spatial memory

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Early life is a sensitive period for brain development. Perinatal exposure to cannabis is increasingly linked to disruption of neurodevelopment; however, research on the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on the developing brain is scarce. In this study, we aim to study the developmental effects of neonatal CBD exposure on behavior and dendritic architecture in young adult rats. Materials and Methods: Male and female neonatal Sprague Dawley rats were treated with CBD (50 mg/kg) intraperitoneally on postnatal day (PND) 1, 3, and 5 and evaluated for behavioral and neuronal morphological changes during early adulthood. Rats were subjected to a series of behavioral tasks to evaluate long-term effects of neonatal CBD exposure, including the Barnes maze, open field, and elevated plus maze paradigms to assess spatial memory and anxiety-like behavior. Following behavioral evaluation, animals were sacrificed, and neuronal morphology of the cortex and hippocampus was assessed using Golgi-Cox (GC) staining. Results: Rats treated with CBD displayed a sexually dimorphic response in spatial memory, with CBD-treated females developing a deficit but not males. CBD did not elicit alterations in anxiety-like behavior in either sex. Neonatal CBD caused an overall decrease in dendritic length and spine density (apical and basal) in cortical and hippocampal neurons in both sexes. Sholl analysis also revealed a decrease in dendritic intersections in the cortex and hippocampus, indicating reduced dendritic arborization. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that neonatal CBD exposure perturbs normal brain development and leads to lasting alterations in spatial memory and neuronal dendrite morphology in early adulthood, with sex-dependent sensitivity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Uni- or bilateral peripheralvestibular impairment causes objective spatial orientation deficits, which can be measured using pen-and-paper-tests or sensorimotor tasks (navigation or pointing). For patients\' subjective orientation abilities, questionnaires are commonly used (e.g., Santa Barbara sense of direction scale [SBSODS]). However, the relationship between subjective assessment of spatial skills and objective vestibular function has only been scarcely investigated.
    METHODS: A total of 177 patients (mean age 57.86 ± 17.53 years, 90 females) who presented in our tertiary Center for Vertigo and Balance Disorders underwent neuro-otological examinations, including bithermal water calorics, video head impulse test (vHIT), and testing of the subjective visual vertical (SVV), and filled out the SBSODS (German version). Correlation analyses and linear multiple regression model analyses were performed between vestibular test results and self-assessment scores. Additionally, groupwise vestibular function for patients with low, average, and high self-report scores was analyzed.
    RESULTS: Forty-two patients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for bilateral vestibulopathy, 93 for chronic unilateral vestibulopathy (68 unilateral caloric hypofunction and 25 isolated horizontal vestibulo-ocular reflex deficits), and 42 patients had normal vestibular test results. SBSODS scores showed clear sex differences with higher subjective skill levels in males (mean score males: 4.94 ± 0.99, females 4.40 ± 0.94; Student\'s t-test: t-3.78, p < .001***). No stable correlation between objective vestibular function and subjective sense of spatial orientation was found. A multiple linear regression model could not reliably explain the self-reported variance. The three patient groups with low, average, and high self-assessment-scores showed no significant differences of vestibular function.
    CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported assessment of spatial orientation does not robustly correlate with objective peripheral vestibular function. Therefore, other methods of measuring spatial skills in real-world and virtual environments are required to disclose orientation deficits due to vestibular hypofunction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cognitive abilities are hypothesized to affect survival and life span in nonhuman animals. However, most tests of this hypothesis have relied on interspecific comparisons of indirect measures of cognitive ability, such as brain size. We present direct evidence that individual variation in cognitive abilities is associated with differences in life span in a wild food caching bird. We measured the spatial cognitive abilities and tracked the life span of 227 mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli) in their natural environment and found that individuals with better spatial learning and memory abilities involved in food caching lived longer. These results confirm that enhanced cognitive abilities can be associated with longer life in wild animals and that selection on cognitive abilities can lead to increased life span.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    According to the information centre hypothesis (ICH), colonial species use social information in roosts to locate ephemeral resources. Validating the ICH necessitates showing that uninformed individuals follow informed ones to the new resource. However, following behaviour may not be essential when individuals have a good memory of the resources\' locations. For instance, Egyptian fruit bats forage on spatially predictable trees, but some bear fruit at unpredictable times. These circumstances suggest an alternative ICH pathway in which bats learn when fruits emerge from social cues in the roost but then use spatial memory to locate them without following conspecifics. Here, using an unique field manipulation and high-frequency tracking data, we test for this alternative pathway: we introduced bats smeared with the fruit odour of the unpredictably fruiting Ficus sycomorus trees to the roost, when they bore no fruits, and then tracked the movement of conspecifics exposed to the manipulated social cue. As predicted, bats visited the F. sycomorus trees with significantly higher probabilities than during routine foraging trips (of >200 bats). Our results show how the integration of spatial memory and social cues leads to efficient resource tracking and highlight the value of using large movement datasets and field experiments in behavioural ecology. This article is part of the theme issue \'The spatial-social interface: a theoretical and empirical integration\'.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most research on visual search has used simple tasks presented on a computer screen. However, in natural situations visual search almost always involves eye, head, and body movements in a three-dimensional (3D) environment. The different constraints imposed by these two types of search tasks might explain some of the discrepancies in our understanding concerning the use of memory resources and the role of contextual objects during search. To explore this issue, we analyzed a visual search task performed in an immersive virtual reality apartment. Participants searched for a series of geometric 3D objects while eye movements and head coordinates were recorded. Participants explored the apartment to locate target objects whose location and visibility were manipulated. For objects with reliable locations, we found that repeated searches led to a decrease in search time and number of fixations and to a reduction of errors. Searching for those objects that had been visible in previous trials but were only tested at the end of the experiment was also easier than finding objects for the first time, indicating incidental learning of context. More importantly, we found that body movements showed changes that reflected memory for target location: trajectories were shorter and movement velocities were higher, but only for those objects that had been searched for multiple times. We conclude that memory of 3D space and target location is a critical component of visual search and also modifies movement kinematics. In natural search, memory is used to optimize movement control and reduce energetic costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial locations can be encoded and maintained in working memory using different representations and strategies. Fine-grained representations provide detailed stimulus information, but are cognitively demanding and prone to inexactness. The uncertainty in fine-grained representations can be compensated by the use of coarse, but robust categorical representations. In this study, we employed an individual differences approach to identify brain activity correlates of the use of fine-grained and categorical representations in spatial working memory. We combined data from six functional magnetic resonance imaging studies, resulting in a sample of $155$ ($77$ women, $25 \\pm 5$ years) healthy participants performing a spatial working memory task. Our results showed that individual differences in the use of spatial representations in working memory were associated with distinct patterns of brain activity. Higher precision of fine-grained representations was related to greater engagement of attentional and control brain systems throughout the task trial, and the stronger deactivation of the default network at the time of stimulus encoding. In contrast, the use of categorical representations was associated with lower default network activity during encoding and higher frontoparietal network activation during maintenance. These results may indicate a greater need for attentional resources and protection against interference for fine-grained compared with categorical representations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oligonol, a low-molecular-weight polyphenol derived from lychee fruit, is well recognized for its antioxidant properties, blood glucose regulation, and fat mass reduction capability. However, its effect on the central nervous system remains unclear. Here, we investigated the effects of oligonol on brain in a high-fat diet (HFD) fed mouse model, and SH-SY5Y neuronal cells and primary cultured cortical neuron under insulin resistance conditions. HFD mice were orally administered oligonol (20 mg/kg) daily, and SH-SY5Y cells and primary cortical neurons were pretreated with 500 ng/mL oligonol under in vitro insulin resistance conditions. Our findings revealed that oligonol administration reduced blood glucose levels and improved spatial memory function in HFD mice. In vitro data demonstrated that oligonol protected neuronal cells and enhanced neural structure against insulin resistance. We confirmed RNA sequencing in the oligonol-pretreated insulin-resistant SH-SY5Y neuronal cells. Our RNA-sequencing data indicated that oligonol contributes to metabolic signaling and neurite outgrowth. In conclusion, our study provides insights into therapeutic potential of oligonol with respect to preventing neuronal cell damage and improving neural structure and cognitive function in HFD mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study explores the under-researched domain of long-term stimulant treatment in children and adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The necessity for extended treatment duration, often accompanied by safety concerns and side effects leading to treatment discontinuation, underscores the significance of this investigation. Concurrently, comparative studies have revealed adverse impacts on vulnerable regions within the hippocampal formation, accompanied by behavioral perturbations. We employed computerized tests and virtual reality to assess spatial memory, pattern separation, and object recognition memory in a cohort of children diagnosed with ADHD receiving stimulant treatment. We compared their performance to a group of neurotypical peers. Our findings indicate that the ADHD group exhibited a lower performance in spatial memory, pattern separation, and object recognition memory than ND group. Intriguingly, a positive relationship emerged between the duration of stimulant treatment and performance in these variables. Notably, this improvement was not immediate to MPH treatment but becomes significant after 24 months of treatment. In contrast to previous comparative investigations, our study did not reveal a detrimental impact on spatial navigation, object recognition memory, or pattern separation, despite the known interplay of these cognitive processes with the hippocampal formation. These results shed new light on the nuanced effects of stimulant treatment in ADHD, underscoring the need for a more comprehensive understanding of long-term treatment outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The detrimental effects of high-intensity noise on the auditory system and emotional status, including the induction of anxiety, are well documented. Preclinical as well as epidemiological and clinical studies have solidly established differential responses between males and females to various stressful stimuli, including high-intensity white noise (HIWN). However, whether chronic exposure to noise affects cognitive functions and whether this effect is sex dependent has not been adequately addressed. In this study, we used two cognitive test paradigms, such as the Morris water maze (MWM) and the multi-branch maze (MBM), to test the effect of chronic HIWN on indices of spatial learning and memory in both male and female Wistar rats. Our findings indicate that daily (1 h) exposure to 100 dB of noise for 30 consecutive days induces different task-dependent responses in male versus female rats. For example, in the acquisition phase of MWM, female rats exposed to noise outperformed their male counterparts at twice the speed. Similarly, in the MBM test, noise-exposed female rats outperformed the male rats in reaching the nest box. It is clear from these studies that noise impairs cognitive functions twice as negatively in male rats as in female rats. Thus, sex-related differences in spatial learning and memory in response to HIWN must be taken into consideration when investigating the neurobiological components and/or treatment modalities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The hippocampal representation of space, formed by the collective activity of populations of place cells, is considered as a substrate of spatial memory. Alzheimer\'s disease (AD), a widespread severe neurodegenerative condition of multifactorial origin, typically exhibits spatial memory deficits among its early clinical signs before more severe cognitive impacts develop.
    UNASSIGNED: To investigate mechanisms of spatial memory impairment in a double transgenic rat model of AD.
    UNASSIGNED: In this study, we utilized 9-12-month-old double-transgenic TgF344-AD rats and age-matched controls to analyze the spatial coding properties of CA1 place cells. We characterized the spatial memory representation, assessed cells\' spatial information content and direction-specific activity, and compared their population coding in familiar and novel conditions.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings revealed that TgF344-AD animals exhibited lower precision in coding, as evidenced by reduced spatial information and larger receptive zones. This impairment was evident in maps representing novel environments. While controls instantly encoded directional context during their initial exposure to a novel environment, transgenics struggled to incorporate this information into the newly developed hippocampal spatial representation. This resulted in impairment in orthogonalization of stored activity patterns, an important feature directly related to episodic memory encoding capacity.
    UNASSIGNED: Overall, the results shed light on the nature of impairment at both the single-cell and population levels in the transgenic AD model. In addition to the observed spatial coding inaccuracy, the findings reveal a significantly impaired ability to adaptively modify and refine newly stored hippocampal memory patterns.





