spatial abilities

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial navigation allows us to move around our environment, walking being the most advanced form of human locomotion. Over the years, a range of tools has been developed to study spatial navigation in children. Aim. To describe the role of locomotion during the assessment of spatial navigation in children, providing an overview of the instruments available for assessing spatial navigation in typically developing children and those with neurodevelopmental disorders. Methods and Procedures. A systematic search was performed in six electronic databases between December 2022 and February 2023, then updated in July 2023. Cross-sectional and observational studies were included. Outcomes and results. Of the 3,385 studies screened, 47 were selected for this review. Five studies described the influence of locomotion on spatial navigation, and seven studies included locomotion as an explanatory variable in this area. Most studies focused on children from five to twelve years old, whereas only nine were centred on infants and preschoolers. Just eight assessed spatial abilities in individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders. Conclusions and implications. Children with or at risk of neurodevelopmental impairments show poorer spatial navigation skills. Having the choice to actively explore the space is more important than the way they locomote. It is necessary to have tools to assess spatial navigation during locomotion early in infancy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soccer is a competitive sport that relies on distinct motor skills and cognitive processes. However, cognitive aspects are often overlooked, with a focus mainly on motor skills. Limited research has explored screening tests within motor-cognitive navigation dual-task (DT) paradigms. This study aims to validate a sensitive approach for assessing soccer-specific dribbling by evaluating the Trail-Dribbling Test (TDT) as a method to differentiate high-performance (HP) from low-performance (LP) players. Two hundred and seventy-five participants (41 females) aged between 12 and 34 completed the Trail-Making Test (TMT), the Trail-Walking Test (TWT), and the soccer-specific TDT under three levels of cognitive load. Results indicated shorter TDT durations for HP compared to LP players, with increased cognitive load accentuating differences (TDT-M: p = 0.044, d = 0.260; TDT-A: p < 0.001, d = 0.449; TDT-B: p < 0.001, d = 0.653). The TDT effectively discriminated between HP and LP players in the 14-15 (AUC = 0.712-0.820) and 16-17 age groups (AUC = 0.634-0.839). In conclusion, the ecologically valid TDT demonstrates the potential for quantifying soccer-specific dribbling, offering insights into motor and cognitive aspects of dribbling performance, especially among soccer players aged 14-17.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Haptic perception is used in the anatomy laboratory with the handling of three-dimensional (3D) prosections, dissections, and synthetic models of anatomical structures. Vision-based spatial ability has been found to correlate with performance on tests of 3D anatomy knowledge in previous studies. The objective was to explore whether haptic-based spatial ability was correlated with vision-based spatial ability. Vision-based spatial ability was measured in a study group of 49 medical graduates with three separate tests: a redrawn Vandenberg and Kuse Mental Rotations Tests in two (MRT A) and three (MRT C) dimensions and a Surface Development Test (SDT). Haptic-based spatial ability was measured using 18 different objects constructed from 10 cubes glued together. Participants were asked to draw these objects from blind haptic perception, and drawings were scored by two independent judges. The maximum score was 24 for each of MRT A and MRT C, 60 for SDT, and 18 for the drawings. The drawing score based on haptic perception [median = 17 (lower quartile = 16, upper quartile = 18)] correlated with MRT A [14 (9, 17)], MRT C [9 (7, 12)] and SDT [44 (36, 52)] scores with a Spearman\'s rank correlation coefficient of 0.395 (p = 0.0049), 0.507 (p = 0.0002) and 0.606 (p < 0.0001), respectively. Spatial abilities assessed by vision-based tests were correlated with a drawing score based on haptic perception of objects. Future research should investigate the contribution of haptic-based and vision-based spatial abilities on learning 3D anatomy from physical models.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spatial abilities are fundamental cognitive abilities, have direct applications in daily life, serve as a cognitive foundation for many other complex skills and are used in many specialty jobs. The current study aimed to systematically and comprehensively evaluate the spatial abilities of individuals with Down syndrome (DS) relative to mental ability-matched typically developing (TD) children based on Newcombe and Shipley\'s double-dimension theoretical framework for classifying spatial abilities.
    METHODS: Forty adolescents and young adults with DS and 40 TD children completed a nonverbal intelligence test (Raven\'s), two measures of static-extrinsic skills (water-level task and cart task), two measures of static-intrinsic skills (figure ground and form completion), two measures of dynamic-extrinsic skills (three mountains task and dog task) and two measures of dynamic-intrinsic spatial skills (mental rotation task and block design task).
    RESULTS: Participants with DS showed reduced performance on two dynamic-intrinsic tasks and one static-extrinsic task (i.e. cart task) relative to TD children. Performances were similar in two dynamic-extrinsic tasks and two static-intrinsic tasks. Analyses of composite accuracy for each spatial category further confirmed deficits in dynamic-intrinsic and static-extrinsic categories for people with DS relative to TD children.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed an uneven profile of spatial abilities in people with DS relative to ability-matched TD children with particular weaknesses in comprehending and manipulating dynamic-intrinsic and static-extrinsic spatial relations. Furthermore, our research has important clinical implications for more targeted interventions to improve spatial abilities in people with DS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Origami, drawing and colouring are artistic activities that can be beneficial for cognitive abilities or emotional well-being. However, there is a lack of studies that would investigate and compare these activities and their effects within the spatial abilities\' domain. The aim of this study was to investigate if and how participating in three artistic activities-colouring, drawing or origami-can enhance spatial abilities. A total of 73 young adults participated in one of the three activities organized as a 7-session training, distributed every third day. Measures of spatial abilities (Spatial Reconstruction Task [SRT]), Mental Rotation Task [MRT]), Santa Barbara Solids Task [SBST]), and Corsi Block Tapping Task [Corsi]) were administered before (pretest) and after (posttest) the training, as well as at the 6-month follow-up). The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was administered at the posttest. The results showed no significant interaction between the training group and the measurement time point for the spatial ability tasks. Nevertheless, effect sizes at posttest favor origami and drawing in enhancing more complex spatial abilities (MRT for origami and drawing; SBST for origami; Corsi for drawing), and colouring in strengthening spatial perception (SRT). Some effects have remained for a longer period of time. Origami led to a greater pressure and tension, and colouring to higher interest and enjoyment. These results suggest that artistic activities can potentially contribute to the strengthening of spatial abilities, but it is advised to presented them in a way that reduces frustration and increase participant\'s enjoyment.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Spatial cognition is the ability to detect, process, integrate, and formulate the spatial aspects of the environment. Spatial abilities, as perceptual doorway of information processing, influence on higher cognitive functions. This systematic review aimed to explore impaired spatial ability in individuals with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD). The data from 18 empirical experiments that explored at least one factor of spatial ability in individuals with ADHD was collected in accordance with the PRISMA approach. This study discussed several determinants of impaired spatial ability, including factors, domains, tasks, and measures of spatial ability. Furthermore, the impact of age, gender, and comorbidities are discussed. Finally, a model was proposed to explain the impaired cognitive functions in children with ADHD based on spatial abilities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial abilities (SAs) are cognitive resources used to mentally manipulate representations of objects to solve problems. Haptic abilities (HAs) represent tactile interactions with real-world objects transforming somatic information into mental representations. Both are proposed to be factors in anatomy education, yet relationships between SAs and HAs remain unknown. The objective of the current study was to explore SA-HA interactions. A haptic ability test (HAT) was developed based on the mental rotations test (MRT) with three-dimensional (3D) objects. The HAT was undertaken in three sensory conditions: (1) sighted, (2) sighted with haptics, and (3) haptics. Participants (n = 22; 13 females, 9 males) completed the MRT and were categorized into high spatial abilities (HSAs) (n = 12, mean± standard deviation: 13.7 ± 3.0) and low spatial abilities (LSAs) (n = 10, 5.6 ± 2.0) based on score distributions about the overall mean. Each SA group\'s HAT scores were compared across the three sensory conditions. Spearman\'s correlation coefficients between MRT and HAT scores indicated a statistically significant correlation in sighted condition (r = 0.553, p = 0.015) but were not significant in the sighted with haptics (r = 0.0.078, p = 0.212) and haptics (r = 0.043, p = 0.279) conditions. These data suggest HAs appear unrelated to SAs. With haptic exploration, LSA HAT scores were compensated; comparing HSA with LSA: sighted with haptics [median (lower and upper quartiles): 12 (12,13) vs. 12 (11,13), p = 0.254], and haptics [12 (11,13) vs. 12 (10,12), p = 0.381] conditions. Migrations to online anatomy teaching may unwittingly remove important sensory modalities from the learner. Understanding learner behaviors and performance when haptic inputs are removed from the learning environment represents valuable insight informing future anatomy curriculum and resource development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spatial orientation and navigation are fundamental abilities in daily life that develop gradually during childhood, although their development is still not clear. The main aim of the present narrative review was to trace the development of navigational skills in middle childhood (6 to 12 years old) by means of studies present in the literature. To this aim, this review took into account the terminology, methodologies, different paradigms, and apparatuses used to investigate egocentric self-centered and allocentric world-centered representations, besides the different types of spaces (reaching/small/large; physical/virtual). Furthermore, this review provided a brief description of the development of navigational strategies and competences in toddlers and preschool children (0-5 years). The main result of this review showed how middle childhood is a crucial period for the improvement and development of allocentric strategies, including metric information. In fact, during this developmental window, children learn to handle proximal and distal cues, to transpose paper and virtual information into real environments, up to performing similarly to adults. This narrative review could represent a starting point to better clarify the development of navigation and spatial orientation, finalized to trace a development curve useful to map normal development and to have a term of comparison to assess performance in atypical development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sex and gender are key to people\'s lives, and are the focus of scientific and popular interest and controversy. Sex-related psychological characteristics reflect more than socialization; they are influenced by sex hormones present during sensitive periods of development, particularly prenatal androgens. Studies of females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) show how prenatal androgens affect behavior across the life span, with large effects on gendered activity interests and engagement, moderate effects on spatial abilities, and relatively small (or no) effects on gender identity, gender cognitions, and gendered peer involvement. In addition to showing the complexity of androgen effects on gendered behavior, studies of females with CAH provide an opportunity to test theories of gender development, understand how nature and nurture work together, and examine mechanisms of development. The implications of this work have often been misunderstood, so we consider what it means - and does not mean - for biology to influence gender-related behavior.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Men usually outperform women in psychometric mental rotation tests with cube figures. This advantage could be pronounced due to the male stereotyped rotational objects. The present study aims to investigate whether gender differences in favor of men are absent when the stimuli are less male stereotyped. Therefore, 112 participants solved three psychometric mental rotation tests with cube figures colored in pink, blue, and grey. Men outperformed women independent of stimulus color. In the pink and the grey version of the test, participants with beliefs of spatial abilities as masculine performed better than those with feminine beliefs. The mental rotation test performance with pink figures was predicted by gender and gender stereotypes in spatial abilities. In the blue and grey version, gender and self-rated spatial abilities predicted the performance. It can be assumed that the stereotype activation by stimulus color was not sufficient to influence the performance.





