speech emotion recognition

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, artificial intelligence, and machine learning (ML) models have advanced significantly, offering transformative solutions across diverse sectors. Emotion recognition in speech has particularly benefited from ML techniques, revolutionizing its accuracy and applicability. This article proposes a method for emotion detection in Romanian speech analysis by combining two distinct approaches: semantic analysis using GPT Transformer and acoustic analysis using openSMILE. The results showed an accuracy of 74% and a precision of almost 82%. Several system limitations were observed due to the limited and low-quality dataset. However, it also opened a new horizon in our research by analyzing emotions to identify mental health disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The emotions of people at various stages of dementia need to be effectively utilized for prevention, early intervention, and care planning. With technology available for understanding and addressing the emotional needs of people, this study aims to develop speech emotion recognition (SER) technology to classify emotions for people at high risk of dementia.
    UNASSIGNED: Speech samples from people at high risk of dementia were categorized into distinct emotions via human auditory assessment, the outcomes of which were annotated for guided deep-learning method. The architecture incorporated convolutional neural network, long short-term memory, attention layers, and Wav2Vec2, a novel feature extractor to develop automated speech-emotion recognition.
    UNASSIGNED: Twenty-seven kinds of Emotions were found in the speech of the participants. These emotions were grouped into 6 detailed emotions: happiness, interest, sadness, frustration, anger, and neutrality, and further into 3 basic emotions: positive, negative, and neutral. To improve algorithmic performance, multiple learning approaches were applied using different data sources-voice and text-and varying the number of emotions. Ultimately, a 2-stage algorithm-initial text-based classification followed by voice-based analysis-achieved the highest accuracy, reaching 70%.
    UNASSIGNED: The diverse emotions identified in this study were attributed to the characteristics of the participants and the method of data collection. The speech of people at high risk of dementia to companion robots also explains the relatively low performance of the SER algorithm. Accordingly, this study suggests the systematic and comprehensive construction of a dataset from people with dementia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A speech emotion recognition (SER) system deployed on a real-world application can encounter speech contaminated with unconstrained background noise. To deal with this issue, a speech enhancement (SE) module can be attached to the SER system to compensate for the environmental difference of an input. Although the SE module can improve the quality and intelligibility of a given speech, there is a risk of affecting discriminative acoustic features for SER that are resilient to environmental differences. Exploring this idea, we propose to enhance only weak features that degrade the emotion recognition performance. Our model first identifies weak feature sets by using multiple models trained with one acoustic feature at a time using clean speech. After training the single-feature models, we rank each speech feature by measuring three criteria: performance, robustness, and a joint rank ranking that combines performance and robustness. We group the weak features by cumulatively incrementing the features from the bottom to the top of each rank. Once the weak feature set is defined, we only enhance those weak features, keeping the resilient features unchanged. We implement these ideas with the low-level descriptors (LLDs). We show that directly enhancing the weak LLDs leads to better performance than extracting LLDs from an enhanced speech signal. Our experiment with clean and noisy versions of the MSP-Podcast corpus shows that the proposed approach yields a 17.7% (arousal), 21.2% (dominance), and 3.3% (valence) performance gains over a system that enhances all the LLDs for the 10dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) condition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech emotion recognition (SER) stands as a prominent and dynamic research field in data science due to its extensive application in various domains such as psychological assessment, mobile services, and computer games, mobile services. In previous research, numerous studies utilized manually engineered features for emotion classification, resulting in commendable accuracy. However, these features tend to underperform in complex scenarios, leading to reduced classification accuracy. These scenarios include: 1. Datasets that contain diverse speech patterns, dialects, accents, or variations in emotional expressions. 2. Data with background noise. 3. Scenarios where the distribution of emotions varies significantly across datasets can be challenging. 4. Combining datasets from different sources introduce complexities due to variations in recording conditions, data quality, and emotional expressions. Consequently, there is a need to improve the classification performance of SER techniques. To address this, a novel SER framework was introduced in this study. Prior to feature extraction, signal preprocessing and data augmentation methods were applied to augment the available data, resulting in the derivation of 18 informative features from each signal. The discriminative feature set was obtained using feature selection techniques which was then utilized as input for emotion recognition using the SAVEE, RAVDESS, and EMO-DB datasets. Furthermore, this research also implemented a cross-corpus model that incorporated all speech files related to common emotions from three datasets. The experimental outcomes demonstrated the superior performance of SER framework compared to existing frameworks in the field. Notably, the framework presented in this study achieved remarkable accuracy rates across various datasets. Specifically, the proposed model obtained an accuracy of 95%, 94%,97%, and 97% on SAVEE, RAVDESS, EMO-DB and cross-corpus datasets respectively. These results underscore the significant contribution of our proposed framework to the field of SER.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Emotions in speech are expressed in various ways, and the speech emotion recognition (SER) model may perform poorly on unseen corpora that contain different emotional factors from those expressed in training databases. To construct an SER model robust to unseen corpora, regularization approaches or metric losses have been studied. In this paper, we propose an SER method that incorporates relative difficulty and labeling reliability of each training sample. Inspired by the Proxy-Anchor loss, we propose a novel loss function which gives higher gradients to the samples for which the emotion labels are more difficult to estimate among those in the given minibatch. Since the annotators may label the emotion based on the emotional expression which resides in the conversational context or other modality but is not apparent in the given speech utterance, some of the emotional labels may not be reliable and these unreliable labels may affect the proposed loss function more severely. In this regard, we propose to apply label smoothing for the samples misclassified by a pre-trained SER model. Experimental results showed that the performance of the SER on unseen corpora was improved by adopting the proposed loss function with label smoothing on the misclassified data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech emotion recognition based on gender holds great importance for achieving more accurate, personalized, and empathetic interactions in technology, healthcare, psychology, and social sciences. In this paper, we present a novel gender-emotion model. First, gender and emotion features were extracted from voice signals to lay the foundation for our recognition model. Second, a genetic algorithm (GA) processed high-dimensional features, and the Fisher score was used for evaluation. Third, features were ranked by their importance, and the GA was improved through novel crossover and mutation methods based on feature importance, to improve the recognition accuracy. Finally, the proposed algorithm was compared with state-of-the-art algorithms on four common English datasets using support vector machines (SVM), and it demonstrated superior performance in accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, the number of selected features, and running time. The proposed algorithm faced challenges in distinguishing between neutral, sad, and fearful emotions, due to subtle vocal differences, overlapping pitch and tone variability, and similar prosodic features. Notably, the primary features for gender-based differentiation mainly involved mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) and log MFCC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In human-computer interaction systems, speech emotion recognition (SER) plays a crucial role because it enables computers to understand and react to users\' emotions. In the past, SER has significantly emphasised acoustic properties extracted from speech signals. The use of visual signals for enhancing SER performance, however, has been made possible by recent developments in deep learning and computer vision. This work utilizes a lightweight Vision Transformer (ViT) model to propose a novel method for improving speech emotion recognition. We leverage the ViT model\'s capabilities to capture spatial dependencies and high-level features in images which are adequate indicators of emotional states from mel spectrogram input fed into the model. To determine the efficiency of our proposed approach, we conduct a comprehensive experiment on two benchmark speech emotion datasets, the Toronto English Speech Set (TESS) and the Berlin Emotional Database (EMODB). The results of our extensive experiment demonstrate a considerable improvement in speech emotion recognition accuracy attesting to its generalizability as it achieved 98%, 91%, and 93% (TESS-EMODB) accuracy respectively on the datasets. The outcomes of the comparative experiment show that the non-overlapping patch-based feature extraction method substantially improves the discipline of speech emotion recognition. Our research indicates the potential for integrating vision transformer models into SER systems, opening up fresh opportunities for real-world applications requiring accurate emotion recognition from speech compared with other state-of-the-art techniques.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Deep learning promotes the breakthrough of emotion recognition in many fields, especially speech emotion recognition (SER). As an important part of speech emotion recognition, the most relevant acoustic feature extraction has always attracted the attention of existing researchers. Aiming at the problem that the emotional information contained in the current speech signals is distributed dispersedly and cannot comprehensively integrate local and global information, this paper presents a network model based on a gated recurrent unit (GRU) and multi-head attention. We evaluate our proposed emotion model on the IEMOCAP and Emo-DB corpora. The experimental results show that the network model based on Bi-GRU and multi-head attention is significantly better than the traditional network model at detecting multiple evaluation indicators. At the same time, we also apply the model to a speech sentiment analysis task. On the CH-SIMS and MOSI datasets, the model shows excellent generalization performance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic has changed our lives in healthcare behaviors. Forced to wear masks influenced doctor-patient interaction perceptions truly, thus, to build a satisfying relationship is not just empathize with facial expressions. The voice becomes more important for the sake of conquering the burden of masks. Hence, verbal and non-verbal communication will be crucial criteria for doctor-patient interaction during medical consultations and other conversations. In these years, speech emotion recognition has been a popular research domain. In spite of abundant work conducted, nonverbal emotion recognition in medical scenarios is still required to reveal. In this study, we investigate YAMNet transfer learning on Chinese Mandarin speech corpus NTHU-NTUA Chinese Interactive Emotion Corpus (NNIME) and use real-world dermatology clinic recording to test the generalization capability. The results showed that the accuracy validated on NNIME data was 0.59 for activation prediction and 0.57 for valence. Furthermore, the validation accuracy on the doctor-patient dataset was 0.24 for activation and 0.58 for valence, respectively.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) identifies and categorizes emotional states by analyzing speech signals. SER is an emerging research area using machine learning and deep learning techniques due to its socio-cultural and business importance. An appropriate dataset is an important resource for SER related studies in a particular language. There is an apparent lack of SER datasets in Bangla language although it is one of the most spoken languages in the world. There are a few Bangla SER datasets but those consist of only a few dialogs with a minimal number of actors making them unsuitable for real-world applications. Moreover, the existing datasets do not consider the intensity level of emotions. The intensity of a specific emotional expression, such as anger or sadness, plays a crucial role in social behavior. Therefore, a realistic Bangla speech dataset is developed in this study which is called KUET Bangla Emotional Speech (KBES) dataset. The dataset consists of 900 audio signals (i.e., speech dialogs) from 35 actors (20 females and 15 males) with diverse age ranges. Source of the speech dialogs are Bangla Telefilm, Drama, TV Series, Web Series. There are five emotional categories: Neutral, Happy, Sad, Angry, and Disgust. Except Neutral, samples of a particular emotion are divided into two intensity levels: Low and High. The significant issue of the dataset is that the speech dialogs are almost unique with relatively large number of actors; whereas, existing datasets (such as SUBESCO and BanglaSER) contain samples with repeatedly spoken of a few pre-defined dialogs by a few actors/research volunteers in the laboratory environment. Finally, the KBES dataset is exposed as a nine-class problem to classify emotions into nine categories: Neutral, Happy (Low), Happy (High), Sad (Low), Sad (High), Angry (Low), Angry (High), Disgust (Low) and Disgust (High). However, the dataset is kept symmetrical containing 100 samples for each of the nine classes; 100 samples are also gender balanced with 50 samples for male/female actors. The developed dataset seems a realistic dataset while compared with the existing SER datasets.





