species differences

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Implementing the 3R initiative to reduce animal experiments in brain penetration prediction for CNS-targeting drugs requires more predictive in vitro and in silico models. However, animal studies are still indispensable to obtaining brain concentration and determining the prediction performance of in vitro models. To reveal species differences and provide reliable data for IVIVE, in vitro models are required. Systems overexpressing MDR1 and BCRP are widely used to predict BBB penetration, highlighting the impact of the in vitro system on predictive performance. In this study, endogenous Abcb1 knock-out MDCKII cells overexpressing MDR1 of human, mouse, rat or cynomolgus monkey origin were used. Good correlations between ERs of 83 drugs determined in each cell line suggest limited species specificities. All cell lines differentiated CNS-penetrating compounds based on ERs with high efficiency and sensitivity. The correlation between in vivo and predicted Kp,uu,brain was the highest using total ER of human MDR1 and BCRP and optimized scaling factors. MDR1 interactors were tested on all MDR1 orthologs using digoxin and quinidine as substrates. We found several examples of inhibition dependent on either substrate or transporter abundance. In summary, this assay system has the potential for early-stage brain penetration screening. IC50 comparison between orthologs is complex; correlation with transporter abundance data is not necessarily proportional and requires the understanding of modes of transporter inhibition.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about the adaptor protein FAM159B. To determine whether FAM159B expression findings in rats or mice can be extrapolated to humans, we compared FAM159B expression in healthy tissue samples from all three species using immunohistochemistry. Despite variations in expression intensity, similar FAM159B expression patterns were observed in most organs across species. The most prominent species difference was noted in pancreatic islets; while FAM159B expression was limited to single cells on the outer edges in mice and rats, it was detectable across entire islets in humans. Double-labeling immunohistochemistry revealed partial overlap of FAM159B expression with that of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin in human islets. By contrast, FAM159B showed complete colocalization with only somatostatin in rats and mice. An additional analysis of FAM159B expression in lean and obese Zucker rats revealed larger islet areas due to increased β-cell mass in obese rats, which was accompanied by a smaller percentage of FAM159B-positive δ-cells per islet area. Beyond the known differences in islet architecture across species, our results point to larger dissimilarities in blood glucose regulation between rodents and humans than generally assumed. Moreover, findings regarding FAM159B expression (and function) cannot be directly transferred between rodents and humans.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human brain organoids are emerging as translationally relevant models for the study of human brain health and disease. However, it remains to be shown whether human-specific protein processing is conserved in human brain organoids. Herein, we demonstrate that cell fate and composition of unguided brain organoids are dictated by culture conditions during embryoid body formation, and that culture conditions at this stage can be optimized to result in the presence of glia-associated proteins and neural network activity as early as three-months in vitro. Under these optimized conditions, unguided brain organoids generated from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from male-female siblings are similar in growth rate, size, and total protein content, and exhibit minimal batch-to-batch variability in cell composition and metabolism. A comparison of neuronal, microglial, and macroglial (astrocyte and oligodendrocyte) markers reveals that profiles in these brain organoids are more similar to autopsied human cortical and cerebellar profiles than to those in mouse cortical samples, providing the first demonstration that human-specific protein processing is largely conserved in unguided brain organoids. Thus, our organoid protocol provides four major cell types that appear to process proteins in a manner very similar to the human brain, and they do so in half the time required by other protocols. This unique copy of the human brain and basic characteristics lay the foundation for future studies aiming to investigate human brain-specific protein patterning (e.g., isoforms, splice variants) as well as modulate glial and neuronal processes in an in situ-like environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Inhalation is a critical route through which substances can exert adverse effects in humans; therefore, it is important to characterize the potential effects that inhaled substances may have on the human respiratory tract by using fit for purpose, reliable, and human relevant testing tools. In regulatory toxicology testing, rats have primarily been used to assess the effects of inhaled substances as they-being mammals-share similarities in structure and function of the respiratory tract with humans. However, questions about inter-species differences impacting the predictability of human effects have surfaced. Disparities in macroscopic anatomy, microscopic anatomy, or physiology, such as breathing mode (e.g., nose-only versus oronasal breathing), airway structure (e.g., complexity of the nasal turbinates), cell types and location within the respiratory tract, and local metabolism may impact inhalation toxicity testing results. This review shows that these key differences describe uncertainty in the use of rat data to predict human effects and supports an opportunity to harness modern toxicology tools and a detailed understanding of the human respiratory tract to develop testing approaches grounded in human biology. Ultimately, as the regulatory purpose is protecting human health, there is a need for testing approaches based on human biology and mechanisms of toxicity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chlorophenols (CPs) are a group of pollutants that pose a great threat to the environment, they are widely used in industrial and agricultural wastes, pesticides, herbicides, textiles, pharmaceuticals and plastics. Among CPs, pentachlorophenol was listed as one of the persistent organic pollutants (POPs) by the Stockholm convention. This study aims to identify the UDP-glucosyltransferase (UGT) isoforms involved in the metabolic elimination of CPs. CPs\' mono-glucuronide was detected in the human liver microsomes (HLMs) incubation mixture with co-factor uridine-diphosphate glucuronic acid (UDPGA). HLMs-catalyzed glucuronidation metabolism reaction equations followed Michaelis-Menten or substrate inhibition type. Recombinant enzymes and chemical reagents inhibition experiments were utilized to phenotype the main UGT isoforms involved in the glucuronidation of CPs. UGT1A6 might be the major enzyme in the glucuronidation of mono-chlorophenol isomer. UGT1A1, UGT1A6, UGT1A9, UGT2B4 and UGT2B7 were the most important five UGT isoforms for metabolizing the di-chlorophenol and tri-chlorophenol isomers. UGT1A1 and UGT1A3 were the most important UGT isoforms in the catalysis of tetra-chlorophenol and pentachlorophenol isomers. Species differences were investigated using rat liver microsomes (RLMs), pig liver microsomes (PLMs), dog liver microsomes (DLMs), and monkey liver microsomes (MyLMs). All these results were helpful for elucidating the metabolic elimination and toxicity of CPs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the metabolism of Gelsemium elegans in human, pig, goat and rat liver microsomes and to elucidate the metabolic pathways and cleavage patterns of the Gelsemium alkaloids among different species.
    METHODS: A human, goat, pig and rat liver microsomes were incubated in vitro. After incubating at 37°C for 1 hour and centrifuging, the processed samples were detected by HPLC/Qq-TOFMS was used to detect alcohol extract of Gelsemium elegans and its metabolites.
    RESULTS: Forty-six natural products were characterized from alcohol extract of Gelsemium elegans and 13 metabolites were identified. These 13 metabolites belong to the gelsemine, koumine, gelsedine, humantenine, yohimbane, and sarpagine classes of alkaloids. The metabolic pathways included oxidation, demethylation and dehydrogenation. After preliminary identification, the metabolites detected in the four species were different. All 13 metabolites were detected in pig and rat microsomes, but no oxidative metabolites of Gelsedine-type alkaloids were detected in goat and human microsomes.
    CONCLUSIONS: In this study, Gelsemium elegans metabolic patterns in different species are clarified and the in vitro metabolism of Gelsemium elegans is investigated. It is of great significance for its clinical development and rational application.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Since antiquity human taste has been divided into 4-5 taste qualities. We realized in the early 1970s that taste qualities vary between species and that the sense of taste in species closer to humans such as primates should show a higher fidelity to human taste qualities than non-primates (Brouwer et al. in J Physiol 337:240, 1983). Here we present summary results of behavioral and single taste fiber recordings from the distant South American marmoset, through the Old World rhesus monkey to chimpanzee, the phylogenetically closest species to humans. Our data show that in these species taste is transmitted in labelled-lines to the CNS, so that when receptors on taste bud cells are stimulated, the cell sends action potentials through single taste nerve fibers to the CNS where they create taste, whose quality depends on the cortical area stimulated. In human, the taste qualites include, but are perhaps not limited to sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami. Stimulation of cortical taste areas combined with inputs from internal organs, olfaction, vision, memory etc. leads to a choice to accept or reject intake of a compound. The labelled-line organization of taste is another example of Müller\'s law of specific nerve energy, joining other somatic senses such as vision (Sperry in J Neurophysiol 8:15-28, 1945), olfaction (Ngai et al. in Cell 72:657-666, 1993), touch, temperature and pain to mention a few.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.996119.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal studies are an important component of drug product development and the regulatory review process since modern practices have been in place, for almost a century. A variety of experimental systems are available to generate aerosols for delivery to animals in both liquid and solid forms. The extrapolation of deposited dose in the lungs from laboratory animals to humans is challenging because of genetic, anatomical, physiological, pharmacological, and other biological differences between species. Inhaled drug delivery extrapolation requires scrutiny as the aerodynamic behavior, and its role in lung deposition is influenced not only by the properties of the drug aerosol but also by the anatomy and pulmonary function of the species in which it is being evaluated. Sources of variability between species include the formulation, delivery system, and species-specific biological factors. It is important to acknowledge the underlying variables that contribute to estimates of dose scaling between species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Circulating testosterone is easily aromatized to estradiol and reduced to dihydrotestosterone in target tissues and elsewhere in the body. Thus, the actions of testosterone can be mediated either by the estrogen receptors, the androgen receptor or by simultaneous action at both receptors. To determine the role of androgens acting at the androgen receptor, we need to eliminate actions at the estrogen receptors. Alternatively, actions at the androgen receptor itself can be eliminated. In the present review, I will analyze the specific role of androgen receptors in male and female sexual behavior as well as in aggression. Some comments about androgen receptors and social recognition are also made. It will be shown that there are important differences between species, even between strains within a species, concerning the actions of the androgen receptor on the behaviors mentioned. This fact makes generalizations from one species to another or from one strain to another very risky. The existence of important species differences is often ignored, leading to many misunderstandings and much confusion.





