
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid MR imaging of slowly relaxing samples is often challenging. The most commonly used solutions are found in multi spin-echo (RARE) sequences or gradient-echo (GE) sequences, which allow faster imaging of such samples with multiple acquisitions of k-space lines per excitation or imaging with very short repetition times (TRs). Another solution is the use of a spin-echo (SE) sequence superimposed with a driven equilibrium Fourier transform (DEFT) method. Such a (DE-SE) imaging sequence has two refocusing RF pulses that produce two spin-echoes. In the first echo, the signal is acquired from the k-space line, and in the second echo, a 90° RF pulse is applied, typically 180° out of phase with respect to the excitation RF pulse. This last RF pulse allows almost complete magnetization reversal back to the longitudinal orientation with minimal magnetization loss. The DE-SE sequence and its RARE variant are widely used in clinical imaging, but its use in MR microscopy has some peculiarities related to the usually less perfect RF pulse flip angles and diffusion. In this study, their effects are first theoretically analyzed and later verified by experiments on test samples performed on a 9.4 T system for MR microscopy. Experiments on a water-filled tube for TE = 3.4 ms and TR = 25-200 ms showed that the DE-SE sequence produces about 10 times more signal than the SE sequence in this TR range. Finally, the performance of the DE-SE sequence compared to the SE sequence was demonstrated on a biological sample. The presented DE-SE sequence has been shown to be effective for rapid imaging of samples with long T1 relaxation times in MR microscopy and can also be considered as a suitable method for rapid proton density weighed imaging of materials.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate T2 -weighted (single-echo) spin-echo (SE) imaging with near-optimal acquisition efficiency by applying SNR-efficient RF slice encoding and spiral readout.
    METHODS: A quadratic-phase (frequency swept) excitation RF pulse replaced the conventional excitation in T2 -weighted SE sequence to excite a thick slab that is internally spatially encoded by a variable phase along the slice direction. Highly overlapping slabs centered at every desired slice location were acquired in multiple passes, such that the entire imaging volume was excited by contiguous slabs in any given pass. Following 90° excitation, each slab was refocused with a conventional 180° RF to produce a SE signal, followed by a spiral in-out readout. A noise-insensitive reconstruction removed the quadratic phase in the spatial frequency domain, yielding desired slice resolution and improved SNR.
    RESULTS: Increasing the RF frequency sweep (hence, excitation width) allowed more frequent encoding of each slice over the multiple passes, improving final image SNR, until crosstalk ensued at excessive slab widths compared to their center-to-center spacing. With an optimized slab width, the proposed technique used all passes to acquire every prescribed slice, with substantially improved SNR over conventional SE or 2D-turbo-spin-echo (TSE) scans. Quantitative SNR measurements indicated similar SNR as 3D-TSE, but radiologist scoring favored 3D-TSE, mainly because of spiral-related artifacts and possibly because of regularized reconstructions in 3D-TSE.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using SNR-efficient slice excitation scheme and spiral readout helped eliminate SNR and temporal inefficiencies in conventional T2 -weighted imaging, yielding SNR independent of TR or number of passes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Neurons cluster into sub-millimeter spatial structures and neural activity occurs at millisecond resolutions; hence, ultimately, high spatial and high temporal resolutions are required for functional MRI. In this work, we implemented a spin-echo line-scanning (SELINE) sequence to use in high spatial and temporal resolution fMRI.
    METHODS: A line is formed by simply rotating the spin-echo refocusing gradient to a plane perpendicular to the excited slice and by removing the phase-encoding gradient. This technique promises a combination of high spatial and temporal resolution (250 μm, 500 ms) and microvascular specificity of functional responses. We compared SELINE data to a corresponding gradient-echo version (GELINE).
    RESULTS: We demonstrate that SELINE showed much-improved line selection (i.e. a sharper line profile) compared to GELINE, albeit at the cost of a significant drop in functional sensitivity.
    CONCLUSIONS: This low functional sensitivity needs to be addressed before SELINE can be applied for neuroscientific purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ultra-high field functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) offers the spatial resolution to measure neuronal activity at the scale of cortical layers. However, cortical depth dependent vascularization differences, such as a higher prevalence of macro-vascular compartments near the pial surface, have a confounding effect on depth-resolved blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) fMRI signals. In the current study, we use hypercapnic and hyperoxic breathing conditions to quantify the influence of all venous vascular and micro-vascular compartments on laminar BOLD fMRI, as measured with gradient-echo (GE) and spin-echo (SE) scan sequences, respectively. We find that all venous vascular and micro-vascular compartments are capable of comparable theoretical maximum signal intensities, as represented by the M-value parameter. However, the capacity for vessel dilation, as reflected by the cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), is approximately two and a half times larger for all venous vascular compartments combined compared to the micro-vasculature at superficial layers. Finally, there is roughly a 35% difference in estimates of CBV changes between all venous vascular and micro-vascular compartments, although this relative difference was approximately uniform across cortical depth. Thus, our results suggest that fMRI BOLD signal differences across cortical depth are likely caused by differences in dilation properties between macro- and micro-vascular compartments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    MRI is a non-invasive medical imaging modality that is sensitive to patient motion, which constitutes a major limitation in most clinical applications. Solutions may arise from the reduction of acquisition times or from motion-correction techniques, either prospective or retrospective. Benchmarking the latter methods requires labeled motion-corrupted datasets, which are uncommon. Up to our best knowledge, no protocol for generating labeled datasets of MRI images corrupted by controlled motion has yet been proposed. Hence, we present a methodology allowing the acquisition of reproducible motion-corrupted MRI images as well as validation of the system\'s performance by motion estimation through rigid-body volume registration of fast 3D echo-planar imaging (EPI) time series. A proof-of-concept is presented, to show how the protocol can be implemented to provide qualitative and quantitative results. An MRI-compatible video system displays a moving target that volunteers equipped with customized plastic glasses must follow to perform predefined head choreographies. Motion estimation using rigid-body EPI time series registration demonstrated that head position can be accurately determined (with an average standard deviation of about 0.39 degrees). A spatio-temporal upsampling and interpolation method to cope with fast motion is also proposed in order to improve motion estimation. The proposed protocol is versatile and straightforward. It is compatible with all MRI systems and may provide insights on the origins of specific motion artifacts. The MRI and artificial intelligence research communities could benefit from this work to build in-vivo labeled datasets of motion-corrupted MRI images suitable for training/testing any retrospective motion correction or machine learning algorithm.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spin-echo (SE) BOLD fMRI has high microvascular specificity, and thus provides a more reliable means to localize neural activity compared to conventional gradient-echo BOLD fMRI. However, the most common SE BOLD acquisition method, SE-EPI, is known to suffer from T2\' contrast contamination with undesirable draining vein bias. To address this, in this study, we extended a recently developed distortion/blurring-free multi-shot EPI technique, Echo-Planar Time-resolved Imaging (EPTI), to cortical-depth dependent SE-fMRI at 7T to test whether it could provide purer SE BOLD contrast with minimal T2\' contamination for improved neuronal specificity. From the same acquisition, the time-resolved feature of EPTI also provides a series of asymmetric SE (ASE) images with varying T2\' weightings, and enables extraction of data equivalent to conventional SE EPI with different echo train lengths (ETLs). This allows us to systematically examine how T2\'-contribution affects different SE acquisition strategies using a single dataset. A low-rank spatiotemporal subspace reconstruction was implemented for the SE-EPTI acquisition, which incorporates corrections for both shot-to-shot phase variations and dynamic B0 drifts. SE-EPTI was used in a visual task fMRI experiment to demonstrate that i) the pure SE image provided by EPTI results in the highest microvascular specificity; ii) the ASE EPTI series, with a graded introduction of T2\' weightings at time points farther away from the pure SE, show a gradual sensitivity increase along with increasing draining vein bias; iii) the longer ETL seen in conventional SE EPI acquisitions will induce more draining vein bias. Consistent results were observed across multiple subjects, demonstrating the robustness of the proposed technique for SE-BOLD fMRI with high specificity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To investigate the systemic metabolic effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection, we analyzed 1H NMR spectroscopic data on human blood plasma and co-modeled with multiple plasma cytokines and chemokines (measured in parallel). Thus, 600 MHz 1H solvent-suppressed single-pulse, spin-echo, and 2D J-resolved spectra were collected on plasma recorded from SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR-positive patients (n = 15, with multiple sampling timepoints) and age-matched healthy controls (n = 34, confirmed rRT-PCR negative), together with patients with COVID-19/influenza-like clinical symptoms who tested SARS-CoV-2 negative (n = 35). We compared the single-pulse NMR spectral data with in vitro diagnostic research (IVDr) information on quantitative lipoprotein profiles (112 parameters) extracted from the raw 1D NMR data. All NMR methods gave highly significant discrimination of SARS-CoV-2 positive patients from controls and SARS-CoV-2 negative patients with individual NMR methods, giving different diagnostic information windows on disease-induced phenoconversion. Longitudinal trajectory analysis in selected patients indicated that metabolic recovery was incomplete in individuals without detectable virus in the recovery phase. We observed four plasma cytokine clusters that expressed complex differential statistical relationships with multiple lipoproteins and metabolites. These included the following: cluster 1, comprising MIP-1β, SDF-1α, IL-22, and IL-1α, which correlated with multiple increased LDL and VLDL subfractions; cluster 2, including IL-10 and IL-17A, which was only weakly linked to the lipoprotein profile; cluster 3, which included IL-8 and MCP-1 and were inversely correlated with multiple lipoproteins. IL-18, IL-6, and IFN-γ together with IP-10 and RANTES exhibited strong positive correlations with LDL1-4 subfractions and negative correlations with multiple HDL subfractions. Collectively, these data show a distinct pattern indicative of a multilevel cellular immune response to SARS CoV-2 infection interacting with the plasma lipoproteome giving a strong and characteristic immunometabolic phenotype of the disease. We observed that some patients in the respiratory recovery phase and testing virus-free were still metabolically highly abnormal, which indicates a new role for these technologies in assessing full systemic recovery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) NMR relaxation dispersion experiment measures the effective relaxation rate constant during a train of spin-echo pulse sequence elements as a function of the echo time. The CPMG experiment is a powerful method for characterizing chemical and conformational dynamic processes, termed chemical and conformational exchange, on μs-ms time scales, comparable to the experimentally accessible echo times. Approximate theoretical expressions for the effective relaxation rate constant for N-site chemical exchange have been reported (H. Koss, M. Rance, and A. G. Palmer, Biochemistry 57, 4753-4763 (2018)). Expressions for the effective relaxation rate constant have been improved by using the Cayley-Hamilton theorem to obtain simple and accurate approximations of the average Liouvillian for the CPMG experiment. The improved accuracy of the results allows efficient analyses of experimental data. In addition, the relationship is clarified between the approach of Koss and coworkers and that of Jen (1978).







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High diffusion-sensitizing magnetic field gradients have been more and more often applied nowadays to achieve a better characterization of the microstructure. As the resulting spin-echo signal significantly deviates from the conventional Gaussian form, various models have been employed to interpret these deviations and to relate them with the microstructural properties of a sample. In this paper, we argue that the non-Gaussian behavior of the signal is a generic universal feature of the Bloch-Torrey equation. We provide a simple yet rigorous description of the localization regime emerging at high extended gradients and identify its origin as a symmetry breaking at the reflecting boundary. We compare the consequent non-Gaussian signal decay to other diffusion NMR regimes such as slow-diffusion, motional-narrowing and diffusion-diffraction regimes. We emphasize limitations of conventional perturbative techniques and advocate for non-perturbative approaches which may pave a way to new imaging modalities in this field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensitivity and specificity of blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional MRI (fMRI) is sensitive to magnetic field strength and acquisition methods. We have investigated gradient-echo (GE)- and spin-echo (SE)-BOLD fMRI at ultrahigh fields of 9.4 and 15.2  Tesla.
    BOLD fMRI experiments responding to forepaw stimulation were performed with 3 echo times (TE) at each echo type and B0 in α-chloralose-anesthetized rats. The contralateral forelimb somatosensory region was selected for quantitative analyses.
    At 9.4 T and 15.2 T, average baseline T2 * (n = 9) was 26.6 and 17.1 msec, whereas baseline T2 value (n = 9) was 35.7 and 24.5 msec, respectively. Averaged stimulation-induced ΔR2 * was -1.72 s-1 at 9.4 T and -3.09 s-1 at 15.2 T, whereas ΔR2 was -1.19 s-1 at 9.4 T and -1.97 s-1 at 15.2 T. At the optimal TE of tissue T2 * or T2 , BOLD percent changes were slightly higher at 15.2 T than at 9.4 T (GE: 7.4% versus 6.4% and SE: 5.7% versus 5.4%). The ΔR2 * and ΔR2 ratio of 15.2 T to 9.4 T was 1.8 and 1.66, respectively. The ratio of the macrovessel-containing superficial to microvessel-dominant parenchymal BOLD signal was 1.73 to 1.76 for GE-BOLD versus 1.13 to 1.19 for SE-BOLD, indicating that the SE-BOLD contrast is less sensitive to macrovessels than GE-BOLD.
    SE-BOLD fMRI improves spatial specificity to microvessels compared to GE-BOLD at both fields. BOLD sensitivity is similar at the both fields and can be improved at ultrahigh fields only for thermal-noise-dominant ultrahigh-resolution fMRI.






