species conservation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Snow leopards (Panthera uncia) are elusive predators inhabiting high-altitude and mountainous rugged habitats. The current study was conducted in the Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China, to assess the habitat suitability of snow leopards and identify key environmental factors inducing their distribution. Field data collected between 2019 and 2022 through scat sampling and camera trapping techniques provided insights into snow leopard habitat preferences. Spatial distribution and cluster analyses show distinct hotspots of high habitat suitability, mostly concentrated near mountainous landscapes. While altitude remains a critical determinant, with places above 3300 m showing increased habitat suitability, other factors such as soil type, human footprint, forest cover, prey availability, and human disturbance also play important roles. These variables influence ecological dynamics and are required to assess and manage snow leopard habitats. The MaxEnt model has helped us to better grasp these issues, particularly the enormous impact of human activities on habitat suitability. The current study highlights the importance of altitude in determining snow leopard habitat preferences and distribution patterns in the reserve. Furthermore, the study underscores the significance of considering elevation in conservation planning and management strategies for snow leopards, particularly in mountainous regions. By combining complete environmental data with innovative modeling tools, this study not only improves local conservation efforts but also serves as a model for similar wildlife conservation initiatives around the world. By understanding the environmental factors driving snow leopard distribution, conservation efforts can be more efficiently directed to ensure the long-term survival of this endangered species. This study provides valuable insights for evidence-based conservation efforts to safeguard the habitats of snow leopards amidst emerging anthropogenic pressure and environmental fluctuations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cinnamomumparthenoxylon is an endemic and endangered species with significant economic and ecological value in Vietnam. A better understanding of the genetic architecture of the species will be useful when planning management and conservation. We aimed to characterize the transcriptome of C.parthenoxylon, develop novel molecular markers, and assess the genetic variability of the species. First, transcriptome sequencing of five trees (C.parthenoxylon) based on root, leaf, and stem tissues was performed for functional annotation analysis and development of novel molecular markers. The transcriptomes of C.parthenoxylon were analyzed via an Illumina HiSeqTM 4000 sequencing system. A total of 27,363,199 bases were generated for C.parthenoxylon. De novo assembly indicated that a total of 160,435 unigenes were generated (average length = 548.954 bp). The 51,691 unigenes were compared against different databases, i.e. COG, GO, KEGG, KOG, Pfam, Swiss-Prot, and NR for functional annotation. Furthermore, a total of 12,849 EST-SSRs were identified. Of the 134 primer pairs, 54 were randomly selected for testing, with 15 successfully amplified across nine populations of C.parthenoxylon. We uncovered medium levels of genetic diversity (PIC = 0.52, Na = 3.29, Ne = 2.18, P = 94.07%, Ho = 0.56 and He = 0.47) within the studied populations. The molecular variance was 10% among populations and low genetic differentiation (Fst = 0.06) indicated low gene flow (Nm = 2.16). A reduction in the population size of C.parthenoxylon was detected using BOTTLENECK (VP population). The structure analysis suggested two optimal genetic clusters related to gene flow among the populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed higher genetic variation within populations (90%) than among populations (10%). The UPGMA approach and DAPC divided the nine populations into three main clusters. Our findings revealed a significant fraction of the transcriptome sequences and these newlydeveloped novel EST-SSR markers are a very efficient tool for germplasm evaluation, genetic diversity and molecular marker-assisted selection in C.parthenoxylon. This study provides comprehensive genetic resources for the breeding and conservation of different varieties of C.parthenoxylon.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The documentation, preservation and rescue of biological diversity increasingly uses living biological samples. Persistent associations between species, biosamples, such as tissues and cell lines, and the accompanying data are indispensable for using, exchanging and benefiting from these valuable materials. Explicit authentication of such biosamples by assigning unique and robust identifiers is therefore required to allow for unambiguous referencing, avoid identification conflicts and maintain reproducibility in research. A predefined nomenclature based on uniform rules would facilitate this process. However, such a nomenclature is currently lacking for animal biological material. We here present a first, standardized, human-readable nomenclature design, which is sufficient to generate unique and stable identifying names for animal cellular material with a focus on wildlife species. A species-specific human- and machine-readable syntax is included in the proposed standard naming scheme, allowing for the traceability of donated material and cultured cells, as well as data FAIRification. Only when it is consistently applied in the public domain, as publications and inter-institutional samples and data are exchanged, distributed and stored centrally, can the risks of misidentification and loss of traceability be mitigated. This innovative globally applicable identification system provides a standard for a sustainable structure for the long-term storage of animal bio-samples in cryobanks and hence facilitates current as well as future species conservation and biomedical research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The impact of climate change on the distribution of native species in the Neotropics remains uncertain for most species. Prosthechea mariae is an endemic epiphytic orchid in Mexico, categorized as threatened. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of climate change on the natural distribution of P. mariae and the capacity of protected areas (PAs) to safeguard optimal environmental conditions for the species in the future. Historical records were obtained from herbaria collections and through field surveys. We utilized climate variables from WorldClim for the baseline scenario and for the 2050 period, using the general circulation models CCSM4 and CNRM-CM5 (RCP 4.5). Three sets of climate data were created for the distribution models, and multiple models were evaluated using the kuenm package. We found that the species is restricted to the eastern region of the country. The projections of future scenarios predict not only a substantial reduction in habitat but also an increase in habitat fragmentation. Ten PAs were found within the current distribution area of the species; in the future, the species could lose between 36% and 48% of its available habitat within these PAs. The results allowed for the identification of locations where climate change will have the most severe effects, and proposals for long-term conservation are addressed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Wushan Salamander (Liua shihi), Jinfo Salamander (Pseudohynobius jinfo), and Wenxian Knobby Salamander (Tylototriton wenxianensis) are rare national Class II protected wild animals in China. We performed MaxEnt modeling to predict and analyze the potential distribution and trends of these species in Chongqing under current and future climate conditions. Species distribution data were primarily obtained from field surveys, supplemented by museum collections and the existing literature. These efforts yielded 636 records, including 43 for P. jinfo, 23 for T. wenxianensis, and 570 for L. shihi. Duplicate records within the same 100 m × 100 m grid cell were removed using ENMTools, resulting in 10, 12, and 58 valid distribution points for P. jinfo, T. wenxianensis, and L. shihi, respectively. The optimization of feature class parameters (FC) and the regularization multiplier (RM) were applied using R package \"ENMeval 2.0\" to establish the optimal model with MaxEnt. The refined models were applied to simulate the suitable distribution areas for the three species. The results indicate that the current suitable habitat area for L. shihi accounted for 9.72% of the whole region of the Chongqing municipality. It is projected that, by 2050, the proportion of suitable habitat will increase to 12.54% but will decrease to 11.98% by 2070 and further decline to 8.80% by 2090. The current suitable habitat area for P. jinfo accounted for 1.08% of the whole region of the Chongqing municipality, which is expected to decrease to 0.31%% by 2050, 0.20% by 2070, and 0.07% by 2090. The current suitable habitat area for T. wenxianensis accounted for 0.81% of the whole region of the Chongqing municipality, which is anticipated to decrease to 0.37% by 2050, 0.21% by 2070, and 0.06% by 2090. Human disturbance, climate variables, and habitat characteristics are the primary factors influencing the distribution of three salamander species in Chongqing. The proximity to roads significantly impacts L. shihi, while climate conditions mainly affect P. jinfo, and the distance to water sources is crucial for T. wenxianensis. The following suggestions were made based on key variables identified for each species: (1) For L. shihi, it is imperative to minimize human disturbances and preserve areas without roads and the existing vegetation within nature reserves to ensure their continued existence. (2) For P. jinfo, the conservation of high-altitude habitats is of utmost importance, along with the reduction in disturbances caused by roads to maintain the species\' ecological niche. (3) For T. wenxianensis, the protection of aquatic habitats is crucial. Additionally, efforts to mitigate the impacts of road construction and enhance public awareness are essential for the preservation of this species and the connectivity of its habitats.






  • 文章类型: Published Erratum
    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1283037.].






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant diversity exploration needs to be accelerated because many species will go extinct before their discovery and description, and many species-rich regions remain poorly studied. However, most contemporary plant collections prefer to focus on a specific group, which hinders the exploration and conservation of plant diversity. Therefore, we need an alternative approach to the dilemma at hand. The comprehensive Natural History Collection (NHC), which existed throughout the pinnacle of biodiversity exploration in the 20th century could be considered. We explore Ernest Henry Wilson\'s (one of the most successful naturalists in the 20th) plant collections in China as a case to illustrate the advantages of NHC and discuss whether NHC deserves to be promoted again today. From multiple sources, we gathered 19,218 available specimen records of 11,884 collecting numbers assigned and analyzed the collected species, the collection\'s nature, and restored four routes of his explorations. Results reveal that Wilson\'s specimens were collected from 28 prefecture-level cities and 38 county-level regions of 7 provinces or municipalities, they belong to 200 families, 1046 genera, 3794 species, and 342 infraspecific taxa, approximately 41 %, 22 %, 10 %, 5 % of Chinese plant families, genera, species, and infraspecific taxa respectively. The Wilson case study shows that NHC is particularly effective in emphasizing species discovery and conservation, recording ecological information, understanding a region\'s flora, and developing landscape applications. Therefore, we strongly advocate for the expansion of natural history collections in species-rich regions. Furthermore, we recommend the employment of specialized collectors, the enlistment of international cooperation, and the standardization of guidelines for future NHCs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Israel\'s region forms a continental bridge; hence, the freshwater fish fauna in Israel consists of unique populations of species that originated from Africa, Asia, or Europe and are often endemic or at the edge of their distribution range. Worldwide, fish biodiversity suffers significantly from pressures and disturbances of freshwater habitats, especially in arid regions, such as in parts of Israel. Biodiversity conservation requires efficient tools for monitoring changes in populations. DNA barcoding, by complementing and enhancing species identification, provides such monitoring tools. In this study, over 200 specimens representing over 28 species were DNA barcoded and together with previously available records, a DNA barcoding database for freshwater fish of Israel was established. Of the 71 distinct barcodes generated, 37% were new, attesting to the uniqueness of fish populations in Israel. For most species, morphological and molecular species identifications agreed. However, discrepancies were found for five genera. Based on DNA barcoding, we propose Acanthobrama telavivensis as a junior synonym for Acanthobrama lissneri. In Garra spp., we propose splitting Garra nana into two species and assigning Garra rufa in the region to Garra jordanica, or possibly to two species. Israeli Pseudophoxinus kervillei is not the same species as in Syria and Lebanon. However, Pseudophoxinus syriacus might not be endangered since it is genetically very similar to Pseudophoxinus drusensis. In Israel, instead of five reported Oxynoemacheilus species, combining DNA barcoding with morphology suggests only three. Genetic and geographic separation suggested that Aphanius mento is likely a species complex. The study provides a thorough barcoding database, suggests significant species reconsiderations in the region, and highlights the Sea of Galilee and the Beit She\'an valley streams as biodiversity \"hotspots.\" This study will therefore promote further studying of the fish species in the region and their ecology, as well as the monitoring and conservation of freshwater fish biodiversity in Israel and the region.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: To achieve effective conservation objectives, it is crucial to map biodiversity patterns and hotspots while considering multiple influencing factors. However, focusing solely on biodiversity hotspots is inadequate for species conservation on a landscape scale. This emphasizes the importance of integrating hotspots with the home ranges of species to identify priority conservation areas.
    UNASSIGNED: Compiling the vegetation data with environmental and anthropogenic disturbance data collected from kilometer-grid plots in Bawangling Nature Reserve, Hainan, China, we analyzed the spatial distribution of plant diversity (species richness and Shannon-Wiener index), as well as the main drivers affecting these patterns. We also investigated the spatial distribution of hotspots using a threshold approach and compared them with the home ranges of the flagship species, Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus).
    UNASSIGNED: Climate and soil are predominant drivers shaping the spatial pattern of plant diversity in Bawangling Nature Reserve, surpassing the influence of anthropogenic disturbance and topographic factors. Both diversity indices exhibit a generally similar pattern with exceptions in surrounding areas of Futouling and Elongling. The hotspots identified by the Shannon-Wiener index showed a higher spatial overlap with the home ranges of Hainan gibbon compared to the species richness hotspots. The recently established Hainan gibbon Group E in 2019, located 8 km away from the original Futouling habitat, does not coincide with identified hotspots.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings indicate that the hotspots of plant diversity within the habitat of Hainan gibbon Group E are relatively limited, emphasizing the necessity of giving precedence to its conservation. Integrating hotspots with the home ranges of critically endangered species offers decision-makers valuable information to establish rational conservation networks in the context of changing environments, as well as a reference for habitat restoration of species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Sardinian wetlands (Italy) act as stopover sites for many migratory birds along the central eastern Mediterranean bird flyway. These wetlands are now severely threatened by human activities and climate change. Accordingly, we built a simulation framework to predict the effects of several counterfactual and management scenarios on the level of avian diversity in the coastal wetlands of Sardinia. We found that the alpha avian diversity (i.e., the mean number of avian species per wetland) is destined to (a) decrease due to the most likely increase in water salinity, water discharges, and tourism pressure; and (b) halve (from 14.9 to 7.4, with 9 wetlands out of 22 predicted to host only between two and five waterbird species) in the worst possible scenario. However, the results also showed that proper management strategies could prevent and reverse such outcomes. Restrictions on tourism activities, water desalination, prevention of future saltwater intrusions, and the prohibition of water discharges could markedly favor the avian diversity in these wetlands, with an expected increase in the alpha avian diversity from 14.9 to 24.8 (and 10 wetlands out of 22 predicted to host from 29 to 32 waterbird species) in the best possible scenario. The importance of our results could be emphasized in the management plans of these important wetlands, most of which belong to the Natura 2000 network.





