spherical U-net

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cortical surface parcellation for fetal brains is essential for the understanding of neurodevelopmental trajectories during gestations with regional analyses of brain structures and functions. This study proposes the attention-gated spherical U-net, a novel deep-learning model designed for automatic cortical surface parcellation of the fetal brain. We trained and validated the model using MRIs from 55 typically developing fetuses [gestational weeks: 32.9 ± 3.3 (mean ± SD), 27.4-38.7]. The proposed model was compared with the surface registration-based method, SPHARM-net, and the original spherical U-net. Our model demonstrated significantly higher accuracy in parcellation performance compared to previous methods, achieving an overall Dice coefficient of 0.899 ± 0.020. It also showed the lowest error in terms of the median boundary distance, 2.47 ± 1.322 (mm), and mean absolute percent error in surface area measurement, 10.40 ± 2.64 (%). In this study, we showed the efficacy of the attention gates in capturing the subtle but important information in fetal cortical surface parcellation. Our precise automatic parcellation model could increase sensitivity in detecting regional cortical anomalies and lead to the potential for early detection of neurodevelopmental disorders in fetuses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current spherical surface registration methods achieve good performance on alignment and spatial normalization of cortical surfaces across individuals in neuroimaging analysis. However, they are computationally intensive, since they have to optimize an objective function independently for each pair of surfaces. In this paper, we present a fast learning-based algorithm that makes use of the recent development in spherical Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for spherical cortical surface registration. Given a set of surface pairs without supervised information such as ground truth deformation fields or anatomical landmarks, we formulate the registration as a parametric function and learn its parameters by enforcing the feature similarity between one surface and the other one warped by the estimated deformation field using the function. Then, given a new pair of surfaces, we can quickly infer the spherical deformation field registering one surface to the other one. We model this parametric function using three orthogonal Spherical U-Nets and use spherical transform layers to warp the spherical surfaces, while imposing smoothness constraints on the deformation field. All the layers in the network are well-defined and differentiable, thus the parameters can be effectively learned. We show that our method achieves accurate cortical alignment results on 102 subjects, comparable to two state-of-the-art methods: Spherical Demons and MSM, while runs much faster.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In this paper, we present the automatic labeling framework for sulci in the human lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC). We adapt an existing spherical U-Net architecture with our recent surface data augmentation technique to improve the sulcal labeling accuracy in a developmental cohort. Specifically, our framework consists of the following key components: (1) augmented geometrical features being generated during cortical surface registration, (2) spherical U-Net architecture to efficiently fit the augmented features, and (3) postrefinement of sulcal labeling by optimizing spatial coherence via a graph cut technique. We validate our method on 30 healthy subjects with manual labeling of sulcal regions within PFC. In the experiments, we demonstrate significantly improved labeling performance (0.7749) in mean Dice overlap compared to that of multi-atlas (0.6410) and standard spherical U-Net (0.7011) approaches, respectively (p < 0.05). Additionally, the proposed method achieves a full set of sulcal labels in 20 seconds in this developmental cohort.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been providing the state-of-the-art performance for learning-related problems involving 2D/3D images in Euclidean space. However, unlike in the Euclidean space, the shapes of many structures in medical imaging have a spherical topology in a manifold space, e.g., brain cortical or subcortical surfaces represented by triangular meshes, with large inter-subject and intra-subject variations in vertex number and local connectivity. Hence, there is no consistent neighborhood definition and thus no straightforward convolution/transposed convolution operations for cortical/subcortical surface data. In this paper, by leveraging the regular and consistent geometric structure of the resampled cortical surface mapped onto the spherical space, we propose a novel convolution filter analogous to the standard convolution on the image grid. Accordingly, we develop corresponding operations for convolution, pooling, and transposed convolution for spherical surface data and thus construct spherical CNNs. Specifically, we propose the Spherical U-Net architecture by replacing all operations in the standard U-Net with their spherical operation counterparts. We then apply the Spherical U-Net to two challenging and neuroscientifically important tasks in infant brains: cortical surface parcellation and cortical attribute map development prediction. Both applications demonstrate the competitive performance in the accuracy, computational efficiency, and effectiveness of our proposed Spherical U-Net, in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increasing multi-site infant neuroimaging datasets are facilitating the research on understanding early brain development with larger sample size and bigger statistical power. However, a joint analysis of cortical properties (e.g., cortical thickness) is unavoidably facing the problem of non-biological variance introduced by differences in MRI scanners. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose cycle-consistent adversarial networks based on spherical cortical surface to harmonize cortical thickness maps between different scanners. We combine the spherical U-Net and CycleGAN to construct a surface-to-surface CycleGAN (S2SGAN). Specifically, we model the harmonization from scanner X to scanner Y as a surface-to-surface translation task. The first goal of harmonization is to learn a mapping G X : X → Y such that the distribution of surface thickness maps from G X (X) is indistinguishable from Y. Since this mapping is highly under-constrained, with the second goal of harmonization to preserve individual differences, we utilize the inverse mapping G Y : Y → X and the cycle consistency loss to enforce G Y (G X (X)) ≈ X (and vice versa). Furthermore, we incorporate the correlation coefficient loss to guarantee the structure consistency between the original and the generated surface thickness maps. Quantitative evaluation on both synthesized and real infant cortical data demonstrates the superior ability of our method in removing unwanted scanner effects and preserving individual differences simultaneously, compared to the state-of-the-art methods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We present cortical surface parcellation using spherical deep convolutional neural networks. Traditional multi-atlas cortical surface parcellation requires inter-subject surface registration using geometric features with slow processing speed on a single subject (2-3 hours). Moreover, even optimal surface registration does not necessarily produce optimal cortical parcellation as parcel boundaries are not fully matched to the geometric features. In this context, a choice of training features is important for accurate cortical parcellation. To utilize the networks efficiently, we propose cortical parcellation-specific input data from an irregular and complicated structure of cortical surfaces. To this end, we align ground-truth cortical parcel boundaries and use their resulting deformation fields to generate new pairs of deformed geometric features and parcellation maps. To extend the capability of the networks, we then smoothly morph cortical geometric features and parcellation maps using the intermediate deformation fields. We validate our method on 427 adult brains for 49 labels. The experimental results show that our method outperforms traditional multi-atlas and naive spherical U-Net approaches, while achieving full cortical parcellation in less than a minute.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In human brain MRI studies, it is of great importance to accurately parcellate cortical surfaces into anatomically and functionally meaningful regions. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end deep learning method by formulating surface parcellation as a semantic segmentation task on the sphere. To extend the convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the spherical space, corresponding operations of surface convolution, pooling and upsampling are first developed to deal with data representation on spherical surface meshes, and then spherical CNNs are constructed accordingly. Specifically, the U-Net and SegNet architectures are transformed to the spherical representation for neonatal cortical surface parcellation. Experimental results on 90 neonates indicate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed spherical U-Net, in comparison with the spherical SegNet and the previous patch-wise classification method.






