spatiotemporal modeling

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents a systematic literature review, providing a comprehensive taxonomy of Data Augmentation (DA), Transfer Learning (TL), and Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) techniques within the context of Few-Shot Learning (FSL) for EEG signal classification. EEG signals have shown significant potential in various paradigms, including Motor Imagery, Emotion Recognition, Visual Evoked Potentials, Steady-State Visually Evoked Potentials, Rapid Serial Visual Presentation, Event-Related Potentials, and Mental Workload. However, challenges such as limited labeled data, noise, and inter/intra-subject variability have impeded the effectiveness of traditional machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models. This review methodically explores how FSL approaches, incorporating DA, TL, and SSL, can address these challenges and enhance classification performance in specific EEG paradigms. It also delves into the open research challenges related to these techniques in EEG signal classification. Specifically, the review examines the identification of DA strategies tailored to various EEG paradigms, the creation of TL architectures for efficient knowledge transfer, and the formulation of SSL methods for unsupervised representation learning from EEG data. Addressing these challenges is crucial for enhancing the efficacy and robustness of FSL-based EEG signal classification. By presenting a structured taxonomy of FSL techniques and discussing the associated research challenges, this systematic review offers valuable insights for future investigations in EEG signal classification. The findings aim to guide and inspire researchers, promoting advancements in applying FSL methodologies for improved EEG signal analysis and classification in real-world settings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We evaluated the spatiotemporal clustering of rapid diagnostic test-positive cholera cases in Uvira, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. We detected spatiotemporal clusters that consistently overlapped with major rivers, and we outlined the extent of zones of increased risk that are compatible with the radii currently used for targeted interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Urban air pollution can vary sharply in space and time. However, few monitoring strategies can concurrently resolve spatial and temporal variation at fine scales. Here, we present a new measurement-driven spatiotemporal modeling approach that transcends the individual limitations of two complementary sampling paradigms: mobile monitoring and fixed-site sensor networks. We develop, validate, and apply this model to predict black carbon (BC) using data from an intensive, 100-day field study in West Oakland, CA. Our spatiotemporal model exploits coherent spatial patterns derived from a multipollutant mobile monitoring campaign to fill spatial gaps in time-complete BC data from a low-cost sensor network. Our model performs well in reconstructing patterns at fine spatial and temporal resolution (30 m, 15 min), demonstrating strong out-of-sample correlations for both mobile (Pearson\'s R ∼ 0.77) and fixed-site measurements (R ∼ 0.95) while revealing features that are not effectively captured by a single monitoring approach in isolation. The model reveals sharp concentration gradients near major emission sources while capturing their temporal variability, offering valuable insights into pollution sources and dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The interaction between auxin and cytokinin is important in many aspects of plant development. Experimental measurements of both auxin and cytokinin concentration and reporter gene expression clearly show the coexistence of auxin and cytokinin concentration patterning in Arabidopsis root development. However, in the context of crosstalk among auxin, cytokinin, and ethylene, little is known about how auxin and cytokinin concentration patterns simultaneously emerge and how they regulate each other in the Arabidopsis root. This work utilizes a wide range of experimental observations to propose a mechanism for simultaneous patterning of auxin and cytokinin concentrations. In addition to revealing the regulatory relationships between auxin and cytokinin, this mechanism shows that ethylene signaling is an important factor in achieving simultaneous auxin and cytokinin patterning, while also predicting other experimental observations. Combining the mechanism with a realistic in silico root model reproduces experimental observations of both auxin and cytokinin patterning. Predictions made by the mechanism can be compared with a variety of experimental observations, including those obtained by our group and other independent experiments reported by other groups. Examples of these predictions include patterning of auxin biosynthesis rate, changes in PIN1 and PIN2 patterns in pin3,4,7 mutants, changes in cytokinin patterning in the pls mutant, PLS patterning, and various trends in different mutants. This research reveals a plausible mechanism for simultaneous patterning of auxin and cytokinin concentrations in Arabidopsis root development and suggests a key role for ethylene pattern integration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The article presents results of using remote sensing images and machine learning to map and assess land potential based on time-series of potential Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) composites. Land potential here refers to the potential vegetation productivity in the hypothetical absence of short-term anthropogenic influence, such as intensive agriculture and urbanization. Knowledge on this ecological land potential could support the assessment of levels of land degradation as well as restoration potentials. Monthly aggregated FAPAR time-series of three percentiles (0.05, 0.50 and 0.95 probability) at 250 m spatial resolution were derived from the 8-day GLASS FAPAR V6 product for 2000-2021 and used to determine long-term trends in FAPAR, as well as to model potential FAPAR in the absence of human pressure. CCa 3 million training points sampled from 12,500 locations across the globe were overlaid with 68 bio-physical variables representing climate, terrain, landform, and vegetation cover, as well as several variables representing human pressure including: population count, cropland intensity, nightlights and a human footprint index. The training points were used in an ensemble machine learning model that stacks three base learners (extremely randomized trees, gradient descended trees and artificial neural network) using a linear regressor as meta-learner. The potential FAPAR was then projected by removing the impact of urbanization and intensive agriculture in the covariate layers. The results of strict cross-validation show that the global distribution of FAPAR can be explained with an R2 of 0.89, with the most important covariates being growing season length, forest cover indicator and annual precipitation. From this model, a global map of potential monthly FAPAR for the recent year (2021) was produced, and used to predict gaps in actual vs. potential FAPAR. The produced global maps of actual vs. potential FAPAR and long-term trends were each spatially matched with stable and transitional land cover classes. The assessment showed large negative FAPAR gaps (actual lower than potential) for classes: urban, needle-leave deciduous trees, and flooded shrub or herbaceous cover, while strong negative FAPAR trends were found for classes: urban, sparse vegetation and rainfed cropland. On the other hand, classes: irrigated or post-flooded cropland, tree cover mixed leaf type, and broad-leave deciduous showed largely positive trends. The framework allows land managers to assess potential land degradation from two aspects: as an actual declining trend in observed FAPAR and as a difference between actual and potential vegetation FAPAR.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Land use regression (LUR) models are widely used in epidemiological and environmental studies to estimate humans\' exposure to air pollution within urban areas. However, the early models, developed using linear regressions and data from fixed monitoring stations and passive sampling, were primarily designed to model traditional and criteria air pollutants and had limitations in capturing high-resolution spatiotemporal variations of air pollution. Over the past decade, there has been a notable development of multi-source observations from low-cost monitors, mobile monitoring, and satellites, in conjunction with the integration of advanced statistical methods and spatially and temporally dynamic predictors, which have facilitated significant expansion and advancement of LUR approaches. This paper reviews and synthesizes the recent advances in LUR approaches from the perspectives of the changes in air quality data acquisition, novel predictor variables, advances in model-developing approaches, improvements in validation methods, model transferability, and modeling software as reported in 155 LUR studies published between 2011 and 2023. We demonstrate that these developments have enabled LUR models to be developed for larger study areas and encompass a wider range of criteria and unregulated air pollutants. LUR models in the conventional spatial structure have been complemented by more complex spatiotemporal structures. Compared with linear models, advanced statistical methods yield better predictions when handling data with complex relationships and interactions. Finally, this study explores new developments, identifies potential pathways for further breakthroughs in LUR methodologies, and proposes future research directions. In this context, LUR approaches have the potential to make a significant contribution to future efforts to model the patterns of long- and short-term exposure of urban populations to air pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Determining the most feasible and cost-effective approaches to improving PM2.5 exposure assessment with low-cost monitors (LCMs) can considerably enhance the quality of its epidemiological inferences. We investigated features of fixed-site LCM designs that most impact PM2.5 exposure estimates to be used in long-term epidemiological inference for the Adult Changes in Thought Air Pollution (ACT-AP) study. We used ACT-AP collected and calibrated LCM PM2.5 measurements at the two-week level from April 2017 to September 2020 (N of monitors [measurements] = 82 [502]). We also acquired reference-grade PM2.5 measurements from January 2010 to September 2020 (N = 78 [6186]). We used a spatiotemporal modeling approach to predict PM2.5 exposures with either all LCM measurements or varying subsets with reduced temporal or spatial coverage. We evaluated the models based on a combination of cross-validation and external validation at locations of LCMs included in the models (N = 82), and also based on an independent external validation with a set of LCMs not used for the modeling (N = 30). We found that the model\'s performance declined substantially when LCM measurements were entirely excluded (spatiotemporal validation R2 [RMSE] = 0.69 [1.2 μg/m3]) compared to the model with all LCM measurements (0.84 [0.9 μg/m3]). Temporally, using the farthest apart measurements (i.e., the first and last) from each LCM resulted in the closest model\'s performance (0.79 [1.0 μg/m3]) to the model with all LCM data. The models with only the first or last measurement had decreased performance (0.77 [1.1 μg/m3]). Spatially, the model\'s performance decreased linearly to 0.74 (1.1 μg/m3) when only 10% of LCMs were included. Our analysis also showed that LCMs located in densely populated, road-proximate areas improved the model more than those placed in moderately populated, road-distant areas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In perfusion MRI, image voxels form a spatially organized network of systems, all exchanging indicator with their immediate neighbors. Yet the current paradigm for perfusion MRI analysis treats all voxels or regions-of-interest as isolated systems supplied by a single global source. This simplification not only leads to long-recognized systematic errors but also fails to leverage the embedded spatial structure within the data. Since the early 2000s, a variety of models and implementations have been proposed to analyze systems with between-voxel interactions. In general, this leads to large and connected numerical inverse problems that are intractible with conventional computational methods. With recent advances in machine learning, however, these approaches are becoming practically feasible, opening up the way for a paradigm shift in the approach to perfusion MRI. This paper seeks to review the work in spatiotemporal modelling of perfusion MRI using a coherent, harmonized nomenclature and notation, with clear physical definitions and assumptions. The aim is to introduce clarity in the state-of-the-art of this promising new approach to perfusion MRI, and help to identify gaps of knowledge and priorities for future research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The lack of readily available methods for estimating high-resolution near-surface relative humidity (RH) and the incapability of weather stations to fully capture the spatiotemporal variability can lead to exposure misclassification in studies of environmental epidemiology. We therefore aimed to predict German-wide 1 × 1 km daily mean RH during 2000-2021. RH observations, longitude and latitude, modelled air temperature, precipitation and wind speed as well as remote sensing information on topographic elevation, vegetation, and the true color band composite were incorporated in a Random Forest (RF) model, in addition to date for capturing the temporal variations of the response-explanatory variables relationship. The model achieved high accuracy (R2 = 0.83) and low errors (Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 5.07%, Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of 5.19% and Mean Percentage Error (MPE) of - 0.53%), calculated via ten-fold cross-validation. A comparison of our RH predictions with measurements from a dense monitoring network in the city of Augsburg, South Germany confirmed the good performance (R2 ≥ 0.86, RMSE ≤ 5.45%, MAPE ≤ 5.59%, MPE ≤ 3.11%). The model displayed high German-wide RH (22y-average of 79.00%) and high spatial variability across the country, exceeding 12% on yearly averages. Our findings indicate that the proposed RF model is suitable for estimating RH for a whole country in high-resolution and provide a reliable RH dataset for epidemiological analyses and other environmental research purposes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Objective: Vehicular lane-changing is one of the riskiest driving maneuvers. Since vehicular automation is quickly becoming a reality, it is crucial to be able to identify when such a maneuver can turn into a risky situation. Recently, it has been shown that a qualitative approach: the Point Descriptor Precedence (PDP) representation, is able to do so. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the PDP representation can detect hazardous micro movements during lane-changing maneuvers in a situation of structural congestion in the morning and/or evening.Method: The approach involves analyzing a large real-world traffic dataset using the PDP representation and adding safety distance points to distinguish subtle movement patterns.Results: Based on these subtleties, we label four out of seven and five out of nine lane-change maneuvers as risky during the selected peak and the off-peak traffic hours respectively.Conclusions: The results show that the approach can identify risky movement patterns in traffic. The PDP representation can be used to check whether certain adjustments (e.g., changing the maximum speed) have a significant impact on the number of dangerous behaviors, which is important for improving road safety. This approach has practical applications in penalizing traffic violations, improving traffic flow, and providing valuable information for policymakers and transport experts. It can also be used to train autonomous vehicles in risky driving situations.





