an extended fold through the spliceosome, and which may be important for bringing its components together. We performed a whole genome analysis of the genetic interaction network of the truncated allele of PRP45 (prp45(1-169)) using synthetic genetic array technology and found chromatin remodellers and modifiers as an enriched category. In agreement with related studies, H2A.Z-encoding HTZ1, and the components of SWR1, INO80, and SAGA complexes represented prominent interactors, with htz1 conferring the strongest growth defect. Because the truncation of Prp45 disproportionately affected low copy number transcripts of intron-containing genes, we prepared strains carrying intronless versions of SRB2, VPS75, or HRB1, the most affected cases with transcription-related function. Intron removal from SRB2, but not from the other genes, partly repaired some but not all the growth phenotypes identified in the genetic screen. The interaction of prp45(1-169) and htz1Δ was detectable even in cells with SRB2 intron deleted (srb2Δi). The less truncated variant, prp45(1-330), had a synthetic growth defect with htz1Δ at 16°C, which also persisted in the srb2Δi background. Moreover, htz1Δ enhanced prp45(1-330) dependent pre-mRNA hyper-accumulation of both high and low efficiency splicers, genes ECM33 and COF1, respectively. We conclude that while the expression defects of low expression intron-containing genes contribute to the genetic interactome of prp45(1-169), the genetic interactions between prp45 and htz1 alleles demonstrate the sensitivity of spliceosome assembly, delayed in prp45(1-169), to the chromatin environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, the structural basis for the interaction between U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) during the early steps of splicing is still elusive. The binding of the ubiquitin-like (UBL) domain of SF3A1 to the stem-loop 4 of U1 snRNP (U1-SL4) contributes to this interaction. Here, we determined the 3D structure of the complex between the UBL of SF3A1 and U1-SL4 RNA. Our crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, and cross-linking mass spectrometry data show that SF3A1-UBL recognizes, sequence specifically, the GCG/CGC RNA stem and the apical UUCG tetraloop of U1-SL4. In vitro and in vivo mutational analyses support the observed intermolecular contacts and demonstrate that the carboxyl-terminal arginine-glycine-glycine-arginine (RGGR) motif of SF3A1-UBL binds sequence specifically by inserting into the RNA major groove. Thus, the characterization of the SF3A1-UBL/U1-SL4 complex expands the repertoire of RNA binding domains and reveals the capacity of RGG/RG motifs to bind RNA in a sequence-specific manner.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and second leading cause of cancer deaths among American men. Current therapies show early antitumor responses, but ultimately lead to treatment resistance, relapse and poorer survival in patients. Alternative RNA splicing, a cell mechanism increasing the proteome diversity by producing multiple transcripts from a single gene, has been associated with prostate cancer development/progression. Reports showed that many aberrant mRNA splice variants are upregulated in prostate cancer, promoting malignancy through enhanced proliferation, metastasis, tumor growth, anti-apoptosis, and/or treatment resistance. Here, we discuss the oncogenic properties of aberrant splicing mechanisms underlying prostate cancer pathogenesis, as well as the uses of the splicing variants as potential diagnostics and treatment targets. Finally, we discuss the pharmacologic and molecular approaches for targeting aberrant splicing mechanisms as effective therapies to correct the splicing errors and overcome the drug resistance, ultimately improving the clinical outcome of prostate cancer patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Signaling by the phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) involves pre-mRNA splicing, a key process of post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. However, the regulatory mechanism of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in ABA signaling remains largely unknown. We previously identified a pentatricopeptide repeat protein SOAR1 (suppressor of the ABAR-overexpressor 1) as a crucial player downstream of ABAR (putative ABA receptor) in ABA signaling. In this study, we identified a SOAR1 interaction partner USB1, which is an exoribonuclease catalyzing U6 production for spliceosome assembly. We reveal that together USB1 and SOAR1 negatively regulate ABA signaling in early seedling development. USB1 and SOAR1 are both required for the splicing of transcripts of numerous genes, including those involved in ABA signaling pathways, suggesting that USB1 and SOAR1 collaborate to regulate ABA signaling by affecting spliceosome assembly. These findings provide important new insights into the mechanistic control of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in the regulation of ABA-mediated plant responses to environmental cues.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A precise genetic diagnosis is the single most important step for families with genetic disorders to enable personalized and preventative medicine. In addition to genetic variants in coding regions (exons) that can change a protein sequence, abnormal pre-mRNA splicing can be devastating for the encoded protein, inducing a frameshift or in-frame deletion/insertion of multiple residues. Non-coding variants that disrupt splicing are extremely challenging to identify. Stemming from an initial clinical discovery in two index Australian families, we define 25 families with genetic disorders caused by a class of pathogenic non-coding splice variant due to intronic deletions. These pathogenic intronic deletions spare all consensus splice motifs, though they critically shorten the minimal distance between the 5\' splice-site (5\'SS) and branchpoint. The mechanistic basis for abnormal splicing is due to biophysical constraint precluding U1/U2 spliceosome assembly, which stalls in A-complexes (that bridge the 5\'SS and branchpoint). Substitution of deleted nucleotides with non-specific sequences restores spliceosome assembly and normal splicing, arguing against loss of an intronic element as the primary causal basis. Incremental lengthening of 5\'SS-branchpoint length in our index EMD case subject defines 45-47 nt as the critical elongation enabling (inefficient) spliceosome assembly for EMD intron 5. The 5\'SS-branchpoint space constraint mechanism, not currently factored by genomic informatics pipelines, is relevant to diagnosis and precision medicine across the breadth of Mendelian disorders and cancer genomics.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conformational rearrangements are critical to regulating the assembly and activity of the spliceosome. The spliceosomal protein Prp8 undergoes multiple conformational changes during the course of spliceosome assembly, activation, and catalytic activity. Most of these rearrangements of Prp8 involve the disposition of the C-terminal Jab-MPN and RH domains with respect to the core of Prp8. Here we use x-ray structural analysis to show that a previously characterized and highly conserved β-hairpin structure in the RH domain that acts as a toggle in the spliceosome is absent in Prp8 from the reduced spliceosome of the red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Using comparative sequence analysis, we show that the presence or absence of this hairpin corresponds to the presence or absence of protein partners that interact with this hairpin as observed by x-ray and cryo-EM studies. The presence of the toggle correlates with increasing intron number suggesting a role in the regulation of splicing.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accurate pre-mRNA splicing is needed for correct gene expression and relies on faithful splice site recognition. Here, we show that the ubiquitin-like protein Hub1 binds to the DEAD-box helicase Prp5, a key regulator of early spliceosome assembly, and stimulates its ATPase activity thereby enhancing splicing and relaxing fidelity. High Hub1 levels enhance splicing efficiency but also cause missplicing by tolerating suboptimal splice sites and branchpoint sequences. Notably, Prp5 itself is regulated by a Hub1-dependent negative feedback loop. Since Hub1-mediated splicing activation induces cryptic splicing of Prp5, it also represses Prp5 protein levels and thus curbs excessive missplicing. Our findings indicate that Hub1 mediates enhanced, but error-prone splicing, a mechanism that is tightly controlled by a feedback loop of PRP5 cryptic splicing activation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Splicing in S. cerevisiae has been shown to proceed cotranscriptionally, but the nature of the coupling remains a subject of debate. Here, we examine the effect of nineteen complex-related splicing factor Prp45 (a homolog of SNW1/SKIP) on cotranscriptional splicing. RNA-sequencing and RT-qPCR showed elevated pre-mRNA levels but only limited reduction of spliced mRNAs in cells expressing C-terminally truncated Prp45, Prp45(1-169). Assays with a series of reporters containing the AMA1 intron with regulatable splicing confirmed decreased splicing efficiency and showed the leakage of unspliced RNAs in prp45(1-169) cells. We also measured pre-mRNA accumulation of the meiotic MER2 gene, which depends on the expression of Mer1 factor for splicing. prp45(1-169) cells accumulated approximately threefold higher levels of MER2 pre-mRNA than WT cells only when splicing was induced. To monitor cotranscriptional splicing, we determined the presence of early spliceosome assembly factors and snRNP complexes along the ECM33 and ACT1 genes. We found that prp45(1-169) hampered the cotranscriptional recruitment of U2 and, to a larger extent, U5 and NTC, while the U1 profile was unaffected. The recruitment of Prp45(1-169) was impaired similarly to U5 snRNP and NTC. Our results imply that Prp45 is required for timely formation of complex A, prior to stable physical association of U5/NTC with the emerging pre-mRNA substrate. We suggest that Prp45 facilitates conformational rearrangements and/or contacts that couple U1 snRNP-recognition to downstream assembly events.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Here we describe the synthesis and use of a directed hydroxyl radical probe, tethered to a pre-mRNA substrate, to map the structure of this substrate during the spliceosome assembly process. These studies indicate an early organization and proximation of conserved pre-mRNA sequences during spliceosome assembly. This methodology may be adapted to the synthesis of a wide variety of modified RNAs for use as probes of RNA structure and RNA-protein interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Luc7 is an essential 261-amino acid protein subunit of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae U1 snRNP. To establish structure-function relations for yeast Luc7, we conducted an in vivo mutational analysis entailing N- and C-terminal truncations and alanine scanning of phylogenetically conserved amino acids, including two putative zinc finger motifs, ZnF1 and ZnF2, and charged amino acids within the ZnF2 module. We identify Luc7-(31-246) as a minimal functional protein and demonstrate that whereas mutations of the CCHH ZnF2 motif are lethal, mutations of the ZnF1 CCCH motif and the charged residues of the ZnF2 modules are not. Though dispensable for vegetative growth in an otherwise wild-type background, the N-terminal 18-amino acid segment of Luc7 plays an important role in U1 snRNP function, evinced by our findings that its deletion (i) impaired the splicing of SUS1 pre-mRNA; (ii) was synthetically lethal absent other U1 snRNP constituents (Mud1, Nam8, the TMG cap, the C terminus of Snp1), absent the Mud2 subunit of the Msl5•Mud2 branchpoint binding complex, and when the m(7)G cap-binding site of Cbc2 was debilitated; and (iii) bypassed the need for the essential DEAD-box ATPase Prp28. Similar phenotypes were noted for ZnF1 mutations C45A, C53A, and C68A and ZnF2 domain mutations D214A, R215A, R216A, and D219A These findings highlight the contributions of the Luc7 N-terminal peptide, the ZnF1 motif, and the ZnF2 module in stabilizing the interactions of the U1 snRNP with the pre-mRNA 5\' splice site and promoting the splicing of a yeast pre-mRNA, SUS1, that has a nonconsensus 5\' splice site.





