species range

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Current rates of climate change and gloomy climate projections confront managers and conservation planners with the need to integrate climate change into already complex decision-making processes. Predicting and prioritizing climatically stable areas and the areas likely to facilitate adaptive species\' range adjustments are important stages in maximizing conservation outcomes and rationalizing future land management. I determined, for the most threatened European terrestrial mammal species, the spatial adaptive trajectories (SATs) of highest expected persistence up to 2080. I devised simple spatial network indices for evaluation of species in those SATs: total persistence; proportion of SATs that offer in situ adaptation (i.e., stable refugia); number of SATs converging in a site; and relationship between SAT convergence and persistence and protected areas, the Natura 2000 and Emerald networks, and areas of low human disturbance. I compared the performance of high-persistence SATs with a scenario in which each species remained in the areas with the best climatic conditions in the baseline period. The 1000 most persistence SATs for each of the 39 species covered one fifth of Europe. The areas with the largest adaptive potential (i.e., high persistence, stability, and SAT convergence) did not always overlap for all the species. Predominantly, these regions were located in southwestern Europe, Central Europe, and Scandinavia, with some occurrences in Eastern Europe. For most species, persistence in the most climatically suitable areas during the baseline period was lower than within SATs, underscoring their reliance on adaptive movements. Importantly, conservation areas (particularly protected areas) covered only minor fractions of species persistence among SATs, and hubs of spatial climate adaptation (i.e., areas of high SAT convergence) were seriously underrepresented in most conservation areas. These results highlight the need to perform analyses on spatial species\' dynamics under climate change.
    Los mamíferos más amenazados de Europa y su dependencia del movimiento para adaptarse al cambio climático Resumen La tasa actual del cambio climático y las proyecciones climáticas pesimistas confrontan a los gestores y a los planeadores de la conservación con la necesidad de integrar este cambio a la ya de por sí compleja toma de decisiones. La predicción y priorización de áreas con estabilidad climática y áreas con probabilidad de facilitarles ajustes adaptativos de distribución a las especies son etapas importantes para maximizar los resultados de conservación y racionalizar la gestión futura de las tierras. Determiné las trayectorias espaciales adaptativas (TEA) para la mayoría de los mamíferos terrestres más amenazados de Europa con la persistencia esperada más alta hasta el 2080. Diseñé los siguientes índices de redes espaciales simples para la evaluación de especies en aquellas TEA: persistencia total, proporción de TEA que brindan adaptación in situ (refugios estables), número de TEA que convergen en un sitio y relación entre la convergencia de TEA y la persistencia con las áreas protegidas, las redes Natura 2000 y Emerald y las áreas de poca perturbación humana. Comparé el desempeño de las TEA de gran persistencia con un escenario en el que las especies permanecían dentro de las áreas con las mejores condiciones climáticas en el periodo de línea base. Las mil TEA más persistentes para cada una de las 39 especies cubrieron la quinta parte de Europa. Las áreas con el mayor potencial adaptativo (es decir, gran persistencia, estabilidad y convergencia de TEA) no siempre se traslaparon para todas las especies. Estas regiones predominaron en el suroeste de Europa, Europa Central y Escandinavia, con algunas ocurrencias en el este de Europa. Para la mayoría de las especies, la persistencia de las áreas con el mejor clima posible durante el periodo de línea base fue menor que dentro de las TEA, lo que resalta su dependencia por los movimientos adaptativos. Destaca que las áreas de conservación (en particular las áreas protegidas) cubrieron sólo pequeñas fracciones de la persistencia de las especies entre las TEA y los núcleos de adaptación climática (es decir, las áreas de gran convergencia de TEA) contaban con muy poca representación dentro de la mayoría de las áreas de conservación. Estos resultados enfatizan la necesidad de realizar análisis de las dinámicas espaciales de las especies bajo el cambio climático.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Climate change is a global phenomenon species are experiencing, which in arid regions will translate into more frequent and intense drought. The Sonoran Desert is becoming hotter and drier, and many organisms are rapidly changing in abundance and distribution. These population attributes directly depend on the dynamics of the population, which in turn depends on the vital rates of its individuals; yet few studies have documented the effects of climate change on the population dynamics of keystone species such as the saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea). Although saguaros have traits that enable them to withstand present environmental conditions, climate change could make them vulnerable if forced beyond their tolerance limits.
    METHODS: We evaluated the effect of climate change on 13 saguaro populations spanning most of the species\' distribution range. Using field data from 2014 to 2016, we built an integral projection model (IPM) describing the environmentally-explicit dynamics of the populations. We used this IPM, along with projections of two climate change and one no-change scenarios, to predict population sizes (N) and growth rates (λ) from 2017 to 2099 and compared these scenarios to demonstrate the effect of climate change on saguaro\'s future.
    RESULTS: We found that all populations will decline, mainly due to future increases in drought, mostly hindering recruitment. However, the decline will be differential across populations, since those located near the coast will be affected by harsher drought events than those located further inland.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that climate change and its associated increase in drought pose a significant threat to the saguaro cactus populations in the Sonoran Desert. Our findings indicate that the recruitment of saguaros, vital for establishing new individuals, is particularly vulnerable to intensifying drought conditions. Importantly, regional climate trends will have different impacts on saguaro populations across their distribution range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial information about the location and suitability of areas for native plant and animal species under different climate futures is an important input to land use and conservation planning and management. Australia, renowned for its abundant species diversity and endemism, often relies on modeled data to assess species distributions due to the country\'s vast size and the challenges associated with conducting on-ground surveys on such a large scale. The objective of this article is to develop habitat suitability maps for Australian flora and fauna under different climate futures.
    Using MaxEnt, we produced Australia-wide habitat suitability maps under RCP2.6-SSP1, RCP4.5-SSP2, RCP7.0-SSP3, and RCP8.5-SSP5 climate futures for 1,382 terrestrial vertebrates and 9,251 vascular plants vascular plants at 5 km2 for open access. This represents 60% of all Australian mammal species, 77% of amphibian species, 50% of reptile species, 71% of bird species, and 44% of vascular plant species. We also include tabular data, which include summaries of total quality-weighted habitat area of species under different climate scenarios and time periods.
    The spatial data supplied can help identify important and sensitive locations for species under various climate futures. Additionally, the supplied tabular data can provide insights into the impacts of climate change on biodiversity in Australia. These habitat suitability maps can be used as input data for landscape and conservation planning or species management, particularly under different climate change scenarios in Australia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Ecological Niche Models (ENMs) are often used to project species distributions within alien ranges and in future climatic scenarios. However, ENMs depend on species-environment equilibrium, which may be absent for actively expanding species. We present a novel framework to estimate whether species have reached environmental equilibrium in their native and alien ranges. The method is based on the estimation of niche breadth with the accumulation of species occurrences. An asymptote will indicate exhaustive knowledge of the realised niches. We demonstrate the CNA framework for 26 species of mammals, amphibians, and birds. Possible outcomes of the framework include: (1) There is enough data to quantify the native and alien realised niches, allowing us to calculate niche expansion between the native and alien ranges, also indicating that ENMs can be reliably projected to new environmental conditions. (2) The data in the native range is not adequate but an asymptote is reached in the alien realised niche, indicating low confidence in our ability to evaluate niche expansion in the alien range but high confidence in model projections to new environmental conditions within the alien range. (3) There is enough data to quantify the native realised niche, but not enough knowledge about the alien realised niche, hindering the reliability of projections beyond sampled conditions. (4) Both the native and alien ranges do not reach an asymptote, and thus few robust conclusions about the species\' niche or future projections can be made. Our framework can be used to detect species\' environmental equilibrium in both the native and alien ranges, to quantify changes in the realised niche during the invasion processes, and to estimate the likely accuracy of model projections to new environmental conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate change manifests unevenly across space and time and produces complex patterns of stress for ecological systems. Species can also show substantial among-population variability in response to environmental change across their geographic range due to evolutionary processes. Explanatory factors or their proxies, such as temperature and latitude, help parse these sources of environmental and intraspecific variability; however, overemphasizing latitudinal trends can obscure the role of local environmental conditions in shaping population vulnerability to climate change. Focusing on the geographic center of a species range to disentangle latitude, we test the hypothesis that populations from warmer regions of a species range are more vulnerable to ocean warming. We conducted a mesocosm experiment and field reciprocal transplant with four populations of a marine snail, Nucella lamellosa, from two regions in British Columbia, Canada, that differ in thermal characteristics: the Central Coast, a cool region, and the Strait of Georgia, one of the warmest regions of this species\' range and one that is warming faster than the Central Coast. Populations from the Strait of Georgia experienced growth reductions at contemporary summertime seawater temperatures in the laboratory and showed stark reductions in survival and growth under future seawater conditions and when outplanted at their native transplant sites. This indicates a high vulnerability to ocean warming, especially given the faster rate of ocean warming in this region. In contrast, populations from the cooler Central Coast demonstrated high performance at contemporary seawater temperatures and high growth and survival in projected future seawater temperatures and at their native outplant sites. Given their position within the geographic center of N. lamellosa\'s range, extirpation events in the vulnerable Strait of Georgia populations could compromise connectivity within the metapopulation and lead to gaps across this species\' range. Overall, our study supports predictions that populations from warm regions of species ranges are more vulnerable to environmental warming, suggests that the Strait of Georgia and other inland or coastal seas could be focal points for climate change effects and ecological transformation, and emphasizes the importance of analyzing climate change vulnerability in the context of regional environmental data and throughout a species\' range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The balance of abiotic and biotic stressors experienced by a species likely varies across its range, resulting in spatially heterogeneous limitations on the species\' demographic rates. Support for spatial variation in stressors (often latitudinal gradients) has been found in many species, usually with physiological or correlative occupancy data, but it has rarely been estimated directly with demographic data. We collected demographic data from 23 sites spanning the majority of the Saltmarsh Sparrow (Ammodramus caudacutus) breeding range. Using data from 837 nests, we quantified the abiotic and biotic variables most important to nest survival, which is the dominant driver of both fecundity and population growth rate in this species. We separately estimated daily nest failure probability due to nest depredation (biotic stressor) and nest flooding (abiotic stressor), which collectively account for almost all nest failure in the species. Nest depredation decreased with latitude, whereas nest flooding was not related to latitude. Instead, nest flooding was best predicted by a combination of maximum high tide, extremity of rare flooding events, and date. For a single vital rate, we observed predictable variation in competing biotic and abiotic stressors across this species range. We observed that biotic and abiotic stressors were geographically independent, both on a large spatial scale and locally. Our results suggest that stressors on the fecundity of Saltmarsh Sparrow vary systematically across its range, but independently. The observed patterns of biotic and abiotic stress provide information for efforts to conserve the Saltmarsh Sparrow, which is considered threatened. Further, understanding the effects that different stressors, and their interactions, have on demographic rates is necessary to unravel the processes that govern species distributions and to effectively conserve biodiversity in the face of global change.
    El balance de factores de estrés abióticos y bióticos para una especie probablemente varía a través de su rango, dando como resultado limitaciones espaciales heterogéneas en las tasas demográficas de la especie. Se ha verificado la existencia de variación espacial en los factores de estrés (usualmente gradientes latitudinales) para muchas especies, usualmente con datos fisiológicos o de ocupación correlativa, pero raramente se ha estimado directamente con datos demográficos. Colectamos datos demográficos de 23 sitios abarcando la mayoría del rango reproductivo de Ammodramus caudacutus. Usando datos de 837 nidos, cuantificamos las variables abióticas y bióticas más importantes para la supervivencia del nido, que es la variable que determina tanto la fecundidad como la tasa de crecimiento poblacional en esta especie. Por otra parte, estimamos la probabilidad de fracaso diario del nido debido a la depredación del nido (factor de estrés biótico) e inundación del nido (factor de estrés abiótico), que juntos representaron casi todos los fracasos del nido en esta especie. La depredación del nido disminuyó con la latitud mientras que la inundación del nido no se relacionó con la latitud. En cambio, la inundación del nido se predijo mejor por una combinación del máximo superior de la marea, la extremidad de los eventos de inundación raros y la fecha. Considerando una sola tasa vital, observamos variación predecible en los factores de estrés biótico y abiótico que compiten a través del rango de la especie. Observamos que los factores de estrés biótico y abiótico fueron geográficamente independientes tanto a una escala espacial grande como a la escala local. Nuestros resultados sugieren que los factores de estrés relacionados a la fecundidad de A. caudacutus varían sistemática pero independientemente a través de su rango. Los patrones observados de estrés biótico y abiótico brindan información para los esfuerzos de conservación de A. caudacutus, una especie considerada amenazada. Más aún, es necesario entender los efectos que los diferentes factores de estrés y sus interacciones tienen en las tasas demográficas para desenmarañar los procesos que gobiernan las distribuciones de las especies y para conservar la biodiversidad de manera eficiente en miras al cambio global.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Local studies show upslope shifts in the distribution of tropical birds in response to warming temperatures. Unanswered is whether these upward shifts occur regionally across many species. We considered a nearly 2000-km length of the Northern Andes, where deforestation, temperature, and extreme weather events have increased during the past decades. Range-restricted bird species are particularly vulnerable to such events and occur in exceptionally high numbers in this region. Using abundant crowd-sourced data from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology database, eBird, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility, we documented distributions of nearly 200 such species. We examined whether species shifted their elevational ranges over time by comparing observed versus expected occurrences below a low elevational threshold and above a high elevational threshold for 2 periods: before and after 2005. We predicted fewer observations at lower elevations (those below the threshold) and more at upper elevations (those above the threshold) after 2005. We also tested for deforestation effects at lower elevations within each species\' distribution ranges. We compared relative forest loss with the differences between observed and expected occurrences across the elevational range. Species\' retreats from lower elevations were ubiquitous and involved a 23-40% decline in prevalence at the lowest elevations. Increases at higher elevations were not consistent. The retreats occurred across a broad spectrum of species, from predominantly lowland to predominantly highland. Because deforestation showed no relationship with species retreats, we contend that a warming climate is the most parsimonious explanation for such shifts.
    Repliegues regionales desde elevaciones más bajas de aves de distribución restringida en los Andes septentrionales Resumen Los estudios locales muestran cambios en la distribución altitudinal de las aves tropicales como respuesta al aumento de la temperatura. No sabemos si estos cambios suceden en muchas especies a nivel regional. Consideramos casi 2000 km de los Andes septentrionales, en donde la deforestación y los eventos climáticos extremos han incrementado en las últimas décadas. Las aves con distribución restringida son particularmente vulnerables a dichos eventos y su presencia es numerosa en esta región. Usamos datos abundantes de origen colectivo tomados de la base de datos del Laboratorio de Ornitología de Cornell, eBird y el Sistema Global de Información sobre Biodiversidad para documentar la distribución de aproximadamente 200 de estas especies. Analizamos si las especies cambiaron su distribución altitudinal con el tiempo al comparar entre la presencia observada y la esperada bajo un umbral de elevación reducida y por encima de un umbral de elevación alta durante dos periodos: antes y después de 2005. Pronosticamos una cantidad menor de observaciones por debajo del umbral y una mayor cantidad por encima del umbral para después de 2005. También analizamos los efectos de la deforestación en elevaciones más bajas dentro de los rangos de distribución de las especies y comparamos la pérdida relativa del bosque con las diferencias entre la presencia observada y la esperada en todo el rango altitudinal. El repliegue de las especies a partir de las elevaciones más bajas fue ubicuo e involucró una declinación del 23-40% de la prevalencia en las elevaciones más bajas. Los incrementos en las elevaciones más altas no fueron uniformes. Los repliegues ocurrieron a lo largo de un espectro amplio de especies, desde las que predominan en las tierras bajas hasta las que predominan en las tierras altas. Ya que la deforestación no se relacionó con el repliegue, sostenemos que un clima más cálido es la explicación más parsimoniosa para estos cambios.
    一些小地域范围的研究表明, 有些热带鸟类在气候变暖的情况下会迁向海拔较高的区域。目前尚不明确这种迁向较高海拔区域的现象是否在大地域范围内的大量物种中普遍存在。我们研究了安第斯山脉北部长约 2000 公里的区域, 这一区域的森林减损、气温升高和极端天气事件在过去几十年中都有所加剧。 狭域鸟种特别容易受到这些事件的影响, 而这个区域分布着尤其多的狭域鸟种。我们通过使用来自康奈尔鸟类学实验室 eBird 数据库和全球生物多样性信息网络的丰富的众源数据, 整理记录了该区域近 200 种狭域鸟种的分布情况。我们通过比较这些物种在两个时间段 (2005年之前和之后), 在低海拔阈值以下和在高海拔阈值以上的实际观测记录与预期观测记录之间的差异, 来检查这些物种是否随时间的推移改变了它们的海拔分布范围。我们预期 2005 年之后在低海拔区域 (低于阈值) 的观测记录会减少, 而在高海拔区域 (高于阈值) 的观测记录会增加。我们还在每个物种分布范围内的低海拔地区测试了由森林减损带来的影响。在整个研究区域的海拔范围内, 我们将森林的相对减损量与物种出现次数和预期出现次数的差异进行了比较。物种从低海拔地区撤退的情况普遍存在, 各物种在其最低分布海拔区域的出现率普遍下降了 23-40 %。在较高海拔区域出现率的增长则各不相同。这种向较高海拔撤退的现象在广泛的物种范围内普遍发生, 包含了从主要栖息于低地的物种到主要栖息于高地的物种。由于森林减损与这些狭域鸟种的撤退并没有关系, 我们认为气候变暖是对这种变化最简明的解释。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To better understand the origin of the high diversity and endemism in the Southern Alps of Europe, we investigated the phylogeny and population structure of the rock-dwelling snail group Chilostoma (Cingulifera) in the Southern Alps. We generated genomic ddRAD data and mitochondrial sequences of 104 Cingulifera specimens from 28 populations and 14 other Ariantinae. Until recently, about 30 Cingulifera taxa were classified as subspecies of a single polytypic species. The phylogenetic and population genetic analyses of the ddRAD data and mitochondrial sequences revealed that Cingulifera in the Southern Alps is differentiated into three species. Each of the three Chilostoma (Cingulifera) species occupies disjunct sub-areas, which are separated by areas occupied by other Chilostoma taxa. Neighbouring populations of different species show little or no admixture. Tests indicating that the genetic differentiation of the three Cingulifera taxa cannot be explained by isolation by distance confirmed their species status. The disjunct range patterns demonstrate the importance of stochastic events such as passive long-distance dispersal for the evolution of population structure and speciation in these snails, and of priority effects and ecological competition as important factors influencing species distributions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dragonflies are sensitive to climate change due to their special habitat in aquatic and terrestrial environments, especially Pantala flavescens, which have extraordinary migratory abilities in response to climate change on spatio-temporal scales. At present, there are major gaps in the documentation of insects and the effects of climatic changes on the habitat and species it supports. In this study, we model the global distribution of a wandering glider dragonfly, P. flavescens, and detected the important environmental factors shaping its range, as well as habitat shifts under historical and future warming scenarios. The results showed a global map of species ranges of P. flavescens currently, including southern North America, most of South America, south-central Africa, most of Europe, South, East and Southeast Asia, and northern Oceania, in total, ca. 6581.667 × 104 km2. BIO5 (the max temperature of warmest month) and BIO13 (the precipitation of wettest month) greatly explained its species ranges. The historic refugia were identified around the Great Lakes in the north-central United States. Future warming will increase the total area of suitable habitat and shift the type of suitable habitat compared to the current distribution. The habitat suitability of P. flavescens decreased with elevation, global warming forced it to expand to higher elevations, and the habitat suitability of P. flavescens around the equator increased with global warming. Overall, our study provides a global dynamic pattern of suitable habitats for P. flavescens from the perspective of climate change, and provides a useful reference for biodiversity research and biological conservation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Species range shifts and expansion are subjects of primary research interest in the context of climate warming and biological invasions. Few studies have focused on reexpansion of species that suffered severe declines. Here, we focused on population recovery of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in Italy, first detected in 2003 after a southward range contraction. We modeled the rate of range expansion and occupancy at the northern expanding front (central Italy), to gain insights into the progress of recovery and mechanisms of reexpansion. We performed a field survey in 2021, which redefined the northern limit of distribution further north, in close proximity to the Gran Sasso National Park. Then we analyzed a time series (1985-2021) of distances of northernmost occurrences from the center of the 1985 range. Using segmented regression, we were able to identify a prolonged stasis of the northern range edge and a simultaneous increase in occupancy from 0.151 to 0.4. A breakpoint was estimated in 2006, after which the range expanded northwards at an average rate of 5.48 km/year. From 2006 to 2021, the overall northward shift was about 80 km. Occupancy continued to increase until 2019 and abruptly declined in 2021. These patterns suggest that the reexpansion of the range can be limited by low occupancy at the expanding front. As occupancy increases, long-distance dispersal increases and then range expands. The low occupancy at the current distribution limit of otters may reflect a higher anthropogenic pressure on northern habitats, which could slow down the reexpansion process.





